Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DEC Storage Monitor for OpenVMS, Version 1.0 SPD 39.63.00 DESCRIPTION The DEC Storage Monitor is a layered software product that provides storage management across both magnetic and optical disk media. Ef- ficient file storage and high performance retrieval are features of the DEC Storage Monitor. The DEC Storage Monitor provides data integrity, shared access, ac- cess control, optical media support, and high-speed delivery of data to the desktop through the use of magnetic disk caching techniques. The DEC Storage Monitor uses a client/server architecture. This ar- chitecture is suited for large-scale, high-volume document management solutions. A system that uses the DEC Storage Monitor can be scaled to serve hundreds of users in a networked, heterogeneous environment. The DEC Storage Monitor has the following components: o DEC Storage Monitor Server for OpenVMS[*] o DEC Storage Monitor Client for OpenVMS o DEC Storage Monitor Client for Windows[TM] Features The DEC Storage Monitor features are described according to the fol- lowing: o Client/Server Architecture ____________________ The terms OpenVMS and VMS refer to the OpenVMS Operating System. DIGITAL September 1992 AE-PSHZA-TE o Performance o Application Environment o Optical Media Support o Management and Control o Documentation o Sample Application Programs Client/Server Architecture The DEC Storage Monitor provides the following client/server archi- tectural features: o Individual component monitors, servers, managers and their respec- tive optical media and magnetic caches can be distributed across a local area network (LAN) or a wide area network (WAN). This abil- ity to distribute components provides a solution capable of serv- ing hundreds of concurrent users. o The architecture supports high data rates through distribution and parallelism. o Performance can be increased by distributing DEC Storage Monitor components across multiple server CPUs. o Requests are processed in a multi-threaded asynchronous environ- ment. o The architecture supports, but does not require, optical media. Performance The DEC Storage Monitor has the following performance features: o The architecture delivers high performance file retrieval through network and storage optimization. 2 o Hashed multiple-volume organization for caches increases total mag- netic storage capacity and total disk I/O throughput beyond the lim- its of a single disk. o Hashed multiple-directory organization for caches and optical vol- umes optimizes directory search performance. o Multiple files may be stored and retrieved concurrently and asyn- chronously. Application Environment The DEC Storage Monitor runs in the following application environments: o A common application programming interface (API) is provided for both OpenVMS and Microsoft(R) Windows clients. o The DEC Storage Monitor API is asynchronous and multi-threaded. o DECwindows and Microsoft Windows event processing does not stall while the DEC Storage Monitor API processes requests. o Windows events may be used to signal completion of DEC Storage Mon- itor requests. Optical Media Support (Optional) The DEC Storage Monitor provides the following features to support op- tical media: o The Client application can specify on which primary volume to store a file (within security constraints which a system manager can spec- ify). This allows related files to be retrieved with a single juke- box operation when those files have been stored on the same opti- cal volume. o Files are automatically stored on a primary optical volume and a backup optical volume. Backup media, written in journal order, can be used to reconstruct damaged primary media. Storage on the backup volume can be turned off, if not required. 3 o For increased performance and data reliability, the DEC Storage Mon- itor automatically retrieves files from either the primary or backup volume. o Jukeboxes can be located remotely from the applications that ac- cess or create the stored files. o Optical media may be accessed immediately upon system startup, even though full jukebox initialization may take up to one hour depend- ing upon the jukebox hardware and jukebox driver software being used. o One or more jukeboxes can be managed concurrently. o Overflow volumes may be specified in advance and automatically re- place optical volumes as they become full. Management and Control The DEC Storage Monitor provides the following management and control features: o DEC Storage Monitor API routines will not execute unless a network connection to the server has been established. Client connections to servers are granted only if the client application name, user- name, and node name match entries in the Storage Monitor database. o Only a subset of the optical volumes may be read or written by each application. Application name is specified when the client connects to the server. The optical volumes available to each application are listed in the Storage Monitor database. o Restrictions to access magnetic caches and optical media are en- forced by OpenVMS Access Control Lists (ACLs). o The Storage Monitor database tracks the location and state of op- tical media and logical volumes. Media state can be online (in a jukebox), offline (onsite and available for operator mount), or off- site (offsite location may be noted in the database). o A command line interface for editing the Storage Monitor database is provided. 4 o The operator interface provides a common command line interface that manages the way jukeboxes from multiple vendors insert and eject optical media. Documentation The following manuals are included in the DEC Storage Monitor docu- mentation set: o Operations and Management Guide This guide describes the operating procedures and system manage- ment functions for the DEC Storage Monitor. It includes an overview of how the DEC Storage Monitor works, instructions on setting up the environment, a description of the system hardware, and proce- dures for managing the media and the database. o Programmer's Reference Manual This manual describes the application programming interface (API) of the DEC Storage Monitor. It contains information on creating client /server applications for both the OpenVMS and MS-DOS(R) operating sys- tems, as well as descriptions of the API routines and data struc- tures. 5 o Installation Guide for OpenVMS This guide contains the instructions for installing the DEC Stor- age Monitor Client or Server on an OpenVMS-based system. It also provides directions on how to run the Installation Verification Pro- cedure (IVP). o Installation Guide for Windows This guide contains the instructions for installing the DEC Stor- age Monitor client software on a PC-based system running MS-DOS. Release Notes are available online as part of the media package. The Release Notes contain information specific to this release of the DEC Storage Monitor and information added after the production date for the DEC Storage Monitor's documentation set. Sample Application Programs Sample client application programs are provided for both OpenVMS DECwin- dows and Microsoft Windows. The sample applications are explained in detail in the DEC Storage Monitor Programmer's Reference Manual. The sample applications may be used as templates for developing custom client programs. The source code modules for the complete OpenVMS client application program are installed by the DEC Storage Monitor Client for OpenVMS kit. The source code modules for the complete Microsoft Windows client application program are installed by the DEC Storage Monitor Client for DOS kit. OPTICAL MEDIA REQUIREMENTS Any third-party optical media software and hardware procured by the customer must present optical disk volumes to appear as standard Open- VMS volumes. Recommended subsystems are listed in this product's Software Support Addendum (SSA 39.63.00-x). 6 INSTALLATION Only experienced customers should attempt installation of this prod- uct. Digital recommends that all customers purchase Digital's Instal- lation Service. This service provides for installation of the soft- ware by an experienced Digital software specialist. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The DEC Storage Monitor requires the hardware described below for its components. o DEC Storage Monitor Client for OpenVMS and DEC Storage Monitor Server for OpenVMS The DEC Storage Monitor Client and Server software for OpenVMS runs on the following VAX processors: VAX 3xxx, VAX 4xxx, VAX 6xxx, VAX 7xxx, VAX 8xxx, and VAX 9xxx. Refer to the complete list of the sup- ported processors and/or hardware configurations as specified in the System Support Addendum (SSA 39.63.00-x). o DEC Storage Monitor Client for Windows: The DEC Storage Monitor Client for Windows runs on one hundred per- cent IBM(R)-compatible Intel[TM] PC systems as specified in the Sys- tem Support Addendum (SSA 39.63.00-x). SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS The DEC Storage Monitor requires the following software: o DEC Storage Monitor Client for Windows: - MS-DOS Operating System - PATHWORKS for DOS (see SPD 55.07.xx) - Microsoft Windows - Microsoft C[TM] (optional - not required except for application development) 7 o DEC Storage Monitor Client for OpenVMS and DEC Storage Monitor Server for OpenVMS: - OpenVMS Operating System (see SPD 25.01.xx), including DECnet-VAX - Any language compiler that supports the MIT C[TM] calling stan- dard (optional - not required except for application develop- ment) ORDERING INFORMATION The table below contains all the ordering information for the DEC Stor- age Monitor. 8 ___________________________________________________________________ Licenses, Kits, and Services___________________Order_Number____________________________ Software_Licenses: DEC Storage Monitor QL-MVA**-** Server for OpenVMS: DEC Storage Monitor QL-MVB**-** Client for OpenVMS: DEC Storage Monitor QL-MVC**-** Client for Windows: Software_Media_Kits: DEC Storage Monitor QA-MVA**-** Server for OpenVMS (TK50): DEC Storage Monitor QA-MVB**-** Client for OpenVMS (TK50): DEC Storage Monitor QA-MVC**-** Client for Windows (RX23): DEC Storage Monitor QA-MVC**-** Client for Windows (RX33): _Software_Documentation_Kit:QA-MVA**-** _Software_Product_Services_QT-MV***-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available licenses, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book.______________________________________________________________ 9 SOFTWARE LICENSING Each DEC Storage Monitor Client license grants the user rights to make a single connection from any client to a server. The client license is installed on the server machine. To provide concurrent service to multiple clients, more than one client license may be installed. The DEC Storage Monitor Server license grants the user rights to run any number of servers on a host machine. This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use and Concurrent Use basis. Each Concurrent Use license allows any one individual at a time to use the layered product. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS Operating Sys- tem documentation set. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital Equipment Cor- poration. For more information, contact your local Digital office. 10 SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. (R) IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Ma- chines Corporation. (R) Kodak is a registered trademark of the Eastman Kodak Company. (R) Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. (R) Motif is a registered trademark of the Open Software Founda- tion, Inc. (R) Perceptics is a registered trademark of Perceptics Corporation, a Westinghouse Company. (R) Sony is a registered trademark of the Sony Corporation. [TM]Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. [TM]LMSI is a trademark of Sony Corporation. [TM]Microsoft C and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corpora- tion. [TM]MIT C is a trademark is the Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy. [TM]U.S. Design is a trademark of U.S. Design. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, DEC, DECnet, DEC Storage Monitor, DECwindows, Digital, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, TK, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXserver, VAXstation, and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equip- ment Corporation. 11