Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A DESCRIPTION DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DB2 (DB2 Gateway) provides applications and tools with direct, read/write access to DB2 databases residing on IBM[R] MVS/XA and MVS/ESA systems. This access can be via interactive or dynamic SQL interfaces. The DB2 Gateway communicates with the DB Integrator Gateway for DB2 Server which must be installed on the IBM system. Support for client/server access is provided by the SQL/Services server and Microsoft[R] Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers for Microsoft Windows[TM] and Windows NT[TM] applications. Optional support for em- bedded SQL and SQL module language programming is available. DEC DB Integrator (DBI) extends the functionality of the DB2 Gateway by providing a native integration of DB2 databases with data sources accessed by other DB Integrator gateways. DBI clients may directly ac- cess and join views of tables existing on multiple databases. These views may be horizontally or vertically partitioned and be based on tables existing on any database accessible by DB Integrator gateways. These DBI views may be pre-defined or dynamically declared. DBI servers maintain a persistent catalog of metadata extracted from DB2 databases. DBI uses this metadata along with information on net- work and underlying database manager capabilities to optimize cross- database joins. The DB2 Gateway is available on the Digital UNIX[R] Operating System on AXP systems, workstations and servers and on the OpenVMS Operat- ing System on Digital AXP and VAX systems, workstations and servers. Features DIGITAL July 1995 AE-MH79J-TE DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A Standard SQL Interfaces The DB2 Gateway provides direct, read/write access to DB2 databases through standard DEC SQL interfaces. These interfaces include a dy- namic SQL interface, an interactive SQL facility and the SQL/Services server. SQL data manipulation language (DML) is fully supported. SQL data def- inition language (DDL) support is limited to operations required to create and maintain tables and indexes and to grant and revoke access to database objects. The dynamic SQL interface compiles and executes SQL requests passed through its call interface. This programming approach is highly ef- fective in applications such as ad-hoc query access where the exact parameters of requests are not known until runtime. It is compatible with any programming language that supports the operating system's call- ing standards. The dynamic memory handling capabilities of Ada, C and PL/I enable these languages to take full advantage of the power and flexibility of this approach. The interactive SQL facility supports interactive query and update of data and management of table and view metadata in DB2 databases. All data format translations are performed automatically as part of handling requests to read and update data in DB2 databases. EBCDIC to ASCII translation is table driven and may be based on the default ta- ble or, where appropriate, on a user-defined table. Desktop Connectivity The DB2 Gateway includes ODBC drivers for Microsoft Windows and Win- dows NT. These drivers enable read/write access to databases via DB2 servers over DECnet, TCP/IP and Novell[R] NetWare[R] (IPX/SPX) trans- ports. Network transport alternatives depend on the selected desktop and DB2 Gateway platforms. [1] ____________________ [1] ODBC client access via the Novell NetWare (IPX/SPX) transport is sup- ported only by DB2 Gateways running on OpenVMS VAX platforms 2 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A Distributed Data Access The DB2 Gateway supports access from remote clients and to remote DB2 databases. Security The DB2 Gateway server works in conjunction with existing security prod- ucts, such as CA-ACF2, RACF, and default CICS security, in IBM envi- ronments. - DB2 Gateway users require an IBM account and must be properly au- thorized within CICS and DB2 to access DB2 data. - DB2 Gateway OpenVMS clients support the CICS attach time security option of ATTACHSEC(IDENTIFY). This is the CICS implementation of the LU6.2 already verified security option. This option can pro- vide a more secure environment by keeping user passwords out of com- mand files and off the network. This option requires an external security manager (RACF, CA-ACF2) capable of supporting this fea- ture within CICS. Flexible Access The DB2 Gateway client on OpenVMS uses Digital DEC SNA interconnect software and hardware, including DEC SNA gateways and the DECnet/SNA VMS APPC/LU6.2 programming interface to link VAX to IBM communication facilities. The DB2 Gateway client for Digital UNIX uses DEC SNA APPC/LU6.2 soft- ware to link to remote DB2 Gateway servers running on MVS systems. DEC SNA gateways provide the interchange between the protocol used by the Digital UNIX system on which the DB2 Gateway is installed and the MVS DB2 system. Table 1 lists the capabilities of the current set of SNA gateways. 3 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:__Capabilities_of_SNA_Gateways_____________________________ Independent Dependent SNA_Gateway__________DECnet___TCP/IP____LUs___________LUs__________ Gateway-ST Y N N Y Gateway-CT Y N N Y Domain Gateway V2 Y Y Y N Peer_Server__________Y________Y_________Y_____________Y____________ Both approaches enable DB2 Gateway clients to connect to any DB2 Gate- way server that is network accessible. Performance The DB2 Gateway selects access strategies that minimize data trans- fer activity. Wherever possible, selection, filtering, and statisti- cal operations are done by the DB2 server. A log of communications ac- tivity and errors may be maintained to assist in problem isolation and evaluation. Optional SQL Compiler Support Support for SQL 3GL application development is available with the op- tional purchase of a DEC SQL development licenses. DEC SQL develop- ment licenses provide precompiler support for embedded SQL applica- tions, a compiler for SQL module language programs and an application programming interface (API) to support the development of client/server applications. Embedded SQL programming places SQL language statements in line with host language statements. Precompilers replace these SQL statements with call statements and object modules. The modified host language program is compiled and linked with the object modules to form an ex- ecutable image. Precompilers for DEC C, DEC Ada, DEC COBOL, DEC For- tran, DEC Pascal and PL/I for OpenVMS are included. 4 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A Table 2 describes the DEC SQL precomplier support by platform. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_2:__DEC_SQL_Precompiler_Support______________________________ Language Software Platform Compiler____________OpenVMS_VAX____OpenVMS_AXP_____Digital_UNIX____ DEC Ada X X - DEC C X X X Digital UNIX C - - X DEC COBOL X X X DEC Fortran X X - DEC Pascal X X - PL/I_for_OpenVMS____X______________X_______________-_______________ These precompilers support an optional Federal Information Process- ing Standards (FIPS) flagger that allows the user to identify any SQL statements which are not in the current ANSI/ISO SQL standard. An ex- ception flagger for the Multivendor Integration Architecture (MIA) stan- dard is also provided. The SQL module language processor allows SQL statements and multistate- ment procedures to be grouped into modules. When these modules are com- piled, the resulting object modules can be linked with objects cre- ated by any language compiler that complies with the OpenVMS calling standard. The SQL module language compiler also supports FIPS and MIA flagging. SQL/Services API programming libraries are used to interface client applications to the SQL/Services server. MS-DOS[R] or MS Windows client applications can be written in Microsoft C. Macintosh[R] client ap- plications can be written in MPW[TM] C or ThinkC. A DEC SQL development license also includes SQL/Services client pro- gramming libraries for Microsoft Windows[TM], Windows NT[TM], Digi- tal UNIX, MS-DOS, Sun[R], ULTRIX or OpenVMS platforms. 5 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A The following table summarizes SQL/Services network support. Clients other than the DEC ODBC Driver for MS Windows are based on the SQL/Services API. ___________________________________________________________________ Desktop SQL/Services Network Support Client_____________DECnet_TCP/IP____IPX/SPX___AppleTalk[R]_________ DEC ODBC Driver X X X - for MS Windows MS Windows X X X - MS-DOS X X X - OS/2[R] X - - - Macintosh X X - X SPARCstation[TM] - X - - Windows NT X X X - Digital UNIX/1 X X - - AXP OpenVMS X X - - ULTRIX_____________X______X_________-_________-____________________ CONFORMANCE TO STANDARDS DB Integrator and all DB Integrator Gateways compile with the Inter- national Standard,ISO/IEC 9075:1992 and the American National Stan- dard, ANSI X3.135-1992, Database Language SQL, Entry-Level specifi- cation, and the Federal Information Processing Standard for Database Language SQL (FIPS SQL) as defined in FIPS PUB 127-2. The DEC ODBC Driver for MS Windows complies with the Microsoft Open Database Connectivity specification V2.0. 6 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported DB Integrator and all DB Integrator Gateways supports all the proces- sors which are supported by the respective operating systems that they run on. Please refer to the Operating system Software Product Descrip- tion (SPD) for a complete list of supported operating systems. Other specific hardware requirements include: AXP Processor Restrictions o A CD-ROM drive is required to install this product on an AXP pro- cessor. o A minimum of 16 MB of memory is required on AXP systems. VAX Processor Restrictions o A TK50 cartridge tape drive, 9-track 1600 BPI magnetic tape drive or CD-ROM drive is required to install this software on VAX Sys- tems. o A minimum of 4 MB of memory is required on VAX systems Disk Space Requirements Table 3 lists the disk space required to install and operate the DB2 Gateway software by hardware/operating system platform (Platform). The common requirement represents the space required to store software ob- jects that are common to DBI and the DB Integrator family of gateways. If one of these products is already installed on the system or clus- ter, the permanent disk space requirement will be decreased by this amount. 7 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A ___________________________________________________________________ Table_3:__Disk_Space_Requirements_by_Platform______________________ Disk Space Required (512 Byte Blocks) Platform_______Install_____Permanent____Common_____________________ OpenVMS VAX 66,000 39,000 28,000 OpenVMS AXP 121,000 111,000 39,000 Digital_UNIX___78,160______78,160_______73,260_____________________ These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options selected. Additional space must be allowed for programs, logs, temporary database cache files and user interface software. DB2 Gateway Server Processors Supported o Any IBM or IBM-compatible processor that supports the S370 instruc- tion set. This includes, but is not limited to, those processors that support the S390 instruction set. o One 9-track 6250 BPI magnetic tape unit for installation of the soft- ware OPTIONAL HARDWARE For desktop clients based on DEC ODBC Driver for MS Windows, Microsoft Windows or MS-DOS[R] : o Personal Computer XT, Personal Computer AT[R], or equivalent o Ethernet LAN connectivity 8 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A For SQL/Services Macintosh platform: o Macintosh Plus, Macintosh SE and SE/30, Macintosh II, IIx, IIcx, IIci, and IIfx, Macintosh portable o Ethernet LAN connectivity For Sun[R] platform: o SPARCstation[TM] 1 o Ethernet LAN connectivity SERVER SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS This section lists the software required to install and operate the DB2 Gateway. Support of client applications that use the DEC ODBC drivers for Mi- crosoft Windows and Windows NT may require additional software. With the required software, all DB2 gateways support access via DECnet and TCP/IP transports. In addition, the DB2 GATEWAY ON THE OpenVMS VAX plat- form may be accessed via the Novell NetWare (IPX/SPX) transport. DB2 Gateway Client Platform on OpenVMS VAX Software Requirements o OpenVMS VAX Operating System V5.5-2 - V6.2 o Communications Software o DECnet/SNA VMS APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface V2.2 o The DB2 Gateway requires any valid Digital SNA connection as de- scribed in the DECnet/SNA VMS APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface Software Product Description (SPD 26.88.xx) for connections to IBM MVS/XA or MVS/ESA systems Network Transport Options 9 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A The DB2 Gateway for OpenVMS VAX will require one or more of the fol- lowing network software products to support direct access to local and remote databases by client applications. o DECnet transport - DECnet for OpenVMS VAX, V5.5-2 - V6.2 o TCP/IP transport - DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS VAX, V3.0 - V3.1 o Novell NetWare - SQL/Services and DEC ODBC Driver client applica- tions communicating via Novell NetWare[R] require a Novell IPX/SPX transport - InterConnections Leverage for NetWare File Sharing Ser- vices (FSS), V1.5 - V2.0 DB2 Gateway Client Platform on OpenVMS AXP Software Requirements o OpenVMS AXP Operating System, V1.5 - V6.2 o Communications Software o DECnet/SNA VMS APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface V2.2 o The DB2 Gateway requires any valid Digital SNA connection as de- scribed in the DECnet/SNA VMS APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface Software Product Description (SPD 26.88.xx) for connections to IBM MVS/XA or MVS/ESA systems Network Transport Options The DB2 Gateway for OpenVMS AXP will require one or more of the fol- lowing network software products to support direct access to local and remote databases by client applications. o DECnet transport - DECnet for OpenVMS AXP, V1.5 - V6.2 o TCP/IP transport - DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS AXP, V3.0 - V3.1 10 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A DB2 Gateway Client Platform on Digital UNIX Software Requirements o Digital UNIX Operating System, V3.0, V3.2 o Communications Software o DEC SNA APPC/LU6.2 for Digital UNIX, V1.0 o The DB2 Gateway requires any valid SNA connection as described in the Software Product Description for DEC SNA APPC/LU6.2 Tool Kit for Digital UNIX, SPD 62.67.xx, in order to connect to IBM MVS systems Network Transport Options The DB2 Gateway for Digital UNIX will require one or more of the fol- lowing network software products to support direct access to local and remote databases by client applications. o DECnet transport - DECnet/OSI, Version 2.0, for Digital UNIX o TCP/IP transport - Included with the Digital UNIX Operating Sys- tem DB2 Gateway Server Platform o MVS/XA V2.2 or MVS/ESA V3.1 - V4.3 Operating System o CICS/MVS V2.1 or CICS/ESA V3.1 - V3.3 Attachment Facility to DB2 o ACF/VTAM[TM] V3.4 - V4.2 o DB2 V2.3 - V3.1 o Assembler H V2.1 o SMP/E V1.6 - V1.8 11 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A The DB2 Gateway Server has been designed to operate with the IBM soft- ware listed above. While other releases of the above software may func- tion correctly, Digital cannot offer its standard warranty for such software unless it has been tested with the software and found accept- able to Digital. DESKTOP CLIENT SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS This section describes the prerequisite operating system and network- ing software required by DB Integrator and DB Integrator Gateway Clients. ODBC and SQL/Services Clients A site-wide right to use SQL/Services and Digital ODBC client soft- ware is included with each traditional or concurrent use license for the DB Integrator or DB Integrator Gateway Parties selling or distributing a software product that incorporates Digital Equipment Corporation's SQL/Services client application pro- gramming interface, may copy and distribute the SQL/Services client runtime libraries with that software product. Parties selling or distributing a software product that incorporates the Microsoft ODBC application programming interface, may copy and dis- tribute Digital Equipment Corporation's Digital ODBC Driver distri- bution kit with that software product. The Digital ODBC Driver kit must be distributed in a manner that guarantees the end-user will receive the entire contents of the DEC ODBC Driver kit. MS Windows v3.1 Clients o Microsoft Windows, V3.1 o MS-DOS Operating System, V5.0 - V6.2 o One of the following network products: - PATHWORKS for DOS, V4.1A - PATHWORKS V5, V5.0A or V5.1 for DOS and Windows client software 12 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A - PATHWORKS for DOS (TCP/IP), V2.0 - A Windows Sockets V1.1 specification compliant transport. [4] - Novell NetWare 3.11 Windows Workstation Client with IPX.COM or IPXODI.COM, and NETX shell Windows NT on Intel[TM] and Alpha Clients o Microsoft Windows NT Operating System, V3.1 - V3.5 o One of the following Network products: - PATHWORKS for NT V4.1 - A Windows Sockets V1.1 specification compliant transport - Novell NetWare 3.11 Windows Workstation Client with IPX.COM or IPXODI.COM, and NETX shell MS-DOS Clients o MS-DOS Operating System, V5.0 - V6.2 o One of the following network products: - PATHWORKS for DOS, V4.1A - PATHWORKS V5, V5.0A or V5.1 for DOS and Windows client software - PATHWORKS for DOS (TCP/IP), V2.0 - PATHWORKS V5, V5.0A or V5.1 for DOS and Windows client software with PATHWORKS V5.1.102 or higher PATHWORKS socket library - Novell NetWare 3.11 Windows Workstation Client with IPX.COM or IPXODI.COM, and NETX shell ____________________ [4] PATHWORKS V5, V5.0A and V5.1 for DOS and Windows client software and FTP[R] PC/TCP V2.3 have been fully tested with the SQL/Services and ODBC driver clients. Other transports that comply with the Windows Sockets V1.1 specification may function correctly but have not been fully tested by Digital 13 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A Digital UNIX Clients o Digital UNIX Operating System, V3.2 o One of the following network products: - TCP/IP which comes with the Digital UNIX operating system - DECnet/OSI, V2.0, for Digital UNIX (Required for DECnet applications only) ULTRIX/RISC Clients o ULTRIX Operating System, V4.1 - V4.3 o One of the following network products: - TCP/IP that comes with ULTRIX Operating System - DECnet/OSI for ULTRIX, V5.1, for RISC and VAX (Required for DECnet applications only) Sun OS Client o SunOS[TM], V4.1.3 o One of the following network products: - TCP/IP that comes with Sun OS Operating System SQL/Services Macintosh System 6.0.8 Clients o Macintosh Operating System V6.0.8 o One of the following network products: - PATHWORKS for Macintosh, V1.2A - AppleShare[R] Workstation Software for System V6.0.8 (Required for PATHWORKS installation) o Required for application development only - MPW Development Environment, Version 3.2.3, and MPW, Version 3.2.3, C compiler 14 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A - Symantec[R] ThinkC, V6.0.1, and ThinkC, V6.0.1, C Compiler for the Macintosh system SQL/Services Macintosh System 7 Clients o Macintosh Operating System, V7, V7.1 o One of the following network products: - PATHWORKS for Macintosh, V1.2A - AppleShare Workstation Software for System 7 (required for PATHWORKS installation) o Required for application development only - MPW Development Environment, Version 3.2.3, and MPW, Version 3.3.1, C compiler - Symantec ThinkC, V6.0.1, and ThinkC, V6.0.1, C Compiler Optional SequeLink Clients If clients or network transport are required, but not supported ODBC or SQL/Services clients, optional SequeLink[TM] client/server soft- ware is available to work with DB Integrator and DB Integrator Gate- ways. SequeLink is client/Server middleware developed by Techgnosis, which can be used cooperatively with Digital's DB Integrator and DB Integrator Gateway products. SequeLink Clients or Servers can be pur- chased through Digital or its resellers. The following table contains a list of the SequeLink clients and Networks: 15 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A ___________________________________________________________________ Table_4:__Optional_SequeLink_Client/Network_Support________________ Desktop Transport Client_________________Supported___________________________________ Windows 3.x WIN Sockets TCP PATHWORKS 5.x SPX/IPX NetBIOS NetBUEI Macintosh 6.x-7.x MAC TCP/IP 1.x PATHWORKS 5.x Appletalk 1.5 HP UX 8.x-9.x Native TCP AIX 3.2x Native TCP Solaris 2.x Native TCP Sun OS 5.3 Native TCP DG Aviion Native TCP SCO UNIX Native TCP Digital UNIX 1.3-3.2 Native TCP Sequent Native TCP Unisys R4 Native TCP ULTRIX 4.3a Native TCP VMS AXP 1.5-6.2 DECNET TCP VMS_VAX_5.5-6.2________DECNET______________________________________ OPTIONAL SOFTWARE The following products can be used in combination with DB Integrator any DB Integrator Gateway, Data Distributor or Sequelink product. The folowing is a list of products available through Digital or its re- sellers. 16 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for RMS o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DB2 Client o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for ORACLE o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for SYBASE o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for SequeLink o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for EDA/SQL o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for Custom Drivers o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DBMS o DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DSM o DEC DB Integrator Gateway o DEC Data Distributor o SequeLink Clients o SequeLink Server for DB Integrator o SequeLink Server for DB2/400 o SequeLink Server for DB2/2 o SequeLink Server for DB2/6000 o SequeLink Server for DB2/MVS o SequeLink Server for Informix o SequeLink Server for Ingres o SequeLink Server for Interbase o SequeLink Server for Oracle o SequeLink Server for Progress o SequeLink Server for Cincom o SequeLink Server for Teradata 17 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA TK50, Mag Tape For OpenVMS VAX, this product is available on 9-track 1600 BPI Mag- netic Tape, TK50 Streaming Tape. CD ROM For all supported server operating systems this product is available on CD-ROM. Consolidated CD ROM For all supported server operating systems this product is available on the layered products consolidated CD-ROM. DB2 Gateway Server Media Software Media for DB2 Gateway Server is available on 9-track 6250 BPI magnetic tape ORDERING INFORMATION The DB2 Gateway client and server components are ordered separately. DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DB2 Client for OpenVMS VAX Traditional Software Licenses: QL-VTWA*-** Concurrent Use Software Licenses: QL-VTWAA-3* Software Media and Doc: QA-VTWA*-** Software Documentation: QA-VTWAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-VTWA*-** Software Media: QA-VTW**-H* (TK, Mag Tape, CD) 18 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A Software Media: QA-VWJ8A-H8 (Consolidated CD) DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DB2 Client for OpenVMS AXP Traditional Software Licenses: QL-22JA*-** Concurrent Use Software Licenses: QL-VTWAA-3* Software Documentation: QA-VTWAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-22JA*-** Software Media: QA-22J**-H* (CD-ROM) Software Media: QA-03XAA-H8 (Consolidated CD) DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DB2 Client for Digital UNIX Traditional Software Licenses: QL-2QAA*-** Concurrent Use Software Licenses: QL-2QAAM-3* Software Documentation: QA-VTWAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-2QAA*-** Software Media: QA-VTW**-H* (CD-ROM) Software Media: QA-054AA-H8 (Consolidated CD) DEC DB Integrator Gateway for DB2 - Server Software License: QL-VTXAX-AA Software Media : QA-VTXAA-HA Software Documentation: QA-VTXAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-VTXA*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished only under a license. For more information about Digital licensing terms and policies, contact your local Dig- ital office. License Management Facility Support 19 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. Traditional and Concurrent Use licenses are available. A Tradi- tional license permits an unlimited number of authorized users to ac- cess this product on a single, identified processor. A Concurrent Use license allows any one user at a time to access the layered product. For this software product a user is defined as an OpenVMS process serv- ing either an individual or another local or remote process. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System documentation. Client Software Licensing Parties selling or distributing a software product that incorporates the Microsoft ODBC application programming interface, may copy and dis- tribute Digital Equipment Corporation's DEC ODBC Driver distribution kit with that software product. The DEC ODBC Driver kit must be dis- tributed in a manner that guarantees the end-user will receive the en- tire contents of the DEC ODBC Driver kit. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. [R] AppleTalk, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Inc. [R] IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Busi- ness Machines Corporation. 20 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 25.E7.08 for DB2[TM], Version 3.1A [R] Microsoft, MS, and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. [R] Novell and NetWare are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. [R] ORACLE is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation [R] Sun is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. [R] FTP is a registered trademark of Schere Laboratories, Inc. [R] SYBASE is a registered trademark of Sybase, Inc. [TM]MPW is a trademark of Apple Computer Inc. [TM]DB2 is a trademark of International Business Machines Corpora- tion. [TM]Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM]SPARCstation is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, AXP, ClusterWide, DATATRIEVE, DEC, DEC Ada, DEC Fortran, DECdtm, DECnet, Digital, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, ULTRIX, ULTRIX, VAX VAX 11/750, VAX 11/780, VAX 6000, VAX 8200, VAX 8250, VAX 8300, VAX 8350, VAX 8500, VAX 8530, VAX 8550, VAX 9000, VAXstation 4000 VLC, VAXcluster, VAXft, VAXserver, VAXstation, VAX RMS, VMS, VMS RMS and VMScluster are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©1995 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 21