DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management V3.2-A for DIGITAL UNIX SPD 45.24.09 DESCRIPTION TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management for DIGITAL UNIX[R] is a family of software products for the management of telecommunications and cor- porate networks, including fixed wire and mobile/cellular voice and data multi-vendor, multi-technology networks. TeMIP Fault and Trou- ble Management (FTM) provides comprehensive off-the-shelf fault man- agement functions such as Alarm Handling, Event Logging and Trouble Ticketing for telecommunications network management. TeMIP FTM supports the International Standards Organization (ISO) man- agement standards ISO 10164-x and ISO 10165-x, the NMF Ensembles stan- dards. The TeMIP FTM features are applicable in the context of the In- ternational Telecommunication Union-Telecom Standard Sector (ITU-T) X.73x and Telecommunications Management Network M.3010 and M.3100 Rec- ommendations. It gives network operators a global view of their net- works, and enables them to activate management functions and opera- tions from single or multiple workstations. TeMIP FTM is built on top of the TeMIP Framework and fully benefits from the object oriented and distributed software architecture as well as embedded security functions. Full support of distributed management is available through Operation Context and Log Panel distribution. Also available are Event Filter- ing and Correlation features that block meaningless information (events or alarms) at source, and generate correlated events. October 1998 AE-QDDHH-TE TeMIP FTM consists of a set of management modules that provide appli- cation "Function Module" (FM) and User Interface "Presentation Mod- ule" (PM) capabilities. TeMIP FTM provides an open development envi- ronment. TeMIP FTM's current features can be extended through the ad- dition of future TeMIP FTM products, as well as third-party or user- developed modules. It is available on DIGITAL UNIX ALPHA-AXP-based Al- phaServers and AlphaStations. Graphical User Interface The TeMIP FTM graphical user interface - Presentation Module is based on DIGITAL UNIX/Motif[R] and the X Window System. This provides con- sistent views and interactions with the management system, regardless of the network elements managed or the protocol used to manage them. The graphical user interface provides a high quality display on which the TeMIP FTM management operations can be performed quickly and eas- ily through multiple windows, Iconic Map representations of the net- work, pull-down menu commands, menu-driven selections, and a compre- hensive set of user commands. Pushbuttons are used for the more com- mon operations. Other operations are accessible using pull-down menu commands. The TeMIP FTM Presentation Module is integrated with the TeMIP Frame- work Iconic Map Presentation Module, and adds specific presentation capabilities as well as language localization, to the Alarm Handling, Event Logging and Trouble Ticketing functions. The multiple screen sup- port allows TeMIP Presentation Modules to be displayed on a differ- ent screen to that of the Iconic Map. The Iconic Map provides presentation features that include: o Map windows that display the contents of a managed environment (for example, a domain) using icons to represent managed objects and their subordinate or child objects, as well as status icons. Users can select icons representing managed objects (both entities and sub- entities) and initiate management operations from a map window. Sev- eral map windows can be displayed at one time, each displaying dif- ferent views of domains of a managed environment. It is possible 2 to define virtual domains (for display purposes only) that are in- dependent of the collection activity (collection domains). The de- gree to which the domains for display and those for alarm collec- tion purposes are decoupled, depends only on the way the domains on the director have been configured. It is therefore possible for these visual entities to benefit from the "sub-alarming" feature; new alarms on child entities produce a blinking, shaded area around the parent entity icon or object. The color of the shading shows the highest severity of the alarm(s). o A Shelf View feature, which allows you to describe the contents of an entity (that is, its child entities) using standard Iconic Map drawings and graphical objects instead of the box-based only mode. o Icons can be of XPM format or vector file, thus allowing free form icon definitions, or supporting shape masks. The backdrop images support XBM vector format (Framework format). Through XBM library provided converters, users can get other formats such as GIF for icon building. Automatic TeMIP application startup at Iconic Map PM startup, and application launch facilities are also provided. o A Navigation box and ViewPort window that enable users to view an entire network configuration map at one time. With the ViewPort fea- ture, users can navigate to, zoom in, and select a particular por- tion of the total network environment to display in detail in the Map window. A Top and Bottom navigation area for hierarchical or non hierarchical navigation in the domain tree is also provided. o Management windows that enable users to select, perform, and view the results of management operations. As with map windows, several different management windows can be displayed simultaneously. o An integrated Toolbox window and other customization features that provide users with the ability to create, modify, or delete map icons, connecting lines, text, or other items in a map window. Users can create map icons, add Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) to icons in the map, add geographic maps or other backdrops, and add customized icons to the Toolbox for retrieval and re-use, as well as color cus- tomization of lines and texts. 3 o The TeMIP Framework Dictionary Browser lets you examine the man- agement objects and their definitions stored in the TeMIP Frame- work dictionary. Using the Browser, the user can graphically view the types of entities that are configured for a given TeMIP Frame- work system. o Launching of external applications through a pull-down menu in the Trouble Ticketing Application Main window or from the Real-Time (that is, Not-Closed) or View Alarms windows. o Other features such as: - Map layers, which display or hide groups of objects defined as a logical subview. - Map filters, which filter graphical objects (backdrop, entities with alarms, text or graphics). - Domain shortcuts, which provide navigational accelerators (links) between domains. - Graphical object tooltips, support of URLs on graphical objects, support of multi-line text objects... - A TeMIP to Web Browser interface, which provides online context- sensitive help in HTML format. Specific Alarm Handling, Event Logging and Trouble Ticketing presen- tation capabilities are described in the following sections. Consistent access to TeMIP FTM operations is also provided by the Frame- work Command Line PM (FCL PM), which allows operations to be performed from simple VT terminals. Alarm Handling Function and Presentation TeMIP FTM for DIGITAL UNIX includes a sophisticated and generic Alarm Handling function and presentation for the management of ISO-formatted alarm information. TeMIP FTM enables users to define a comprehensive alarm filtering, recording, and real-time monitoring environment. "Alarm" in ISO terminology is a specific type of event, whose purpose is to enable real-time monitoring and management. 4 Alarm Handling Function TeMIP FTM supports ISO 10164-4 alarm reporting functions and is NMF Ensembles compliant, including alarm format (alarm type, severity, prob- able cause, status, and so on) and alarm management functions such as acknowledgement, clearance, and closure. Operations on alarms and alarm status changes are time-stamped and identified by a User Identifier (User Id) for later analysis. The domain definition function (generic TeMIP Framework function, Do- main FM) allows the user to define the network or selected portions of it and to assign network elements to groups called domains. Domains can contain or refer to other domains and can be hierarchical and over- lapping. Individual network elements can be contained within multi- ple domains. TeMIP FTM enables users to define single and multiple view(s) of alarm activity for a domain, which can represent the entire network or se- lected portions of it. The scope of interest can be based on equip- ment type (transmission versus switching, ....), geography (regional, national, ....), organization (for example, personnel levels), or any other user-defined grouping. Such a view of the network is known as an Operation Context. An Operation Context defines the behavior of the Alarm Handling func- tion for a given view. An Operation Context allows automatic schedul- ing of alarm collection and alarm filtering. The automatic schedul- ing mechanism implements the ISO-recommended Weekly Scheduling Pack- age and allows the specification of the scheduling to be done by hour and day of the week over a seven-day period. The TeMIP alarm filter- ing mechanism implements ISO recommended Discriminators and provides a fine degree of precision in the selection of alarms to be monitored (by passing or blocking filters on alarm attributes such as network element class, domains, alarm type, alarm severity and additional text). An Operation Context can be created by reference to an existing one, inheriting from it its main attributes or characteristics (for exam- ple, Discriminator Construct or Scheduling Package). The distributed Operation Context Control window allows users to manage Operation Con- texts running on different directors. 5 Features including automatic alarm acknowledgement, automatic alarm clearance, and escalation mechanisms are provided, which are settable characteristics of the Operation Context. The generation of an ISO- formatted capacity alarm threshold when the Operation Context file is filling up is also possible. The filtered alarms are recorded (as ob- jects) in the related Operation Context repository. TeMIP FTM Alarm Handling provides an archiving facility that allows Alarm Records to be exported from the Operation Context repository to an external relational database. TeMIP FTM supports the ORACLE [R] and SYBASE [R] databases. This feature allows offline processing of his- torical alarm information. An Operation Context is controlled through two possible states: the Administrative State, which is set by the user (Locked/Unlocked), and the Operational State depending on the availability of internal and external services for alarm collection. An Operation Context can be monitored in such a way that it allows network managers to know if it is currently monitored or not, and by whom, and its attributes can be set without interrupting alarm collection and filtering. Once alarm collection has been initiated for a particular Operation Context, the alarm collection process continues according to user-defined characteristics, even if all users are logged out. The Alarm Handling function enables users to maintain single or multiple alarm reposi- tories on which automatic archive, automatic purge and purge on re- quest functions are available for the SQL ORACLE or SYBASE databases. TeMIP FTM's Alarm Handling function is implemented through coopera- tion between several Function Modules (FM). The TeMIP FTM Alarm Han- dling FM performs the Alarm Handling function described here and uses the generic alarm/event collection and distributed notification ser- vices provided by the TeMIP Framework Alarms FM and Notification FM. For more information refer to the TeMIP Framework Software Product De- scription (SPD 54.17.xx). 6 When the Trouble Ticketing and Alarm Handling functions coexist on the same system, relationships between Alarms and Trouble Ticketing can be established to help the investigation of a problem. This allows an operator to associate alarms with one or more new or existing Trou- ble Tickets (known as a Telecommunication Trouble Report - TTR). TTRs are created within a selected Trouble Ticketing Context that corre- sponds with a specific area of maintenance. The relationship between Alarm Handling and Trouble Ticketing provides automatic opening of TTRs and closure or termination of alarms as Trou- ble Ticketing investigations are completed by the maintenance groups. It provides the capability to automatically clear or terminate alarms that are associated with TTRs in the process of being closed. Alarm Handling Presentation TeMIP FTM's Alarm Handling presentation allows the user to define and manage the alarm environment and to manage, monitor and administer the alarm information. Defining and managing the alarm environment concerns the definition and control of the alarm collection. This involves the creation of Op- eration Contexts, which are represented by icons in the Iconic Map. Users can select the Operation Context icon and initiate management directives for creating and defining an Operation Context and its as- sociated characteristics, for the starting and stopping of alarm col- lection, and for modification of the way alarm collection and filter- ing is carried out. TeMIP FTM provides the user with a sophisticated editor to define and modify the filters (Discriminators) and the scheduling of activity (Schedul- ing Package). Filters can be pre-defined and stored in a library to simplify and accelerate operations. Managing the alarm information refers to the day-to-day Alarm Handling and general administration of Operation Contexts. TeMIP FTM enables the user to work with alarm information through two different windows, each of which can be started either manually or automatically from the Iconic Map presentation module or directly from the shell (UNIX prompt) as a stand-alone module. (Note that, in the stand-alone mode, no Iconic 7 Map-related functions are available). Online Help is provided to the user through the presentation of predefined choices for most crite- ria. The alarm information windows are: o The TeMIP FTM real-time alarm handling window, which provides users with a list of alarms that are currently active (that is, Not Closed, depending on the Trouble Ticketing function availability). Alarm notification is also provided using the Iconic Map domain associ- ated with an Operation Context. The Operation Context icon contained in the domain represents the network element that generated the alarm. A user-defined sound level allows operators to customize the in- tensity of the bell according to the alarm severity. New alarms are automatically reported to the user in these windows. Each level of alarm severity is color-coded and that color is used both on the real-time alarm window and on the Iconic Map. Through the locate/find entity button a user can easily locate a faulty network element on the Map from an alarm presented in the alarm list. The Map is au- tomatically modified to present the target element. The TeMIP FTM real-time alarm handling window enables the user to display alarms for one or more Operation Contexts at any given time and provides statistical information on the alarms displayed. It also provides display selection criteria such as alarms originat- ing from specified network elements or domains, alarms of sever- ity above or equal to specified levels, and alarms from specific Operation Contexts. The real-time alarm handling window allows the user to perform op- erations on one or more alarms, including acknowledgement and ter- mination of alarms, alarm full information display and printout, and addition of a note to a specific alarm report. An operation such as print to file allows an Operator to save the result of a search to a file in the user directory. From this window, the user can also perform management actions on a network element corresponding with an alarm present in the alarm list. When the Trouble Ticketing function is available, the real-time alarm handling window allows an Operator to associate one or more alarms 8 to one or more TTRs using the Alarm Association button. From this Association button the Operator can create a (or open an existing) TTR in a chosen Trouble Ticketing Context or maintenance center. Several options are offered to minimize the task of TTR creation. o The control window, which displays Operation Context status infor- mation in real-time and provides the user with the capability to perform general Operation Context management and customization of the user environment (start/stop notification, default Operation Context, and so on). Several users can share the same Operation Context view at any given time; they are notified of new alarms, and updated in real-time if operations are performed on alarms by another user. o The View Alarms window, which allows the user to perform sophis- ticated retrieval of alarm information within an Operation Context. This includes alarms previously treated and those that are still outstanding. The View Alarms window also allows the user to per- form all management operations on alarms as defined in the previ- ous outstanding alarms window section. Search operations can be ex- tended and applied to other Operation Contexts when necessary. The View Alarms window provides the user with numerous combinations of search criteria including alarm type, managed entity, probable cause, severity, alarm state, problem status (whether the alarm is associated with a TTR or not), additional text attribute, notifi- cation identifier and time period. When alarms are associated with a TTR, the window provides the user with the capability to search alarms associated with one or more TTRs. Search criteria can be saved and automatically presented in a pull-down menu under a user-defined name. Various other features, such as correlation based on Specific Prob- lem, alarm clearance timestamp, real-time display of Operator Note and Specific Problem, are also available. 9 It is now possible to run multiple instances of the real-time alarm handling window (that is, sub-windows), with all alarm management func- tions available. When these are minimized, subwindow icons show the number of alarms (total alarms or new alarms) and the highest sever- ity level. New features also include: o Enhanced alarm filtering, such as the application of boolean ex- pressions (logical AND, OR, NOT) when defining filters, and drag- and-drop between alarm windows and the associated filter window o Alarm sorting (ascending or descending) in the alarm handling win- dow by a simple click on a column header o Customizable additional alarm fields, enabling the display of user- defined alarm fields extracted from the Additional Text attribute o Searches for alarms that have an operator note Event Logging Function and Presentation TeMIP FTM for DIGITAL UNIX includes a generic Event Logging function and presentation for the collection, recording and analysis of ISO- formatted events. This information provides the user with the infor- mation base necessary to perform network fault analysis. "Event" in ISO terminology represents a network element condition, normal or ab- normal, of interest to a network operator or network manager. Event Logging Function The TeMIP FTM Event Logging function implements the ISO 10164-5 re- port management functions and ISO 10164-6 log control functions for OSI-defined management systems. TeMIP FTM Event Logging is also OM- NIPoint 1 compliant. The TeMIP FTM Event Logging function enables the user to define sin- gle or multiple collection and recording of events for a domain, which represents the entire or selected portions of the network. As for Alarm Handling, the scope of interest of Event Logging is dependent upon man- agement objectives, technology, geography, and organization, and is 10 represented by an Event Log instance. Use is made of the OSI-defined OSI System Object to support Event Logging. The user creates an Event Log instance as a child of the OSI System Object class. Usually the OSI System Object represents the local management system. An Event Log can be created by reference to an existing one, inheriting from it its main attributes or characteristics (for example, Discriminator Con- struct or Scheduling Package). Support of distribution is performed through the distributed Log Panel that allows the browsing of any se- lected OSI System's LOGs. The Event Log also defines the behavior of the Event Logging function for single collection and recording of events. It includes automatic scheduling of event collection, event filtering definition, log file or log recording location, log file size, action to be taken when log is full (TeMIP FTM supports only HALT on log full) and generation of an ISO-formatted capacity alarm threshold when the log file is fill- ing up. The automatic scheduling mechanism implements the ISO recommended Weekly Scheduling Package and allows users to specify the scheduling to be done by hour and day of the week over a seven-day period. The TeMIP FTM event filtering mechanism implements ISO recommended Discrimina- tors and provides a high degree of precision in the selection of events to be collected (by passing or blocking filters on event attributes such as network element class or event type). An Event Log is controlled by two possible states: the Administrative State, which is set by the user (Locked/Unlocked) and the Operational State, depending on the availability of internal and external services for event collection. Once the event logging has been initiated for a particular Event Log instance, the event collection process continues according to user- defined characteristics, even if all users are logged out. The TeMIP FTM Event Logging function supports and stores the seven classes of ISO-defined log record; alarm, security alarm, object creation, ob- ject deletion, attribute value change, state change, and relationship change. 11 The TeMIP FTM Event Logging function is implemented through cooper- ation between several Function Modules. The TeMIP FTM Event Log FM per- forms the Event Logging function described herein and uses the generic alarm/event collection and notification services provided by the TeMIP Framework Alarms FM and Notification FM. For more information refer to the TeMIP Framework Software Product Description (SPD 54.17.xx). Event Logging Presentation The TeMIP FTM Event Logging presentation allows the user to define and manage single or multiple Event Logs and to manage and analyze the Event Log records. Defining and managing the Event Log refers to the definition and con- trol of the event collection for each Event Log. Event Logs are rep- resented by icons, and users can select these icons and initiate man- agement directives to define and modify Event Log instances and their associated characteristics. This includes starting and stopping event collection, modifying the way event collection and filtering is car- ried out, and deleting the Event Log instance. A Log Panel window displays the Event Log status in real-time and pro- vides the user with the capability to perform Event Log management and customization of the Event Log environment (start/stop, notification of messages, and so on). TeMIP FTM provides the user with a sophisticated editor to define and modify the filters (Discriminators) and the activity scheduling us- ing the Scheduling Package. Filters can be pre-defined and stored in a library to simplify and speed up operations. TeMIP FTM enables users to perform Event Log Record information man- agement and analysis through the View Event Records window. This win- dow enables users to perform retrieval operations within one Event Log repository and to extend the search operations to other Event Log repos- itories at any given time. 12 The View Event Records window provides users with search criteria such as the log record class (wildcarding can be used), alarm type (for alarm record and security alarm record), additional text and notification identifier. Additional search criteria are presented to the user ac- cording to the class of record on which the search is done. Search criteria common to all classes include managed object and time period. Online help is provided with the presentation of pre-defined choices for most criteria. The View Event Records window allows users to perform actions on one or more Event Log records, including display and printing of Event Log record full information and record deletion. Operations such as print to file allow an operator to save the result of a search to a file in the user directory. The View Event Records window can be started from the Iconic Map pre- sentation module or directly from the shell as a stand-alone module. Scheduling Package and Discriminator Construct Routines TeMIP FTM's Alarm Handling and Event Logging functions use the ser- vices of the Scheduling Package and Discriminator Construct routines. o Scheduling Package Routines As described in the Alarm Handling and Event Logging sections, the Schedul- ing Package routines allow the user to determine exactly when alarm and event collections are to be activated. This can be done on a weekly or daily basis and more than one period can be specified per day. The ISO weekly Scheduling Package is implemented in conformance with ISO 10165 part 2. The Scheduling Package routines provide the user with services that include the initiation and requesting of real-time alerts, and eval- uation of time intervals based on a given Scheduling Package. o Discriminator Construct Routines 13 As described in the Alarm Handling and Event Logging sections, the Dis- criminator Construct routines allow the user to determine exactly what type of alarm and event reports are to be monitored. The filter (or Discriminator Construct in ISO terminology) is defined, in conformance with ISO standards 10164 parts 4 and 5, as a Common Management Infor- mation Services (CMIS) filter data type. The Discriminator Construct routines provide the user with filtering services, including evaluation of filter syntax and complexity, test- ing of alarm or event occurrences against a filter, and filter con- version. These routines are available for developers to build free-standing man- agement modules on top of TeMIP. The TeMIP kit also provides devel- opers with the complete Scheduling Package and Discriminator Construct datatype definitions and the ability for developers to use and call the Discriminator Construct and Scheduling Package Editors for set- ting DC and SP attributes of a user-defined object. Trouble Ticketing Function and Presentation TeMIP FTM for DIGITAL UNIX provides, through its Trouble Ticketing im- plementation, one of the essential elements in a network problem man- agement scheme; it enables the initiation and efficient coordination of network problem solving and maintenance activities. Trouble Tick- eting procedures are opened and their progress electronically tracked as maintenance personnel record the results of their intervention. The TeMIP FTM Trouble Ticketing application is based on the OMNIPoint 1 recommendations "Application Services: Trouble Management function" and satisfies all the minimum conformance requirements, both static and dynamic. TeMIP FTM Trouble Ticketing functions implement and use the OMNIPoint 1 Trouble Report Object format and state diagram, and support the OM- NIPoint 1 Repair Activity Object. Trouble Ticketing Function 14 The TeMIP FTM Trouble Ticketing function provides the capability to define and work on multiple and distributed Trouble Ticketing Contexts. The Trouble Ticketing Context defines a particular area of interest for maintenance activity and is created to fulfil a specific mainte- nance function. A Trouble Ticketing Context defines how its TTRs are to be handled, who is responsible for managing maintenance activity, where the repos- itory for its TTRs is located, and the default severity and priority values to be assigned to TTRs when created. This defines a Trouble Tick- eting environment in which Trouble Ticketing Contexts can target par- ticular maintenance activities or maintenance centers, according to organizational requirements. The storage and retrieval of TTRs is implemented by a relational database system that gives the user considerable flexibility in accessing and handling the maintenance data. The Trouble Ticketing function uses and benefits from the Object Oriented approach and services. In addition, the user can directly access TTR information with any SQL tool. TeMIP FTM Trouble Ticketing provides sophisticated functions for deal- ing effectively with the activities of network problem solving and main- tenance. TeMIP Trouble Ticketing enables the user to: o Quickly initiate maintenance activity by creating a TTR in the ap- propriate Trouble Ticketing Context. TTRs can be opened using the Trouble Ticketing application or the Alarm Handling application en- vironment. o Monitor and electronically document the life cycle of the TTR. At- tributes of the TTRs such as trouble report state, trouble type, managed object instances, trouble found, additional trouble info list, cancel requested, creation time, trouble report status time, assignment and re-assignment time stamps are maintained. o Maintain the record of maintenance activity performed to solve the problem. Repair activities can be added to the TTR with a time stamp, general trouble repair and tracking information description. 15 o Associate alarms with one or more TTRs when Trouble Ticketing and Alarm Handling functions coexist on the same system. Alarms are al- ways associated from the Alarm Handling environment. o Perform operations such as printing TTRs, sending them by electronic mail and triggering procedures when responsible person assignment is modified. The maintenance manager of a particular Trouble Ticketing Context can assign or re-assign a specialist or other responsible person to the TTR. TTRs that are no longer needed can be deleted from the reposi- tory by means of a purge operation. Trouble Ticketing Presentation The TeMIP Trouble Ticketing presentation allows the user to define and manage the Trouble Ticketing environment and to manage, monitor, and administer the problem solving information. The Trouble Ticketing Application Main Window associated with a Trou- ble Ticketing Context, consists of two main parts: the Deliver/Search area (View Trouble Reports), and the Details area. This window can be customized, and allows, for example, the user to choose which fields (attributes) of the TTR are to be displayed. Multiple windows related to different Trouble Ticketing Contexts can be open at the same time. Defining and managing the Trouble Ticketing Contexts concerns the def- inition of the maintenance function and the area of interest. Trouble Ticketing Contexts are represented by icons and users can se- lect the icon and initiate management directives for creating and defin- ing new Trouble Ticketing Contexts and their associated characteris- tics, database location, maintenance manager and purging of existing TTRs. The Trouble Ticketing Application Main window: o Provides the user with a display listing the TTRs of interest (TTRs related to this particular user). This window displays a one-line summary of information for each TTR. 16 o Provides real-time notification to the user of the creation and as- signment (or reassignment) of a TTR by enabling a Motif pushbut- ton. o Allows a user to create and delete TTRs and to perform management operations on one or more report(s), including acknowledgement, re- assignment or escalation of a report, modification of the state of a report, full information display, and print out and mailing of TTR information to another user. From this window the user can also perform management actions on a network element associated with a TTR, and can launch external applications from a pull-down menu option list, from the icon tool- bars or push buttons. o Allows the user to perform sophisticated retrieval of TTR infor- mation within a Trouble Ticketing Context. o Provides the user with numerous combinations of search criteria in- cluding managed entity, responsible person name, priority, sever- ity, trouble type, trouble found, trouble report state, acknowl- edgement status, cancel requested and time period. Additional search criteria allow the user to find all TTRs associated with one or more alarm(s). Search operations can be extended and applied to other Trouble Ticketing Contexts when necessary. Search criteria can be saved and can be automatically presented in a pull-down menu un- der a user-defined name. The TTR full information is displayed in the bottom part of the Trou- ble Ticketing main window. This window allows the user to perform op- erations on Trouble Ticketing information such as view all activity notes (for example, repair activities) and alarms associated with this report or Related Trouble Reports, add activity notes, remove asso- ciated alarms from the report, and print and mail the details of the report. Online help is provided to the user with the presentation of prede- fined choices for most criteria. 17 The Trouble Ticketing Application Main window can be started from the Iconic Map Presentation Module or directly from the shell as a stand- alone module. Launching of external applications is now possible through a pull-down menu in the Trouble Ticketing Application Main window. TeMIP Event Filtering and Correlation TeMIP FTM allows, through its Event Filtering and Correlation Func- tion Module, a reduction in the rate at which events arrive at the user interface. This reduces the event rate to a level where the operator or the management system can cope with actual problems as they arise, thus improving the overall manageability and performance of your sys- tem. The Event Filtering and Correlation FM enables you to define sev- eral types of Event Filter, that can be used to design a filtering sys- tem that best suits your requirements. TeMIP Event Filtering and Correlation Function The Event Filtering and Correlation Function Module filters events at source (low level filtering) using the Discriminator Construct. The input for an Event Filter consists of any OSI event. The events are tested against the associated Discriminator Construct for a given fil- ter: if the the event passes the DC, then it is processed further by the Event Filter(s), otherwise it is passed to the next existing fil- ter. With this release, filtering is limited to one class of network entity per Event Filter. The TeMIP Event Filtering and Correlation function allows the defi- nition and use of filters that can have either filtering capacity, where nothing is forwarded to the operator, or correlation capacity, where a single event containing "value-added" information (correlated with other similar alarms) is forwarded to the operator, or both. A sin- gle filter or a combination of filters can be applied in series. The following filters, in order of precedence, can be defined: o Blocking Filter: Also called Tap Filter, is a simple "on/off" type of event filter that either passes or rejects an event. It has only filtering capacity. 18 o Transient Filter: Collects events that are similar on the basis of time. If the timeframe expires, an event is then forwarded if the problem has not been resolved. It has both filtering and correla- tion capacity. o Threshold Filter: Forwards an event if the threshold (event count) is crossed within a given timeframe. This filter operates on the basis of event rate. It has both filtering and correlation capac- ity. o Heap Filter: Forwards an event after a given timeframe expires. This filter operates on the basis of time only by forwarding a "value- added" event when the timeout period expires. It has only corre- lation capacity. The filters are created and managed from the Iconic Map or through the FCL PM. They are stored in the FM database as manageable objects that can be manipulated using management directives and where any changes made to the filter definition are communicated to the Access Modules. The event filtering functionality is integrated into the Access Mod- ule(s) using the Event Filtering and Correlation Toolkit. The Toolkit consists of a routine library that must be called by any Access Mod- ule wanting to use the services of the Event Filtering and Correla- tion FM. TeMIP Extensibility TeMIP is an extensible telecommunications management platform, which can be complemented with existing or future TeMIP management modules or third-party and user-developed management modules, such as: o The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, which provides access to the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Q3/CMIP environment in accordance with Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) recommendations. It pro- vides the means to maintain and manage Guidelines for the Defini- tion of Managed Objects (GDMO) models of managed objects and to in- tegrate them into the TeMIP run-time environment without recompi- lation. It uses the standard and commercially available XMP API to 19 access the TMN Q3 stack. For more information, refer to the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit Software Product Description (SPD 51.28.xx). o The TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit (GAT), which provides access to elements that do not support the standard management interface, but still use ASCII/TL1 type messages. For more information, refer to the TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit Software Product Description (SPD 64.82.xx). o The TeMIP Expert System Access (ESA), which provides external Ex- pert System applications with access to TeMIP. Note that ESA is in- dependent of any proprietary Expert System technology and provides a consistent interface to the Expert System application. As a re- sult of this, the application gateway can develop in line with TeMIP. For further information, refer to the TeMIP Expert System Access V1.0 Software Product Description (SPD 70.40.xx). Third parties and users can add free-standing management modules or develop management modules accessing and using TeMIP's management mod- ule services by means of the Object Oriented Application Programming Interface (API). These services include Alarm Handling, Event Logging and Trouble Ticketing services, and the common service routines de- scribed above. Services provided by the TeMIP management modules are fully described in the related management module reference manuals. The TeMIP kit and documentation provide developers with data type and Management Specification Language (MSL) templates, to be used when de- veloping Function or Access Modules for integration with TeMIP. These templates include ISO alarms and events, Scheduling Package, and Dis- criminator Construct data types. For more information on how to use and extend TeMIP, please contact your local DIGITAL office. TeMIP Customization Some features of TeMIP can be customized to suit the user's own en- vironment. Numerous customization options are available, including chang- ing the default printer queue, changing display colors, presenting alarms in ascending order of severity, and default values. 20 For each main window provided by TeMIP, the user is able to customize and save: o Selected subsets of fields displayed (for example, summary of Alarm Record, Event Record or Trouble Ticketing information). o The order in which these fields are displayed. o The size and position of the window. o Other useful customizable items. These customizations are saved and automatically recalled when the user logs in. Users can also customize screen layout using the resource files. For more information on customization, please contact your local DIG- ITAL office. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Alpha AXP Processors Supported: AlphaServer 8200 AlphaServer 8400 DEC/4600, DEC/4700 DEC/7600, DEC/7700 DEC/10600 AlphaServer 2000 AlphaServer 2100 AlphaServer 4000 AlphaServer 4100 AlphaStation 600 DEC/3500, DEC/3500S, DEC/3500X DEC/3800, DEC/3800S DEC/3900 AlphaServer 400 AlphaServer 1000 AlphaStation 200 21 AlphaStation 250 AlphaStation 255 AlphaStation 400 AlphaStation 500 DEC/2300S DEC/2500 DEC/3300, DEC/3300L, DEC/3300X, DEC/3300LX DEC/3400, DEC/3400S DEC/3600, DEC/3600S DEC/3700 Disk Space Requirements: Disk space required for installation (includes TeMIP Framework): Root file system 10 Kbytes Other file systems usr 115,000 Kbytes var 12 Kbytes Disk Space Required for Use (Permanent): Root file system 0 Kbytes Other file systems usr 0 Kbytes var 500 Mbytes These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. Memory Requirements: The minimum memory supported is 128 Mbytes. However, the use of this software in conjunction with increased memory capability improves per- formance. Note that more memory is required if you are operating in multi-user mode. Recommended Configuration: 22 For running TeMIP FTM on top of TeMIP Framework: o AlphaServer 2000. o 256 MB memory, or more. o RZ28 disks or equivalent disk space. o Ethernet controller. Note: Specific network environments may require larger configurations. OPTIONAL HARDWARE For multi-screen support, an extra graphical card (PMAGB-B) must be supplied. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o DIGITAL UNIX Operating System V4.0D DECwindows Motif[R] (Note that DECwindows Motif is compliant with OSF/Motif.) o TeMIP Framework V3.2 o For all Alarm Archiving functions: - ORACLE Version 7.3.4 with corresponding SQL*NET and TCP/IP Protocol Adapter - SYBASE Version V11.0.1 or higher on the server and OpenClient/C Embedded SQL V10.0.3 or higher on the clients. o For all Trouble Ticketing functions: ORACLE Version 7.3.4 with corresponding SQL*NET and TCP/IP Protocol Adapter. Note: The user licensing scheme may differ depending on the country or system. Please refer to your local distributor for more information. 23 OPTIONAL SOFTWARE o Any other software modules or packages necessary for communication with the managed network elements. o SQL*Plus corresponding to ORACLE Version 7.3.4. YEAR 2000 READY This product is Year 2000 Ready. The testing used to confirm the Year 2000 readiness of this product included code assessment and system tests to verify transition dates. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the current version requirements. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is available as part of the DIGITAL UNIX Consolidated Soft- ware distribution on CD-ROM. Please refer to the ordering information for each Software Media reference. ORDERING INFORMATION Please note that in a distributed TeMIP environment, any of the li- censes listed below (that is, applications) loaded on a TeMIP server would allow the related application Presentation Module to be run on any TeMIP Client connected to that server. TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management (package) This includes Alarm Handling, Event Logging and Trouble Ticketing Func- tion and Presentation Modules. It also includes the full set of ser- vice routines for developers. Software License: QL-3D0A*-AA 24 Software Media: QA-3D0AA-H8 Software Documentation: QA-3D0AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-3D0A*-** TeMIP Alarm Handling and Event Logging (package) This includes both Alarm Handling and Event Logging function and pre- sentation modules. Software License: QL-3D3A*-AA Software Media: QA-3D3AA-H8 Software Documentation: QA-3D3AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-3D3A*-** TeMIP Alarm Handling This includes only the Alarm Handling function and presentation mod- ule. Software License: QL-3D1A*-AA Software Media: QA-3D1AA-H8 Software Documentation: QA-3D1AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-3D1A*-** TeMIP Event Logging This includes only the Event Logging function and presentation mod- ule. Software License: QL-3D2A*-AA Software Media: QA-3D2AA-H8 Software Documentation: QA-3D2AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-3D2A*-** TeMIP Trouble Ticketing This includes only the Trouble Ticketing function and presentation mod- ule. Software License: QL-3D4A*-AA Software Media: QA-3D4AA-H8 Software Documentation: QA-3D4AA-GZ 25 Software Product Services: QT-3D4A*-** 26 The QA-*****-H8 part numbers include the QA-*****-GZ documentation kits, but you can order an extra copy of the documentation using the QA-*****- GZ number, if required. Note: * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on avail- able services, or hardware platform tiers, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about DIGITAL's licensing terms and policies, contact your local DIGITAL office. This product uses the FLEXlm Software License Key system. The licensed software can be used up to the limit specified in the li- cense file. The scheme used is trust based, which means that it does not use any machine-specific values or count of users to rigidly en- force license compliance. A FLEXlm key must be obtained using the request form provided with the Cover Letter, temip-license-form.txt. For use with any prior version of TeMIP, the LMF checksum is located on the Software PAK received as deliverable upon order of the Software License. This checksum is only valid for LMF, that is, for versions prior to Version 3.2 of TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL office. 27 SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by DIGITAL with a 90 day conformance war- ranty in accordance with the DIGITAL warranty terms and applicable to the license purchase. The above information is valid at the time of release. Please contact your local DIGITAL office for the most up-to-date information. [R] Motif and OSF/Motif are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. ORACLE is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. SYBASE is a registered trademark of Sybase, Inc. FLEXlm is a registered trademark of GLOBEtrotter Software, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, DEC, DECnet, AlphaStation, AlphaServer, DECwindows, DIGITAL, RZ and TeMIP are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. (c)1998 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 28