Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DEC SoftPC for OpenVMS, Version 4.0 SPD 32.18.02 DESCRIPTION DEC SoftPC for OpenVMS provides the user the with ability to operate DOS-based software. The SoftPC[R] product emulates an IBM[R] PC/AT[R] system (both real and protected mode) using standard hardware and soft- ware. A DOS application functions in the SoftPC environment as it func- tions on an IBM PC/AT providing it does not require special hardware or copy protected diskette. DEC SoftPC supports MOTIF, as well as the VT220. As such, it can be executed on an OpenVMS system and can be displayed on a VT220 or a lo- cal or remote MOTIF display station using LK201 or LK401 keyboards. The performance of the SoftPC facility is dependent upon a number of factors as well as the speed of the processor upon which it executes. A VAXstation 4000/90 will deliver compute performance in the 386 range. Graphics performance will be slower. Applications used with SoftPC (except those DOS utilities included with the SoftPC software) are not Digital licensed, warranted or supported products. The user must comply with the terms and conditions of each application software license agreement in effect between the user and application supplier. Communications applications may not operate in a like manner to a real PC due to differences in signalling on the host processor and the PC processor and the way in which the host processor handles interrupts. Many communications programs do work correctly and it is recommended these programs be tried before purchasing SoftPC. Emulated Environment DIGITAL June 1993 AE-PC3AC-TE CPU 80286 (real and protected mode) plus 80287 Nu- meric Co-processor ROM BIOS AT BIOS Operating System DOS Version 5.0 Diskette 3.5 inch 2.88mb, 1.44mb and 720kb read/write, 5.25 inch high density read/write. 5.25 inch low density read only Copy protection only supported with SLAVEPC**. The ability to attach and use a real PC floppy as your own. ** SlavePC support provided for the following PCs: IBM PC, IBM PC/AT, PS/2[R] model 30, COMPAQ[R], Vectra[R], DEC- station 216 and 316, plus any that are 100% compatible with the above. Floppy drives A and B are supported Hard disk C and D drives. Up to 300 MB each. File Sharing E through Z can be mapped to a native directory - either local or remote. Communications COM1, COM2, COM3 and COM4 map to the system port serial ports Printer LPT1, LPT2 and LPT3 map to serial ports or spooled device Extended Memory Up to 16MB Expanded Memory LIM 4.0 up to 32MB CD-ROM supported as a file sharing device or with MSCDEX.EXE Video CGA, Hercules[R], EGA, VGA and SVGA - or MDA on VT220 Keyboard AT enhanced Mouse Microsoft[R] bus mouse emulated Clock CMOS clock 2 CMOS RAM Emulated as a file Not supported Special hardware options requiring a PC bus, PCSA container files Functional Features Operational Control o Disk Drives - Allows the user to set up disk, CD and floppies o COM/LPT Ports - Allows the user to tailor the COM and LPT ports to the host environment o Keyboard - Allows user to define what keyboard map file to use o Display - Allows user to select between display types o Memory - Allows user to configure Extended and expanded memory o Auto Flush - Allows user to automatically flush the I/O after a pre- scribed interval o Auto Freeze - If enabled, will stop the SoftPC window from using CPU cycles immediately a different window is selected. o Sound - Enables workstation to beep if PC application generates sound o FPU Emulation - Determines whether or not to use the Workstation's floating point unit - or to emulate the PC 287 in software o Flush Ports - forces a port flush on designated port o Activate/Deactivate - Allows temporary activation or deactivation of a device - such as the floppy - for other use. o Attach/detach mouse - Attaches/detaches PC mouse to X mouse o Freeze/Unfreeze - If enabled, will stop the SoftPC window from us- ing CPU cycles immediately a different window is selected. o Restart - Reboots SoftPC Edit Functions 3 Text may be cut and pasted from the SoftPC window into the same, or a different window by using the mouse to select areas. Multiple Sessions A user may operate multiple sessions of SoftPC on a workstation screen without requiring additional license units. All other use requires one license per session. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Peripherals and/or processors as specified in the System Support Ad- dendum (SSA 32.18.02-x). SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS* For Systems Using Terminals: (No MOTIF Interface) OpenVMS Operating System 5.5 or later For Workstations Running MOTIF OpenVMS Operating System version 5.5 or later (and necessary compo- nents of OpenVMS MOTIF version 1.1 or later) * Refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 32.18.02-x) for avail- ability and required versions of prerequisite/optional software and for information regarding components of OpenVMS MOTIF. ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses: QL-YNWAA-3B 1 user concurrent license Software Media: QA-YNWAA-H* (M or 5) Software Documentation: QA-YNWAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-YNWA*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING 4 This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, con- tact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. This layered product offers a Concurrent Use license. Each Concurrent Use license allows any one individual to use the layered products. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, con- tact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available. For more information on these or other services, please contact your local Digital office. 5 SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. Warranty Limitations Digital does not guarantee that every single PC application will run although it has been tested with several hundred. [R] IBM is a registered trademarks of International Business Ma- chines Incorporated. [R] Hercules is a registered trademark of Hercules Computer Tech- nology. [R] COMPAQ is a registered trademark of COMPAQ Computer Corpora- tion. [R] Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM] PC/AT is a trademark of International Business Machines Incor- porated. [R] Vectra is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. [R] SoftPC is a registered trademark of Insignia Solutions Inc. [TM] The DIGITAL Logo, MOTIF, DECstation, DEC, DEC SoftPC, Open- VMS, VAXstation and VT are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 6