Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: PATHWORKS V1.3 for OpenVMS (Macintosh) SPD 35.09.03 1 DESCRIPTION PATHWORKS[TM] V1.3 for OpenVMS[TM] (Macintosh[R]) is a member of the PATHWORKS family of software products that provides Macintosh network- ing and network operating systems (NOS) integration in local and wide area networks. PATHWORKS integrates the broadest set of PCs, Macin- tosh's servers, NOSs, network transports, and protocols and provides the foundation for client-server applications and corporate informa- tion exchanges. PATHWORKS provides a framework for integrating personal computers into an organization's total information system so that different types of users can share information, large system resources, and network ser- vices across the entire organization. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) allows VAX[TM] and Alpha computers running the OpenVMS operating system to offer file, print, and mail to Macintosh clients. By using a VAX or Alpha server system, Macin- tosh users can share applications, data, printers, and resources, ac- cess information from remote systems on the network, and apply that information in Macintosh applications. This product is described in the Software Product Description. PATHWORKS for Macintosh - Macintosh software that allows Macintosh clients to access file, print, and mail on OpenVMS, or file and print services on RISC/ULTRIX[TM] systems. This software also includes applications for terminal emulation, X display services, TCP/IP utilities, client front end management, DECnet[TM], and mail. This product is used in conjunction with PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) and is required for Macintosh client access to these OpenVMS-based services (SPD 31.53.xx). This product is used in conjunction with DEC OSF/1[R] Alpha or Pacer[R] for ULTRIX and is required for Macintosh client access to RISC/UNIX[R] /ULTRIX-based services. 2 Features PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) provides the following features and capabilities: o DECshare File Services o DECshare Print Services o Network-based server management o Mail for Macintosh server o AppleTalk[R] for OpenVMS DIGITAL January 1995 AE-PJBDD-TE o AppleTalk-to-DECnet transport gateway Server Software PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) provides the Macintosh user with the following features of the server software: o DECshare File Services - The Macintosh user is provided with ac- cess to remote OpenVMS file systems as a transparent extension of the client's local disk facilities. Macintosh files are stored on the VAX and Alpha systems and accessed as if they were stored on the user's local disk. DECshare file services are based on the Ap- pleTalk for OpenVMS (V3.2) network transport and are compliant with the Apple[R] Filing Protocol (AFP), Version 2.1. DECshare file services assign the Macintosh type and creator at- tributes to files that were not created on a Macintosh. The cre- ator and type determine the icon that is displayed on the Macin- tosh desktop. When a Macintosh user selects a file that was not cre- ated using the Macintosh, DECshare assigns a type and creator based on the file's extension through a lookup table. This table may be modified to tailor the server to site-specific needs. Each Macintosh file stored on the file server is stored as an Open- VMS file in RMS Sequential file format. These Macintosh files are accessible to OpenVMS users and applications that can interpret the content and organization of a file written by a Macintosh appli- cation. The file server can read all RMS file types that can be read se- quentially, allowing Macintosh applications to read files written by an OpenVMS application. Each read issued by the Macintosh ap- plication results in the presentation to the application of the next n bytes contained sequentially in the file. AFP byte-range locking is supported for Macintosh applications ac- cessing files provided through the file service. System administrators can create file services that appear in any one of the local AppleTalk zones which provides flexibility in your environment. System administrators can also limit the number of con- nections to a file server volume and set a timeout value for in- active connections to a file server. The file server can detect unau- thorized intrusions using the OpenVMS Intrusion database. o DECshare Print Services - Remote printers appear to the Macintosh user as a transparent extension of the client's local facilities. Macintosh users can access OpenVMS print queues to print to both Apple LaserWriter[R] and Digital PostScript[R] printers. The Ap- ple LaserWriter can be accessable to VMS users via a LocalTalk[R]- to-Ethernet router, a direct Ethernet connection (for those Laser- Writer printers that support this), a terminal server (LAT) port, or directly connected to a serial port on the server system. 2 The system administrator assigns a service name to the print queue. The Macintosh users select the printer from the Chooser as they do local printers. Then the printer I/O is directed to the defined and selected DECshare print service. DECshare print services include support for the DECshare Receiver, which handles print requests from the Macintosh. The Receiver stores the PostScript data it receives from the Macintosh in a temporary OpenVMS file before sending the data to the OpenVMS print queuing system. System administrators can choose to disable the Receiver so thatMacintosh users cannot print to a specific LaserWriter. Sys- tem administrators can also hide a LaserWriter from the Chooser, so that users who want to print to a specific printer are required to print through the DECshare print service. DECshare print services also support the DECshare print symbiont, which transfers data from VAX and Alpha systems to an Apple Laser- Writer printer. The DECshare symbiont also converts an ASCII file submitted by an OpenVMS user to PostScript data before transfer- ring the data to the printer. The symbiont does not support full ANSI conversion. DECshare uses the DECprint Printing Services to transfer data to a Digital PostScript printer. The MSA$MANAGER utility is used to create print services. Print queues for Digital's printers must be previously defined on the OpenVMS system. LaserWriter queues using the DECshare symbiont are created by the MSA$MANAGER utility. o Server Management and Control - When a server offers a file resource for use, the system administrator can associate an Access Control List, which specifies privileges assigned to users. While the software may be running on more than one node of a VM- Scluster[TM], each Macintosh Volume served can only be served from a single file server in the cluster. As a result, there is no clus- ter fail-over of a served volume. An administrator's utility (MSA$MANAGER) is provided to allow the system administrator to add and remove services, and show resources. The system administrator can also manage a remote server using the SET REMOTE command. A second administrator's utility (ATK$MANAGER) is provided to al- low the system administrator to set up and maintain AppleTalk for OpenVMS and the AppleTalk/DECnet transport gateway. o PATHWORKS Mail SERVER- The mail server included in PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) provides Macintosh and PC clients with the abil- ity to send and receive electronic mail messages. A mail account must be established on the OpenVMS server for each client, unless an account already exists. Mail can be sent to this account by other Macintosh clients as well as users of any mail system that can com- municate with OpenVMS mail software.The mail server then routes mes- sages to the appropriate client when the client logs in to the server. 3 The PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) mail server provides the Mac- intosh user with folders, distribution lists, and delivery capa- bilities. Notification of new messages occurs when the Macintosh user logs in to a network session and the PATHWORKS Listener is run- ning on the client. Network Connectivity AppleTalk for OpenVMS Version 3.2 is an implementation of Apple's Ap- pleTalk Networking protocols and interface libraries for OpenVMS sys- tems. AppleTalk for OpenVMS allows an OpenVMS system to communicate with an AppleTalk network. The DECshare file and print services use this network transport. The AppleTalk for OpenVMS protocol stack in- cludes support for the following protocols: ADSP, AELAP, AARP, AEP, NBP, ZIP, RTMP (full set), ATP, ASP (server only), PAP (client and server). The ASP client and the AFP protocols are not implemented in the Ap- pleTalk for OpenVMS protocol stack. AppleTalk for OpenVMS, Version 3.2 supports AppleTalk Phase 2 proto- cols. Only Macintosh computers connected to Phase 2 networks can ac- cess services using AppleTalk for OpenVMS. AppleTalk for OpenVMS also allows routing, or tunneling, through DEC- net. When tunneling, AppleTalk packets are encapsulated in DECnet pack- ets so that the AppleTalk network can be extended, and Macintosh users can access remote AppleTalk networks and servers as if they were lo- cal. The router provides AppleTalk Internet routing, zone management, rout- ing table maintenance, and name-binding broadcast request handling. When routing, or tunneling, datalink speeds below 56 kilobits/second are not recommended and speeds below 19.2 kilobits/second are not sup- ported. The datalink speed must be capable of handling DECnet and Ap- pleTalk traffic (including all protocol overhead) without congestion. That is, there must be sufficient bandwidth to maintain reliable com- munications. AppleTalk/DECnet Gateway, which is OpenVMS software, connects a Mac- intosh with a DECnet service on any DECnet node. As a result, Macin- tosh users who have only AppleTalk connectivity but no DECnet resi- dent software can participate in task-to-task applications. Macintosh applications that are written to take advantage of the AppleTalk/DECnet gateway can participate in AppleTalk/DECnet task-to-task communica- tions. The gateway provides bi-directional conversion between AppleTalk ADSP and DECnet NSP protocols. The gateway supports up to 1000 con- nections from client applications- provided that sufficient system CPU and memory resources are available. Significant system tuning will be necessary if the number of sessions is raised appreciably from the de- fault of 32. Restrictions and Limitations 4 Because PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) uses AppleTalk Phase 2 pro- tocols, services provided by PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) servers will only be accessible to Macintoshes that are connected to Phase 2 networks. Phase 1 networks can co-exist with Phase 2, provided that Phase 1 to Phase 2 transition router is suitably placed somewhere in the network. Use of Phase 1 protocols anywhere in the network is not recommended due to the increased network load. While AFP byte range locking is supported among Macintosh clients, only file locking is supported with other types of clients (DOS and OS/2)[R]. For a serially connected LaserWriter, the following characters in font families are not available: Ctrl-C, Ctrl-D, Ctrl-Q, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-T. These characters are used by the PostScript interpreter for handshak- ing purposes. Attempts to print these characters result in a space char- acter. This restriction does not apply to AppleTalk printers directly connected on Ethernet or LocalTalk. The PATHWORKS Mail server restricts folder names to 39 characters. If a user creates a folder with more than 39 characters in the name, the name is truncated after the 39th character. The DECshare implementation of AFP V2.1 does not support Blank Access Privileges or the AFP Cat Search functions. 3 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS For Systems Using Terminals (No DECwindows[TM] Interface): o OpenVMS VAX Operating System V5.5-2 - V6.1 or greater o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System 6.1 or greater For Workstations Running DECwindows: o OpenVMS VAX Operating System V5.5-2 - V6.1 or greater o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System 6.1 or greater o DECWindows/Motif[R] V1.1 or greater OpenVMS Tailoring For OpenVMS V5.x systems, the following OpenVMS classes are required for full functionality: o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Network Support o System Programming o Secure User's Environment For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx). 5 For printers listed in the Optional Digital Hardware section of this SPD, appropriate supporting software (such as DECprint[R] Printing Ser- vices V4.1, SPD 32.41.xx) is required. AppleTalk tunneling and the AppleTalk/DECnet gateway require DECnet or DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS VAX V5.5. For DECnet/OSI support, the Open- VMS node must have a Phase IV compatible name in the back translation table. 4 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) has been tested on a number of sup- ported configurations. If a customer problem with PATHWORKS for Open- VMS (Macintosh) is reproduced by the customer on one of these supported configurations, Digital will work the problem to resolution on these supported configurations. If the customer problem cannot be reproduced by the customer on one of these supported configurations, it is the responsibility of the customer to resolve the issue. PATHWORKS supports all VAX and Alpha systems, components, and periph- erals that are supported by the versions of OpenVMS that are listed as supported in the OpenVMS SPD's for VAX and Alpha. Processors Not Supported o MicroVAX[TM] I, MicroVAX II, MicroVAX 2000 o VAXstationMicroVAX[TM] I, VAXstation II, VAXstation 2000, VAXsta- tion 8000 o VAX-11/725, VAX-11/730, VAX 11/782 Other Hardware Requirements The VAX or Alpha system must be connected to the same AppleTalk In- ternet or DECnet network as the Macintosh client. A minimum of 1 MB of available free list memory is required to install and run the server process. Depending on client print and file ser- vice workload, up to 1 MB of additional memory should be allocated for every 5 Macintosh clients. Ten percent of total memory should be left in free list. In the above case, virtual memory (pagefile space) re- quired is 4 megabytes per 5 Macintosh clients. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) supports all valid Digital VAX or Alpha Ethernet or FDDI controllers. Refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operat- ing System (SPD 25.01.xx) for more information about these controllers. LocalTalk connections are not supported by the VAX or Alpha hardware and Token Ring connections are not supported by PATHWORKS for Open- VMS (Macintosh). The use of some external routers to connect LocalTalk or TokenTalk Macintosh networks to Ethernet is supported. Refer to PATH- WORKS for Macintosh (SPD 31.56.xx) for more information. 6 Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1): eightpointss Disk space required for 20,800 blocks (10,400 Kbytes) VAX installation Disk space required for 24,600 blocks (12,300 Kbytes) Alpha installation Disk space required for 18,300 blocks (9,150 Kbytes) VAX use (permanent) Disk space required for 22,100 blocks (11,050 Kbytes) Alpha use (permanent) These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. These counts include the OpenVMS server software only. 5 Optional Apple Hardware The following hardware options may be added to the configurations (sub- ject to the limitations of the system chosen) described in the HARD- WARE REQUIREMENTS sections. PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) supports the following Apple Com- puter PostScript laser printers: o LaserWriter Plus o LaserWriter II NT o LaserWriter II NTX o LaserWriter IIf o LaserWriter IIg o LaserWriter Pro 600 and 630 o LaserWriter Select 360 6 Optional Digital Hardware PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) supports the following PostScript Digital printers: o PrintServer[TM] 40 Plus o PrintServer 40 o PrintServer 32 o PrintServer 20 Turbo o PrintServer 20 o ColorMate PS o LN03R ScriptPrinter[TM] o DEClaser[TM] 1150 7 o DEClaser 1152 o DEClaser 2150 o DEClaser 2250 o DEClaser 3250 o DECcolorwriter 1000 o DEClaser 3500 o DEClaser 3500 7 CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT While the software may be running on more than one node of a VMSclus- ter, each Macintosh Volume served can be served only from a single file server on a single system in the cluster. As a result, there is no sup- port for cluster fail-over of a served volume. 8 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. 9 DISTRIBUTION MEDIA TK50 Tape Cartridge, CD-ROM, or MAG Tape 10 SOFTWARE LICENSING PATHWORKS V1.3 for OpenVMS (Macintosh) Client based Licensing (CCS & FPA) This product may be licensed for operation and access on any number of supported platforms when appropriate client-based licenses are pur- chased for clients using the services of this product. The PATHWORKS for Macintosh license gives the user the right to use the client software on a single Macintosh CPU and to use the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh) server software on one or more VAX or Alpha systems, or the Pacer for ULTRIX server software on one or more RISC /ULTRIX systems, or DEC OSF/1 for Alpha. See the attached PATHWORKS license terms and conditions for Combina- tion Client Server ("CCS". in section 1) and File and Print Access ("FPA", in section 2) licenses for a description of the specific rights granted. See below for ordering information. A license must be obtained in advance for each Macintosh system on which the PATHWORKS for Macintosh client software is installed or from which the PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Macintosh), Pacer for ULTRIX, or DEC OSF /1 Alpha services are accessed. 8 11 ORDERING INFORMATION Use of the PATHWORKS V1.3 for OpenVMS (Macintosh) software may be li- censed on a per-client basis, using the licenses described below. o PATHWORKS V1.3 for Macintosh CCS (One required per Macintosh client.) QM-YPH9A-AA (multiple licenses per PAK[1]) QM-YPH9A-A1 (single license per PAK) For existing users, the following upgrade licenses are available: o QM-YPH9B-AA (multiple licenses per PAK) o QM-YPH9B-A1 (single license per PAK) o PATHWORKS V1.3 for Macintosh FPA (One required per Macintosh client.) QM-OEAAA-AA (multiple licenses per PAK) QM-OEAAA-A1 (single license per PAK) Media and Documentation Media and Documentation: QA-YPCAA-H* (Minimum of one required.) Programmer's Documentation: QA-YPCAC-GZ (Optional.) Documentation Server Administration documentation includes the Introduction to the AppleTalk Network System, Server Installation Guide, Server Adminis- trator's Guide, and Server Administrator's Reference Manual. Programmers' documentation includes the Programmer's Guide, Program- mer's Reference, DECnet for Macintosh Programmer's Reference, Program- mer's ReadMe. Note: The availability of these software product options and services may vary by country. Customers should contact their local Digital of- fice for information on availability. 12 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. ____________________ PAK stands for "Product Authorization Key" 9 eightpointss [R] OSF/1 and Motif are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [R] Microsoft, MS-DOS, and NT are registered trademarks of Mi- crosoft Corporation. [R] OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Ma- chines Corporation. [R] Pacer is a registered trademark of Pacer, Inc. [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc. [R] Apple, AppleTalk, LaserWriter, LocalTalk, Macintosh and To- kenTalk are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark licensed exclusively by X/Open Company, Ltd. [TM]The DIGITAL logo, DEC, DECnet, DECprint, DEClaser, DECwindows, Digital, LN03 ScriptPrinter, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, PrintServer, TK, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXstation, and VMS, are trade- marks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 10 ©1995 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. DIGITAL LICENSE AGREEMENTS for PATHWORKS Programs STOP! IMPORTANT - CAREFULLY READ THE DIGITAL LICENSE AGREEMENT BEFORE PRO- CEEDING. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ITS TERMS, PLEASE RETURN THE LICENSE AGREEMENT AND ALL ACCOMPANYING MATERIALS WITHOUT FURTHER OPENING OR USING THEM. RETURN THEM TO THE SUPPLIER FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THEM FOR A FULL REFUND. FURTHER OPENING OR USE OF THE MATERIALS INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. A Product Authorization Key constitutes proof of license, and is re- quired to permit use of the Software in accordance with these terms. 11 LICENSE TERMS PATHWORKS_CCS_Licenses: A. License: PATHWORKS V5.1 for DOS and Windows[TM] (LAN Manager) CCS When you purchase the above license you may use the following programs ("Software") under the terms in Section 1 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Client Programs: PATHWORKS V5.1 for DOS and Windows PATHWORKS X.25 (DOS), any version PATHWORKS ISDN[R] (DOS), any version PATHWORKS for DOS (NetWare[R] Coexistence), any version PATHWORKS Remote for DOS and Windows, any version Server Programs: PATHWORKS V5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS for ULTRIX, V1.3 PATHWORKS V5.0 for DEC OSF/1[R] AXP PATHWORKS for SCO[TM] UNIX[R], V1.1 B. License: PATHWORKS V4.1 for Windows NT[TM] (LAN Manager) CCS When you purchase the above license you may use the following programs ("Software") under the terms in Section 1 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Client Program: PATHWORKS V4.1 for Windows NT Server Programs: PATHWORKS V5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS for ULTRIX, V1.3 PATHWORKS V5.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP PATHWORKS for SCO UNIX, V1.1 12 C. License: PATHWORKS V5.0 for OS/2[R] (LAN Manager) CCS When you purchase the above license you may use the following programs ("Software") under the terms in Section 1 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Client Program: PATHWORKS V5.0 for OS/2 Server Programs: PATHWORKS V5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS for ULTRIX, V1.3 PATHWORKS V5.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP PATHWORKS for SCO UNIX, V1.1 D. License: PATHWORKS V5.1 for DOS and Windows (NetWare) CCS When you purchase the above license you may use the following programs ("Software") under the terms in Section 1 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Client Programs: PATHWORKS V5.1 for DOS and Windows PATHWORKS X.25 (DOS), any version PATHWORKS ISDN (DOS), any version PATHWORKS for DOS (NetWare Coexistence), any version PATHWORKS Remote for DOS and Windows, any version Server Programs: PATHWORKS V1.0 for OpenVMS (NetWare) PATHWORKS V5.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP (NetWare) 13 E. License: PATHWORKS V1.3 for Macintosh[R] CCS When you purchase the above license you may use the following programs ("Software") under the terms in Section 1 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Client Program: PATHWORKS V1.3 for Macintosh Server Programs: PATHWORKS V1.3 for OpenVMS (Macintosh) PACER for DEC OSF/1 AXP V2.6 PACER for ULTRIX V2.5 Section 1 Terms For purposes of these terms a client computer ("Licensed Client") is a computer that has been assigned one of these licenses by the PATHWORKS license server. The number of Licensed Clients may not exceed the Quantity specified in the associated Product Authoriza- tion Key. You may copy and use the client Software identified above only on a Licensed Client. You may copy, access, and use the server Software iden- tified above on any number of server systems, provided that this ac- cess is only by Licensed Clients. 14 PATHWORKS_FPA_Licenses: A. License: PATHWORKS V5.0 (LAN Manager) FPA When you purchase the above license you may use the following programs ("Software") under the terms in Section 2 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Server Programs: PATHWORKS V5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS for ULTRIX, V1.3 PATHWORKS V5.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP PATHWORKS for SCO UNIX, V1.1 B. License: PATHWORKS V5.0 (NetWare) FPA When you purchase the above license, or if you have a PATHWORKS V1.0 (NetWare) FPA license, you may use the following programs ("Software") under the terms in Section 2 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Server Programs: PATHWORKS V1.0 for OpenVMS (NetWare) PATHWORKS V5.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP (NetWare) C. License: PATHWORKS V1.3 (Macintosh) FPA When you purchase the above license, or if you have a PATHWORKS V1.2 (Macintosh) FPA license, you may use the following programs ("Soft- ware") under the terms in Section 2 and all terms provided in Addi- tional Terms below. Server Programs: PATHWORKS V1.3 for OpenVMS (Macintosh) PACER for DEC OSF/1 AXP V2.6 PACER for ULTRIX V2.5 15 Section 2 Terms For purposes of these terms a client computer ("Licensed Client") is a computer that has been assigned one of these licenses by the PATHWORKS license server. The number of Licensed Clients may not exceed the Quantity specified in the associated Product Authoriza- tion Key. You may copy, access, and use the server Software identified above on any number of server systems, provided that this access is only by Li- censed Clients. 16 PATHWORKS_CNS_Licenses: A. License: PATHWORKS V5.1 for DOS and Windows CNS When you purchase the above license you may use the following programs ("Software") under the terms in Section 3 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Programs: PATHWORKS V5.1 for DOS and Windows PATHWORKS X.25 (DOS), any version PATHWORKS ISDN (DOS), any version PATHWORKS for DOS (NetWare Coexistence), any version PATHWORKS Remote for DOS and Windows, any version B. License: PATHWORKS V4.1 for Windows NT CNS When you purchase the above license you may use the following program ("Software") under the terms in Section 3 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Program: PATHWORKS V4.1 for Windows NT C. License: PATHWORKS V5.0 for OS/2 CNS When you purchase the above license you may use the following program ("Software") under the terms in Section 3 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Program: PATHWORKS V5.0 for OS/2 17 D. License: PATHWORKS V1.3 for Macintosh CNS When you purchase the above license you may use the following program ("Software") under the terms in Section 3 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Program: PATHWORKS V1.3 for Macintosh Section 3 Terms You may copy and use the Software identified above on the number of computers specified in Quantity on the associated Product Au- thorization Key. 18 PATHWORKS_FPS_Licenses: A. License: PATHWORKS V1.0 for OpenVMS (NetWare) FPS When you purchase the above license you may use the following program ("Software") under the terms in Section 4 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Server Program: PATHWORKS V1.0 for OpenVMS (NetWare) B. License: PATHWORKS V5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) FPS When you purchase the above license you may use the following program ("Software") under the terms in Section 4 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Server Program: PATHWORKS V5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) C. License: PATHWORKS V5.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP (LAN Manager) FPS When you purchase the above license you may use the following program ("Software") under the terms in Section 4 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Server Program: PATHWORKS V5.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP (LAN Manager) D. License: PATHWORKS V5.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP (NetWare) FPS When you purchase the above license you may use the following program ("Software") under the terms in Section 4 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Server Program: PATHWORKS V5.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP (NetWare) 19 Section 4 Terms You may copy, access, and use the server Software identified above on a single server system, provided that the number of client com- puters accessing and using the server Software at any one time does not exceed the Quantity specified on the associated Product Autho- rization Key. 20 ADDITIONAL TERMS 1. GRANT Digital Equipment Corporation ("DIGITAL") grants you the right to use the version(s) of the Software specified above or any prior version of the Software. You must register and load the associated Product Authorization Key before you use the Software. Each PAK must be registered and loaded in only one license management data base. You may copy the Software onto a network server for the sole purpose of distributing the Software to the specified quantity of computers. You may make archival or back-up copies of the Software. You may permanently transfer your rights to use the Software, the Soft- ware itself including any updates to the specified version(s) of the Software, the accompanying documentation including the original Prod- uct Authorization Key, and a copy of this License Agreement provided you retain no copies of the Software, documentation, or Product Au- thorization Key, and the recipient agrees to the terms of this License Agreement. 2. COPYRIGHT The Software is owned by DIGITAL and its suppliers and is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Your use of the Soft- ware and associated documentation is subject to the applicable copy- right laws and the express rights and restrictions of this License Agree- ment. 3. RESTRICTIONS You may not rent, lease, or otherwise transfer the Software except as expressly authorized in this License Agreement. You may not remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary no- tices from the Software or the media. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software. However, in some jurisdictions the law permits reverse engineering for interoperability purposes under certain conditions. 21 LIMITED WARRANTY DIGITAL warrants that the Software will perform substantially as de- scribed in the documentation accompanying the Software for a period of ninety (90) days from delivery. Any implied warranties of merchantabil- ity or fitness for a particular purpose are limited to ninety (90) days. EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. DIGITAL's and its suppliers' entire liability and your exclusive remedy for Software which does not conform to DIGITAL's Limited Warranty shall be, at DIGITAL's option, either (1) repair or replacment of the nonconforming Software, or (2) refund of your pur- chase price. This warranty and remedy are subject to your returning the non-conforming Software during the warranty period to DIGITAL in the country in which you obtained the Software. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. THE ABOVE WARRANTIES ARE YOUR EXCLUSIVE WAR- RANTIES AND NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WILL APPLY. DIG- ITAL does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be un- interrupted or error free. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. In some jurisdictions other or additional rights are granted to you by law. ALLOCATION OF LIABILITY DIGITAL'S AND ITS SUPPLIERS' TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ANY CAUSE WHAT- SOEVER SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE PURCHASE PRICE YOU PAID FOR THE PROD- UCT. THIS LIMITATION WILL APPLY REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION NEGLIGENCE. THE FORE- GOING LIMITATION DOES NOT APPLY TO DAMAGES RESULTING FROM PERSONAL IN- JURY CAUSED BY DIGITAL'S NEGLIGENCE. IN NO EVENT WILL DIGITAL OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM LOSS OF DATA OR USE, LOST PROFITS, OR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of inci- dental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS The Software and documentation are provided with "RESTRICTED RIGHTS". Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227- 7013, or FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. Contractor/manufacturer is Digital Equipment Corporation. 22 GENERAL You are responsible for compliance with all applicable export or re- export control laws and regulations if you export the Software. This Agreement is governed by and is to be construed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. If you have any questions concerning this Agreement, please contact your local DIGITAL sales office or write to: DIGITAL EQUIPMENT COR- PORATION, 111 Powdermill Road, Maynard, MA 01754-1418. eightpointss [R] ISDN is a registered trademark of Fujitsu Network Switching of America. [R] Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. [R] NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. [R] OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Ma- chines Corporation. [R] OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. [TM] SCO is a trademark of Santa Cruz Operations, Inc. [TM] Windows and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corpora- tion. [TM] The DIGITAL Logo, DEC, Digital, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, and ULTRIX are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. ©1995 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 23