Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 DESCRIPTION ALL-IN-1 MAIL is an electronic messaging application which implements the international messaging standards set by the CCITT X.400 P2 rec- ommendations. It provides a means of exchanging messages and attached data with other users, and is a consistent user interface across het- erogeneous desktop devices in a client/server implementation. Layered on top of Digital Equipment Corporation's VAX Message Router (SPD 26.33.xx), ALL-IN-1 MAIL interacts with all other MAILbus gate- ways and complementary products. ALL-IN-1 MAIL is a client/server implementation supporting Video Ter- minals, DOS[1] PCs, the Microsoft[R] Windows[TM] Environment, Apple[R] Macintosh[R] PCs, DECwindows VMS workstations, and other X11 display devices. ALL-IN-1 MAIL represents an upgrade path for current users of Digital's VMS Personal Mail Utility (VMSmail) or DECwindows VMSmail. ALL-IN-1 MAIL has no technical dependency whatever on the ALL-IN-1 integrated office product. It may be used entirely independent of that product. DOS and DECwindows clients are also available which connect directly into the ALL-IN-1 integrated office system base and do not require the ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server. For more information, refer to the ALL-IN-1 DESKtop for DOS Software Product Description (SPD 50.20.xx) and ALL-IN-1 Services for DECwindows (SPD 33.22.xx). ____________________ [1] For the purposes of this Software Product Description, IBM[R]'s Personal Computer Disk Operating System, Microsoft Corporation's MS-DOS[R], and COMPAQ[R] Computer Corporation's COMPAQ-DOS are referred to simply as DOS. DIGITAL September 1992 AE-PT1XA-TE ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 Client software performs services for the user. This software usually resides on an intelligent desktop device and takes advantage of the processing power on the desk. The VMS clients (for Video Terminals or DECwindows devices) run on VMS and must reside within the same node or VAXcluster as the server. Clients are connected to the ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server which performs local- and wide-area network delivery services. Transport between ALL-IN-1 MAIL Servers and between ALL-IN-1 MAIL and the other products in the ALL-IN-1 Phase II product family is performed by the VAX Message Router. Optional gateways may also be connected to the VAX Message Router as needed for mail transfer in a multi-vendor environment. A user might alternately use an intelligent workstation in the office, a video terminal at home, and a DOS laptop PC while traveling. Clients are provided for all three situations/and more, all using the same user mailbox and files on the server. ALL-IN-1 MAIL adheres to the National Institute for Science and Tech- nology (NIST) profile of 1984 CCITT X.400 recommendations. It provides a level of messaging service compatible with that of the electronic messaging subsystem of the ALL-IN-1 integrated office system, and adds new service elements defined in X.400 and ALL-IN-1 MAIL. This document describes three of the components of the ALL-IN-1 MAIL product family: the Server, the client for Video Terminals, and the client for DECwindows. For information on other available components, refer to ALL-IN-1 MAIL Product Family Software Product Description (SPD 31.51.xx). Features 2 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 Compatibility with VMSmail Users can migrate easily from VMSmail to ALL-IN-1 MAIL. The interfaces are logical extensions of the VMSmail interface, and commands and services will be familiar. Addresses and distribution lists used in VMSmail can be used in ALL-IN-1 MAIL. From the VMS-resident clients, nickname logicals may be used. Most addresses used in VMSmail distribution lists may be used in ALL-IN-1 MAIL with similar restrictions as found when using such a list from another node. (Refer to product documentation for details.) No file cabinet conversion is required for either of the VMS-based interfaces. A one-time file cabinet conversion is required to make VMSmail messages available from the PC. Messages can be exchanged with VMSmail on the same system or elsewhere in the DECnet network by means of the VAX Message Router VMSmail Gateway. This is included in the ALL-IN-1 MAIL Wide Area Network Server Package or can be purchased as an option. Users can select an editor for use in ALL-IN-1 MAIL. Any editor called or spawned under VMSmail can be called or spawned from ALL-IN-1 MAIL. Compatibility with ALL-IN-1 Messages can be exchanged with the ALL-IN-1 integrated office system by means of the VAX Message Router using the same style of address- ing. The services of ALL-IN-1 MAIL are compatible with services in the electronic messaging subsystem of ALL-IN-1. For example, receipt requests from either product are honored by the other. New features defined in the CCITT X.400 P2 recommendations may be implemented in stages by both products. Distribution lists created in the ALL-IN-1 integrated office system can be used in ALL-IN-1 MAIL. They work with the same restrictions found when sending a list to another ALL-IN-1 office system node. (Refer to product documentation for details.) Addressing strings used in the ALL-IN-1 office system work equally well in ALL-IN-1 MAIL, with the exception 3 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 of addressing strings which invoke ALL-IN-1's foreign protocol hook (those beginning with underscore). X.400 Message Transport Messages can be exchanged with other ALL-IN-1 MAIL domains and ser- vices which meet international X.400 P2 conformance criteria. Confor- mance testing is being done in the United States and Europe. In ALL-IN-1 MAIL, each customer network is referred to as a "domain." Within a customer network, messages are transported by means of DEC- net wherever DECnet is available. Transport to another vendor's X.400 service requires an OSI networking stack and the VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway (MRX). OSI message exchange requires at least one MRX Gateway in each Dig- ital domain (usually one per customer network). Refer to the VAX Mes- sage Router X.400 Gateway Software Product Description (SPD 27.50.xx) for hardware/software requirements. Supporting the Multi-Vendor Environment MAILbus offers a series of off-the-shelf gateways and a gateway de- velopment kit to create other gateways for message exchange with other vendors' proprietary mail systems. Refer to the Software Product Description (SPD) for the appropriate products' hardware/software requirements. Directory Services ALL-IN-1 MAIL uses Digital's Enterprise-wide Directory Service (DDS) as its user address directory. This distributed directory, available as part of the VAX Message Router, links ALL-IN-1 MAIL, the ALL-IN-1 integrated office system, the gateways, and any other agents sharing its directory services. Users can access the DDS directory while addressing a memo or creat- ing an entry in their Personal Address Book (PAB). The PAB is an in- tegral part of ALL-IN-1 MAIL and is located in each user's personal 4 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 mail account, or in the local file store on the intelligent client device. The user references a PAB entry by using its user-assigned nickname. Distribution lists may contain nicknames. The DDS directory is a networking resource available only while the server connection is in place. If messages are created and addressed on the Workstation in the absence of the server connection, the user can still use locally stored nicknames and distribution lists, or type the full address string. Distribution Lists Distribution lists are simple text files stored in the user's mail area. These distribution lists can be shared among a group of users by using the VMS Access Control facilities. Filing Services ALL-IN-1 MAIL provides a filing structure of drawers and folders as well as access to RMS files. Filing services are similar in nature to VMSmail. A DECwindows device with local storage may choose to have one or more drawers on the local device in addition to one or more drawers on the server. VMS-based drawers may be shared among groups of users, with each user's privileges defined by VMS access controls. Message Retrieval Messages can be retrieved based on user specification of certain header fields and filing structures. File Formats As detailed below, a number of different editors can be used with each interface. The editor most appropriate to a DECwindows device will be different from that which is preferred on a video terminal. A variety of file formats come with these editors. ALL-IN-1 MAIL is designed to handle various file formats with features that allow configuration for maximum readability of messages. The system allows for the automated handling of messages in ASCII, DDIF, WPS-PLUS and DX, and for 5 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 invocation of other file formatting or conversion routines that con- form to Digital's Compound Document Architecture (CDA). The client can be set-up to invoke viewers or applications based on the file type of each attachment. Beginning with Version 1.1, ALL-IN-1 MAIL can be set to perform au- tomatic conversions of message components as they are delivered, us- ing optional VMS-resident conversion services such as Digital's CDA Converter Library for VMS (SPD 31.31.xx) or other third-party converters such as KEYpak[R] for VMS (SPD 32.71.xx). This is an additional-cost option. Users can register their file format preferences in the profile. For advice on interchange of specific file formats, especially across gateways, consult your local Digital office. There may be some difficulties exchanging DDIF documents with the ALL-IN-1 integrated office system, Version 2.3. Contact your local Digital office for details. Help Users can get help for ALL-IN-1 MAIL using the Help facility. Help provides basic information on how to perform the function in question without the user having to reference the documentation. Printing ALL-IN-1 MAIL takes advantage of Digital's standard VMS printing fa- cilities provided under VMS. The user can specify the printer desti- nation and options. Messaging Functions Users can create, read, and send messages using the commands provided. Messages can contain information in a variety of file format types including Digital's Document Interchange Format for compound documents (DDIF). 6 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 Messages can be forwarded to another destination. Message attachments may include another message, a document or file, or even a binary file. Answering a message is easy. The system automatically addresses the answer for transfer back to the original sender. The user can reply to the sender, all the original recipients, or to a reply-to list. Messages can be addressed to one or more users at any valid MAILbus destination (e.g., VMSmail, ULTRIX mail, X.400, etc.) worldwide. File formats may possibly be modified by gateways or user agents in order to make the memo readable to the recipient. Not all file formats are supported by all gateways and user agents. Care should be taken in planning the network capabilities to insure maximum readability of memos. Notifications Delivery and Receipt tags can be attached to a message. These tags cause a notification message to be generated and returned to the originator when the message is delivered or received. On-line Notification of New Mail The user can choose to receive on-line notification of the arrival of new messages. Message Redirection The user can request that all incoming messages be automatically redirected to a secondary address. Priority-based Delivery Users can choose priority for message delivery. The grade of deliv- ery (express, first class, second class) can be specified. Other transport services are also available. 7 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 Message Classes The user can set a number of indicators to give the recipient infor- mation about the nature of the message: Importance (high, medium, low), Sensitivity (not restricted, personal, private, company confidential). Expiration dates may be applied to messages to help facilitate auto- matic removal over time. These fields may also be used to locate classes of messages in the file cabinet. System Management Required local system management for the mail system is minimal and usually automated. A system manager or administrator is required to open a standard VMS account; when the user first accesses ALL-IN-1 MAIL, basic account setup functions are performed automatically; most routine functions can be performed by the users. There are no special utilities to run for file cabinet maintenance. One or all user areas on the server can be backed up or restored us- ing standard VMS utilities. Management of the VMS-based file struc- tures available to the user are under the control of the user. The mail management design adheres to the coordinated management sys- tem used by the MAILbus family of products. The ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server provides a management utility which allows configuration changes to be made, and the status of the mail system to be checked. Invoking this utility via the VMS SYSMAN utility allows such operations to be managed centrally. Internationalization ALL-IN-1 MAIL is designed to support multi-lingual operations. It can be deployed in a multi-lingual network and can support multi-lingual operations on a single server system. For more information, refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 27.H8.00-A). 8 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 For clients in other languages, refer to: eightpointss ALL-IN-1 MAIL for VMS SPD 39.59.00 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DEUTSCH SPD 44.02.00 für VMS ALL-IN-1 MAIL/ESPAÑOL SPD 27.H7.00 para VMS ALL-IN-1 MAIL/FRANÇAIS SPD 44.03.00 pour VMS ALL-IN-1 MAIL/ITALIANO SPD 44.04.00 per VMS ALL-IN-1 MAIL/NEDERLANDS SPD 27.H9.00 voor VMS ALL-IN-1 MAIL/SVENSKA SPD 44.05.00 för VMS ALL-IN-1 MAIL Documentation Documentation of the user procedures are included in the individual client kits. The Server media kit includes system management documen- tation, as well as the software and installation instructions for the Server and the DECwindows and Video Terminals clients. Packaging ALL-IN-1 MAIL for Video Terminals, ALL-IN-1 MAIL for VMS DECwindows and ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server for VMS are layered software products which reside on VMS. ALL-IN-1 MAIL for Video Terminals ALL-IN-1 MAIL for Video Terminals looks like VMSmail but communicates directly with the Message Router, and uses a rich protocol which ac- cesses the full range of messaging services. This client is co-located with the ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server. It provides ordinary terminals with the same access to the services of ALL-IN-1 MAIL. Because it shares the same server with the other ALL-IN-1 MAIL clients, it can be used as a work-at-home alternative for users of more capable desktop devices. 9 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 Compatibility with VMSmail Users can migrate from the VMS Personal Mail Utility (VMSmail) to ALL-IN-1 MAIL for Video Terminals. The command-line interface is a logical extension of the VMSmail command interface, and commands and services in ALL-IN-1 MAIL for Video Terminals will feel familiar. Addresses, nickname logicals, and distribution lists used in VMSmail may be used in ALL-IN-1 MAIL for Video Terminals. ALL-IN-1 MAIL for Video Terminals can locate and view messages in the existing VMSmail file cabinet, and copy them into the ALL-IN-1 MAIL file cabinet. Editors The default editor is a simple text editor. The VMS-based user can choose from a number of different Digital ed- itors as well as third-party editors. Any editor which can be called or spawned from VMSmail can be called or spawned from ALL-IN-1 MAIL. ALL-IN-1 MAIL for VMS DECwindows ALL-IN-1 MAIL for VMS DECwindows is a DECwindows implementation of the client software component of ALL-IN-1 MAIL. It adheres to the DECwindows Style Guide and can be used either on a workstation that is a member of the same Local Area VAXcluster as the server software or remotely using an X11 display server device supported by Digital. Access from Other Platforms Since ALL-IN-1 MAIL conforms to the DECwindows standards, users of devices which have X-servers available can access the mail software. In this case, the message composition and storage activities are not handled on the desktop device but on the ALL-IN-1 MAIL platform. The windows display is handled by the desktop device. This feature provides access for additional desktop devices that conform to the DECwindows standards. 10 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 Compatibility with VMSmail and DECwindows VMSmail Users can migrate from the VMS Personal Mail Utility (VMSmail) or DECwindows VMSmail to ALL-IN-1 MAIL for VMS DECwindows. The interface is similar to the DECwindows VMSmail interface; commands and services in ALL-IN-1 MAIL for VMS DECwindows will feel familiar. Addresses, nickname logicals, and distribution lists used in VMSmail may be used in ALL-IN-1 MAIL for VMS DECwindows. ALL-IN-1 MAIL for VMS DECwindows can copy messages from the existing VMSmail file cabinet into the ALL-IN-1 MAIL file cabinet. Editors The default editor is a simple text editor. The DECwindows user can choose from a number of different Digital ed- itors as well as third-party editors. Editors called or spawned from DECwindows VMSmail can be called or spawned from ALL-IN-1 MAIL for VMS DECwindows, including such windows editors as DECwrite. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processor and/or hardware configurations as specified in the System Support Addendum (SSA 27.H8.00-A). SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS For the ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server for VMS to support any or all of the clients, and for ALL-IN-1 MAIL for Video Terminals: o VMS Operating System o DECnet-VAX The ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server delivers messages among all the users of any combination of the available ALL-IN-1 MAIL clients which use this one server. Thus, all users on a single VAXcluster or on a single LAN may exchange messages via a single ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server. 11 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 The VAX Message Router is required to exchange messages with users on other servers or other electronic messaging products. The Message Router may be co-resident with the ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server or may reside on another DECnet node. To communicate with VMSmail users, the VMSmail Gateway is also required. Gateway Since the Message Router is packaged with the VMSmail Gateway, choose ONE of the following packages: o VAX Message Router or o VAX Message Router VMSmail Gateway PATHWORKS for VMS and/or PATHWORKS for Macintosh (VMS components) are required on VMS to support any DOS and/or Macintosh clients using PATHWORKS as the connection between client and server. (For details, refer to the SPDs for relevant client components.) Most configurations will require Message Router, and all sites migrating from or interacting with a VMSmail product will require the VMSmail Gateway. The ALL-IN-1 MAIL Wide Area Network Server Package combines these underlying software components with the ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server. For the Client ALL-IN-1 MAIL for VMS DECwindows on the Workstation: o VMS Operating System (and necessary components of VMS DECwindows) o DECnet-VAX Refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 27.H8.00-A) for availabil- ity and required versions of prerequisite/optional software and for information regarding components of VMS DECwindows. Country Component Software For information on country-specific modifications to this product, refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 27.H8.00-A). 12 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 ORDERING INFORMATION Operation of this product requires an ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server and at least one ALL-IN-1 MAIL Client. Server Options: Choose one of the following server options: ALL-IN-1 MAIL Local Area Network Server Package: This package is used in implementations where there is no requirement to exchange mail beyond a single server, or where the Message Router is already owned: Software License and Media (TK50 only): QB-YFTA9-AA Software Product Services: QT-YCZA*-** This package includes license, media and documentation for ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server implemented on any single CPU. Choose this kit to implement ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server on a node, VAXclus- ter, or Local Area Network where the Message Router is already licensed, or where it is not necessary to connect to any other node, or any other messaging product. ALL-IN-1 MAIL Wide Area Network Server Package: This package is used in multi-server configurations, or where there is a requirement to work with another messaging product: Software Licenses: QL-YFUA9-J* Software Product Services: QT-YCZA*-** This package includes licenses for ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server, Message Router, VMSmail Gateway, and Message Router X.400 Gateway. Media and documentation update service for these components must be purchased separately depending upon which components will be implemented: Refer to service 13 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 offerings for ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server for VMS, plus one of the two gate- way packages: Message Router VMSmail Gateway (SPD 26.33.xx) or Mes- sage Router X.400 Gateway (SPD 27.50.xx). Service on either gateway covers service for the Message Router itself. Software Media: QA-YFUAA-** This package includes media and documentation for ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server, Message Router, and VMSmail Gateway. Media and documentation for the Message Router X.400 Gateway must be purchased separately. ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server for VMS: Software Licenses: QL-YCZ99-** Software Media: QA-YCZA*-** Software Documentation: QA-YCZAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-YCZA*-** The media kit includes media and documentation for the server, and media only (no documentation or license) for the DECwindows and Video Terminals clients. Refer to Client Options for licensing information for these clients. Choose this package to order licenses and media kits separately, or to add licenses for more than one CPU in a VAXcluster. Client Options: ALL-IN-1 MAIL for VMS DECwindows: Software Licenses: QL-VZ7D*-** Software Media: Included with the server media Software Documentation: QA-VZ7DA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-VZ7D*-** ALL-IN-1 MAIL for Video Terminals: Software Licenses: QL-YHSA9-** Software Media: Included with the server media Software Documentation: QA-YHSAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-YHSA*-* 14 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available licenses, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support The VMS layered products support the VMS License Management Facility. License units for the ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server are allocated on an Unlim- ited System Use plus Personal Use basis. License units for the ALL-IN-1 MAIL Clients are allocated on an Un- limited System Use plus Personal Use basis. This layered product offers a Personal Use license. Each Personal Use license allows one identified individual to use the layered product. The ALL-IN-1 MAIL Wide Area Network Server Package licenses its com- ponent products on a cluster-wide power rating basis. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the VMS Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the VMS Operating System documentation set. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. 15 ALL-IN-1 MAIL/DANSK for VMS, Version 1.1 SPD 27.H8.00 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the purchase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. [R] Apple, AppleTalk, and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Com- puter, Inc. [R] COMPAQ is a registered trademark of COMPAQ Computer Corpora- tion. [R] IBM and PROFS are registered trademarks of International Busi- ness Machines Corporation. [R] KEYpak is a registered trademark of Keyword Office Technolo- gies, Ltd. [R] MCI and MCI Mail are registered trademarks of MCI Communica- tions Corporation. [R] MS, MS-DOS, and Microsoft are registered trademarks of Mi- crosoft Corporation. [R] TYMNET is a registered trademark of British Telecommunications PLC. [TM]Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. [TM]Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, ALL-IN-1, CDA, CI, DECnet, DECwindows, DECwrite, DX, MicroVAX, MicroVMS, PATHWORKS, TK, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXserver, VAXstation, VMS, and VT are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 16