Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway, Version 2.3 SPD 27.50.06 DESCRIPTION VAX Message Router X.400 (MRX) Gateway is a network server layered soft- ware product that resides on an OpenVMS[TM] VAX[TM] system and pro- vides interconnection between MAILbus[TM] (Digital Equipment Corpo- ration's Message Router-based electronic message transfer service) and a CCITT 1984 X.400 Message Handling System. Together, VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway and VAX Message Router (MR) form a Message Transfer Agent conforming to the CCITT 1984 X.400 Series of Recommendations for Mes- sage Handling Systems, and can act as either a Private Management Do- main (private messaging network) or an Administration Management Do- main (public messaging network). The MRX Gateway allows users of systems connected to MAILbus (for ex- ample, user agents such as DEC MAILworks[TM] or ALL-IN-1[TM] Integrated Office System) to communicate with users of X.400 Message Handling Sys- tems. Users of systems connected through other gateways to MAILbus can also access the MRX Gateway and systems connected through it. The MRX Gateway can be connected to an X.400 Gateway from another system ven- dor, to an X.400 Private Management Domain, or to an X.400 Adminis- tration Management Domain. Applications such as DEC/EDI (Digital's Elec- tronic Data Interchange) software can also use MRX as a connection to public and private networks. The VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway interworks with systems that con- form to the CCITT X.400 1984 recommendations as defined in the pro- files produced by: DIGITAL November 1993 AE-JA36G-TE VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway, Version 2.3 SPD 27.50.06 o Stable Implementation Agreements for Open Systems Interconnection Protocols: Part 7 - 1984 Message Handling Systems, Output from De- cember 1992 OSI Implementors Workshop (NIST - National Institute of Science and Technology). o CEN/CENELEC ENV 41 201 (profile(A/3211) for private domains) o CEN/CENELEC ENV 41 202 (profile(A/311) for administration domains) These profiles are not uniform and where differences exist, the prod- uct follows the NIST profile. Some restrictions on the level of ser- vice obtained between message originator and recipient may apply if all the systems involved in the message transfer do not conform to the X.400 Recommendations. Standards Conformance VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway, Version 2.3, is being submitted for conformance testing by an accredited testing institution. The previous version (V2.2G) of VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway suc- cessfully completed conformance testing according to the European ENV 41202 (A/311 profile and U.K. GOSIP profile). The conformance test- ing was carried out by the United Kingdom National Computing Centre, an accredited Open Systems Test Consortium (OSTC) Eurolab, who pro- duced OSTC test reports, which are valid in all European Community Mem- ber states. This prior version (V2.2G) of VAX Message Router X.400 Gate- way has been registered by NIST as conformant to the U.S. GOSIP Ver- sion 1.0 profile and has been certified, by the Deutsche Bundespost Telekom, as being in compliance with the following standards: o CCITT series X.400 Version 1984 and o ENV 41 202 (ADMD) Version 1987 Please contact your local Digital[TM] office for information on the conformance status, test reports and registration. 2 VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway, Version 2.3 SPD 27.50.06 Message Content Conversion The MRX Gateway provides translation and conversion services between the NIST/NBS protocols and service elements of MAILbus and those spec- ified by the X.400 Recommendations. Message content conversion is also performed by MRX. Digital's WPS-PLUS[TM], DECdx[TM], ASCII (Digital Multi-National Character Set), DDIF (Digital Document Interchange For- mat) and text document formats are converted to IA5, Teletex or ISO 6937 formats when passed from the MAILbus to the X.400 network. IA5, Teletex or ISO 6937 documents received from the X.400 network are passed into MAILbus as ASCII (Digital Multi-National Character Set) text files. With the addition of the DEC ODA (Office Document Architecture) Com- pound Document Architecture (CDA) Gateway for OpenVMS (SPD 32.10.xx), a set of document conversion routines which reconcile Digital's Com- pound Document Architecture and the ISO Office Document Architecture, DDIF documents can be passed into the X.400 network as OdaBodyPart (Tag 12) messages; as defined in the NIST Stable Implementation Agreements for Open Systems Interconnection Protocols, Version 6, 1992. In the reverse direction, ODA documents are converted into DDIF format for onward transmission through MAILbus. The MRX Gateway also supports the transmission and receipt of binary data using the Undefined BodyPart (Tag 14) feature described in the CCITT X.400-Series Implementor's Guide, 1986 and the NIST Stable Im- plementation Agreements for Open Systems Interconnection Protocols, Version 6, 1992. The product documentation describes the capabilities and limitations of binary file transfer using the MRX Gateway. Unconverted transmission and receipt of WPS-PLUS and all Digital RMS file formats directly to and from another domain with which a bilat- eral agreement has been made and which also uses VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway for the connection is possible using the USABodyPart (Tag 310), as described in the NIST Stable Implementation Agreements for Open Systems Interconnection Protocols, Version 6, 1992. Conversion alternatives are chosen on a gateway wide basis during the configuration process for VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway. 3 VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway, Version 2.3 SPD 27.50.06 Content and identity conversion for Digital's MAILbus to X.400 trans- fers are summarized in the following table. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:___________________________________________________________ Digital Message Default Optional Format___________Conversion_____Conversion_________________________ ASCII, IA5 Teletex or ISO 6937 WPS-PLUS, DECdx, and DDIF Text DDIF Text, USABodyPart OdaBodyPart (Tag 12) Graphics and (Tag 310) Image Binary Files USABodyPart Undefined BodyPart (Tag 14) DECbodypart_7____(Tag_310)_________________________________________ Content and identity conversion for X.400 to Digital's MAILbus trans- fers are summarized in the following table. 4 VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway, Version 2.3 SPD 27.50.06 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_2:___________________________________________________________ X.400 Message Default Optional Format___________Conversion_____Conversion_________________________ IA5 ASCII Teletex ASCII ISO 6937 ASCII OdaBodyPart Non-Delivery DDIF (Tag 12) Notice returned to sender Undefined Body- DECbodypart Part (Tag 14) 7 USABodyPart DECbodypart (Tag_310)________7_________________________________________________ The VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway is designed to conform with U.S. GOSIP, Version 1.0 and U.K. GOSIP, Version 3.1. The Directory Service (DDS), part of VAX Message Router, is used for address translation between X.400 Originator/Recipient (O/R) Names and MAILbus addresses when messages are transferred to or from the X.400 network. This directory is also used to authorize originators of out- going messages to the X.400 network. The MRX Gateway may use either an X.25 wide area network link or an IEEE 802.3/ISO 8802-3/Ethernet local area network to communicate with: o Another X.400 Gateway (back-to-back) within the same network o Another vendor's X.400 MTA within the same network o A private domain (from a private or administration domain) o An administration domain (from a private or administration domain) 5 VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway, Version 2.3 SPD 27.50.06 To provide connection to MAILbus, the VAX Message Router software is required by and included with the software license and media kit for VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway. INSTALLATION MRX forms only one part of a distributed multi-vendor electronic mes- saging application. Important activities, such as coordination with other messaging components, modification of OSI network parameters, and the creation or update of subscriber entries in the Directory Ser- vice, must precede the installation of this product. Digital offers a number of services to assist customers with these tasks. Refer to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES section of this SPD for more informa- tion. A customer's first purchase of this product should include Digital In- stallation Services. For subsequent purchases of this product, only experienced customers should attempt installation. Digital recommends that all other customers purchase Digital's Installation Services. These services provide for installation of the software product by an ex- perienced Digital Software Specialist. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processor and/or hardware configurations as specified in the System Support Addendum (SSA 27.50.06-x). SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o OpenVMS VAX Operating System o DECnet[TM]/OSI for OpenVMS o VAX Message Router (included in the software license and media kit for VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway) Refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 27.50.06-x) for availabil- ity and required versions of prerequisite/optional software. 6 VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway, Version 2.3 SPD 27.50.06 ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses: QL-VDMA*-** Software Media: QA-VDMA*-** Software Documentation: QA-VDMA*-GZ Software Product Services: QT-VDMA*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway software license and media kit in- cludes the software media kit for the required VAX Message Router soft- ware. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. A separate product authorization key (PAK) is not provided for the VAX Message Router product. License units for this layered product are allocated on an unlimited system use basis. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS VAX Operat- ing System documentation set. 7 VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway, Version 2.3 SPD 27.50.06 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES MAILbus products are components of larger distributed messaging ap- plications, which may involve multiple vendors' systems in multiple locations. Digital offers a number of consulting services to assist customers in the planning, installation, and management of these mes- saging applications and related directory services, integration of PC- based messaging systems, and the provision of network-wide directory services. A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. Warranty Limitations Achievement of the full level of messaging services specified in the CCITT 1984 X.400 Recommendations is only possible if all systems in- volved in the origination, transfer and delivery of a message conform to those X.400 Recommendations. Absolute fidelity between an original document and the resulting doc- ument as printed or displayed by the receiving system is not guaran- teed. The differences between vendors' approaches to word processing systems, the transformations required for the transfer and printing of a document, and the types of printers used may all affect the re- sulting printed document. [R] IBM and PROFS are registered trademarks of International Busi- ness Machines Corporation. 8 VAX Message Router X.400 Gateway, Version 2.3 SPD 27.50.06 [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, ALL-IN-1, AXP, CDA, CI, DEC, DECdx, DEC MAIL- works, DECnet, DECwindows, Digital, MAILbus, MicroVAX, Open- VMS, RA, RL, TK, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXft, VAXserver, VAXstation, VMS, and WPS-PLUS are trademarks of Digital Equip- ment Corporation. OfficeVision is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. 9