Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, Version 1.1/Dansk SPD 50.29.01 DESCRIPTION TeamRoute is an electronic document initiation, routing, approval, and tracking system. It works between members of an organization distributed across wide-area and/or local-area networks. It is designed to accom- modate the primary attributes of paper-based document processing sys- tems with the added flexibility, security, and efficiency common to electronic processing systems. The design considers the diverse and ever changing needs of an organization's administrative systems. TeamRoute uses the master routing package as the model for gathering, disseminating, processing, and presenting information. It allows an end user to select a template from a library of templates, create a new routing package from that template, specify the routing list, en- ter information into applicable fields, attach any relevant informa- tion, and route the master routing package and any attachments to users or other applications for processing and/or approval/disapproval. TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 supports interaction among a heterogeneous group of clients and among multiple server domains. TeamRoute for OpenVMS[1] supports MS[R]-Windows[TM], and Video Terminal clients. Refer to the Software Product Description (SPD 41.96.xx) for TeamRoute for OpenVMS. Team- Route for ALL-IN-1 supports the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 client. Use of the TeamRoute ALL-IN-1 client requires the ALL-IN-1 Version 2.4 or Ver- sion 3.0 product. TeamRoute functionality on the Microsoft[R] Windows platform is only available as part of the TeamLinks product set. Re- fer to the Software Product Description (SPD 41.17.xx) for TeamLinks Information Manager. ____________________ [1] The terms OpenVMS and VMS refer to the OpenVMS operating system. DIGITAL March 1993 AE-PR7VB-TE TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, Version 1.1/Dansk SPD 50.29.01 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 is accessible as a separate subsystem of the ALL-IN-1 V2.4 product. Routing packages are received, filed, and or- ganized in a separate inbox within the user's File Cabinet. Users choose TeamRoute from the ALL-IN-1 main menu to enter the system. TeamRoute shares nicknames with ALL-IN-1. TeamRoute allows routing of documents within departmental local-area networks, and across wide-area, store-and-forward networks by utiliz- ing Digital's ALL-IN-1 Electronic Mail and MAILbus products. Features API A public Application Programmers Interface (API), which allows users to create linkages with new and existing applications, is documented in the TeamRoute Programming Guide. Templates Master routing packages are produced from modifiable templates. Mod- ifiable templates and routing package ownership allows users to stip- ulate routing policies and receipt actions for a master routing pack- age. Sample Applications TeamRoute provides several sample applications in the form of pre-defined templates. These sample applications demonstrate the capabilities of TeamRoute and can be used by users with or without modifications. These sample applications include: Action Item, Document Review, Read and Acknowledge, Telephone Call Slip, Account Request, Meeting Notice, Ask a Question, and Travel Request. Routing Packages A routing package is the object that is created by the initiator and routed to recipients. It is created by selecting a template and fill- ing out the routing list, adding attachments, and signing it. The rout- ing package at this point becomes the "Master" and is stored in the 2 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, Version 1.1/Dansk SPD 50.29.01 initiator's File Cabinet on the server. Routing copies are sent to re- cipients who can add attachments or modify the routing list of the mas- ter copy. Recipients can save their copies in their own personal File Cabinets. The master gets updated throughout the lifecycle of the rout- ing package. User Roles and Policies During the lifecycle of a routing package all participants play one or more specified roles. For example, a user may be an approver at one step and a carbon copy (cc:) recipient at another step. Roles are as- signed by the routing package initiator or template designer. Roles are defined by a set of rights (what a user can do), requirements (what a user must do), and optionally, the name of an application to invoke. Routing Package Tracking Tracking can be requested for any routing package stored in a user's File Cabinet. When tracking is requested, the Server sends a new car- bon copy of the master in its current state. A routing package's history is used to monitor its progress. The events logged in the routing package history include: when signatures are ap- plied, if the application was run, when copies were sent, and when up- dates were applied. Routing Routing is defined by a routing list. The Server sends routing pack- ages according to the position of the recipients in the routing list. It updates the master when it receives a revised copy from a recip- ient, and then sends a new copy to the next recipient on the list. The routing list is created by the routing package initiator or the template designer. However, the path a routing package takes during its lifecycle may differ from the one specified in the original rout- ing list because someone along the way may modify it. Serial and carbon- copy parallel routing are both available. Attachments 3 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, Version 1.1/Dansk SPD 50.29.01 An attachment is any additional file or document that is routed with the master routing package. When a file or document is attached, the server marks that attachment with the name of the user adding the at- tachment, an attachment ID, the date and time of addition, a user-provided subject label, attachment, data type, and file name. The date and time of addition is the local date and time. Signatures Signatures is a password-protected function that indicates approval, disapproval, or acknowledgment of a routing package. If an attachment is subsequently removed or a key field value altered, the signature becomes invalid. When users sign a routing package, TeamRoute adds their name, the date and time, any added remarks, and the approval action. Recipients view- ing signatures are shown whether the signature remains valid. Help Users can get help for TeamRoute by using the Help facility. Help pro- vides basic information on how to perform the function in question with- out the user having to reference the documentation. Printing TeamRoute takes advantage of the printing facilities provided by the underlying mail system. The user can specify the printer destination and options. Editing TeamRoute allows users to specify their editor of choice supported by ALL-IN-1 Electronic Mail. System Management TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 provides a separate management utility. Invok- ing these utilities allows cluster-wide system management operations to be managed centrally. 4 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, Version 1.1/Dansk SPD 50.29.01 There are no special utilities to run for File Cabinet maintenance. One or all user areas on the Server can be backed up or restored us- ing standard OpenVMS utilities. Internationalization TeamRoute is designed to support multi-lingual operations. It can be deployed in a multi-lingual network and can support multi-lingual op- erations on a single server system. For more information, contact your local Digital office. Documentation Documentation of the installation, system management, programming, and user procedures is included with the individual kits. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processor and/or hardware configurations as specified in the System Support Addendum (SSA 50.29.xx-x). SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS The VAX Message Router (SPD 26.33.xx) is required for exchange of Team- Route routing packages with users on other servers or other electronic messaging products. o OpenVMS Operating System o DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS o ALL-IN-1 Integrated Office System Server for OpenVMS o OpenVMS License Management Facility is required for Personal Use Licensing. LMF V1.1 comes with OpenVMS V5.5. OpenVMS V5.3 and V5.4 users will need to obtain the media kit for LMF V1.1 which is part number QA- XANAA-HM on Magtape, or QA-XANAA-H5 on TK50. There is no additional 5 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, Version 1.1/Dansk SPD 50.29.01 license, over and above the OpenVMS license, required to be pur- chased in order to use LMF V1.1. Refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 50.29.xx-x) for availabil- ity and required versions of prerequisite/optional software and for information regarding ALL-IN-1. ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses: QL-GEZD*-** Software Documentation and Media: QA-GEZDA-H* Software Documentation: QA-GEZDA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-GEZD*-** The media kit includes media and documentation for the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Client and the TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 Server. * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. License units for TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 are allocated on an Unlim- ited System Use plus Personal Use basis. Each Personal Use license allows one identified individual to use the layered product. 6 TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1, Version 1.1/Dansk SPD 50.29.01 For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS VAX Operat- ing System documentation set. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. [R] Microsoft and MS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corpo- ration. [TM]Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM]The DIGITAL logo, ALL-IN-1, CDA, CI, DECnet, Digital, Mi- croVAX, OpenVMS TeamLinks, TeamRoute, TK, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXft, VAXserver, VAXstation, and VMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 7