Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 32.80.06 for ORACLE[R], Version 3.1a DESCRIPTION DEC DB Integrator Gateway for ORACLE (ORACLE Gateway) provides appli- cations and tools with direct, read/write access to ORACLE databases. This access can be via interactive or dynamic SQL interfaces. Client access is supported by drivers for Microsoft[R] Open Database Connec- tivity (ODBC) client applications. Optional support for embedded SQL and SQL module language programming is available. DEC DB Integrator (DBI) extends the functionality of the ORACLE Gate- way by providing a native integration of ORACLE databases with data sources accessed by other DB Integrator gateways. DBI clients may di- rectly access and join views of tables existing on multiple databases. These views may be horizontally or vertically partitioned and be based on tables existing on any database accessible by DB Integrator gate- ways. These DBI views may be pre-defined or dynamically declared. DBI servers maintain a persistent catalog of metadata extracted from ORACLE databases. DBI uses this metadata along with information on net- work and underlying database manager capabilities to optimize cross- database joins. The ORACLE Gateway is available on the Digital UNIX[R] Operating Sys- tem on AXP systems, workstations and servers and on the OpenVMS Op- erating System on Digital AXP and VAX systems, workstations and servers. Features Standard SQL Interfaces DIGITAL July 1995 AE-PCB7G-TE DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 32.80.06 for ORACLE[R], Version 3.1a The ORACLE Gateway provides direct, read/write access to ORACLE databases through standard DEC SQL interfaces. These interfaces include a dy- namic SQL interface, an interactive SQL facility and the SQL/Services server. SQL data manipulation language (DML) is fully supported. SQL data def- inition language (DDL) support is limited to operations required to create and maintain tables and indexes and to grant and revoke access to database objects. The dynamic SQL interface compiles and executes SQL requests passed through its call interface. This programming approach is highly ef- fective in applications such as ad-hoc query access where the exact parameters of requests are not known until runtime. It is compatible with any programming language that supports the operating system's call- ing standards. The dynamic memory handling capabilities of Ada, C and PL/I enable these languages to take full advantage of the power and flexibility of this approach. The interactive SQL facility supports interactive query and update of data and management of table and view metadata in ORACLE databases. All required data format translations are performed automatically as part of handling requests to read and update data in ORACLE databases. Desktop Connectivity The ORACLE Gateway includes ODBC drivers for Microsoft Windows[TM] and Windows NT[TM]. These drivers enable read/write access to ORACLE databases over DECnet, TCP/IP and Novell[R] NetWare[R] (IPX/SPX) transports. Net- work transport alternatives depend on the selected desktop and ORA- CLE Gateway platforms. [1] Distributed Data Access The ORACLE Gateway supports access from remote clients and to remote ORACLE databases. ____________________ [1] ODBC client access via the Novell NetWare (IPX/SPX) transport is sup- ported only by ORACLE Gateways running on OpenVMS VAX platforms 2 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 32.80.06 for ORACLE[R], Version 3.1a Performance The ORACLE Gateway selects access strategies that minimize data trans- fer activity. Wherever possible, selection, filtering, and statisti- cal operations are managed by the ORACLE RDBMS. A log of communica- tions activity and errors may be maintained to assist in problem iso- lation and evaluation. Disk Space Requirements Table 1 lists the disk space required to install and operate the OR- ACLE Gateway software by hardware/operating system platform (Platform). The common requirement represents the space required to store soft- ware objects that are common to DBI and the DB Integrator family of gateways. If one of these products is already installed on the sys- tem or cluster, the permanent disk space requirement will be decreased by this amount. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:__Disk_Space_Requirements_by_Platform______________________ Disk Space Required (512 Byte Blocks) Platform_______Install_____Permanent____Common_____________________ OpenVMS VAX 59,000 59,000 28,000 OpenVMS AXP 69,600 68,500 39,000 Digital_UNIX___109,260_____109,260______73,260_____________________ These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options selected. Additional space must be allowed for programs, logs, temporary database cache files and user interface software. p> 3 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 32.80.06 for ORACLE[R], Version 3.1a SERVER SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS This section lists the software required to install and operate the ORACLE Gateway. Support of DEC ODBC Driver for MS Windows and DEC ODBC Driver for Windows NT client applications may require additional software. With the re- quired software, all ORACLE gateways support access via DECnet and TCP /IP transports. In addition, the ORACLE Gateway on the OpenVMS VAX plat- form may be accessed via the Novell NetWare (IPX/SPX) transport. ORACLE Gateway OpenVMS VAX Server Software Requirements Local ORACLE RDBMS Access: o OpenVMS VAX Operating System V5.5-2 - V6.2 o ORACLE RDBMS V7 configured with the OpenVMS Mailbox Driver. Remote ORACLE RDBMS Access via DECnet[2] o OpenVMS VAX Operating System, V5.5-2 - V6.2 o DECnet-VAX, V5.5-2 - V6.1 o SQL*Net[R] V1.2 or V2[3] o SQL*Net protocol adapter for DECnet Remote ORACLE Access via TCP/IP[2] o OpenVMS VAX Operating System V5.5-2 - V6.1 o DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V2.0 - V3.1 ____________________ [2] Attaches to a remote ORACLE RDBMS require ORACLE SQL*Net[R], com- mon network protocol support, and ORACLE Protocol Adapters on both the system running DEC DB Integrator Gateway for ORACLE and the re- mote system running ORACLE. [3] Requires the libraries necessary to Link an Oracle precompiled ap- plication or OCI application at a client only site 4 DEC DB Integrator Gateway SPD 32.80.06 for ORACLE[R], Version 3.1a o SQL*Net V1.2 or V2[3] o SQL*Net protocol adapter for TCP/IP Network Transport Options The ORACLE Gateway for the OpenVMS VAX paltform will require one or more of the following network software products to support direct ac- cess to local and remote databases by client applications. o DECnet transport - DECnet for OpenVMS VAX, V5.5-2 - V6.1 o TCP/IP transport - DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS VAX, V3.0 - V3.1 o Novell NetWare - SQL/Services and DEC ODBC Driver client applica- tions communicating via Novell NetWare[R] require a Novell IPX/SPX transport - InterConnections Leverage for NetWare File Sharing Ser- vices (FSS), V2.0 ORACLE Gateway OpenVMS AXP Server Software Requirements Local ORACLE RDBMS Access: o OpenVMS AXP Operating System, V6.1 o ORACLE RDBMS, V7, configured with the OpenVMS Mailbox Driver Remote ORACLE RDBMS Access via DECnet[2] o OpenVMS AXP Operating System, V1.5 - V6.1