DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DECosap/H1 Version 3.0 SPD 47.95.02 (Digital's Omni Services for SINEC Au- tomation Protocols/SINEC H1 Services) DESCRIPTION DECosap is a network communication product. It provides a solution to connect Digital applications with shop floor devices based on Siemens[R] SINEC[R] H1 communication protocol. SINEC H1 services are also identified as PG communication services within Siemens literature. Siemens SINEC H1 has been recommended for connecting PLCs and host computers on large configurations. It has been specified on top of the ISO/OSI Transport Layer and it is based on Ethernet to improve effectiveness (through higher performance) and efficiency (through lower costs per connection). DECosap/H1 for fully supports the SINEC H1 communication protocol. Features As SINEC H1 communication protocol is defined on top of the ISO OSI Transport Layer, DECosap relies upon DECnet/OSI to complete the com- munication stack. For more information, refer to the DECnet/OSI Soft- ware Product Description (SPD 41.92.xx). Because of the functional compatibility between Siemens SINEC AP and MMS (Manufacturing Messaging Services), ISO International Standard 9506, Parts 1 and 2, DECosap is integrated with the software architecture of the DEComni API product to supply the Application Programming Interface (API). For more information, refer to the DEComni API Software Product Description (SPD 47.88.xx). July 1996 AE-PZATB-TE DECosap/H1 Version 3.0 SPD 47.95.02 (Digital's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) DECosap also provides Device Access Software (DAS) for connecting Siemens SINEC H1 devices for BASEstar Open Server systems. For further information, refer to the DEComni API Software Product Description (SPD 47.82.xx). Components o DECosap/H1 Services This component adds support for SINEC H1 functionality via the DEComni API. Supported services are listed at the end of this Software Product Description and are divided into the following categories: - Environmental Management - Messages Exchange - Device Management - Variable Access o Configuration and Management Facilities DECosap/H1 uses the DEComni API facility ODSCL. On OpenVMS platforms, the following DEComni API facilities are sup- ported: - ODF (Omni Definition Facility) - OmniView o Support for the Device Access Services of BASEstar Open o Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) The DECosap IVP performs a series of tests to verify proper instal- lation. 2 DECosap/H1 Version 3.0 SPD 47.95.02 (Digital's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) Documentation DECosap includes the following documentation: o A platform-specific Network Manager's and Programmer's Guide pro- vides an overview of SINEC H1 and SINEC AP (see the DECosap/AP Software Product Description-SPD 47.96.02) concepts and terminology. It includes a description of the services that are available through DEComni API and features of DECosap. It also describes the use of the DEComni API utility ODSCL. o A platform-specific Installation Guide that explains how to pre- pare for installation, how to install the product, and what to do after DECosap is installed. INSTALLATION Before attempting to install the software, the customer must have all pre-requisite hardware and software. Digital Equipment Corporation recommends that a customer's first purchase include Digital's Installation Services. Connectivity to all other nodes within the network is the responsi- bility of the customer. SUPPORTED VERSIONS This SPD covers the following versions of the DECosap product: o DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS VAX o DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS Alpha o DECosap/H1 for Digital UNIX 3 DECosap/H1 Version 3.0 SPD 47.95.02 (Digital's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) ORDERING INFORMATION DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS VAX: Software Licenses (unlimited use): QL-5BQ**-** Software Documentation: QA-5BP**-** Software Product Services: QT-5BR**-** DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS Alpha: Software Licenses (unlimited use): QL-2XWA*-** Software Documentation: QA-2XVAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-2XWA*-** DECosap/H1 for Digital UNIX: Software Licenses (unlimited use): QL-0Z7A*-** Software Documentation: QA-0Z7A*-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0Z7A*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available licenses, services, and media refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support: This layered product supports Digital's License Management Facility. Two types of license are available: o "Unlimited system use" license-available for a processor o "Concurrent use" license-available for a device connection. 4 DECosap/H1 Version 3.0 SPD 47.95.02 (Digital's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the purchase of a license for the product as defined in Digital's standard terms and conditions relating to Digital SPDs. Warranty Limitations The SINEC H1 services supported by DECosap/H1 are listed in Appendix A of the System Warranty Addendum of this SPD. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported: o DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS VAX VAX processors supporting OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 and 6.2 o DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS Alpha Alpha processors supporting OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 and 6.2 o DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS Alpha Alpha processors supporting Digital UNIX Version 3.2 DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS Alpha: o 26 Mb (installation) o 10 Mb (permanent use) 5 DECosap/H1 Version 3.0 SPD 47.95.02 (Digital's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) OpenVMS VAX: o ?? Mb (installation) o ?? Mb (permanent use) Digital UNIX: o 26 Mb (installation) o 10 Mb (permanent use) Note: A configuration with at least 16 Mb of memory is recommended. These values refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS VAX: o OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 and 6.2 o DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS VAX Version 6.3 o VMS OSI Transport Service (VOTS) Version 6.3 for OpenVMS VAX o Either: - DEComni API for OpenVMS VAX V3.0, or - BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS VAX V3.0 o VMS DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 o Rdb Version 5.1 (or greater)[1] DECosap/H1 for OpenVMS Alpha: o OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1 and 6.2 o DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.3 ____________________ [1] Only required if you are using DEComni API with the ODF component. 6 DECosap/H1 Version 3.0 SPD 47.95.02 (Digital's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) o VMS OSI Transport Service (VOTS) Version 6.3 for OpenVMS Alpha o Either: - DEComni API for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0, or - BASEstar Open Server for OpenVMS Alpha V3.0 o VMS DECwindows Motif Version 1.2 o Rdb Version 6.0 (or greater)[1] DECosap/H1 for Digital UNIX: o Digital UNIX Version 3.2 o Either: - DEComni API for Digital UNIX V3.0 - BASEstar Open Server for Digital UNIX V3.0 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is available as part of Digital's Consolidated Software distribution on CD-ROM for the supported operating system, and on TK50 media for OpenVMS VAX. 7 DECosap/H1 Version 3.0 SPD 47.95.02 (Digital's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Services) APPENDIX A - SINEC H1 Functionality Cross Reference Tables The tables that follow list the Conformance Building Block (CBB) services and parameters that are supported by DECosap/H1 Version 3.0. They are compared to the services provided within the first version. The level of support depends upon the level of functionality provided by the target Siemens communication processors. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:__Siemens_SINEC_H1_CBB_Services_Cross_Reference_Table______ DECosap/H1 Version _______________________3.0___________________CP535_________________ _________________________________Environment_Management____________ Initiate B B Conclude B B Abort B B Cancel C N ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________VMD_Support__________________ Status C S ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________Variable_Access_Services___________ Read B B Write B B InformationReport B B 8 DECosap/H1 Version 3.0 SPD 47.95.02 (Digital's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Services) ___________________________________________________________________ Table 1 (Cont.): Siemens SINEC H1 CBB Services Cross Reference __________________Table____________________________________________ DECosap/H1 Version _______________________3.0___________________CP535_________________ _______________________________DOMAIN_MANAGEMENT_SERVICES__________ InitiateDownload C S Sequence DownloadSegment C S TerminateDownload C S Sequence InitiateUpload C S Sequence UploadSegment C S TerminateUpload C S Sequence ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________Program_Invocation_Services__________ Start C S Stop C S ___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________Serial_Transfer_Services___________ Send___________________B_____________________B_____________________ Where the following symbols apply: B = Client and Server C = Client only S = Server only 9 DECosap/H1 Version 3.0 SPD 47.95.02 (Digital's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Services) ___________________________________________________________________ Table 2 (Cont.): Siemens SINEC H1 CBB Parameters Cross Reference N = Not supportedable ___________________________________________________________________ Table_2:__Siemens_SINEC_H1_CBB_Parameters_Cross_Reference_Table____ Parameters_____________DECosap/H1_Version_3.0______________________ STR1 TRUE STR2 TRUE NEST 10 VNAM FALSE VADR TRUE VALT FALSE VSCA FALSE TPY FALSE VLIS FALSE REAL FALSE AKEC FALSE CEI____________________FALSE_______________________________________ Supported Siemens Communication Processors (CP) are: o CP535 for Simatic[R] S5 PLC family o CSH1 for Simadyn[R] PLC family © 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, Alpha, AXP, BASEstar, Bookreader, DEC, DE- Comni, DECosap, DECstation, DECsystem, DECnet, Digital, Mi- croVAX, TK, VAX, VAXstation, OpenVMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [R] Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. 10 DECosap/H1 Version 3.0 SPD 47.95.02 (Digital's Omni Services for SINEC Automation Protocols/SINEC H1 Ser- vices) [R] MS-DOS, Microsoft, MS Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 11