Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: POLYCENTER Advanced File System Utilities, SPD 44.52.04 Version 4.0 DESCRIPTION POLYCENTER Advanced File System Utilities is a layered product for Dig- ital UNIX. systems. It consists of several management utilities that extend the capabilities of the POLYCENTER Advanced File System. (The POLYCENTER Advanced File System is bundled with Digital UNIX; refer to SPD 41.61.xx.) The Utilities enable you to: o Spend less time managing file systems o Improve performance o Keep your data online during routine maintenance o Extend the capacity of files and file systems The modern design of the POLYCENTER Advanced File System (AdvFS) Util- ities (and the underlying Advanced File System) provides greater con- figuration flexibility and reduces the amount of time required to man- age file systems. The physical storage layer is managed independently of the directory layer. As storage needs change, file systems can be resized online, by adding or removing disks, without disrupting users. A trashcan feature allows users to reclaim accidentally deleted files, without requiring intervention by the operations staff. The AdvFS Utilities include a Motif.-based graphical user interface (GUI) enabling system administrators to visually manage the file sys- tem. File systems can be managed remotely using TCP/IP and UDP. The DIGITAL March 1996 graphical displays, menus, and online help make it easy to perform Ad- vFS operations such as creating file systems, adding and removing vol- umes, and making clones to assist with online backup. Alerts turn icons red to quickly bring trouble to your attention. The AdvFS GUI is integrated with the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) which it uses for launching and for running online help. The GUI is also integrated with the optional POLYCENTER Performance Solution (PPS). File system metrics are passed from AdvFS to the POLYCENTER Perfor- mance Solution. The POLYCENTER Advanced File System Utilities provide added perfor- mance tuning capabilities. The online defragment command improves file access performance by gathering together file portions that have been stored in separate locations on the storage media. The online capac- ity balance command balances the percentage of free space among the volumes in a multivolume file domain. System administrators can also manually spread the I/O load and freely move files among multiple disks in a single file domain, without affecting the file directory tree, file names, or active applications. POLYCENTER Advanced File System Utilities extends system availabil- ity by providing access to online data during routine maintenance. The cloning feature allows you to create a read-only snapshot of a file- set while the system is online, and then read the clone while users and applications are accessing the data in the original fileset. Sys- tem administrators can also add and remove volumes, defragment files, and balance space usage in file domains, all while the data remains online and in use. The following list summarizes the features of POLYCENTER Advanced File System Utilities: o Motif-based graphical user interface (GUI) for increased ease of use and efficiency in managing file systems o Online addition and removal of disks to expand or contract the file system o Multi-disk support and disk spanning for large file systems 2 o Defragment command to maintain optimal performance o Capacity balance command to equalize storage space across multi- ple volumes o Fileset cloning o File undelete (using trashcans) o File migration between disks while the file is in use o Remote management via TCP/IP and UDP o Provides an SNMP agent for configuration monitoring HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The POLYCENTER Advanced File System Utilities operate on any supported Alpha AXP CPU with Digital UNIX Version 4.0 or later. There are no re- strictions on the disk devices supported beyond the valid configura- tions defined in the Digital UNIX Version 4.0 or later Software Prod- uct Description (SPD 41.61.xx). A minimum system configuration to run the POLYCENTER Advanced File Sys- tem Utilities includes: o 64MB main memory o One or more disk drives supported by Digital UNIX DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS Disk Space in Kilobytes Required for Use 3 eightpointss ___________________________________________________________________ _________________root___/var___/usr________________________________ Advanced File 0 0 275 System Utili- ties Reference Pages 0 0 20 (Man Pages) Graphical User 12 8 7000 Interface (GUI) Agent 3 25 800 Total____________15_____33_____8095________________________________ These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Digital UNIX Operating System, Version 4.0 or later. POLYCENTER Advanced File System CDE Minimum Runtime Environment GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the cur- rent version. 4 OPTIONAL SOFTWARE NetWorker. Client Support provides the ability to save and restore file systems. NetWorker is a separately licensed software product for Dig- ital UNIX. Please refer to SPD 50.98 for further details. The Digital UNIX Logical Storage Manager is an integrated, host-based solution for data storage management, providing striping, mirroring, and a graphical user interface that allows data storage management func- tions to be performed online. The Logical Storage Manager is a sep- arately licensed software product for Digital UNIX. Please refer to SPD 51.24 for further details. The POLYCENTER Console Manager (PCM) is a layered software product which enables a host system to manage, monitor, and control client console devices. PCM can support up to 200 systems/devices of any platform type that sends ASCII data over RS232C direct, TELNET or LATconnections which support XON/XOF and I/O buffering. PCM also supports the pseudo-terminal interface that provides a "soft" console for use with user-defined ap- plication programs. The POLYCENTER Console Manager is a separately li- censed software product for Digital UNIX. Please refer to SPD 42.90 for further details. The POLYCENTER Performance Solution for UNIX systems is a management application that centralizes the monitoring of UNIX system performance information for a network of systems. A single instance of POLYCEN- TER Performance Solution for UNIX systems can monitor resources for many systems and alert the user when problems arise. The POLYCENTER Performance Solution is a separately licensed software product for Dig- ital UNIX. Please refer to SPD 46.97 for further details. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is distributed on the Digital UNIX Complementary Prod- uct CD-ROM, which is included in the Digital UNIX Operating System CD- ROM kit (QA-MT4AA-H8). A software license is required to use this prod- uct. 5 This product is also distributed as part of the Digital UNIX Alpha Soft- ware Library Package CD-ROM kit (QA-054AA-H8). A software license is required to use this product. This product is also distributed (licensed included) with the Digi- tal NAS Base Server 200 for Digital UNIX Alpha Systems (SPD 62.73), the NAS Client 250 for Digital UNIX Alpha Systems (SPD 44.38), and the Digital NAS Base Server 300 for Digital UNIX Alpha Systems (SPD 44.30). ORDERING INFORMATION eightpointss Software Licenses: QL-0EGA*-AA Digital UNIX Alpha QA-054AA-H8 Software Library Package: Software Documenta- QA-0EGAA-GZ tion (hardcopy): Digital NAS Base QL-306A*-** Server 200: Digital NAS Client QL-06PA*-** 250: Digital NAS Base 300 QL-06RA*-** Server: Software Product QT-0EGA*-** Services: * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. 6 SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office or your Digital authorized reseller. License Management Facility Support This software product supports the Digital UNIX License Management Fa- cility. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use basis. For more information on the License Management Fa- cility, refer to the Digital UNIX Operating System Software Product Description or the Digital UNIX documentation. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation contact your local Digital office or your Digital authorized reseller. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software is provided by Digital with the purchase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Ad- dendum of this SPD. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. ) 1996 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. eightpointss . Motif is a registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. . UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. 7 . NetWorker is a registered trademark of Legato Systems, Inc. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, Alpha AXP, CI, DEC, Digital, and POLYCENTER are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 8