Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: POLYCENTER SNA Manager, Version 1.0 SPD 43.22.00 (DECmcc SNA Management) INTRODUCTION The POLYCENTER SNA Manager enables the DECmcc Basic Management Sys- tem to manage IBM(R) SNA network resources remotely. As a linking mech- anism between Digital Equipment Corporation's ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS and IBM's SNA network environments, POLYCENTER SNA Manager allows the peer- to-peer, bi-directional passing of commands, responses, and events be- tween Digital and IBM network management systems. POLYCENTER SNA Manager resides in the Digital environment and makes up one half of an internetwork management facility. Coupled with Sys- tems Center, Inc.'s (SCI) SOLVE:Connect(R) product, the other half of the management facility, POLYCENTER SNA Manager allows DECmcc users to manage and control SNA resources. Furthermore, POLYCENTER SNA Man- ager and SOLVE:Connect allow users of SCI's Advanced System Manage- ment (ASM[TM]) or IBM's NetView(R) management software to manage and con- trol resources manageable via DECmcc. The path for commands/responses and event flows consists of a pair of LU6.2 sessions between POLYCENTER SNA Manager and SOLVE:Connect. Dig- ital's DECnet/SNA Transport products provide the transport mechanisms for the flow of data between the ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS and SNA network- ing environments. DIGITAL October 1992 AE-PPX9A-TE DESCRIPTION POLYCENTER SNA Manager provides the following capabilities in the man- agement of Digital's ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS and SNA networks: o Exchange of commands and responses among ASM, NetView, and DECmcc. This exchange takes place using a slightly modified version of CMIP over APPC, which was agreed upon by Digital and SCI engineers. This includes user-defined alarms on SNA resource attribute values and alerts. These exchanges take place through the use of Digital's DEC- net/SNA gateway products. o Control and monitor SNA resources such as LUs, lines, cluster con- trollers, host nodes, etc. from DECmcc's function and presentation modules, including the Iconic Map PM, Forms and Command Line PM, Alarms FM, Historian FM, Domain FM, and custom applications. o Directives are the means to initiate management operations. Direc- tives are organized into three groups: examination, modification, and action. POLYCENTER SNA Manager directives are listed below: - ACQUIRE: Instructs SNA host node to assume ownership of an SNA resource - ACTIVATE: Requests the start-up of an SNA resource and its de- fined objects - DEREGISTER: Deletes SNA node information from the DECmcc MIR - DIRECTORY: Lists all SNA node entity instances registered to DECmcc - DISABLE: Turns off SNA resources and functions with no required arguments - ENABLE: Turns on SNA resources and functions with no required arguments - ERASE: Removes an entity from DECmcc configuration - EXECUTE: Sends text-string commands to Service Points and Ser- vice Point Applications, and pass-through commands to SOLVE:Connect - GET_EVENT: Causes SNA AM to return an event defined within the directive arguments 2 - INACTIVATE: Requests the de-activation of an SNA resource - MODIFY_TRACE: Requests the modification of VTAM tracing - QUERY: Prompts an SPA or one of its resources for attribute in- formation - REGISTER: Adds SNA node information to the DECmcc MIR - RELEASE: Forces an SNA node to release a previously acquired re- source - SESSION_TRACE: Instructs SOLVE:Connect to perform a session trace command - SET: Changes an attribute value in a specified entity - SHOW: Retrieves current attribute values for the named entity - TERMINATE_SESSION: Disconnects a session or group of sessions - TEST: Performs entity class validity check, route tests, and other diagnostic routines. o Execution of directives in ASM or NetView to manage DECmcc controlled resources such as DECnet/OSI nodes, DECnet Phase IV nodes, TCP/IP nodes, Ethernet, Bridges, etc. from SNA. Through POLYCENTER SNA Man- ager and SOLVE:Connect, an ASM or NetView user is able to issue most of the same directives that may be issued from the DECmcc Forms and Command Line (FCL) presentation module, such as SHOW, SET, GET_EVENT, PASS, BLOCK, IGNORE. As additional DECmcc management modules are installed, they also become accessible from ASM or NetView. The fol- lowing commands are NOT supported by POLYCENTER SNA Manager: CAPTURE DEFINE DISPLAY EXIT NOTIFY PRINT SPAWN USE 3 o Initiation of SNA Service Point functions from DECmcc by issuing a text string which is a command to the Service Point Application (SPA), by means of the POLYCENTER SNA Manager EXECUTE command. o Extensive online information similar to OpenVMS Help. Help infor- mation is provided for all entities, directives, and attributes. ASM or NetView users are able to access DECmcc's Help information from either system. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processor and/or hardware configurations as specified in the System Support Addendum (SSA 43.22.00-x). SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Digital Software o OpenVMS VAX Operating System o DECmcc Basic Management System (BMS) or DECmcc Enterprise Manage- ment System (EMS) and its prerequisites o OpenVMS/SNA Note: Alternatively, DECnet/SNA Gateway hardware and associated soft- ware can be used. o DECnet/SNA VMS APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface (S2.2-10) o OpenVMS DECwindows (included with the OpenVMS VAX Operating Sys- tem) IBM Software o MVS, MVS/XA, or MVS/ESA(R) o ACF/VTAM o NetView o SOLVE:Connect for EMA 4 o ASM o NV-Connect (For NetView Users ONLY. This software product connects the Digital environment with the NetView environment. If you do NOT have NetView, you do NOT have to purchase this software.) Refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 43.22.00-x) for availabil- ity and required versions of prerequisite/optional software. ORDERING INFORMATION Software License: QL-MQXA9-AA Software Media: QA-MQXAA-H* Software Documentation Set: QA-MQXAA-GZ Software Services: QT-MQX**-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available ser- vices, refer to the appropriate Digital price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, please con- tact your local Digital office. License Management Facility: This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity (LMF). License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited Use ba- sis. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx). For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, please contact your local Digital office. 5 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more in- formation, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. (R) ESA is a registered trademark of Electronic Systems & Asso- ciates, Inc. (R) IBM and NetView are registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation. (R) SOLVE:Connect is a registered trademark of Systems Center, Inc. [TM]ASM is a trademark of Systems Center, Inc. [TM]The Digital Logo, ADVANTAGE-NETWORKS, CI, DEC, DECmcc, DECnet, DECwindows, Digital, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, POLYCENTER, POLYCEN- TER SNA Manager, TK, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXft, VAXserver, and VAXstation are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 6