COMPAQ Software Product Description ________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 DESCRIPTION Open VMS/Hangul Alpha V7.3-1 is a general-purpose multiuser op- eration system that supports Korean data processing in Compaq Computer Corporation's Alpha series computers in both production and development environments. It is the Korean version of Open- VMS Operating System for Alpha V7.3-1 which extends base OpenVMS to provide an operating system environment to support Korean and ASCII characters. It extends and enhances the system utilities and environment to facilitate processing of Korean data. OpenVMS/Hangul supports Korean data representation that conforms to the Korean Industrial Standard (KS C 5601-1987), Code for Information Interchange of the Republic of Korea. This SPD describes only the Korean specific features of OpenVMS /Hangul Alpha which are extensions or additions to base OpenVMS. For a description of the base functionality and supported envi- ronment of OpenVMS, refer to the Compaq OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and VAX, Version 7.3 and Alpha Version 7.3-1 SPD (SPD 25.01.xx). FEATURES OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha provides the following Korean processing features in addition to the base functionality of OpenVMS. JULY 2002 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 User Environment OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha provides the following features for general users: Input/Output Input/Output of Korean and ASCII characters are supported on Korean terminals/printers. The Korean terminal driver provides advanced line editing support for both Korean and ASCII charac- ters. DCL Command Language Support OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha extends the base DCL to support Korean processing in the following: o Korean in passing parameters o Korean logical names and equivalence names o Korean labels in GOTO and GOSUB statements o Korean in SUBROUTINE names and in CALL statements o Korean in INQUIRE statements o Korean in READ/WRITE statements o Korean in MESSAGE/REPLY commands Korean DATE and TIME Display Utilities such as DIRECTORY and HMAIL in OpenVMS/Hangul can display date and time in Korean format. 2 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 Bilingual Help Bilingual help interface is provided in the system DCL HELP and help subsystems of Korean utilities. Users can select help in either Korean or English. Bilingual System Messages Korean system messages are provided with this version of OpenVMS /Hangul. Users can choose to receive system messages in either Korean or English. Utilities OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha provides the following utilities to support Korean processing in addition to the base OpenVMS utilities: HTPU/HEVE HTPU is the Korean extended version of the DEC Text Processing Utility (DECTPU) providing built-in procedures with enhancement on Korean text processing. Additional Korean features are: o Full form and half form character conversion o Character class classification o Line drawing capability o 2-byte symbol composition o 2-byte Korean character deletion and cursor movement o 2-byte Korean character wrapping o Pattern matching including 2-byte Korean characters 3 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 HEVE is the Korean extended version of the Extensible Versatile Editor (EVE) running on HTPU providing a general-purpose Korean screen editor to process Korean and ASCII characters. Extended commands which include features such as Korean word manipula- tion, line drawing, box drawing and column editing capabilities are available. Both ascending and descending order of sorting are supported. Multiple collating sequences can be specified for the same sort key in a single sort. I/O interfaces, namely file interface and record interface, on the above Korean collating sequences are supported. HMAIL HMAIL extends the OpenVMS MAIL utility to support Korean in subjects, personal names and folder names. In addition, it supports operations which involve searching of strings that contain Korean characters. HMAIL invokes HTPU as the default editor. HDUMP HDUMP enhances the DUMP utility to display contents of files or volumes containing both Korean and ASCII characters. Wrapping of Korean characters at field boundary is handled correctly. HEDT HEDT is an interactive Korean text editor, providing many text processing enhancements to the OpenVMS EDT. The following fea- tures are provided in addition to the EDT functions: o Full DEC Hangul Character Set Support: - Full form and half form character conversion - Character code input in hexadecimal, octal and Row-Column codes 4 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 o Korean Text Processing Functions: - Automatic horizontal scrolling when 80 columns are ex- ceeded - Column select for cut and paste - ASCII/Korean word wrapping - Left/center/right justification - Set left and right margins - Line drawing/table filling - Korean date/time - Cursor line/column display - Editing modes: * absolute insert * absolute overwrite * insert within fixed ruler lines * overwrite within fixed ruler lines Korean SEARCH Korean SEARCH is the Korean version of OpenVMS SEARCH utility. It supports Korean characters in the search string. Terminal Fallback Facility The Terminal Fallback Facility (TFF) is extended to support character conversions on Korean terminals which can only display the DOOSAN Character Set (DOOSAN 2-byte Code). It allows these Korean terminals to input and output Hangul characters (Hanja is not supported) in the KS C 5601-1987 Character Set by converting characters going to and from the terminal. This character con- version is performed through a character table transparent to application software. 5 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 DEBUG Utility DEBUG utility is enhanced to support Korean characters on both character cell terminal and graphic (DECwindows Motif) inter- face workstation. Users can input Korean characters in DEBUG utility. The DEBUG utility is able to print and echo Korean characters in its output. In order to utilize DEBUG for Korean characters support, the locale files for Korean is required to be installed on OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Version 7.3-1 from the VMSI18N savesets. The VMSI18N savesets can be found in the Open- VMS distribution media and the locale file for Korean characters support in OpenVMS/Hangul is "Korean". For more information, refer to the OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Version 7.3-1 Release Notes and Installation Guides. Programming Run-Time Libraries OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha provides the following run-time libraries to facilitate development of Korean applications: Korean Processing (HSY$) Run-Time Library OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha provides a Multi-Byte Processing Run-Time Library for program and application development involving Korean processing. The Run-Time Library routines perform a variety of Korean processing functions such as string manipulation, read /write operations, character conversion and other Korean pro- cessing operations. These routines can be called from programs written in the supported programming languages. Korean Screen Management (SMG$) Run-Time Library Korean SMG provides a set of run-time library routines to per- form terminal independent functions on supported Korean termi- nals. 6 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 Korean Text processing Utility (TPU$) Run-Time Library Korean TPU provides a collection of built-in procedures and callable interfaces for Korean and English text processing in character cell terminal or DECwindows Motif environments. World-Wide PostScript Printing Subsystem (WWPPS) WWPPS is a generic text-to-PostScript converter that converts various single-byte and multi-byte characters to printable PostScript, and submit to PostScript printer through OpenVMS Print Symbiont. For details, refer to OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha V7.3-1 Release Notes. Asian Printing Support High quality Korean printing is provided by installing the Asian Printing sub-kit called ASPS010 bundled with OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha. For details of Asian Printing Support, refer to Asian Printing Support for OpenVMS Version 1.0 Installation Guide and Asian Printing Support for OpenVMS Version 1.0 Release Notes. ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Compaq offers a separately orderable layered product called DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha which provides support for OSF/MOTIF(R), a standards-based graphical user interface in both run-time and development environments. For more information, refer to DECwindows Motif/Hangul for OpenVMS /Hangul Alpha Software Product Description (SPD 46.96.xx). 7 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 INSTALLATION OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha is distributed as a binary kit on CD-ROM. Procedures for setting up the system disk from media and for preparing the system for day-to-day operations are provided. The procedures are described in OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Installation Guide and Release Notes. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Alpha Systems Supported: This section lists the Alpha systems that are supported by OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha V7.3-1. Refer to the appropriate page at the following website for details concerning Alpha hardware configurations and options: /configure.html TURBOchannel Bus-Based Systems o DEC 3000 Models 300/300L/300LX/300X o DEC 3000 Models 400/400S o DEC 3000 Models 500/500S/500X o DEC 3000 Models 600/600S o DEC 3000 Models 700/700LX o DEC 3000 Models 800/800S o DEC 3000 Models 900/900LX DSSI Bus-Based Systems o DEC 4000 Model 600 o DEC 4000 Model 700 XMI Bus-Based Systems o AlphaServer 8400 (All chip speeds) 8 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 o DEC 7000 Model 600 o DEC 10000 Model 600 PCI Bus-Based Systems o AlphaServer 300 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 400 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 800 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 1000 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 1000A (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 1200 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 2000 (All chip speeds, except 5/375) o AlphaServer 2100 (All chip speeds, except 5/375) o AlphaServer 2100A (All chip speeds, except 5/375) o AlphaServer 2100A LP (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 4000 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 4100 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 8200 (All chip speeds) o AlphaServer 8400 (All chip speeds) o Compaq AlphaServer DS10 o Compaq AlphaServer DS10L o Compaq AlphaServer DS20 o Compaq AlphaServer DS20E o Compaq AlphaServer ES40 o Compaq AlphaServer ES45 o Compaq AlphaServer GS60 o Compaq AlphaServer GS60E 9 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 o Compaq AlphaServer GS80 o Compaq AlphaServer GS140 o Compaq AlphaServer GS160 o Compaq AlphaServer GS320 o DIGITAL 2100 Server Model A500MP, A600MP o AlphaStation 200 (All chip speeds) o AlphaStation 250 (All chip speeds) o AlphaStation 255/233, 255/300 o AlphaStation 400 (All chip speeds) o AlphaStation 500/266, 500/333, 500/400, 500/500 o AlphaStation 600 (All chip speeds) o AlphaStation 600A (All chip speeds) o DPWau 433au, 500au, 600au o Compaq AlphaStation DS20e o Compaq AlphaStation ES40 o Compaq AlphaStation XP900/DS10 o Compaq AlphaStation XP1000 The following are the Compaq semiconductor microprocessor devel- opment reference boards supported by OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha: o Alpha 21064/21064A PCI reference board (EB64+) o Alpha 21164 PCI reference board (EB164) o Alpha PC64 reference board (APC64) Compaq Modular Computing Component o Alpha 4/233 PICMG SBC o Alpha 4/266 PICMG SBC 10 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 o Alpha 5/366 PICMG SBC o Alpha 5/500 PICMG SBC o CompactPCI CS-1000 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Version 7.3-1 is the last version to sup- port the following: o DEC 2000 Models 300/500 o Tadpole ALPHAbook 1 Processor Restrictions: Refer to Compaq OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and VAX, Version 7.3 and Alpha Version 7.3-1 SPD (SPD 25.01.xx) for restrictions on the supported processors. Other Hardware Required: Korean terminals and/or printers are required for Korean input and output operations. Korean Terminal VT382-K Supported: Korean Printer LA380-K Supported: DLP5100-K TFF Support: DOOSAN 220 11 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 Block Space Requirements:(Block Cluster Size = 1) The following OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha block space requirements are additional to the OpenVMS Alpha block space requirements stated in Compaq OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and VAX, Version 7.3 and Alpha Version 7.3-1 SPD (SPD 25.01.xx). Disk space required for 47,000 blocks (23,500K bytes) installation: Disk space required for 44,000 blocks (22,000K bytes) use (permanent): These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. Compaq COM for OpenVMS COM on OpenVMS is fully supported as described in the Compaq COM for OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD 70.45.xx). COM on OpenVMS delivers connectivity and interoper- ability between OpenVMS and Windows NT systems. With Compaq COM for OpenVMS, programmers write distributed applications that run across a heteroge- neous environment of systems. Compaq COM for OpenVMS is based on the Microsoft COM shipped on Windows NT V ersion 4.0 SP3 and implements many of the features of Microsoft COM including activation, automation, monikers, T ype Libraries, and structured storage on OpenVMS. For more information, see the Compaq COM for OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD 70.45.xx). 12 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 OpenVMS Galaxy Support OpenVMS Galaxy is fully supported under OpenVMS/Hangul. OpenVMS Galaxy is an implementation of soft partitioning. The way that customers choose to partition their systems depends on their computing environments and application requirements. By running multiple instances of OpenVMS in a single computer, an OpenVMS Galaxy computing environment gives you quantum im- provements in: o Compatibility-Existing applications run without changes. o Availability-Presents opportunities to upgrade software and expand system capacity without downtime. o Scalability-Offers scaling alternatives that improve perfor- mance of SMP and cluster environments. o Adaptability-Physical resources can be dynamically reassigned to meet changing workload demands. o Cost of ownership-Fewer computer systems reduce system man- agement requirements, floor space, and more. Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha is avail- able as a separately licensed System Integrated Product (SIP). For more information about using OpenVMS Galaxy, see the OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide. VMSCLUSTER ENVIRONMENT VMScluster configurations are supported fully as described in the OpenVMS Cluster Software Product Description (SPD 29.78.xx). Refer to the SPD for details. 13 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha V7.3-1 requires OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha V7.3-1. World-Wide PostScript Printing Subsystem (WWPPS) requires DCPS. OpenVMS Tailoring The following OpenVMS classes are required for full functional- ity of OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha: o OpenVMS Alpha Required Saveset o Utilities For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to Compaq OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and VAX, Version 7.3 and Alpha Version 7.3-1 SPD (SPD 25.01.xx). OPTIONAL HANGUL SOFTWARE For information on other available optional Korean software products, please contact your local COMPAQ office. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the minimum hard- ware and software requirements for the current version. ORDERING INFORMATION o Licenses: - OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operating System Base License: QL- MT14*-6* 14 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 - OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operating System Symmetric Multipro- cessing (SMP) Base Extension License: QL-MT149-6* - OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operating System Interactive User License: QL-MT24*-** o Media and Online Documentation: - OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha software and online documentation compact disc: QA-MT18*-H8 *Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available licenses and service options, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of COMPAQ's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale. For more in- formation about COMPAQ's licensing terms and policies, please contact your local COMPAQ office. LICENSE MANAGEMENT FACILITY SUPPORT The OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operating System supports Compaq's License Management Facility (LMF). If an OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha license is not registered and acti- vated using the License Management Facility, then only a single login is permitted for system management purposes through the system console (OPA0:). For more information about COMPAQ's licensing terms and poli- cies, please contact your local COMPAQ office. 15 OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha Operation System, SPD 46.73.07 Version 7.3-1 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from COMPAQ. Please contact your local COMPAQ office for more information. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by Compaq with a 90-day conformance warranty in accordance with the Compaq warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. 16