Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Transport, SPD 29.76.04 Version 2.1A DESCRIPTION DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Transport (DECnet SNA Gateway-CT) is a member of the DECnet SNA Transport product family. This family con- sists of hardware and software products that allow users to exchange information and share resources between suitably configured Digital systems in a DECnet environment and IBM[R] systems in a Systems Net- work Architecture (SNA) environment. Users on one or more Digital systems can simultaneously perform func- tions such as accessing IBM application programs or other system re- sources, act as a 3270 display station, perform data transfer between Digital and IBM file systems, exchange electronic documents and mail messages, submit jobs to IBM batch subsystems acting as a Remote Job Entry workstation, and implement distributed, task-to-task applica- tion programs that run between Digital and IBM systems. The DECnet SNA Transport product set provides a means of connecting DECnet and SNA networks which can be used by a wide variety of Digital- supplied access routines running on OpenVMS AXP, OpenVMS VAX, MS-DOS[R], and ULTRIX operating environments. The Gateway-CT is managed and con- figured using the DECnet SNA management software that is part of the DIGITAL August 1993 AE-LE83E-TE DECnet SNA Gateway-CT product. For additional information on the var- ious access routines and their capabilities, please consult the OP- TIONAL SOFTWARE section of the System Support Addendum (SSA 29.76.04- x). DECnet SNA Gateway-CT is part of both the DECnet and the SNA networks. Architecturally, it is a DECnet Phase IV end node to DECnet and a Phys- ical Unit Type 2.0 node to SNA. It provides bidirectional access be- tween DECnet and SNA networks. The DECnet SNA Gateway-CT software is supported on two hardware plat- forms - the DEC ChannelServer (DESNA-Ax) and DEC ChannelServer II (DESNB- Ax). Both systems connect directly to an Ethernet local area network (LAN) and an IBM S/370 Byte Multiplexor, Block Multiplexor, or Selec- tor channel. When used with DECnet SNA Gateway-CT, they provide SNA connectivity to any Phase IV (or Phase IV+) DECnet system in the DEC- net network. This product can be used in networks currently using other DECnet SNA Gateway systems and can share access routines, Ethernet LANs, and load host resources with those systems. DECnet SNA Gateway-CT software is downline loaded into the DEC Chan- nelServer or DEC ChannelServer II system. Software media must be or- dered in addition to the DEC ChannelServer hardware. Other DECnet sys- tems wishing access to the SNA environment through the DEC ChannelServer or DEC ChannelServer II, should be configured with the appropriate DEC- net SNA access routine(s). DECnet SNA Gateway-CT and the DEC ChannelServer/DEC ChannelServer II support a single set of Bus and Tag connectors to an IBM S/370 Byte Multiplexor, Block Multiplexor, or Selector channel. Channel type and address may be configured according to specifications listed in both the hardware and the software user documentation. Loading DECnet SNA Gateway-CT Software The DEC ChannelServer/DEC ChannelServer II requires software to be loaded into memory prior to DECnet SNA Gateway operation. DECnet SNA Gateway- CT software is downline loaded into the hardware over the Ethernet LAN from an OpenVMS or ULTRIX system acting as DECnet load host system. 2 Most AXP, VAX, MicroVAX, VAXserver, VAXstation, DECsystem, and DEC- station systems running OpenVMS or ULTRIX are supported as Ethernet load hosts for DECnet SNA Gateway-CT. Supported OpenVMS and ULTRIX con- figurations are described in the System Support Addendum (SSA 29.76.04- x). DECnet SNA Gateway Management DECnet SNA gateway management software, which is part of the DECnet SNA Gateway-CT, provides configuration and management functions for use with DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Transport V2.1A. This manage- ment software allows the Gateway administrator to configure the soft- ware executing in the DECnet SNA Gateway-CT system. The administra- tor can set up parameters relating to lines, circuits, physical units, logical units, and other key variables necessary for network-to-network communications between the DECnet and SNA networks. Additionally, the gateway management software allows the administrator to manage and di- agnose problems related to the DECnet SNA Gateway-CT. DECnet SNA gateway management software is required on the Digital load host node for DECnet SNA Gateway-CT. It must also be present on any other OpenVMS or ULTRIX node where users want to manage a DEC Chan- nelServer/DEC ChannelServer II (DECnet SNA Gateway-CT)-based Gateway. It is strongly recommended that the software also be installed on OpenVMS or ULTRIX systems in order to facilitate debugging functions where IBM Interconnect application programs are developed using any of the DEC- net SNA Programming Interface products. Gateway management software includes DECnet style network management tools for configuring, controlling, monitoring, and troubleshooting for DECnet SNA Gateway itself. These activities are generally performed by the Digital system manager responsible for the designated load host node. Most management functions are performed from a node on the Dig- ital network rather than at or on the Gateway itself. 3 Management of the DECnet SNA Gateway should be viewed as part of the Digital environment, while the management of the lines and/or chan- nel connecting the DECnet SNA Gateway to the IBM system is a joint re- sponsibility of the IBM and Digital system managers. (Refer to the Cus- tomer Responsibilities section of this Software Product Description.) DECnet SNA gateway management software allows a Digital system oper- ator to bootstrap or restart a DECnet SNA Gateway remotely and pro- vide configuration and initialization facilities for the DECnet SNA Gateway. Problem Isolation and Determination Tools for the Gateway In addition to event logging and error counters, a wide range of fault isolation tools are included. Trace capabilities, snatrace for ULTRIX and SNATRACE and NETTRACE for OpenVMS, are provided with the DECnet SNA Gateway-CT to help debug ap- plication programs as well as assist in identifying system problems. An operator can run a trace at the Circuit, Physical Unit (PU), or Ses- sion level, and then format the data on a specified Digital system. The trace features are helpful in identifying an error for remedial action. A snapshot monitoring utility is provided to display on a Digital host- controlled terminal the status of the Gateway's buffer availability, the number of SNA sessions currently in progress, and other informa- tion that pertains to both the DECnet and SNA network. If an irrecoverable error should occur during operation of the DEC- net SNA Gateway system, a memory image may be dumped to a designated Ethernet attached AXP, VAX, or RISC host. This memory image may then be provided to your Digital support personnel for problem diagnosis. Features The differences between DECnet SNA Gateway-CT V2.1 and DECnet SNA Gateway- CT V2.0 are: o Inclusion of the DECnet SNA gateway management within the DECnet SNA Gateway-CT software kit 4 o Provision of the DECnet SNA Gateway-CT product on ULTRIX; that is, inclusion of gateway load host and gateway management and config- uration capabilities for ULTRIX (both VAX and RISC) o Provision of the DECnet SNA Gateway-CT product on OpenVMS AXP; that is, inclusion of gateway load host and gateway management and con- figuration capabilities for OpenVMS AXP INSTALLATION In order for this product to be Digital warranted and supported, pur- chase of the Gateway Orientation/Installation Service (QSF05-SZ) in conjunction with the customer's first purchase of a DECnet SNA Gate- way is REQUIRED. Refer to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES section for more information. Only customers experienced with Digital's IBM Interconnect products should attempt installation of second or subsequent DECnet SNA Gate- ways. Any DECnet SNA Gateway-CT installations performed by customers are REQUIRED to be certified by Digital prior to customer purchase of DECnet SNA Gateway DECsupport Service, BASIC Service, or Self-Maintenance Service. Certification is performed by Digital software specialists. For installations that conform to the Software Product Description and cannot be certified, the customer must purchase DECnet SNA Gateway Ori- entation/Installation Service to be eligible for DECnet SNA Gateway DECsupport Service, BASIC Service, or Self-Maintenance Service. Customer Responsibilities Before installation of the software, the customer must: o Have previously installed all requisite hardware including termi- nals; o Obtain, install, and demonstrate as operational any equipment and facilities necessary to interface to Digital's communications equip- ment; o Have generated, to Digital's satisfaction, any necessary IBM host software that will be communicating with DECnet SNA Gateway-CT; 5 o Have completed any additional requirements as described in the Ori- entation/Installation Service; o Make available for a reasonable period of time, as mutually agreed by Digital and the customer, all hardware, communications facil- ities, and terminals that are to be used during installation; o Be prepared to work with the Digital and the IBM system manager in the preinstallation activities outlined in the Orientation/Installation Service; o Be prepared to modify IBM component generation parameters to sup- port DECnet SNA Gateway-CT. Delays caused by any failure to meet these responsibilities will be charged at Digital's then-prevailing rate for time and materials. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS In Ethernet LANs: o AXP, VAX, MicroVAX, VAXstation, VAXserver, DECstation, or DECsys- tem configuration as specified in the System Support Addendum (SSA 29.76.04-x) o DEC ChannelServer (DESNA-Ax) or DEC ChannelServer II (DESNB-Ax) o S/370 Bus and Tag cables (with terminators if appropriate) o VT series terminal for diagnostic use SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS AXP Environment: o OpenVMS AXP Operating System (SPD 41.87.xx) o DECnet for OpenVMS (SPD 42.25.xx) OpenVMS VAX Environment: o OpenVMS VAX Operating System (SPD 25.01.xx) 6 o DECnet-VAX (SPD 48.48.xx) or DECnet-VAX V5.4 Extensions (SPD 29.03.xx) ULTRIX Environment: o ULTRIX Operating System (SPD 26.40.xx) o DECnet-ULTRIX (SPD 34.97.xx) Refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA 29.76.04-x) for availabil- ity and required versions of prerequisite/optional software. ORDERING INFORMATION Software License: QL-VC9A9-AA Software Media: QA-VC9AA-** (OpenVMS VAX) QA-VC9AB-** (ULTRIX VAX) QA-VC9AC-** (ULTRIX RISC) Media and documentation for this product are available on the Digi- tal CD-ROM Software Library for OpenVMS AXP. Documentation in hard- copy format can be ordered separately. Software Documentation: QA-VC9AA-GZ (OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS AXP) QA-VC9AB-GZ (ULTRIX VAX) QA-VC9AC-GZ (ULTRIX RISC) Software Product Services: QT-VC9A*-** QSF05-SZ (Orientation/Installation) * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. 7 SOFTWARE LICENSING Users need a separate license for each DEC ChannelServer or DEC Chan- nelServer II unit on which they will be using DECnet SNA Gateway-CT (except as otherwise specified by Digital). The DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Transport license applies to the DEC ChannelServer or DEC ChannelServer II unit on which the software executes. DECnet SNA gateway management software is required on the Digital load host for DECnet SNA Gateway Channel Transport. The license to use the DECnet SNA gateway management software on the load host is included with the DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Transport license. The DECnet SNA Gateway Management license includes the right to in- stall and fully configure the product on a second backup load host pro- cessor, in standby mode, for downline gateway loading in case of pri- mary load host failure. This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility Support This product supports the OpenVMS AXP, OpenVMS VAX, and ULTRIX License Management Facility. For more information on the License Management Facility refer to: o OpenVMS AXP Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.87.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS AXP Op- erating System documentation set o OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS VAX Op- erating System documentation set 8 o ULTRIX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 26.40.xx) or the Guide to Software Licensing in the ULTRIX Operating System documentation set SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES DECnet SNA Gateway Orientation/Installation Service The Gateway Orientation/Installation Service is REQUIRED in conjunc- tion with the customer's first purchase of a DECnet SNA Gateway if the installation is to be warranted and supported by Digital. The purpose of this service is to ensure that the installation of the DECnet SNA Gateway will be completed and to eliminate startup problems. It in- cludes the following activities: o Verify IBM and Digital hardware and software prerequisites o Coordinate customer MIS and Digital Software Services resources o Review IBM system generation parameters o Install the DECnet SNA Gateway and any load host resident DECnet SNA OpenVMS or ULTRIX Gateway access routine software that has been ordered concurrently with the DECnet SNA Gateway for the first AXP, VAX, or RISC host node o Verify connectivity between installed access routines and the IBM system if they have been preconfigured according to the guidelines provided by Digital for those products. The following access rou- tines qualify for this verification: - DECnet SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS - DECnet SNA Printer Emulator for OpenVMS - DECnet SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS - DECnet SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS 9 Connectivity verification of the DECnet SNA Gateway with access rou- tine products other than those listed above will be done using the In- stallation Verification (IVP) Software Program supplied with each ac- cess routine. An installation service is available for the simultaneous installa- tion of the DECnet SNA access routines for each additional AXP, VAX, or RISC system. Digital will provide these services upon customer notification that the system, including all prerequisite hardware and software, is ready for installation according to the guidelines listed in the Customer Responsibilities section of this Software Product Description. Con- tact your local Digital office for additional information on these ser- vices. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. 10 Warranty Limitations IBM Supported Configurations This product has been designed to operate with the IBM host systems and software subsystems listed in the System Support Addendum (SSA 29.76.04- x). While this software may function correctly with other IBM hard- ware, software, and equipment, and with hardware and software other than that supported by IBM, Digital cannot offer its standard warranty for this product unless it has been tested with such equipment and soft- ware configurations and found acceptable to Digital. For a complete list of IBM application subsystems (e.g., CICS/VS) that the various DECnet SNA access routines have been certified against and that are supported configurations by Digital, please consult the re- spective access routine Software Product Description. (Refer to Ta- ble 2 in the OPTIONAL SOFTWARE section of SSA 29.76.04-x.) [R] IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Ma- chines Corporation. [R] Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. [R] MS and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corpora- tion. [TM]VTAM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corpora- tion. [TM]Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, AXP, BASIC, DEC, DECnet, DECstation, DEC- support, DECsystem, Digital, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXserver, and VAXstation are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 11