DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL Optical Storage Desktop SPD 47.45.06 Software (OSDS) for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha, Version 3.4a DESCRIPTION The DIGITAL[TM] Optical Storage Desktop Software (DIGITAL OSDS) for OpenVMS[TM] product provides OpenVMS applications and users the func- tionality necessary to access a standalone, multifunction optical drive or drives using the conventional device, file, and record access ser- vices provided by the OpenVMS Operating System. In most cases, no changes will be required to existing applications that use magnetic disk stor- age. The OpenVMS VAX[TM] and OpenVMS Alpha versions of DIGITAL OSDS pro- vide local or VMScluster[TM] access to rewritable or WORM (Write Once, Read Many) media containing FILES-11 on-disk structure using the RWZ5x series of optical drives. DIGITAL OSDS for OpenVMS VAX also provides support for WORM media containing the WORMS-11[R] on-disk structure using the RWZ5x optical drives. DIGITAL OSDS for OpenVMS Alpha does not support any configuration using WORM media containing the WORMS-11 on-disk structure. Pseudo-Device Representation DIGITAL OSDS allows the OpenVMS host to view the media inserted into the optical disk as a virtual disk device. For single-headed drives, this translates to one virtual disk device for each optical disk sur- face. The optical drive, therefore, appears to applications as a vir- tual disk device, or pseudo-device. Excluding those functions that are unique to the optical technology, the pseudo-device emulates the op- eration of a conventional OpenVMS magnetic disk. July 1997 Volume Access Volumes in an optical drive used with DIGITAL OSDS are accessed us- ing the same techniques that are used to access conventional OpenVMS disks. The standard OpenVMS INITIALIZE command is used to prepare each side of an optical disk media for use and the standard OpenVMS MOUNT command is used to make the volume known to OpenVMS. WORM volumes can be "initialized" only once, whereas rewritable volumes, like magnetic disks, can be "initialized" many times. File Access Files on volumes under control of DIGITAL OSDS are accessed using the same techniques that are used to access conventional OpenVMS files. Once a volume has been mounted, files can be opened, read, written, and closed using the conventional OpenVMS system services and run-time library functions. WORM volumes can use the FILES-11 or WORMS-11 file system. Rewritable volumes use the FILES-11 file system. DIGITAL OSDS provides essentially transparent access using standard OpenVMS commands and I/O statements from application programs. DIG- ITAL OSDS supports all OpenVMS commands and their library routine equiv- alents, such as, but not limited to: ALLOCATE DEALLOCATE MOUNT APPEND DELETE[2] OPEN BACKUP[1] DIFFERENCE PURGE CLOSE DIRECTORY READ COPY DISMOUNT RENAME CREATE EDIT WRITE CREATE INITIALIZE[3] /DIRECTORY ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Not all backup options are supported using WORM media. [2]This command can be used with WORM media but will not free up additional disk space as with rewritable media. [3]This command can be used only once with WORM media. 2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The person planning a system configuration must understand the hard- ware requirements of the complete system. Due to the variety of pro- cessors that support OpenVMS and the length of time that some Open- VMS systems have been in service, there exist a huge combination of processor, SCSI adapter/controller, and optical subsystem combinations. Some combinations are not supported. Alpha Processors Supported ___________________________________________________________________ DEC[TM]_2100____Supported_Adapters/Controllers_____________________ A500MP, KZTSA, KZPAA A600MP_____________________________________________________________ DEC_3000________Supported_Adapters/Controllers_____________________ 300, 300L, KZTSA, PMAZB, PMAZC, and 2nd embedded controller 300LX on 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 400, 400S 500, 500S, 500X 600, 600S 700 800, 800S 900________________________________________________________________ DEC_7000________Supported_Adapters/Controllers_____________________ 600_____________KZMSA______________________________________________ DEC_10000_______Supported_Adapters/Controllers_____________________ 600 KZMSA 3 ___________________________________________________________________ 400 KZPSA, KZPAA 1000 KZPSA, KZPAA 1000A KZPSA, KZPAA 2000 KZPSA, KZPAA 2100 KZPSA, KZPAA 2100A KZPSA, KZPAA 4100 KZPAA 8200 KZPAA 8400____________KZPSA,_KZPAA_______________________________________ AlphaStation[TM]Supported_Adapters/Controllers_____________________ 200 KZPSA, KZPAA 250 KZPSA, KZPAA 255 KZPSA, KZPAA 400 KZPSA, KZPAA 500 KZPSA, KZPAA 600 KZPSA, KZPAA VAX Processors Supported ___________________________________________________________________ VAX[TM]_3100______Supported_Adapters/Controllers___________________ __________________uses_2nd_embedded_controller_____________________ VAX_4000__________Supported_Adapters/Controllers___________________ PMAZ, KZQSA, HSD30 uses 2nd embedded controller 4 VAXstation[TM]_____________________________________________________ 3100______________Supported_Adapters/Controllers___________________ 30, 38 uses embedded controllers 40, 48 96_________________________________________________________________ VAXstation 4000______________Supported_Adapters/Controllers___________________ 60________________uses_embedded_controllers________________________ MicroVAX[TM] 3100______________Supported_Adapters/Controllers___________________ 80 uses 2nd embedded controller Other Hardware Required: Supported Optical Drives For OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha processors, DIGITAL OSDS for Open- VMS supports the following specific 5.25-inch, multifunction optical drives: o DIGITAL RWZ52 and RWZ53 5.25-inch, multifunction optical drive Disk Space Requirements ___________________________________________________________________ ________________Blocks[1]____Mbytes________________________________ VAX instal- 15,000 7.7 lation VAX use 4,000 2 Alpha in- 15,000 7.7 stallation Alpha use 3,500 1.75 ___________________________________________________________________ [1]1_block_=_512_bytes_____________________________________________ 5 These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. Ad- ditional disk space might be required based on the user's system en- vironment and configuration, as well as the user options selected at installation time. The minimum memory supported is 16 Mbytes for VAX systems and 32 Mbytes for Alpha systems. The use of this software in conjunction with in- creased memory capability improves performance. The memory size sug- gested for most typical VAX hardware configurations is at least 32 Mbytes. Processors and Devices Not Supported The following processors, adapters and optical devices are not sup- ported with this release ___________________________________________________________________ Unsupported________________________________________________________ Adapters KZQSA, PB2HA Processors All MicroVAX variants using KZQSA host con- troller VAXstation 4000 VLC VAXstation 4000 Models 90, 96 All VAXserver Models DEC 4000 Model 600, 700 DEC 10004 Model 200 DEC 2000 Model 200, 500 Optical Li- DIGITAL RV272, LSMI 4100 braries SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Operating System o OpenVMS VAX V7.1 o OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 6 ORDERING INFORMATION ___________________________________________________________________ Software_License_for_VAX_or_Alpha_Platforms________________________ QL-0U9A9-AA_____DIGITAL_OSDS_for_OpenVMS_5.25_inch_________________ Software_Media_and_Documentation___________________________________ QA-0U9AA-H5 TK50 for OpenVMS VAX[1] QA-0U9AA-H8 CD-ROM for OpenVMS VAX[1] QA-0U9AB-H8_____CD-ROM_for_OpenVMS_Alpha[2]________________________ Software_Documentation_____________________________________________ QA-0U9AA-GZ Documentation for OpenVMS VAX[3] QA-0U9AB-GZ_____Documentation_for_OpenVMS_Alpha[3]_________________ Software_Installation_Services_____________________________________ QT-0U9A9-I9_____OSDS_Installation_Service__________________________ Software_Product_Services__________________________________________ QT-0U9A9- DIGITAL OSDS 5.25 inch **[4] ___________________________________________________________________ [1]This product is also available as part of the OpenVMS VAX Consolidated Software Distribution on CD-ROM. [2]This product is also available as part of the OpenVMS Alpha Consolidated Software Distribution on CD-ROM. [3]The software documentation for the OpenVMS product is available as part of the OpenVMS VAX Online Documentation Library on CD- ROM and the OpenVMS Alpha Consolidated Software Distribution on CD-ROM. [4]**Denotes variant fields. For additional information on avail- able licenses, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. 7 SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of DIGITAL Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about DIGITAL licensing terms and policies, contact your lo- cal DIGITAL office. License Management Facility Support DIGITAL Optical Storage Desktop Software (DIGITAL OSDS) for OpenVMS supports the OpenVMS License Management Facility. License units for DIGITAL OSDS for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha are allocated on a per system use, capacity or unlimited use. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx), or the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.87.xx), or the License Management Facility manual of the appropri- ate version (VAX or Alpha) of the OpenVMS Operating System documen- tation sets. CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT DIGITAL OSDS for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha using RWZ5x optical drives with rewritable or WORM media containing the FILES-11 on-disk struc- ture is supported on local or VMScluster access when installed with a valid and licensed OpenVMS configuration. DIGITAL OSDS for OpenVMS VAX using RWZ5x optical drives with WORM me- dia containing the WORMS-11 on-disk structure is supported on a lo- cal processor access when installed with a valid and licensed Open- VMS configuration. DIGITAL OSDS for OpenVMS Alpha does not support any configuration using WORM media containing WORMS-11 on-disk structure. OpenVMS cluster configurations are described in the OpenVMS Cluster Software Product Description (SPD 29.78.xx). 8 OpenVMS TAILORING CLASSES The following OpenVMS classes are required for full functionality of DIGITAL OSDS for OpenVMS: o OpenVMS required saveset o Network support o Utilities For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the OpenVMS VAX Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.87.xx). GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product can be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA OpenVMS VAX Systems: TK50 and CD-ROM The software documentation for this product is also available as part of the OpenVMS VAX Online Documentation Library on CD-ROM. OpenVMS Alpha Systems: CD-ROM o This product is also available as part of the OpenVMS Alpha Con- solidated Software Distribution on CD-ROM. o The software documentation for this product is also available as part of the OpenVMS Alpha Online Documentation Library on CD-ROM.) 9 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum provided with the license Product Authorization Key. [R] WORMS-11 is a registered trademark of Perceptics Corporation. [TM] AlphaServer, AlphaStation, DEC, Digital, OpenVMS, VAX, VAXserver, VMScluster, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of DIGITAL Equipment Corporation. ©1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 10