DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: PATHWORKS[TM] V5.0C for Digital UNIX[R] SPD 54.75.03 (NetWare[R]) (PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX V5.0 appended) DESCRIPTION PATHWORKS[TM] V5.0C for Digital UNIX® (NetWare®) is a Digital UNIX layered application that provides the functions of a NetWare V3.x server in a PC LAN environment. It is a member of the PATHWORKS fam- ily of products, which provides a framework for integrating personal computers into an organization's total information system, allow- ing different types of users to share information and network ser- vices across the entire organization. The PATHWORKS family includes PC LAN server products running on Open VMS, Digital UNIX, ULTRIX, SCO[TM] UNIX®, and OS/2® platforms pro- viding industry standard Network Operating System (NOS) services that use Novell®'s NetWare, Microsoft®'s Windows NT® Advanced Server, and Apple®'s AppleShare® protocols. The PATHWORKS family also includes client products providing both client software for these servers and enterprise-wide support capabilities such as wide area transports (DECnet and TCP/IP) and applications such as Mail and Terminal Emulation, allowing DOS, Windows[TM], Windows NT[TM], OS/2, and Macintosh® clients to participate as full peers in a widely-distributed computing en- vironment. FEATURES PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) adds a new dimension to gen- eral purpose Digital UNIX systems. In addition to providing tradi- tional support for business, scientific, and engineering applica- tions, this product allows Digital UNIX systems to appear to NetWare- based clients as Novell-certified NetWare servers. The major features of PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) include: o Novell-certified file and print services using Novell's NetWare Core Protocol and the IPX/SPX transports. o Access to services provided by PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) available to native NetWare clients as well as PATHWORKS V6.x for DOS and Windows (with appropriately licensed components, see License Management section for details). o Files are stored on the server in native Digital UNIX format. This allows information stored by the PCs using PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) to be shared with traditional Digital UNIX users. April 1997 AE-QYU4C-TE In particular, this feature allows the sharing of information be- tween all PATHWORKS clients, including those PATHWORKS clients using Microsoft networking services. o File and print services management using standard NetWare man- agement utilities, such as FCONSOLE, PCONSOLE, and SYSCON. These functions, combined with other standard systems and network man- agement utilities for Digital UNIX provide a powerful set of tools for total distributed systems management. o Either NetWare-only, or NetWare combined with Digital UNIX se- curity models can be applied in this environment, providing greater flexibility and added security to your system. o Novell Virtual Terminal (NVT2) support is provided, employing SPX as the underlying transport. NVT2 support provided for DOS clients allows IPX-based terminal emulation software to be used on a PC for direct, interactive connections to the Digital UNIX systems where PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) is operating. o The host-based sconsole Utility provides system managers and ad- ministrators with a single menu- driven tool to configure and ad- minister Digital UNIX-specific functions such as starting and stop- ping the file server and the IPX/SPX transports. o A mail server is provided that works in conjunction with the Digital UNIX Mail utility and the PATHWORKS Mail client to provide clients with access to enterprisewide electronic mail over TCP/IP and DECnet. o License Management software, now capable of supporting PATHWORKS users of both NetWare and LAN Manager clients, provides the ca- pability to: - Distribute PATHWORKS client-based licenses across a network - Validate access by clients with PATHWORKS client-based licenses - Support client access using server-based licenses validated through the local Digital UNIX License Management Facility (LMF) database 2 FILE SERVICES PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) provides NetWare-based clients with a remote file system that appears as a transparent extension of the client system's local computing environment. PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) services are based on Novell's NCP (NetWare Core Protocol) protocols and have been certified by Novell as a compliant implementation of NetWare for UNIX V3.11b. PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) supports the following Digital UNIX file systems: - POLYCENTER Advanced File System (AdvFS) - UNIX File System (UFS) - Network File System (NFS) - CDROM File System (CDFS), read only Multiple NetWare-based and/or LAN Manager-based clients can concur- rently access files stored on the server's disk through the file ac- cess modes and byte range locking support provided by the Digital UNIX Operating System. Because PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) supports the native Digital UNIX lock facility, it is possible to develop Digital UNIX-based applications that share data files with PC-based applications. Included with PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) is a feature called a hybrid user. This feature allows users who are either interactive Digital UNIX users or LAN Manager users and users of PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) to access their NetWare created information, their LAN Manager created information and their interactive Digital UNIX user directory while logged in as a NetWare user. PRINT SERVICES PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) software allows NetWare clients to access printers also used by interactive Digital UNIX users and other PATHWORKS clients that may not be using NetWare. These print- ers can be connected to the Digital UNIX server or LAT-supported ter- minal servers in a LAN. The system administrator assigns a service name, called a NetWare print queue, to a Digital UNIX print queue, and can define NetWare user access to the print service. NetWare-based client software can 3 redirect printer I/O from a client printer port to a defined NetWare print queue. The system administrator creates, on the host, the physical and generic queues and defines forms for selected Digital and third-party print- ers using standard Digital UNIX commands. The administrator then uses the PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) sconsole utility to asso- ciate NetWare print queues with Digital UNIX print queues. Refer to the Optional Hardware section for details. Multiple NetWare print queues may be set up for the same printer. For example, a landscape service and a portrait service may be cre- ated for the same PrintServer 40 Plus printer. In addition, other printer queue can be manually set to support additional Digital and third-party printers that are not listed in the menus. NetWare print queues and the NetWare print servers servicing those queues may reside on different physical systems. Because PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) includes a NetWare-compliant pserver im- plementation, it is compatible with all versions of Novell's print servers, including: o NetWare 3.X (PSERVER.NLM) o NetWare 2.X (PSERVER.VAP) o Dedicated DOS (PSERVER.EXE) o Network printers providing a NetWare compliant pserver implemen- tation o Router VAP o NetWare for UNIX print server daemons Note that compatibility with "NetWare for UNIX print server daemons" means that PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) will interoperate with any other Novell Certified implementation of NetWare for UNIX provided by Digital or by other vendors. Any type of NetWare print server is capable of servicing NetWare print queues located on any NetWare file server. In order to service NetWare print queues associated with remote NetWare file servers, a PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) print server must be configured to at- tach to each NetWare file server associated with each NetWare print queue that it will service. 4 Similarly, in order to be serviced by remote NetWare print servers, a PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) print queue would need to be configured to allow this access. PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) provides interactive Digital UNIX users with access to remote NetWare printers that are servic- ing NetWare print queues through the nwprint utility. SERVER MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL sconsole, a Digital UNIX utility used in conjunction with standard NetWare client utilities, provides the complete set of tools needed to manage the PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) server. sconsole is used to manage Digital UNIX-specific functions related to this product. In particular, sconsole is used to: o Start and stop the server, in its entirety or in part o Create, modify, and remove volumes o Associate NetWare print queues with Digital UNIX print queues o Modify server security settings o Add and delete hybrid users o Configure and tune server components o Display server specific statistics and information NETWORKS CONNECTIVITY - IPX/SPX The PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) software includes a Digital UNIX implementation of the two transport protocols used by Novell's native NetWare products: o IPX - Internetwork Packet Exchange o SPX - Sequenced Packet Exchange IPX is delivered as a STREAMS driver in this product and is used for all NetWare related client/server functions. The IPX proto- col is transmitted as datagram packets between source and des- tination. SPX provides a layer above the IPX protocol that tracks IPX pack- ets to ensure that each packet is successfully received by its intended destination. 5 - Novell Virtual Terminal (NVT2) Protocol NVT2 support consists of server software and software that must be loaded on each client. On the PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) server, a Digital UNIX process provides Virtual Terminal services over SPX (using IPX). Each NVT2 connection requires a corresponding SPX connection. A maximum of 1,000 concurrent NVT2 connections can be supported. The NVT2 software for NetWare-based clients (TSR or VLM) redi- rects terminal I/O through INT14 or INT6b interrupt modes, the interfaces used by most terminal emulation applications. Note that the PATHWORKS for DOS and Windows SETHOST terminal emulation ap- plication also uses these interfaces. MAIL SERVICES The mail server component of PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) provides a service that is separate and distinct from the NetWare file and print services. This mail server is based on the Mail-11 utility and requires either TCP/IP or DECnet as its communications transport. It allows PATHWORKS users, using the client PATHWORKS Mail software, to send and receive electronic mail messages through the Digital UNIX mh mail facility without having to log in to the Digital UNIX system as an interactive user. INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) and PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (Advanced Server) software are distributed together on the Digital UNIX Software Library. There is a single installation procedure that is shared between the two products that provides for the installa- tion of one or both server products in a single step on a Digital UNIX system using the standard setld procedure. An Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) is also included, which can be used to confirm that all server software has been installed properly. Digital recommends that a customer's first purchase of this soft- ware product at each site include Digital installation service. This service provides implementation support for customers installing PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) software and for the integration of client PCs into the Digital network. Contact your local Digital represen- tative for information on the service options available. 6 ___________________________Note ___________________________ Although the software for both PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) and PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (Advanced Server) is distributed together, the two products are still licensed separately. ___________________________________________________________ LICENSE MANAGEMENT PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) offers several license manage- ment capabilities related to both client-based and server-based li- censes. - Client-based License Management PATHWORKS client licenses are provided as Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) for the Digital UNIX License Management Facility (LMF). These PAKs must be loaded into an LMF database, using standard LMF procedures, on a Digital UNIX system that is acting as a PATHWORKS License Server. A single copy of the PATHWORKS License Server software can now provide and verify client-based licenses for clients using NetWare and LAN Manager software. NetWare clients use the IPX transport to communicate with a PATHWORKS License Server, while LAN Manager clients use the DECnet, NetBEUI, or TCP/IP transports. The PATHWORKS License Manager, which must execute on the same node as the license server, provides a user interface that allows the system manager to monitor client license usage. The PATHWORKS License Manager is also used to pre-allocate licenses to specific groups of users and to reclaim a license from a client. The PATHWORKS License Registrar, which executes on the same sys- tem as the file server, will "handshake" with clients request- ing access to PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) functions. Clients that can successfully "handshake" with the server and produce a valid client-based license will be allowed access to the services offered by the PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) server. - Server-based License Management The PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) server also allows client access based on a local server-based license. If a client request- ing access to the server fails to produce a valid client-based license, the PATHWORKS License Registrar software checks the lo- cal LMF database for the availability of a PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) PC Concurrent license. If one is available, and 7 the number of concurrently-connected clients allowed by the li- cense has not been exceeded, the client will be allowed access. Note that PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) servers always al- low you to use both client-based and server-based licenses, simul- taneously. However, since clients that do have a valid client-based license are already licensed to use the server software, they are never counted against the fixed number of clients granted access by the server-based PC Concurrent license. RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS NetWare NLMs are not usable with a PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) server. NetWare NLMs are typically applications or utilities writ- ten specifically for an Intel platform using NetWare 3.x or for an Intel platform using NetWare 4.x as the host operating system and are not easily portable to other environments. PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) is an implementation of NetWare for UNIX, V3.11b. As such, certain features currently available in Novell NetWare 3.x Intel-based servers are not included. Among these features are: - NetWare Loadable Modules (NLMs) - Macintosh clients - Internal Routing of AFP messages - Programming API support on the server - Transaction tracking - NetWare backup/restore - NetWare quotas - Novell NetBIOS over IPX The DOS utilities specific to PC hardware devices such as CHKDSK, FDISK, DISKCOPY, DISKCOMP and FORMAT cannot be used with PATHWORKS server volumes. The NetWare utility Salvage is not supported (incompatible with the Digital UNIX file system). Unsupported wire protocols include: - Ethernet, using the following frame-type: IEEE 802.3 (SNAP) (used primarily by Macintosh systems) 8 - Arcnet PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) supports a maximum of: - 1000 simultaneous users per Digital UNIX node. Certain client tools provided by Novell may only work with 250 simultaneous users. - 250 NetWare volumes. - 1,000 SPX connections (each NVT2 session uses an SPX connection). Though NetWare volumes may be dynamically marked for addition or dele- tion, volumes are only added or deleted when the server is restarted. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The following systems, components, and peripherals are supported as specified below: Supported Processors PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX is supported on Alpha systems as spec- ified in the Digital UNIX Operating System, V4.0 Software Product Descriptions (SPD 41.61.xx). Please refer to the Digital UNIX Operating System SPDs for a complete list of systems, components, and periph- erals supported. Memory Requirements In addition to the memory needed for the Digital UNIX Operating System, a minimum of 15 MB of memory is recommended for use of the product. Note that the memory requirements indicated above are minimum re- quirements only and that memory requirements can vary widely accord- ing to the server CPU, the number of clients using the server and their activities, and the other applications running on the server system. Disk Space Requirements In addition to the disk space requirements for the Digital UNIX Operating System, a minimum of 30 MB is required for installation of the prod- uct. An additional 69 MB is required for the installation and con- figuration with PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (Advanced Server) soft- ware. 9 Note that the disk space requirements indicated above are minimum requirements only and that disk space requirements can vary widely according to the server CPU, the number of clients using the server and their activities, and the other applications running on the server system. Network Interface Controllers At least one network interface controller is required for use with PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare). PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) supports all Alpha Ethernet, FDDI and Token Ring controllers sup- ported by the Digital UNIX operating system. 10 Supported Ethernet frame-types include: - Ethernet_II - IEEE 802.2 - IEEE 802.2 (SNAP SAP) Supported FDDI frame-types include: - IEEE 802.2 - IEEE 802.2 (SNAP SAP) Supported Token Ring frame-types include: - IEEE 802.2 - IEEE 802.2 (SNAP SAP) OPTIONAL HARDWARE Digital Printers PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX provides support for all locally attached printers supported by Digital UNIX Operating System, V4.0. The NetWare Print Definition Files (.PDF) are provided for the fol- lowing printers: o Apple ImageWriter II o Apple LaserWriter II/Plus o Citizen 120-D o Citizen 20 o Citizen 224 o CItoh 310/315 o CItoh 600 o Diablo 630 o Epson FX80/FX100 o Epson FX-800 o Epson FX86e/FX286e o Epson LD-2500 11 o Epson LX-80 o Epson LX-800 o Hewlett-Packard LaserJet II/IID Star NX-1000 o Hewlett-Packard Laserjet Postscript Cartridge o Hewlett-Packard LaserJet III/IIID o Hewlett-Packard Laserjet IIISi-PCL o Hewlett-Packard Laserjet IIISi-PCL o Hewlett-Packard Laserjet IIISi-PCL o Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIISi-Postscript o IBM ProPrinter 4201 o IBM ProPrinter II/XL o NEC Spinwriter 2050/3050 o NEC Spinwriter 8810/8830 o NEC Pinwriter P-6 o Okidata Microline 192/193 o Okidata 290 o Okidata 390 o Okidata LaserLine 6 o Panasonic 1080/1080i o Panasonic 1091/1091i o Star Gemini 10X o Toshiba P321 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Operating System Software o Digital UNIX Operating System, V4.0 For minimum hardware requirements of the operating system refer to the Software Product Descriptions for the Digital UNIX Operating System (SPD 41.61.xx). 12 OPTIONAL SOFTWARE Network Transport Software o DECnet/OSI V4.0 for Digital UNIX (SPD 41.92.xx) Software Associated Client Software The following software products may be used on personal computers to access PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) server software: o PATHWORKS V6.x for DOS and Windows (SPD 55.07.xx) o NetWare clients using the latest, supported version of Novell's client shell, NETX.EXE o NetWare clients using the latest, supported version of Novell's client VLM redirector Note that PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) will appear as a NetWare for UNIX V3.11B server to all clients. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future ver- sion of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. SOFTWARE LICENSING AND ORDERING INFORMATION PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) can be licensed in two differ- ent ways. 1. Client-based licensing (Designated Access) This product can be licensed for operation and access on any num- ber of supported platforms to provide services to clients assigned appropriate client-based licenses. See the attached PATHWORKS license terms and conditions for Designated Access licenses for a description of the specific rights granted, and the Applicable Client-based Licenses section below for spe- cific license names and ordering information. 2. Server-based licensing (PC Concurrent) A PATHWORKS PC Concurrent license for this product permits its use on a single supported platform and allows access by clients that do not have a PATHWORKS client-based license. 13 See the attached PATHWORKS License terms and conditions for PC Concurrent licenses for a description of the specific rights granted, and the Applicable Server-based Licenses section below for spe- cific license names and ordering information. APPLICABLE CLIENT LICENSES o PATHWORKS V5.0 (NetWare) Designated Access For new users, order: QM-2CMAA-AB, 1-user QM-2CMAA-AC, 10-user QM-2CMAA-AD, 25-user QM-2CMAA-AE, 50-user QM-2CMAA-AF, 100-user QM-2CMAA-AG, 250-user QM-2CMAA-AH, 500-user QM-2CMAA-AJ, 1000-user Please refer to the specific terms in the attached "Digital License Agreement for PATHWORKS Programs" for a description of the rights associated with PATHWORKS V5.0 (NetWare) Designated Access licenses. APPLICABLE SERVER-BASED LICENSES o PATHWORKS V5.0 for Digital UNIX (NetWare) PC Concurrent: For new users, order: QM-3Q1AA-AB, 10-user QM-3Q1AA-AC, 25-user QM-3Q1AA-AD, 50-user QM-3Q1AA-AE, 100-user QM-3Q1AA-AF, 250-user Please refer to the specific terms in the attached "Digital License Agreement for PATHWORKS Programs" for a description of the rights associated with PATHWORKS V5.0 for Digital UNIX (NetWare) PC Concurrent licenses. 14 SOFTWARE MEDIA AND DOCUMENTATION The PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX software and documentation are shipped as part of the Digital UNIX Layered Products CD-ROM, order number QA-054AA-H8. An optional hardcopy documentation kit (includes both NetWare and Advanced Server manuals) is available, order number is QA-2CPAA-GZ. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital sales representative for the most up-to-date in- formation. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more information, contact your local Digital office. 15 DESCRIPTION PATHWORKS[TM] V5.0 for Digital UNIX® (NetWare®) is a Digital UNIX layered application that provides the functions of a NetWare V3.x server in a PC LAN environment. It is a member of the PATHWORKS fam- ily of products, which provides a framework for integrating personal computers into an organization's total information system, allow- ing different types of users to share information and network ser- vices across the entire organization. The PATHWORKS family includes PC LAN server products running on Open VMS, Digital UNIX, ULTRIX, SCO[TM] UNIX®, and OS/2® platforms pro- viding industry standard Network Operating System (NOS) services that use Novell®'s NetWare, Microsoft®'s Windows NT® Advanced Server, and Apple®'s AppleShare® protocols. The PATHWORKS family also includes client products providing both client software for these servers and enterprise-wide support capabilities such as wide area transports (DECnet and TCP/IP) and applications such as Mail and Terminal Emulation, allowing DOS, Windows[TM], Windows NT[TM], OS/2, and Macintosh® clients to participate as full peers in a widely-distributed computing en- vironment. FEATURES PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) adds a new dimension to gen- eral purpose Digital UNIX systems. In addition to providing tradi- tional support for business, scientific, and engineering applica- tions, this product allows Digital UNIX systems to appear to NetWare- based clients as Novell-certified NetWare servers. The major features of PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) include: o Novell-certified file and print services using Novell's NetWare Core Protocol and the IPX/SPX transports. o Access to services provided by PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) available to native NetWare clients as well as PATHWORKS V6.x for DOS and Windows (with appropriately licensed components, see License Management section for details). 16 o Files are stored on the server in native Digital UNIX format. This allows information stored by the PCs using PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) to be shared with traditional Digital UNIX users. In particular, this feature allows the sharing of information be- tween all PATHWORKS clients, including those PATHWORKS clients using Microsoft networking services. o File and print services management using standard NetWare man- agement utilities, such as FCONSOLE, PCONSOLE, and SYSCON. These functions, combined with other standard systems and network man- agement utilities for Digital UNIX provide a powerful set of tools for total distributed systems management. o Either NetWare-only, or NetWare combined with Digital UNIX se- curity models can be applied in this environment, providing greater flexibility and added security to your system. o Novell Virtual Terminal (NVT2) support is provided, employing SPX as the underlying transport. NVT2 support provided for DOS clients allows IPX-based terminal emulation software to be used on a PC for direct, interactive connections to the Digital UNIX systems where PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) is operating. o The host-based sconsole Utility provides system managers and ad- ministrators with a single menu- driven tool to configure and ad- minister Digital UNIX-specific functions such as starting and stop- ping the file server and the IPX/SPX transports. o A mail server is provided that works in conjunction with the Digital UNIX Mail utility and the PATHWORKS Mail client to provide clients with access to enterprisewide electronic mail over TCP/IP and DECnet. o License Management software, now capable of supporting PATHWORKS users of both NetWare and LAN Manager clients, provides the ca- pability to: - Distribute PATHWORKS client-based licenses across a network - Validate access by clients with PATHWORKS client-based licenses - Support client access using server-based licenses validated through the local Digital UNIX License Management Facility (LMF) database 17 FILE SERVICES PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) provides NetWare-based clients with a remote file system that appears as a transparent extension of the client system's local computing environment. PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) services are based on Novell's NCP (NetWare Core Protocol) protocols and have been certified by Novell as a compliant implementation of NetWare for UNIX V3.11b. PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) supports the following Digital UNIX file systems: - POLYCENTER Advanced File System (AdvFS) - UNIX File System (UFS) - Network File System (NFS) - CDROM File System (CDFS), read only Multiple NetWare-based and/or LAN Manager-based clients can concur- rently access files stored on the server's disk through the file ac- cess modes and byte range locking support provided by the Digital UNIX Operating System. Because PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) supports the native Digital UNIX lock facility, it is possible to develop Digital UNIX-based applications that share data files with PC-based applications. Included with PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) is a feature called a hybrid user. This feature allows users who are either interactive Digital UNIX users or LAN Manager users and users of PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) to access their NetWare created information, their LAN Manager created information and their interactive Digital UNIX user directory while logged in as a NetWare user. PRINT SERVICES PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) software allows NetWare clients to access printers also used by interactive Digital UNIX users and other PATHWORKS clients that may not be using NetWare. These print- ers can be connected to the Digital UNIX server or LAT-supported ter- minal servers in a LAN. The system administrator assigns a service name, called a NetWare print queue, to a Digital UNIX print queue, and can define NetWare user access to the print service. NetWare-based client software can 18 redirect printer I/O from a client printer port to a defined NetWare print queue. The system administrator creates, on the host, the physical and generic queues and defines forms for selected Digital and third-party print- ers using standard Digital UNIX commands. The administrator then uses the PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) sconsole utility to asso- ciate NetWare print queues with Digital UNIX print queues. Refer to the Optional Hardware section for details. Multiple NetWare print queues may be set up for the same printer. For example, a landscape service and a portrait service may be cre- ated for the same PrintServer 40 Plus printer. In addition, other printer queue can be manually set to support additional Digital and third-party printers that are not listed in the menus. NetWare print queues and the NetWare print servers servicing those queues may reside on different physical systems. Because PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) includes a NetWare-compliant pserver im- plementation, it is compatible with all versions of Novell's print servers, including: o NetWare 3.X (PSERVER.NLM) o NetWare 2.X (PSERVER.VAP) o Dedicated DOS (PSERVER.EXE) o Network printers providing a NetWare compliant pserver implemen- tation o Router VAP o NetWare for UNIX print server daemons Note that compatibility with "NetWare for UNIX print server daemons" means that PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) will interoperate with any other Novell Certified implementation of NetWare for UNIX provided by Digital or by other vendors. Any type of NetWare print server is capable of servicing NetWare print queues located on any NetWare file server. In order to service NetWare print queues associated with remote NetWare file servers, a PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) print server must be configured to at- tach to each NetWare file server associated with each NetWare print queue that it will service. 19 Similarly, in order to be serviced by remote NetWare print servers, a PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) print queue would need to be configured to allow this access. SERVER MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL sconsole, a Digital UNIX utility used in conjunction with standard NetWare client utilities, provides the complete set of tools needed to manage the PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) server. sconsole is used to manage Digital UNIX-specific functions related to this product. In particular, sconsole is used to: o Start and stop the server, in its entirety or in part o Create, modify, and remove volumes o Associate NetWare print queues with Digital UNIX print queues o Modify server security settings o Add and delete hybrid users o Configure and tune server components o Display server specific statistics and information NETWORKS CONNECTIVITY o IPX/SPX The PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) software includes a Digital UNIX implementation of the two transport protocols used by Novell's native NetWare products: - IPX - Internetwork Packet Exchange - SPX - Sequenced Packet Exchange IPX is delivered as a STREAMS driver in this product and is used for all NetWare related client/server functions. The IPX proto- col is transmitted as datagram packets between source and des- tination. SPX provides a layer above the IPX protocol that tracks IPX pack- ets to ensure that each packet is successfully received by its intended destination. o Novell Virtual Terminal (NVT2) Protocol 20 NVT2 support consists of server software and software that must be loaded on each client. On the PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) server, a Digital UNIX process provides Virtual Terminal services over SPX (using IPX). Each NVT2 connection requires a corresponding SPX connection. A maximum of 1,000 concurrent NVT2 connections can be supported. The NVT2 software for NetWare-based clients (TSR or VLM) redi- rects terminal I/O through INT14 or INT6b interrupt modes, the interfaces used by most terminal emulation applications. Note that the PATHWORKS for DOS and Windows SETHOST terminal emulation ap- plication also uses these interfaces. MAIL SERVICES The mail server component of PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) provides a service that is separate and distinct from the NetWare file and print services. This mail server is based on the Mail-11 utility and requires either TCP/IP or DECnet as its communications transport. It allows PATHWORKS users, using the client PATHWORKS Mail software, to send and receive electronic mail messages through the Digital UNIX mh mail facility without having to log in to the Digital UNIX system as an interactive user. INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) and PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (Advanced Server) software are distributed together on the Digital UNIX Software Library. There is a single installation procedure that is shared between the two products that provides for the installa- tion of one or both server products in a single step on a Digital UNIX system using the standard setld procedure. An Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) is also included, which can be used to confirm that all server software has been installed properly. Digital recommends that a customer's first purchase of this soft- ware product at each site include Digital installation service. This service provides implementation support for customers installing PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) software and for the integration of client PCs into the Digital network. Contact your local Digital represen- tative for information on the service options available. 21 ___________________________Note ___________________________ Although the software for both PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) and PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (LAN Manager) is distributed together, the two products are still licensed separately. ___________________________________________________________ LICENSE MANAGEMENT PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) offers several license manage- ment capabilities related to both client-based and server-based li- censes. o Client-based License Management PATHWORKS client licenses are provided as Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) for the Digital UNIX License Management Facility (LMF). These PAKs must be loaded into an LMF database, using standard LMF procedures, on a Digital UNIX system that is acting as a PATHWORKS License Server. A single copy of the PATHWORKS License Server software can now provide and verify client-based licenses for clients using NetWare and LAN Manager software. NetWare clients use the IPX transport to communicate with a PATHWORKS License Server, while LAN Manager clients use the DECnet, NetBEUI, or TCP/IP transports. The PATHWORKS License Manager, which must execute on the same node as the license server, provides a user interface that allows the system manager to monitor client license usage. The PATHWORKS License Manager is also used to pre-allocate licenses to specific groups of users and to reclaim a license from a client. The PATHWORKS License Registrar, which executes on the same sys- tem as the file server, will "handshake" with clients request- ing access to PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) functions. Clients that can successfully "handshake" with the server and produce a valid client-based license will be allowed access to the services offered by the PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) server. o Server-based License Management The PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) server also allows client access based on a local server- based license. If a client re- questing access to the server fails to produce a valid client- based license, the PATHWORKS License Registrar software checks the local LMF database for the availability of a PATHWORKS for 22 Digital UNIX (NetWare) PC Concurrent license. If one is avail- able, and the number of concurrently-connected clients allowed by the license has not been exceeded, the client will be allowed access. Note that PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) servers always al- low you to use both client-based and server-based licenses, simul- taneously. However, since clients that do have a valid client-based license are already licensed to use the server software, they are never counted against the fixed number of clients granted access by the server-based PC Concurrent license. RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS NetWare NLMs are not usable with a PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) server. NetWare NLMs are typically applications or utilities writ- ten specifically for an Intel platform using NetWare 3.x or for an Intel platform using NetWare 4.x as the host operating system and are not easily portable to other environments. PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) is an implementation of NetWare for UNIX, V3.11b. As such, certain features currently available in Novell NetWare 3.x Intel-based servers are not included. Among these features are: - NetWare Loadable Modules (NLMs) - Macintosh clients - Internal Routing of AFP messages - Programming API support on the server - Transaction tracking - Raw 802.3 mode - NetWare backup/restore - NetWare quotas - Novell NetBIOS over IPX The DOS utilities specific to PC hardware devices such as CHKDSK, FDISK, DISKCOPY, DISKCOMP and FORMAT cannot be used with PATHWORKS server volumes. The NetWare utility Salvage is not supported (incompatible with the Digital UNIX file system). 23 Unsupported wire protocols include: - Ethernet, using the following frame-types: Raw 802.3 (NOTE: Novell refers to this frame-type as "802.3") IEEE 802.3 (SNAP) (used primarily by Macintosh systems) - Arcnet PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) supports a maximum of: - 250 simultaneous users per Digital UNIX node (an inherent NetWare 3.x limitation). - 250 NetWare volumes. - 1,000 SPX connections (each NVT2 session uses an SPX connection). Though NetWare volumes may be dynamically marked for addition or dele- tion, volumes are only added or deleted when the server is restarted. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The following systems, components, and peripherals are supported as specified below: Supported Processors PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX is supported on Alpha systems as spec- ified in the Digital UNIX Operating System, V3.0 and V3.2 Software Product Descriptions (SPD 41.61.xx). Please refer to the Digital UNIX Operating System SPDs for a complete list of systems, components, and peripherals supported. Memory Requirements In addition to the memory needed for the Digital UNIX Operating System, a minimum of 15 MB of memory is recommended for use of the product. Note that the memory requirements indicated above are minimum re- quirements only and that memory requirements can vary widely accord- ing to the server CPU, the number of clients using the server and their activities, and the other applications running on the server system. 24 Disk Space Requirements In addition to the disk space requirements for the Digital UNIX Operating System, a minimum of 30 MB is required for installation of the prod- uct. An additional 18 MB is required for the installation and con- figuration with PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (LAN Manager) software. Note that the disk space requirements indicated above are minimum requirements only and that disk space requirements can vary widely according to the server CPU, the number of clients using the server and their activities, and the other applications running on the server system. Network Interface Controllers At least one network interface controller is required for use with PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare). PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) supports all Alpha Ethernet, FDDI and Token Ring controllers sup- ported by the Digital UNIX Operating System. Supported Ethernet frame-types include: - Ethernet_II - IEEE 802.2 - IEEE 802.2 (SNAP SAP) 25 Supported FDDI frame-types include: - IEEE 802.2 - IEEE 802.2 (SNAP SAP) Supported Token Ring frame-types include: - IEEE 802.2 - IEEE 802.2 (SNAP SAP) OPTIONAL HARDWARE Digital Printers PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX provides support for all locally attached printers supported by Digital UNIX Operating System, V3.0 and V3.2. The NetWare Print Definition Files (.PDF) are provided for the fol- lowing printers: o Apple ImageWriter II o Apple LaserWriter II/Plus o Citizen 120-D o Citizen 20 o Citizen 224 o CItoh 310/315 o CItoh 600 o Diablo 630 o Epson FX80/FX100 o Epson FX-800 o Epson FX86e/FX286e o Epson LD-2500 o Epson LX-80 o Epson LX-800 o Hewlett-Packard LaserJet II/IID Star NX-1000 o Hewlett-Packard Laserjet Postscript Cartridge 26 o Hewlett-Packard LaserJet III/IIID o Hewlett-Packard Laserjet IIISi-PCL o Hewlett-Packard Laserjet IIISi-PCL o Hewlett-Packard Laserjet IIISi-PCL o Hewlett-Packard LaserJet IIISi-Postscript o IBM ProPrinter 4201 o IBM ProPrinter II/XL o NEC Spinwriter 2050/3050 o NEC Spinwriter 8810/8830 o NEC Pinwriter P-6 o Okidata Microline 192/193 o Okidata 290 o Okidata 390 o Okidata LaserLine 6 o Panasonic 1080/1080i o Panasonic 1091/1091i o Star Gemini 10X o Toshiba P321 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Operating System Software o Digital UNIX Operating System, V3.0 or V3.2 For minimum hardware requirements of the operating system refer to the Software Product Descriptions for the Digital UNIX Operating System (SPD 41.61.xx) OPTIONAL SOFTWARE Network Transport Software o DECnet/OSI V3.0 for Digital UNIX (SPD 41.92.xx) Software 27 Associated Client Software The following software products may be used on personal computers to access PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) server software: o PATHWORKS V6.x for DOS and Windows (SPD 55.07.xx) o NetWare clients using the latest, supported version of Novell's client shell, NETX.EXE o NetWare clients using the latest, supported version of Novell's client VLM redirector Note that PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) will appear as a NetWare for UNIX V3.11B server to all clients. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future ver- sion of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. SOFTWARE LICENSING AND ORDERING INFORMATION PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX (NetWare) can be licensed in two differ- ent ways. 1. Client-based licensing (Designated Access) This product can be licensed for operation and access on any num- ber of supported platforms to provide services to clients assigned appropriate client-based licenses. See the attached PATHWORKS license terms and conditions for Designated Access licenses for a description of the specific rights granted, and the Applicable Client-based Licenses section below for spe- cific license names and ordering information. 2. Server-based licensing (PC Concurrent) A PATHWORKS PC Concurrent license for this product permits its use on a single supported platform and allows access by clients that do not have a PATHWORKS client-based license. See the attached PATHWORKS License terms and conditions for PC Concurrent licenses for a description of the specific rights granted, and the Applicable Server-based Licenses section below for spe- cific license names and ordering information. 28 APPLICABLE CLIENT LICENSES o PATHWORKS V5.0 (NetWare) Designated Access For new users, order: QM-2CMAA-AB, 1-user QM-2CMAA-AC, 10-user QM-2CMAA-AD, 25-user QM-2CMAA-AE, 50-user QM-2CMAA-AF, 100-user QM-2CMAA-AG, 250-user QM-2CMAA-AH, 500-user QM-2CMAA-AJ, 1000-user Please refer to the specific terms in the attached "Digital License Agreement for PATHWORKS Programs" for a description of the rights associated with PATHWORKS V5.0 (NetWare) Designated Access licenses. APPLICABLE SERVER-BASED LICENSES o PATHWORKS V5.0 for Digital UNIX (NetWare) PC Concurrent: For new users, order: QM-3Q1AA-AB, 10-user QM-3Q1AA-AC, 25-user QM-3Q1AA-AD, 50-user QM-3Q1AA-AE, 100-user QM-3Q1AA-AF, 250-user Please refer to the specific terms in the attached "Digital License Agreement for PATHWORKS Programs" for a description of the rights associated with PATHWORKS V5.0 for Digital UNIX (NetWare) PC Concurrent licenses. SOFTWARE MEDIA AND DOCUMENTATION The PATHWORKS for Digital UNIX software and documentation are shipped as part of the Digital UNIX Layered Products CD-ROM, order number QA-054AA-H8. An optional hardcopy documentation kit (includes both NetWare and LAN Manager manuals) is available, order number is QA- 2CPAA-GZ. 29 The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital sales representative for the most up-to-date in- formation. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more information, contact your local Digital office. 30 SPD_7x9 MAILename.SDML/CONDITION= DIGITAL LICENSE AGREEMENT for PATHWORKS Programs STOP! IMPORTANT - CAREFULLY READ THE DIGITAL LICENSE AGREEMENT BEFORE PROCEEDING. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ITS TERMS, PLEASE RETURN THE LICENSE AGREEMENT AND ALL ACCOMPANYING MATERIALS WITHOUT FURTHER OPENING OR USING THEM. RETURN THEM TO THE SUPPLIER FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED THEM FOR A FULL REFUND. FURTHER OPENING OR USE OF THE MATERIALS INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THE LICENSE AGREEMENT. A Product Authorization Key constitutes proof of license, and is re- quired to permit use of the Software in accordance with these terms. 31 LICENSE TERMS 1. PATHWORKS_PC_Concurrent_Licenses: [1] A. License: PATHWORKS V1.0 for OpenVMS (NetWare) PC Concurrent License When you purchase the above license you may use the follow- ing program ("Software") under the terms in Section 1 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Server Program: PATHWORKS V1.0 for OpenVMS (NetWare) B. License: PATHWORKS V5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PC Concurrent License When you purchase the above license you may use the follow- ing program ("Software") under the terms in Section 1 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Server Program: PATHWORKS V5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) C. License: PATHWORKS V5.0 for Digital UNIX (LAN Manager) PC Concurrent License When you purchase the above license you may use the follow- ing program ("Software") under the terms in Section 1 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Server Program: PATHWORKS V6.1 for Digital UNIX (Advanced Server) ___________________ [1]Formerly referred to as FPS licenses 32 D. License: PATHWORKS V5.0 for Digital UNIX (NetWare) PC Concurrent License When you purchase the above license you may use the follow- ing program ("Software") under the terms in Section 1 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Server Program: PATHWORKS V5.0 for Digital UNIX (NetWare) Section 1 Terms You may install the Software identified above on one server for concurrent access by the Quantity of clients specified on the as- sociated Product Authorization Key. 33 2. PATHWORKS_Designated_Access_Licenses:[2] A. License: PATHWORKS V5.0 (LAN Manager) Designated Access License When you purchase the above license you may use the follow- ing programs ("Software") under the terms in Section 2 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Server Programs: PATHWORKS V5.0 for OpenVMS (LAN Manager) PATHWORKS for ULTRIX, V1.3 PATHWORKS V6.1 for Digital UNIX (Advanced Server) PATHWORKS for SCO UNIX, V1.1 B. License: PATHWORKS V5.0 (NetWare) Designated Access License When you purchase the above license, or if you have a PATHWORKS V1.0 (NetWare) FPA license, you may use the following programs ("Software") under the terms in Section 2 and all terms pro- vided in Additional Terms below. Server Programs: PATHWORKS V1.0 for OpenVMS (NetWare) PATHWORKS V5.0 for Digital UNIX (NetWare) C. License: PATHWORKS V1.3 (Macintosh) Designated Access License When you purchase the above license, or if you have a PATHWORKS V1.2 (Macintosh) FPA license, you may use the following pro- grams ("Software") under the terms in Section 2 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Server Programs: PATHWORKS V1.3 for OpenVMS (Macintosh) ___________________ [2]Formerly referred to as FPA licenses 34 Section 2 Terms You may install the Software on multiple servers for access by the Quantity of designated clients. The Quantity is specified on the associated Product Authorization Key. 35 3. PATHWORKS_System_Licenses: [3] A. License: PATHWORKS 32 V7.0 System License or License: PATHWORKS 32 V7.0 System-UPGRADE [*] When you purchase either of the above licenses you may use the following programs ("Software") under the terms in Section 3 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Programs: PATHWORKS 32 V7.0 PATHWORKS V6.0 for DOS and Windows PATHWORKS V4.1 for Windows NT PATHWORKS V5.1 for OS/2 eXcursion V2.1 B. License: PATHWORKS V1.3 for Macintosh System License When you purchase the above license you may use the follow- ing program ("Software") under the terms in Section 3 and all terms provided in Additional Terms below. Program: PATHWORKS V1.3 for Macintosh Section 3 Terms You may use the Software on the Quantity of computers specified on the associated Product Authorization Key. ___________________ [3]Formerly referred to as CNS licenses [*]See special terms for UPGRADE licenses in the GRANT section un- der Additional Terms below. 36 ADDITIONAL TERMS 1. GRANT Digital Equipment Corporation ("DIGITAL") grants you the right to use the version(s) of the Software specified above or any prior version of the Software. Prior versions of the software may only be used on the same com- puter(s) as the upgraded Software. You may need to register and load the associated Product Authorization Key before you use the Software. Each PAK must be registered and loaded in only one license management data base. You may copy the Software only as necessary for licensed use, and to make archival copies. Any full or partial copy of Software must include all copyright and other proprietary notices which appear on or in the Software. You may use Software temporarily on a backup system only in the event of a system malfunction. You may permanently transfer your rights to use the Software, the Software itself including prior versions of the Software, the Product Authorization Key(s) for this version and all prior versions, and the accompanying documentation including a copy of this License Agreement and License Agreement(s) for prior versions, provided you retain no copies of the Software, updates, documentation, or Product Authorization Key(s), and the recipient agrees to the terms of this License Agreement. 2. COPYRIGHT Software, which includes the Product, any data bases, and the li- cense key, is proprietary technology owned by Digital or third parties. It is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. 3. RESTRICTIONS You may not rent, lease, assign, or otherwise transfer the Software or license except as expressly authorized in the terms and con- ditions under License Types. You may not reverse engineer, de- compile, or disassemble the Software, except to the extent Digital cannot prohibit such acts by law. You may not make the Software available to any other party or permit others to use it except your employees and agents who use it on your behalf and who have 37 agreed to these license terms. You may not modify or make inop- erable the license keys or license management software. Digital may terminate any license granted hereunder if you breach any license term. Upon termination you will destroy all copies of the Software. 38 WARRANTY Digital warrants that the Software will substantially conform to the applicable Software Product Description or documentation accompa- nying the Software for a period of 90 days. Warranty commences upon delivery. Digital does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free. Warranty does not cover conditions re- sulting from improper use, external causes, including service or mod- ifications not performed by Digital. Digital's and its suppliers' entire liability and your exclusive remedy for Software which does not conform to Digital's warranty shall be at Digital's option 1) repair or replacement of the nonconforming Software, or 2) refund of your purchase price. Remedy is subject to your returning the non-conforming Software dur- ing the warranty period to Digital in the country in which you ob- tained the Software. Limitation of Liability US Government Customers Commercial Computer Software, and Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government with DIGITAL's standard commercial license and, when applicable, the rights in DFAR 252.227-7015, "Technical Data - Commercial Items." 39 GENERAL You are responsible for compliance with all export or re-export con- trol laws and regulations if you export the Software. This Agreement is governed by and is to be construed under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. If you have any questions concerning this Agreement, please contact your local DIGITAL sales office or write to: DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, 111 Powdermill Road, Maynard, MA 01754-1418. ® ISDN is a registered trademark of Fujitsu Network Switching of America. ® Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. ® NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. ® OS/2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. ® OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. ® UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. ® Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM]SCO is a trademark of Santa Cruz Operations, Inc. [TM]Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, Alpha, DEC, Digital, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, and ULTRIX are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. ©1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 40