DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DEC/EDI[TM] for Digital[TM] UNIX[R], Version 3.1A SPD 53.50.05 Digital[TM] Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descrip- tions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the de- scriptions. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publi- cation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Dig- ital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1990, 1996. DESCRIPTION Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) enables users to electronically ex- change structured business documents such as Purchase Orders, Dispatch Advice and Invoices with their Trading Partners using International, National and Industry-specific EDI standards. DEC/EDI offers appli- cation developers all the facilities necessary to EDI-enable Business Applications within an Enterprise. Extensive communication options are also provided to facilitate inter-enterprise communication via EDI VANs or direct with Trading Partners using OSI[R] protocols. DEC/EDI uses a Client/Server architecture to provide EDI services to local and remote Business Applications hosted on multi-vendor plat- forms within an enterprise. December 1996 AE-Q8WVF-TE DEC/EDI Application Client The DEC/EDI Application Client facilitates the integration of local and remote Business Applications to the DEC/EDI Server, to make them EDI-capable. ObjectBroker is used to link the locally or remotely in- stalled DEC/EDI Application Clients to the DEC/EDI Server using the TCP/IP communication protocol. DEC/EDI Application Clients are available today for: o Digital UNIX[R] o OpenVMS[TM] Alpha o OpenVMS VAX[TM] o HP-UX[R] o IBM[R] AIX [R] o Sun[R] Solaris[R] o IBM OS/400[R] These DEC/EDI Application Clients can interoperate with a DEC/EDI Server running on Digital UNIX, OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS Alpha platforms. The interface provided by the DEC/EDI Application Client is file-based and allows for the Business Application to POST and FETCH files to and from Trading Partners via the DEC/EDI Server. The DEC/EDI Application Clients can be invoked via the Command Line Interface (CLI) or the Application Program Interface (API). The CLI can be run from a suitably coded script file (command file) or invoked interactively. The DEC/EDI Application Client also provides the following functions: o Document Status Information: Enables local and remote Business Ap- plications to extract document status information via the TRACK Com- mand, from either a local or remote DEC/EDI Server. 2 o Application to Application Messaging: Enable Business Applications to POST and FETCH files to and from other DEC/EDI Application Clients attached to the same DEC/EDI Server. The information exchanged be- tween DEC/EDI Application Clients is mapped from the input format to the recipient format by using FileBridge maps based on an EDI Message definition. o Transport EDI formatted and non-EDI data: Ability to POST and FETCH documents to and from the DEC/EDI Server and by-pass the Mapping and Translation functions, for transmission and receipt from trad- ing partners via the DEC/EDI Communication Component. DEC/EDI Server The DEC/EDI Server consists of the following Services which reside on the same node: o DEC/EDI FileBridge Mapping Services o DEC/EDI Translation Services o DEC/EDI Communications Services o DEC/EDI Operational Services FileBridge Mapping Services The Mapping Services provide the ability to link ( in either direc- tion) between the data format as supported by each Business Applica- tion, and that agreed with Trading Partners. The Mapping Services func- tion minimises the effort required to EDI-enable the Business Appli- cation by mapping from any format to the EDI format in the outgoing direction and from EDI format to any file format (i.e. the format in which data should be presented to the Business Application) in the in- coming direction. At the simplest level, this might be limited to re- ordering of data. More typically, it also involves calculation of some values and conversion of data between data types. 3 The Mapping Services operate using rules which the user specifies in a Mapping Table. The Mapping Table comprises of a detailed descrip- tion of the format of a particular application file, the definition of the corresponding EDI document, and rules for mapping each element of the data between the two. The Mapping Tables are created interactively using the Mapping Table Editor function provided by the DEC/EDI CommandCenter GUI. In addition to the simple data mapping services (for example "create destination field y using source field x"), DEC/EDI also provides many other powerful mapping features such as: o Data Manipulation Individual mapping statements can be constructed using a rich mapping language which allows complex expressions to be created of the form "destination_data_field = mapping_expression". A mapping expression can consist of a combination of elements of source data using prede- fined functions, simple mathematical expressions and constant or com- puted values. o Data type conversion The ability to process sections of application file data of many dif- ferent types (for example: textual, integer numeric, real numeric and date/time). o Handling of variants The Mapping Services support conditional mapping. This function al- lows the user to use the same map to communicate the same EDI docu- ment type ( for example Purchase Orders) with many trading partners even if the format of the EDI document agreed with each partner is dif- ferent. This difference can also be used when the EDI Standard is dif- ferent (for example, the sending/receipt of Purchase Orders in EDI- FACT and ODETTE standard to/from different trading partners). 4 o Hook routines The ability to customize individual Mapping Tables by coupling user- defined processing functions at any stage in the mapping process. This can be used, for example, to perform some data manipulation not di- rectly supported within the mapper or to fetch data from an external database. Translation Services The Translation Services perform the conversion to or translation from data formatted to conform with published EDI standards. In process- ing outbound data the Translation Services "convert" mapped applica- tion data to the EDI standard form. In processing inbound data, the Translation Services "translate" data from the EDI standard format to that required for mapping to the format expected by the Business Ap- plication. The Translation Services Component provide the following features: o Support for multiple versions of messages (transactions) and EDI standards o Supports the pass-through transmission of 8-bit national charac- ter sets o Compliance checking at Trading Partner level o User-selectable control number generation o Test transmissions o Event and Error logging Users can customise the messages/transactions delivered with the prod- uct to create new messages for industry specific and Trading Partner specific messages as well as create new messages based on ANSI X12, TDCC, EDIFACT, ODETTE, and TRADACOMS[TM] syntax rules supported by his version of the product. New versions of EDI Standard dictionaries can also be created 5 Trading Partner agreement details, including the message formats be- ing used, are recorded in the Trading Partner Profiles. The Transla- tion Services use the information in the Trading Partner Profiles and the Message/Transaction Database to perform compliance checking and to check the validity of the transaction. The Translation Services provides support for the following EDI stan- dards: o EDIFACT - Implements ISO 9735 Version-2 - Supports character set A, lower-case a-z, and 8-bit national char- acter sets. - Supports industry-specific transactions adhering to the EDIFACT ISO 9735 syntax o ANSI X12 - Automatic generation of Functional Acknowledgements and recon- ciliation of Functional Acknowledgements - Supports industry-specific transactions adhering to the ANSI X12 syntax o TDCC - Supports all modes including UCS/WINS - Automatic generation of Functional Acknowledgements, 997 and 999 and reconciliation of Functional Acknowledgements - Support for the following types of messages is not provided: * Messages which contain two mandatory instances of the same segment, at the same level, when other segments appear be- tween the two instances (for example, Transaction 994 and its use of the K2 segment) * Messages which use EDIFACT enveloping 6 o ODETTE - Support for Version 2.0 of ODETTE o TRADACOMS - Implements the TRADACOMS (1993 Update) syntax, 1989 and 1993 mes- sages Communications Services The Communications Services support the physical transfer of EDI data between DEC/EDI and the Trading Partners. A range of Gateways are pro- vided to send/receive EDI transmissions either through EDI VANs or di- rect to/from trading partners. Each Gateway ensures that the EDI trans- missions are delivered to the trading partners and the status infor- mation is automatically appended to the Document audit trail within DEC/EDI. The Communication Services provide the following features: o Event and Error logging The Communication Services Gateways provided by DEC/EDI are: o X.400 (Pedi) Communication Gateway o OFTP Communication Gateway o Bisynchronous Gateway for VAN Communications o Internet SMTP/MIME Communication Gateway o Import/Export Communication Gateway o X.400 Gateway - Supports the CCITT X.435 recommendation, EWOS Kernel Functional Profile (June 1992 /TD 22), for the transmission of EDI messages over the CCITT recommendations for X.400, 1988. 7 - Supports both P0 (NIST Special Publication500-150) and P2 (TE- DIS meeting November 23, 1989) interim recommendations for the transmission of EDI messages over the CCITT recommendations for X.400, 1984 and 1988. - Supports enabling or disabling Trading Partner specific trans- missions. - Supports user-configurable Trading Partner specific record lengths. - Provides global connectivity by facilitating EDI transmissions either directly between Private Management Domains (PRMDs) or via an Administrative Management Domain (ADMD) Relay Service. - Supports X.400 Acknowledgement processing. o OFTP Gateway - Fully supports mandatory components of OD.G4/86/090. - Supports Special Logic for incoming transmission. - Supports enabling or disabling Trading Partner specific trans- mission. - Supports user-configurable Trading Partner specific record lengths. - Provides Global connectivity by facilitating EDI transmission directly between Trading Partners over CCITT X.25-based Networks. - Connects to EDI VANs which support the OFTP Protocol. These in- clude GEIS[TM] EDI*Express[TM], INS[TM]-TRADANET[TM], BT[R] EDI*NET[R], IBM IN (Europe) and AT&T Easylink EDI[R]. - Supports File Restarts. - Recognises Compressed Data. o Bisynchronous - Provides connections to EDI VANs via the use of 2780/3780, us- ing the CLEO[R] 3780Plus[R] product. 8 - Supports connections to the GEIS[TM] EDI*EXPRESS[TM] and MCI[R] EDI*NET[R] Services via the use of the 2780/3780 communication protocol. - User-configurable Trading Partner specific record lengths. - Sends and receives all transmission files in the same connec- tion. o Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway - Sends and receives EDI messages via Internet SMTP/MIME proto- col. - Supports RFC 1767. - Uses UNIX Sendmail capability. - Hooks provided to support pre- and post- processing for func- tions such as security. o Import/Export Gateway - Enables the user to implement other means of communicating with Trading Partners. - Outgoing and incoming Trading Partner specific transmission files written to user-defined directory. - Provides Hooks to enable Pre-Import/Post-Export processing of transmission files. - A specific Communications Component license need not be purchased to invoke this facility. 9 Operational Services The Operational Services provide the following functions o Access Control o Processing Control o Error logging and exception reporting o Auditing and Archiving o Access Control - Controls user access to the DEC/EDI system o Processing Control - Provides end-to-end audit trail of message/transaction status within the DEC/EDI system, including status information from the EDI VAN Services - Provides history files with detailed information to help locate and correct errors - Provides message and transmission file status - Time stamps each message status o Error Logging and Exception Reporting - All events and errors are logged and time stamped. - Exception reporting consists of logging errors, display of er- ror message on the Operator Console, and the dispatch of e-mail to the designated EDI System Administrator. o Auditing and Archiving 10 The DEC/EDI server creates audit trail entries for each document it processes. The parameters which are audited include Document-id (or Transmission file-id), status, date & time stamp, Document type, Application- id, Trading Partner name and EDI enveloping information. In addition to this, DEC/EDI also maintains, copies of the data itself in each of its different formats. All this information can be viewed from the Cock- pit. Successful and cancelled documents are automatically transferred to an archive area. Documents in this archive area may be re-sent if nec- essary. The user is provided with the ability to archive the infor- mation in the archive area to mass storage media. A retrieval proce- dure is also provided. DEC/EDI CommandCenter DEC/EDI CommandCenter, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) running un- der Microsoft[R]Windows[TM], Windows 95[R] or Windows NT[TM], provides an extensive set of configuration and monitoring functions to manage an operational DEC/EDI System. Multiple copies of the CommandCenter can be deployed across the enterprise. The CommandCenter includes the Cockpit functionality and a complete set of on-line DEC/EDI User Doc- umentation. The information entered and managed through the CommandCenter is min- imised through the use of features such as cut/copy/paste, extensive defaults and drop down lists, where selections are made from pre-defined set of options. The CommandCenter can be used to maintain more than one DEC/EDI Server system and allows the transfer of elements of configuration informa- tion between Servers. Some of the editing functions, such as the edit- ing of Mapping Tables, may be carried out even when the CommandCen- ter is not connected to the DEC/EDI Server. 11 The CommandCenter facilitates the creation and maintenance of the fol- lowing configuration information: o Management Services Editor - Allows the user to register the attributes of the Business Ap- plications authorised to connect to the remote or local DEC/EDI Application Clients. It also facilitates the registration of Ser- vices used on the DEC/EDI Server. - Allows the user to maintain the intervals at which EDI Trans- mission Files are built. o EDI Table Editor - Allows the user to edit EDI messages (transaction sets) supplied with DEC/EDI to conform to their trading agreements. It also al- lows the user to create new messages, based on the EDIFACT, ODETTE, TDCC, ANSI X12 and TRADACOMS syntax. The editing function is car- ried out in the CommandCenter and then stored in the DEC/EDI Server. o Trading Partner Editor - Allows the user to define details of the trading partners who can send or receive data, the communications links to be used, the agreement that governs which EDI documents are to be exchanged, and what enveloping (addressing) information is to be used. The resultant information is held in the Trading Partner Tables in the DEC/EDI Server. o Mapping Table Editor - Allows the user to define how the format of data sent or received by a Business Application maps to the format of data implied by the selected EDI message/transaction. It also facilitates the compilation of the Mapping Tables prior to storage and use on the DEC/EDI Server. 12 o Communications Editor - Allows the user to define which communications options are be- ing used (i.e. OFTP, X.400 etc..) and the parameters of indi- vidual communications links, either direct to trading partners or indirectly through third party EDI Value Added Networks (VANs). DEC/EDI COCKPIT DEC/EDI Cockpit, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) running under Mi- crosoft[R] Windows[R], Windows 95[R] or Windows NT[TM] is available as an option. The Cockpit enables the user to observe the processing of EDI data within a DEC/EDI Server, and to perform some operational functions. The main features provided by the Cockpit include: - A "system monitor" function providing graphical display of the sta- tus of Messages/Transactions. This display can be updated either manually or at a pre-defined timing interval - Access to the DEC/EDI Audit trails at the Document and Transmis- sion file levels and cross-referencing between Documents and Trans- mission files. - Access to the data contained within the EDI documents. - The ability to customise the display of the DEC/EDI Audit trails by defining "views". - Access to Error logs. - Ability to access Transaction/Message status information from sev- eral DEC/EDI Servers. - The ability to reset, cancel or resend Documents or Transmission Files that are in certain states. 13 DOCUMENTATION The DEC/EDI documentation set consists of: o Introduction o Installing the Application Client and Server o Cockpit and CommandCenter Installation o User's Guide o Application Development All the above documents are also available on-line with the Command- Center component in Adobe[R] Acrobat[R] Portable Document File (PDF) format. The free Adobe Acrobat Reader for Microsoft Windows is dis- tributed with the CommandCenter. STANDARDS AND INDUSTRY PRACTICE CONFORMANCE The DEC/EDI product conforms to the following formal industry stan- dards: o ISO 9735 (EDIFACT), version-2 o ANSI X12.5 and X12.6 o CCITT Recommendation X.435 (EWOS Kernel Functional Profile, June 1992 /TD 22 ) o RFC 1767; Transmission of EDI documents over SMTP/MIME The DEC/EDI product conforms to the following industry practice: o TRADACOMS(UN/TDI) o TDCC o UCS/WINS o ODETTE o EDIFICE o EANCOM 14 o CEFIC o ODETTE File Transfer Protocol (OFTP) - OD.G4/86/090 o X.400 P2 (TEDIS meeting Nov. 23, 1989) and P0 (NIST Special Pub- lication 500-150) for CCITT X.400 1984 INSTALLATION Digital recommends that a customer's first purchase of this software product include Digital Installation Services. These services provide for installation of the software product by an experienced Digital Soft- ware Specialist. For subsequent purchases of this product only experienced customers should attempt installation. Digital recommends that all other cus- tomers purchase Digital's Installation Services. Customer Responsibilities Before installation of the software, the customer must: o Previously have installed all requisite software identified in the Software Requirements section below, and hardware, including ter- minals. o Make available for a reasonable period of time, as mutually agreed by Digital and the customer, all hardware, communication facili- ties, and terminals that are to be used during installation. o For verification of installation and connectivity in a multi-node network, designate and provide access to the DEC/EDI Client and Server hosts that have previously been installed by Digital. Delays caused by any failure to meet the responsibilities will be charged at the then prevailing rate for time and materials. 15 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS PROCESSORS SUPPORTED Any Digital Alpha system capable of supporting a minimum of 64Mb of memory (128Mb recommended), 2 Disk Drives (4 recommended), CD- ROM reader and the hardware controllers for the Communication Op- tion (X.25, X.400, OFTP, Bi-Synch) chosen by the customer. and an IBM-compatible PC (Intel 486 or higher processor) with a min- imum of 8MB of Memory (16MB recommended), SVGA graphics support and a CD-ROM reader, networked to the Digital UNIX system running the DEC/EDI Server software. DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:_Disk_Space_Required_for_Installation______________________ DEC/EDI Application 3,500 Kbytes Client DEC/EDI Server 120,000 Kbytes DEC/EDI CommandCenter 25,000 Kbytes DEC/EDI_Cockpit____________8,000_Kbytes____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Table_2:_Disk_space_required_for_use_(permanent)___________________ DEC/EDI Application 3,500 Kbytes Client DEC/EDI Server 120,000 Kbytes DEC/EDI CommandCenter 25,000 Kbytes DEC/EDI_Cockpit____________8,000_Kbytes____________________________ 16 The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. Additional disk space is required depending on the number of Mapping tables, performance needs, message size and software options. Memory Requirements The minimum Server memory supported is 64Mb. However, the use of this software in conjunction with increased memory and multiple disks im- proves performance. The memory size suggested for most typical hard- ware configurations is at least 128Mb (especially when the X.25 and /or X.400 products are installed on the same processor). OPTIONAL HARDWARE Any devices supported by the prerequisite/optional software. For Bisynchronous Communications for connecting to EDI VANS: o The CLEO 3780Plus product is required for use with the DEC/EDI Bi- synch communications capability on Digital UNIX. Contact the fol- lowing outlets to purchase CLEO 3780Plus: Contact the Digital EDI Practice Center in Dallas,Texas, for com- plete price and delivery information. Tel: 972-702-4518 e-mail: UK: Interface Systems International Telephone: +44 (0)1753 811888 The following Synchronous modems are recommended for use with the CLEO 3780Plus product: o Motorola 28.8 Kbps modem, V.34 (AT Compatible) o MULTItech Multimodem V.32 (AT Compatible) o 17 Contact your EDI Service Provider for advice on the protocol supported in your country. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS For DEC/EDI Application Client and DEC/EDI Server deployment on the same node: o Digital UNIX Operating System V3.2 through V4.0 (SPD 41.61.xx) o TCP/IP (as supplied with the Digital UNIX) o ObjectBroker Run-Time V2.6 (SPD 47.07.xx) o Database: - For Informix INFORMIX[R] OnLine[TM] V7.1 and INFORMIX ESQL[TM] V7.1 or - For Oracle Rdb Oracle[R] Rdb[TM] V6.1 and Oracle SQL/Services[TM] V6.1 or - For Oracle 7 Oracle 7 Server (RDBMS), Version or higher Oracle SQL*NET V2, Version or higher Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter (V2), Version or higher Oracle Server Manager, Version or higher o DEC/EDI CommandCenter V3.1 and its pre-requsites. For the use of DEC/EDI CommandCenter V3.1: o On a PC running Microsoft Windows or Microsoft Windows for Work- groups: - MS-DOS[R] V6.0 or later 18 - Microsoft Windows V3.1 or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups V3.11 - Microsoft Win32s as supplied with the CommandCenter - ObjectBroker run-time for Microsoft Windows, V2.5A through V2.6 (SPD 37.76.xx) - ODBC and SQL Components: - For Informix Online o INFORMIX I*Net[TM] V5.01 (purchased with INFORMIX ESQL/C for Windows V5.01) and o INTERSOLV DataDirect ODBC Pack for INFORMIX for Windows, V2.0 - For Oracle Rdb o Oracle ODBC Driver for Rdb Version 2.0.20 (16-bit driver) - For Oracle 7 o Oracle 7 ODBC Driver Version or higher (16-bit driver) and o Oracle SQL*NET V2, Version or higher and o Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter (V2), Version or higher - One of the following communications protocol interfaces: - PATHWORKS for DOS/TCP V5.0A or V5.1 (SPD 55.07.xx) or - Novell[R] LAN Workplace for DOS with WINSOCK compliant TCP /IP or - Microsoft Windows for Workgroups TCP/IP - Adobe Acrobat Reader as supplied with the CommandCenter o On a PC running Microsoft Windows 95: 19 - Windows 95 - ObjectBroker run-time for Win32 V2.6 (SPD 50.73.xx) - TCP/IP (included with Windows 95) - ODBC and SQL Components: - For Informix Online o Informix CLI V2.5 - For Oracle Rdb o Oracle ODBC Driver for Rdb Version 2.0.20 (32-bit driver) - For Oracle 7 o Oracle 7 ODBC driver (32 bit), Version or higher o Oracle SQL*NET Client, Version or higher o Oracle TCP/IP, Version or higher o Oracle 7 Required Support Files or highere - Adobe Acrobat Reader as supplied with the CommandCenter o On a PC running Microsoft Windows NT: - Windows NT 3.5.1 - ObjectBroker run-time for Win32 V2.6 (SPD 50.73.xx) - TCP/IP (included with Windows NT) - ODBC and SQL Components: - For Informix Online o INFORMIX I*Net V7.01 (purchased with INFORMIX ESQL/C for Windows NT V7.01) and o INTERSOLV DataDirect ODBC Pack for INFORMIX for Windows 95 and Windows NT, V2.12 or 20 o Informix CLI V2.5 - For Oracle Rdb o Oracle ODBC Driver for Rdb Version 2.0.20 (32-bit driver) - For Oracle 7 o Oracle 7 ODBC driver, Version or higher o Oracle SQL*NET Client, Version or higher o Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter (V2), Version or higher - Adobe Acrobat Reader as supplied with the CommandCenter OPTIONAL For the use of DEC/EDI Cockpit V3.1A: o On a PC running Microsoft Windows or Microsoft Windows for Work- groups: - MS-DOS[R] V6.0 or later - Microsoft Windows V3.1 or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups V3.11 - ObjectBroker run-time for Microsoft Windows, V2.5A through V2.6 (SPD 37.76.xx) - ODBC and SQL Components: - For Informix Online o INFORMIX I*Net V5.01 (purchased with INFORMIX ESQL/C for Windows V5.01) and o INTERSOLV DataDirect ODBC Pack for INFORMIX for Windows, V2.0 - For Oracle Rdb o Oracle ODBC Driver for Rdb Version 2.0.20 (16-bit driver) 21 - For Oracle 7 o Oracle 7 ODBC Driver Version or higher (16-bit driver) and o Oracle SQL*NET V2, Version or higher and o Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter (V2), Version or higher - One of the following communications protocol interfaces: - PATHWORKS for DOS and Windows V5.0 through V6.0 (SPD 55.07.xx) or - PATHWORKS for DOS/TCP V5.0A or V5.1 (SPD 55.07.xx) or - Novell[R] LAN Workplace for DOS with WINSOCK compliant TCP /IP or - Microsoft Windows for Workgroups TCP/IP o On a PC running Microsoft Windows 95: - Windows 95 - ObjectBroker run-time for Win32 V2.6 (SPD 50.73.xx) - TCP/IP (included with OS) - ODBC and SQL Components: - For Informix Online o Informix CLI V2.5 - For Oracle Rdb o Oracle ODBC Driver for Rdb Version 2.0.20 (32-bit driver) 22 - For Oracle 7 o Oracle 7 ODBC driver (32 bit), Version or higher o Oracle SQL*NET Client, Version or higher o Oracle TCP/IP, Version or higher o Oracle 7 Required Support Files or highere o On a PC running Microsoft Windows NT: - Windows NT 3.5.1 - ObjectBroker run-time for Win32 V2.6 (SPD 50.73.xx) - TCP/IP (included with OS) - ODBC and SQL Components: - For Informix Online o INFORMIX I*Net V7.01 (purchased with INFORMIX ESQL/C for Windows NT V7.01) and o INTERSOLV DataDirect ODBC Pack for INFORMIX for Windows 95 and Windows NT, V2.12 or o Informix CLI V2.5 - For Oracle Rdb o Oracle ODBC Driver for Rdb Version 2.0.20 (32-bit driver) - For Oracle 7 o Oracle 7 ODBC driver, Version or higher o Oracle SQL*NET Client, Version or higher o Oracle TCP/IP Protocol Adapter (V2), Version or higher 23 For remote deployment of DEC/EDI Application Client: o Remote deployment of DEC/EDI Application Client on OpenVMS Alpha System: - DEC/EDI Application Client for OpenVMS Alpha V2.1A through V2.1D (SPD 53.14.xx) and its pre-requisite software. [1] [2] o Remote deployment of DEC/EDI Application Client on OpenVMS VAX sys- tem: - DEC/EDI Application Client for OpenVMS VAX V2.1A through V2.1D (SPD 31.70.xx) and its pre-requisite software. [1] [2] o Remote deployment of DEC/EDI Application Client on Digital UNIX sys- tem ( with/without additional DEC/EDI Application Clients): - Digital UNIX Operating System, V3.2B to V4.0 (SPD 41.61.xx) - DEC/EDI Application Client for Digital UNIX V3.0A to V3.1A(SPD 53.50.xx) [3] [4] - ObjectBroker run-time for UNIX (Digital UNIX) V2.5A through V2.6 (SPD 47.07.xx) - Installation of TCP/IP (included with Digital UNIX Operating Sys- tem) on all the DEC/EDI Application Client Platforms and the DEC /EDI Server. ____________________ Digital strongly recommends that you upgrade any remote DEC/EDI Ap- plication Clients on OpenVMS Alpha to Version 2.1D ObjectBroker V2.6 or higher is required for DEC/EDI Version 2.1D Digital strongly recommends that you upgrade any remote DEC/EDI Ap- plication Clients on OpenVMS VAX to Version 2.1D ObjectBroker V2.6 or higher is required for DEC/EDI Version 2.1D Digital strongly recommends that you upgrade any remote DEC/EDI Ap- plication Clients on Digital UNIX to Version 3.1A ObjectBroker V2.6 or higher is required for DEC/EDI Version 3.1A 24 o Remote deployment of DEC/EDI Application Client on IBM AIX system (with/without additional DEC/EDI Application Clients): - DEC/EDI Application Client for IBM AIX V2.1A to V3.1 (SPD 62.91.xx) and its pre-requisite software. o Remote deployment of DEC/EDI Application Client on HP-UX system (with /without additional DEC/EDI Application Clients): - DEC/EDI Application Client for HP-UX V2.1A through V3.1 (SPD 62.92.xx) and its pre-requisite software. o Remote deployment of DEC/EDI Application Client on Sun Solaris sys- tem (with/without additional DEC/EDI Application Clients): - DEC/EDI Application Client for Sun Solaris V3.1 (SPD 61.38.xx) and its pre-requisite software. o Remote deployment of DEC/EDI Application Client on IBM AS/400 sys- tem (with/without additional DEC/EDI Application Clients): - DEC/EDI Application Client for AS/400 version 3.1 (SPD 61.38.xx) and its pre-requisite software. o For the use of DEC/EDI OFTP Communication: - X.25 V1.2 (SPD 42.47.xx) If the physical connection to the X.25 network is not provided on the same node, then the DEC/EDI Server node requires - DECnet/OSI V3.2 (SPD 41.92.xx) For the use of DEC/EDI X.400 Communications, one of the following: - DEC/EDI Server node or remote Digital UNIX Alpha running MAILbus 400 for Digital UNIX Alpha V1.4 (SPD 46.89.xx) and the following prerequisites: - DECnet/OSI for Digital UNIX V3.2 (SPD 41.92.xx) - DEC X.500 Directory Services (Base Component) for Digital UNIX Alpha V2.0A (SPD 40.77.xx) 25 - Remote OpenVMS VAX node supporting MAILbus 400 OpenVMS for VAX V1.4 (SPD 42.83.xx) and the following prerequisites: - DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS VAX V6.1 (SPD 25.03.xx) - DEC X.500 Directory Services (Base Component) for OpenVMS VAX V2.0A (SPD 40.77.xx) - DEC/EDI Server node supporting DECnet/OSI for Digital UNIX V3.2 (SPD 41.92.xx) - Remote OpenVMS Alpha node supporting MAILbus 400 OpenVMS for Al- pha V1.4 (SPD 54.67.xx) and the following prerequisites: - DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 (SPD 42.25.xx) - DEC X.500 Directory Services (Base Component) for OpenVMS Al- pha V2.0A (SPD 40.77.xx) - DEC/EDI Server node supporting DECnet/OSI for Digital UNIX V3.2 (SPD 41.92.xx) For the use of DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME: - Sendmail function on Digital UNIX - Wide Area Network connection to an Internet Service Provider or a EDI VAN supplier supporting RFC 1767. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more in- formation about Digitals licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. Licenses for the DEC/EDI components can be purchased either individ- ually or as a package. The following packaged license options are avail- able: o DEC/EDI Bi-Synch Package o DEC/EDI OFTP Package 26 o DEC/EDI X.400 Package o DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Package In addition to the specific DEC/EDI Communications Component, each pack- age license option also includes the Application Client, FileBridge Mapping Services, Translation Services and Import/Export Gateway Com- ponent. It does not include the communication product (X.25, X.400 and X.500). All the constituent components of a packaged license option must be installed on the same processor. License Management Facility Support (LMF) This layered product supports the Digital UNIX License Management Fa- cility. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use basis only for the DEC/EDI Server. License units for the Cockpit and CommandCenter are on a per user ba- sis. License units for Informix OnLine , ESQL, I*NET and INTERSOLV ODBC are sold on a per user basis where a User equates to every copy of Cock- pit and/or CommandCenter in use. However, Informix specify a minimum number of licenses for each processor type. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the Digital UNIX Alpha Software Product Description (SPD 41.61.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the Digital UNIX Operating Sys- tem documentation set. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, con- tact your local Digital office. 27 OPTIONAL SOFTWARE The following product versions are recommended for use with DEC/EDI for Digital UNIX V3.1A. o DEC/EDI Application Client for Digital UNIX, version 3.1A o DEC/EDI Application Client for IBM AIX, version 3.1 or higher (SPD 61.91.xx) o DEC/EDI Application Client for HP-UX, version 3.1 or higher (SPD 61.92.xx) o DEC/EDI Application Client for Sun Solaris version 3.1 (SPD 61.38.xx) o DEC/EDI Application Client for AS/400, version 3.1 (SPD 61.39.xx) o DEC/EDI Application Client for OpenVMS Alpha, Version 2.1D or higher (SPD 53.14.xx) o DEC/EDI Application Client for OpenVMS VAX, Version 2.1D or higher (SPD 31.70.xx) Certain versions of the following products depend upon a specific ver- sion of the Operating System and DECnet/OSI. Please refer to the SPD of the product in question to determine which version you need: o MAILbus 400 UNIX Alpha V1.4 o MAILbus 400 OpenVMS Alpha V1.4 o MAILbus 400 OpenVMS VAX V1.4 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. 28 DISTRIBUTION MEDIA The DEC/EDI Application Clients and Server Components are available as part of the Digital UNIX Consolidated Software Distribution on CD- ROM. ORDERING INFORMATION Software Media: QA-2Y1AA-H8 Software Documentation Manuals: QA-2Y1AA-GZ Software Licenses DEC/EDI Application Client License: QL-2Y2A*-AA DEC/EDI Application Client DEC/EDI Server License: QL-2Y4A*-AA DEC/EDI X.400 Gateway QL-2Y5A*-AA DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway QL-2Y6A*-AA DEC/EDI Bi-Synch Gateway QL-5HFA*-AA DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway QL-2Y7A*-AA DEC/EDI Bi-Synch Package QL-2Y8A*-AA DEC/EDI OFTP Package QL-2Y9A*-AA DEC/EDI X.400 Package QL-5HGA*-AA DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Package DEC/EDI CommandCenter V3.1: QL-4LNAW-AA License QL-4LNAA-H8 Media (CD-ROM Only) 29 DEC/EDI Cockpit 3.1: QB-2YNAA-SA Media and License package Software Product Services: QT-2Y2A*-** DEC/EDI Application Client QT-2Y4A*-** DEC/EDI X.400 Gateway QT-2Y5A*-** DEC/EDI OFTP Gateway QT-2Y6A*-** DEC/EDI Bi-Synch Gateway QT-5HFA*-** DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Gateway QT-2Y7A*-** DEC/EDI Bi-Synch Package QT-2Y8A*-** DEC/EDI OFTP Package QT-2Y9A*-** DEC/EDI X.400 Package QT-4LNA*-** DEC/EDI CommandCenter QT-2YNA*-** DEC/EDI Cockpit QT-5HGA*-** DEC/EDI Internet SMTP/MIME Package Each package license option also includes the following: o DEC/EDI Application Client o DEC/EDI Server o The specified DEC/EDI Communication Gateway for installation on a single node. It does not include the Communications product (X.25, X.400, X.500). * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. 30 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES The DEC/EDI Message Updates containing Messages (Transaction Sets), Segments, and Data Element Dictionaries for versions of ANSI X12, TDCC (UCS/WINS), TRADACOMS, ODETTE and EDIFACT messages will be made avail- able on a regular basis, to those customers who purchase Layered Prod- uct Service for DEC/EDI. A variety of other service options are also available from Digital. For more information, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY The procedures documented in the DEC/EDI documentation must be car- ried out on a regular basis to ensure that DEC/EDI is properly man- aged in a production environment. Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum to this SPD. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up-to-date information. [R] Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. [R] AT&T Easylink EDI is a registered trademark of AT&T Global Messaging Services Limited. [R] BT and EDI*NET are registered trademarks of British Telecommu- nications Public Liability Company. [R] CLEO and 3780plus are registered trademarks of CLEO Communica- tions Inc. [R] OSI is a registered trademarks of CA Management, Inc. [R] HP and HP-UX are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Com- pany. 31 [R] IBM, OS/400, AS/400 and AIX are registered trademarks of Inter- national Business Machines Corporation. [R] Sun and Solaris are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. [R] Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows and Windows 95 are registered trade- marks of Microsoft Corporation. [R] Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. [R] Informix is a registered trademark of Informix Corporation. [R] OSF and OSF/1 are registered trademarks of the Open Software Foundation Inc. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark licensed exclusively by X/Open Company Ltd. [R] INTERSOLV is a registered trademark of INTERSOLV Inc. [TM]DataDirect is a trademark of INTERSOLV Inc. [TM]Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM]GEIS and EDI*EXPRESS are trademarks of General Electric Company of USA. [TM]INS and TRADANET are trademarks of International Network Ser- vices Limited. [TM]TRADACOMS is a trademark of the Article Numbering Association. [TM]Oracle 7, Oracle Rdb, Oracle SQL/Services, Oracle Rdb run- time option and Oracle CDD/Repository are trademarks of Oracle Corporation. [TM]Informix OnLine, ESQL, I*Net and NewEra are trademarks of In- formix Corporation. [TM]Digital, the DIGITAL logo, CI, DEC, DEC/EDI, DECforms, DECnet, DECwindows, MAILbus, MicroVAX, TK, VAX, VAXcluster, VAXft, VAXserver, VAXstation, VMSmail, and OpenVMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. 32