COMPAQ Read Before Installing Compaq DECforms for OpenVMS Systems, Version 3.2 AV-Q50BH-TE Whether you are a new or existing Compaq DECforms customer, please take time to read the following information about your product. Installation Information Installing Compaq DECforms Version 3.2 requires the Compaq OpenVMS Operating System, Version 6.2 or higher. To install DECforms, use the VMSINSTAL command and follow the directions in the Compaq DECforms Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems. The installation procedure will perform a complete replacement installation. Release Notes Information The release notes for DECforms Version 3.2 contain a summary of new features, known problems, rstrictions, incompatibilities, and installation-related instructions. To read the release notes before installing DECforms, invoke VMSINSTAL and follow the instructions in the installation guide. After installing DECforms, you can find the release notes for DECforms located in: SYS$HELP:FORMSA032.RELEASE_NOTES (OpenVMS Alpha) SYS$HELP:FORMS032.RELEASE_NOTES (OpenVMS VAX) Compaq DECforms Web Connector There is an optional component of DECforms, the Compaq DECforms Web Connector, that allows you to enable DECforms applications to work on the World Wide Web without making significant pro- gramming changes; in most cases, no programming changes are required. To find out more information about the DECforms Web Connector, go to the DECforms Web Connector site at the follow- ing URL: Product Compatibility For information on the compatibility of other software products with this version of DECforms, refer to the Software Product Description (SPD). You can use the SPD to verify which versions of your operating system are compatible with this version of DECforms. License Management Facility Information Before you can install DECforms Version 3.2, you must register the Product Authorization Key (PAK), using the License Manage- ment Facility (LMF). See the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for registration instructions. Contents of This Kit o Bill of Materials (BOM) Please read the BOM enclosed in this kit and check that all of the items listed are in your kit. If your kit is damaged or any items are missing, call your Compaq representative. o Media If you ordered media, you will find the media, this let- ter, and the Compaq DECforms Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems in this kit. Note: Compaq DECforms for OpenVMS, Version 3.2 is the last version that this product will be distributed on: o 9-track 1600 BPI Magtape (OpenVMS VAX only) o TK50 Streaming Tape (OpenVMS VAX only) o Compaq DECforms Documentation If you have ordered a full development kit, or a documentation- only kit, you will receive a DECforms documentation set, which includes the following manuals: Compaq DECforms Guide to the Web Connector DIGITAL DECforms Guide to Developing an Application DIGITAL DECforms Guide to Commands and Utilities DIGITAL DECforms IFDL Reference Manual DIGITAL DECforms Programmer's Reference Manual DIGITAL DECforms Guide to Developing an Application DIGITAL DECforms Style Guide for Character-Cell Devices DIGITAL DECforms Guide to Converting FMS Applications Compaq DECforms Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems o Software Product Description (SPD) The SPD provides an overview of DECforms features and the technical environment in which the product is supported. For More Information For more information on DECforms, and updates on new features, visit our web site at the following URL: 2 Your Feedback is Appreciated Compaq appreciates your comments about DECforms and its docu- mentation. If you find errors or want to make comments about a manual, please send Internet mail containing the manual's title, part number, and a description of the documentation error to: Please do not use this electronic mail account for reporting problems with DECforms software. Instead, use the appropriate channels to report such problems. © 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation COMPAQ and the Compaq logo Registered in U.S. Patent and Trade- mark Office. OpenVMS, DECforms, and VAX are trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. 3