COMPAQ Read Before Installing or Using Compaq COBOL Version 5.7A for OpenVMS VAX Systems AV-EE05T-TE November 2002 Please take a moment to read this preinstallation letter for Compaq COBOL Version 5.7A for OpenVMS VAX Systems (previously known as VAX COBOL and as DIGITAL VAX COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems). This preinstallation letter contains important infor- mation regarding: o License Management Facility (LMF) o Installation o Compaq services o Release notes o Contents of the media kit o Compaq COBOL Web site Compaq COBOL Version 5.7A for OpenVMS VAX is a documentation update release. The software product remains unchanged since Compaq COBOL Version 5.7. The documentation has been updated to include information for Version 5.7 and has also been restructured to cover the OpenVMS Alpha, OpenVMS VAX, and Compaq Tru64 UNIX platforms. Platform- specific information is notated in each manual. Also, the DBMS database programming information is now published in its own manual, the Compaq COBOL DBMS Database Programming Manual. The DIGITAL COBOL Multiplatform Overview & Compatibility Guide has been archived. License Management Facility (LMF) Information Before you can install Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems, an LMF Product Authorization Key (PAK) must be registered and loaded (see the Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems Installa- tion Guide). Installation Information Installing Compaq COBOL requires the OpenVMS VAX operating system Version 6.2, or higher. © 2002 Compaq Information Technologies, L.P. The Layered Products Software Binaries Compact Disc (Media CD-ROM) contains the installation save sets (kit), the Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems Installation Guide, and related documentation in ASCII and POSTSCRIPT form. ________________________________________________________________ Version 5.7A Kit Compo- OpenVMS VAX Backup Save Set: Direc- nent________________________tory_and_File_______________________ Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS [COBOL057.KIT]COBOL057.A VAX Systems [COBOL057.KIT]COBOL057.B [COBOL057.KIT]COBOL057.C Installation Guide, this [COBOL057.DOCUMENTATION]*.PS Read Before Installing [COBOL057.DOCUMENTATION]*.TXT letter,_and_SPD_________________________________________________ Compaq Services A variety of service and support options are available from Compaq. For more information, contact your local Compaq sales office. Release Notes Information The Release Notes have not been updated for this release. Con- tinue to use the Release Notes for COBOL Version 5.7, which contain a summary of: o Known problems, restrictions, and problems corrected o RTL notes o Debugger notes o Differences between this product and other Compaq COBOL products on OpenVMS Alpha and Tru64 UNIX Alpha systems To read the Release Notes before installing Compaq COBOL Ver- sion 5.7, invoke VMSINSTAL and follow the instructions in the installation guide. After you install Compaq COBOL, you can find the Release Notes in: SYS$HELP:COBOL057.RELEASE_NOTES Contents of the Media Kit o Bill of Materials (BOM) Please read the Bill of Materials (BOM) enclosed in this kit and check to see that all items listed are actually in your kit. If your kit is damaged or any items are missing, call your Compaq representative. o Media 2 The Media CD-ROM contains the Compaq COBOL directory and save sets. For information about installing Compaq COBOL, see the Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems Installation Guide, which is on the Media CD-ROM. The Software Product Description (SPD) provides an overview of the Compaq COBOL product and its features and describes the technical environment in which the product is supported. The SPD is provided online on the Media CD-ROM. o CD User's Guide and Read First Letter The OpenVMS VAX Layered Products Compact Disc User's Guide and a CD Read First letter accompany the CD distribution kit. The CD User's Guide lists the directory names provided for each product on the Media CD-ROM. o Compaq COBOL Documentation The Compaq COBOL Reference Manual and the Compaq COBOL User Manual have been updated to include technical information up to and including Version 5.7. The DBMS database programming material is now separately published in its own manual, the Compaq COBOL DBMS Database Programming Manual. Because the software product is not affected by this release, the Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems Installation Guide was not updated. Continue to use the Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems Installation Guide, Version 5.7 to install Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems. These manuals, formatted for HTML, are included on the online documentation CD-ROM. To order the complete Compaq COBOL Version 5.7A documentation set in print, specify order number QA-099AA-GZ. This kit includes: o Compaq COBOL Reference Manual o Compaq COBOL User Manual o Compaq COBOL DBMS Database Programming Manual o Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems Installation Guide o This letter Please note the following change in information from the Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS VAX Systems Installation Guide: o Reader's Comments Please send comments to either of the following addresses: Internet Mail Compaq Computer Corporation OSSG Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH 03062-2698 o How to Order Addtional Documentation Visit the following World Wide Web address for information about how to order additional documentation: Compaq COBOL Web Site Please look at our Web page and give it a Bookmark. It has a wide variety of detailed information about the Compaq COBOL products, including a compatibility matrix, product descrip- tions, and Release Notes. The URL is: ___________________ [*] Compaq, the Compaq logo, OpenVMS, Tru64, VAX, and VMS are trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. in the U.S. and/or other countries. UNIX is a trademark of The Open Group in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. 3