Hewlett-Packard HP DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha, Version 7.3-2 October 2003 Dear Customer: Thank you for purchasing HP DECnet-Plus networking software. The DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS software product is an implementation of Phase V of the DIGITAL Network Architecture (DNA) for the Open- VMS operating system. DECnet-Plus networking software provides true network independence-you get full DECnet Phase IV and OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) functionality. In addition, with the installation of separate TCP/IP software, DECnet-Plus gives you the option to run DECnet and OSI applications over TCP/IP networks. For a complete description of this product, see the HP DECnet- Plus for OpenVMS Version 7.3-2 Software Product Description (SPD 50.45.16). HP recommends that you read the DECnet-Plus Planning Guide before you install this product. If you need assistance in planning and installation, contact your local HP office. Features HP DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Version 7.3-2 software provides a set of applications for use on OpenVMS Alpha systems and corrects some problems in previous versions. This release requires the latest release of the operating system, OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2. The following new features are supported in this version: o The DNS/BIND (referred to as Domain by DECnet-Plus software) naming service can now be selected as the primary or only directory service. In prior releases, either DECdns or the Local naming service had to be present in the directory service search list; DNS/BIND was not permitted as the first service in that ordered list. o DECdns now runs over TCP/IP using RFC 1859. When DECnet over TCP/IP is configured and the DECdns naming service is in use, IP address towers are automatically maintained in the DECdns namespace. o The new NCL SHUT ALIAS PORT command allows you to specify that a cluster alias member accept no new alias connection requests. o DECdts now supports operation in an IP-only environment without the use of a configuration file. DECdts can now get IP address information for the global DECdts servers from the DNS/BIND database, and/or from DECdns servers which are configured to run DECnet over TCP/IP. o DECnet-Plus has been enhanced to support LAN failover sets. For complete information about the software functionality and features, see the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Release Notes manual for Version 7.3-2. Documentation Comments HP prides itself on responding to customer needs. To continue serving you, we welcome your comments about any of the DECnet- Plus for OpenVMS documents. Please send us your comments through any of the following channels: Internet openvmsdoc@hp.com Fax 603 884-3799, Attention: OSSG Documentation, ZKO3- 4/U08 Mail OSSG Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH 03062-2698 ©2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2