MUP NUMBER: FORMSRTANMB021 ----------- PRODUCT: DECforms/Hangul for OpenVMS -------- UPDATED PRODUCT: DECforms/Hangul for OpenVMS 2.1B ---------------- APPRX BLCK SIZE: 6000 ---------------- Asian DECforms for Asian OpenVMS Version 2.1B Read Me First AV-QVJBB-TE __________________________________________________________ 1 Introduction This package contains the Asian DECforms Full Development and Run Time software for Asian OpenVMS. Read the Bill of Materials and check to see if all items listed are in your kit. If any item is missing, contact your DIGITAL representative. Be sure that you have installed the correct versions of prerequisite software before you install Asian DECforms for Asian OpenVMS Version 2.1B. The versions of required and optional software are listed in the Software Product Description. This release of Asian DECforms provides support for both character cell and Motif interface. It also includes in one Asian DECforms kit the following language supports: Hanzi, Hanyu, Hangul and Kanji. You must obtain a valid language UI PAK before installing in order to install and run Asian DECforms successfully. If you are running on DECwindows Motif /Hanyu Version 1.1, and you use the Asian CDA converter to convert Asian DECforms DDIF file to Postscript format for printing, you should contact DIGITAL MCS for the latest DECwindows Motif /Hanyu V1.1 ECO. 1 __________________________________________________________ 2 Installation Guide and Release Notes Information You should read Asian DECforms Installation Guide for Asian OpenVMS Systems before installing Asian DECforms. You must have Version 6.1 or higher of the Asian OpenVMS operating system and Version 1.1 or higher of Asian DECwindows Motif installed on your system before you can install the package. The Release Notes contains short descriptions of the new Asian features, restrictions, and any known problems. You can obtain the DECforms (US) release notes before installing Asian DECforms by invoking VMSINSTAL and following the instructions in Asian DECforms Installation Guide for Asian OpenVMS Systems. You can locate the Asian DECforms Release Notes in the following location only after installation of the product: SYS$HELP:FORMSANMB021.RELEASE_NOTES (for VAX) SYS$HELP:FORMSAANMB021.RELEASE_NOTES (for Alpha) __________________________________________________________ 3 Asian DECforms Version 2.1B Documentation The Asian DECforms Version 2.1B includes a documentation set which comprises the following: - Asian DECforms for Asian OpenVMS Version 2.1B Read Me First This is the document you are reading. - Asian DECformsInstallation Guide for Asian OpenVMSSystems This manual describes how to install both the Full Development kit and Run Time kits of Asian DECforms for Asian OpenVMS, and how to verify the installation. Note that this document has not been updated since V2.1A. The only differences expected between the document and actual V2.1B installations are due to the version number change. 2 - Asian DECforms User Guide This guide describes Asian DECforms features and guidelines on how to use it. This document is translated and available in Hanzi, Hanyu and Hangul. - Standard DECforms documentation set - Asian DECforms for OpenVMS VAX V2.1A Software Product Description The SPD is not updated for this version of the product. __________________________________________________________ 4 A problem with invoking HTPU from DECforms Development Environment There is a problem when a user tries to invoke HTPU editor from Asian DECforms. This problem only occurs under Asian OpenVMS VAX V6.1. The workaround for this problem is to edit the IFDL file by calling HTPU from DCL directly. __________________________________________________________ 5 ECOs required for OpenVMS For correct operation of DECforms Version 2.1Bon OpenVMS, the following ECO kits (or later versions) must be installed: - For OpenVMS Version 6.1, ECO VAXCMAR03_062 for VAX and AXPCMAR01_061 for Alpha - For OpenVMS Version 6.2, ECO VAXCMAR03_062 for VAX and ALPCMAR03_062 for Alpha Special Notice to ACMS Customers: For correct operation with ACMS, DECforms Version 2.1B software must be used with ACMS Version 4.1 or higher on the OpenVMS operating system Version 6.1 or 6.2. 3 __________________________________________________________ 6 A problem while modifying properties under the Motif-Based Panel Editor (MPED) During a MPED editing session, the Properties Box may be invoked in order to modify properties of fields. If the OpenVMS system version is 7.0 or higher, MPED will crash when the Properties Box is invoked for the second time. There is no workaround available for this problem but you exit MPED and reenter it after the first invocation of the Properties Box. Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All Rights reserved. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ADDHERE 4