COMPAQ Read Before Installing or Using Compaq Open3D Version 4.9B for OpenVMS Alpha Systems AV-R41LJ-TE Please take time to read the following information about the Compaq Open3D for OpenVMS Alpha (formerly DIGITAL Open3D for OpenVMS Alpha) product. Installation Information Installing Compaq Open3D Version 4.9B requires OpenVMS Alpha operating system Version 7.1, 7.1-1H1, 7.1-1H2, 7.1-2, 7.2, 7.2- 1, 7.2-1H1, or 7.3, and DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-4, 1.2-5, or 1.2-6 for OpenVMS Alpha. The OpenVMS Alpha Layered Products media consists of the following: o Software Product Library CD-ROMs containing the installation kit and related documentation in PostScript and ASCII format. The main Compaq Open3D directory is [OPEN3DB049] and contains the following files: - The Compaq Open3D installation save sets, located in the files: [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.A [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.H [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.B [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.I [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.C [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.J [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.D [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.K [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.E [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.L [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.F [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.M [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.G [OPEN3DB049.KIT]OPEN3DB049.N - The Compaq Open3D Installation Guide for OpenVMS Alpha Systems, this letter, and the Software Product Descrip- tion, provided as files in PostScript (.PS) and ASCII (.TXT) format in the directory: [OPEN3DB049.DOCUMENTATION] o Online Documentation Library CD-ROMs, containing documenta- tion files in Bookreader format. OpenGL Compaq Open3D includes the Compaq implementation of OpenGL, a software interface used to develop applications that render high quality 3D images. This OpenGL implementation has passed all tests required of a conformant implementation of OpenGL Version 1.0, the OpenGL Extension to the X Window System (GLX) Version 1.1, and the OpenGL Utility Library (GLU) Version 1.2. ©2001 Compaq Computer Corporation ___________________ + Compaq, VAX, VMS, and the Compaq logo Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. OpenVMS is a trademark of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. in the United States and other countries. ++ All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. 2 Release Notes Information The release notes for Compaq Open3D Version 4.9B contain installation-related instructions and a summary of technical changes, known problems, restrictions, and incompatibilities. To read the release notes before installing Compaq Open3D, invoke VMSINSTAL and follow the instructions in the installation guide. After Compaq Open3D installation, the release notes are located in the files: SYS$HELP:OPEN3DB049.RELEASE_NOTES (ASCII format) SYS$HELP:OPEN3DB049_RELEASE_NOTES.PS (PostScript format) License Management Facility (LMF) Information Before you can install Compaq Open3D, you must register and load a Product Authorization Key (PAK), using the License Manage- ment Facility (LMF). For more details, see the Compaq Open3D Installation Guide for OpenVMS Alpha Systems. For information on LMF requirements for reading the Compaq Open3D documentation using Bookreader software, refer to the Software Product Library CD-ROM User's Guide, located on disc 1 of the Software Product Library CD-ROM in the [README] directory. Contents of the Media Kit o Bill of Materials (BOM) Please read the BOM enclosed in this kit and check to see that all items listed are actually in your kit. If your kit is damaged or any items are missing, call your Compaq representative. o Media On the Software Product Library CD-ROM, you will find the Compaq Open3D directory and save sets. For information about installing Compaq Open3D on your system, see the Compaq Open3D Installation Guide for OpenVMS Alpha Systems (also provided on this CD-ROM). o CD-ROM Documentation The following documents accompany the CD-ROM distribution kit: - Software Product Library Master Index This document provides the directory locations of the prod- ucts on the Software Product Library CD-ROM. It also lists products that have been removed from the library this quar- ter. - Online Documentation Library Master Index This document provides a list of the products on the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM, as well as a list of products that have been removed from the library this quarter. It also lists the bookshelf category from which to access product documentation using the Bookshelf Navigation Utility (BNU). - "Read First" letter 3 This document describes the changes from the previous version of the Software Product Library CD-ROM distribution. - "Getting Started" letter This document describes how to mount the CD-ROM. The following documents, which had been included as printed doc- uments in previous releases, are now available online only. They are located on disk 1 of the CD-ROM, in the [README] directory: - Software Product Library CD-ROM User's Guide This guide describes how to: <> Mount and control access to the Software Product Library CD-ROM <> Use the CDMENU utility <> Access the contents of the CD-ROM <> Install layered products from the CD-ROM - Online Documentation Library CD-ROM User's Guide This guide describes how to use the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM. o Compaq Open3D Documentation Compaq Open3D documents are provided as Bookreader files on the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM. Refer to the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM User's Guide for information about how to read the online documentation. This guide is located on disc 1 of the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM in the [README] directory. Both the printed and online Compaq Open3D documentation kits include the following manuals: o Compaq Open3D Installation Guide for OpenVMS Alpha Systems o Using OpenGL For more information, see the Compaq Open3D READ ME FIRST online book. To order these manuals, refer to the Software Product Description (SPD) information below. o Software Product Description (SPD) The SPD provides an overview of the Compaq Open3D kit and its features, and describes the technical environment in which the product is supported. This document is provided on line. Product Name Change With Version 3.1 of this product, DIGITAL changed the name from DEC Open3D to DIGITAL Open3D. With Version 4.9B of this product, Compaq changed the name from DIGITAL Open3D to Compaq Open3D. 4 Product Distribution Change Compaq Open3D Version 4.9B will be the last version of this product to ship as a separately orderable media kit. Future releases of the product will ship the binary savesets as part of the OpenVMS Software Product Library CD-ROM only. Printed versions of the Compaq Open3D Installation Guide for OpenVMS Alpha Systems and Using OpenGL documents will continue to be orderable. 5