COMPAQ Reliable Transaction Router[TM], Version 3.2, for OpenVMS[TM] Cover Letter AV-PB30M-TE Dear Customer, Thank you for purchasing Reliable Transaction Router, Version 3.2, for OpenVMS. Contents of this kit This kit contains the following documents: o Cover Letter (this document) o The Software Product Description (SPD) o Reliable Transaction Router Installation Guide o Reliable Transaction Router Application Programmer's Refer- ence Manual o Reliable Transaction Router System Manager's Manual o Reliable Transaction Router Migration Guide o Reliable Transaction Router Application Design Guide Release Notes are supplied in electronic form with the software kit. Please read the Release Notes before installing the kit. Reliable Transaction Router Version 3.2 for OpenVMS supersedes RTR Version 2.2D for OpenVMS. Customers using RTR Version 2.2D for OpenVMS are advised to migrate to RTR Version 3.2 for Open- VMS as soon as practical. RTR Version 3.2 for OpenVMS contains many enhancements to RTR Version 2.2D including wrapper routines that allow most existing RTR Version 2 based applications to run without change. It is recommended that customers test their RTR Version 2 ap- plications on RTR Version 3.x before replacing RTR Version 2.2D in their production environments. COMPAQ will provide stan- dard support services for RTR Version 2.2D through March 1999. Prior version support services for RTR Version 2.2D for Open- VMS is available through 2 July 2000. If assistance is required in moving your application from RTR Version 2 to Version 3 or support for RTR Version 2.2D is required beyond March 1999, please contact your Compaq services representative for more information. The Reliable Transaction Router Product Set The Reliable Transaction Router product set includes the follow- ing: o Reliable Transaction Router for Compaq Tru64[TM] UNIX[R] o Reliable Transaction Router for Windows NT[R], Windows 95[R], and Windows 98[R] o Reliable Transaction Router for IBM AIX[R] o Reliable Transaction Router for Sun Solaris[R] o Reliable Transaction Router for HP-UX[R] ©Compaq Computer Corporation. 1999. All rights reserved. ___________________ [TM] DIGITAL, OpenVMS, Reliable Transaction Router, and Tru64 are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation. COMPAQ and the Compaq logo are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. [R] AIX and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Hewlett-Packard and HP-UX are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun and Solaris are regis- tered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed ex- clusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. Windows NT, Windows 95, and Windows 98 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 2