DIGITAL Read Before You Install: DIGITAL ACMSxp Version 3.1 for OpenVMS Alpha AV-QRFZE-TE Description DIGITAL ACMSxp Version 3.1 for OpenVMS Alpha product includes the following major enhancements: o X/Open STDL Syntax support o Common documentation set for all supported platforms DIGITAL ACMSxp is also available on DIGITAL UNIX[R], HP-UX[R], and Windows NT[TM] platforms. Contents of this Kit The following chart lists all major items in the ACMSxp for OpenVMS Alpha kit. o CDROM Media o Read Before You Install: DIGITAL ACMSxp Version V3.1 for OpenVMS Alpha o DIGITAL ACMSxp for OpenVMS Alpha Installation Guide o DIGITAL ACMSxp Software System Overview o DIGITAL ACMSxp STDL Encyclopedia o DIGITAL ACMSxp Getting Started o DIGITAL ACMSxp Developing and Managing Applications o DIGITAL ACMSxp V3.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Software Product De- scription Installation Information Read the ACMSxp Release Notes and DIGITAL ACMSxp for OpenVMS Alpha Installation Guide for specifics on any restrictions and how they may apply to your environment. Refer to the DIGITAL ACMSxp Version 3.1 for OpenVMS Alpha Soft- ware Product Description and DIGITAL ACMSxp for OpenVMS Alpha Installation Guide for a complete list of the software products that are compatible with ACMSxp Version 3.1 for OpenVMS Alpha. Release Notes The release notes for ACMSxp Version 3.1 for OpenVMS Alpha contain a summary of the known problems, restrictions and installation-related instructions, as well as new features. After you install ACMSxp you can find the release notes in: SYS$HELP:ACMSXP031.RELEASE_NOTES New Product Information - Web-Enabling ACMSxp and ACMS Applications Web access to business applications has gone from a "nice-to- have " to a "need-to-have". Recognizing this need DIGITAL has developed a product called the DIGITAL TP Web Connector. The DIGITAL TP Web Connector is a layered software product that enables seamless web access to business applications running on either ACMS or ACMSxp Transaction Processing systems. The DIGITAL TP Web Connector utilizes the Microsoft[R] Internet Information Server (IIS) and Active Server Platform. Both the ISAPI interface and Active Server Pages interface are supported. For more information about the DIGITAL TP Web Connector product visit our web page at the location listed below or contact your local DIGITAL representative or authorized partner. Trademarks The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ACMS and OpenVMS. HP-UX is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. February 1998. All Rights Reserved. 2