DIGITAL AV-RDM0A-TE Before You Install TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX[R]+ ESA Version 1.0 Dear Customer, DIGITAL is delighted that you have chosen TeMIP and Expert System Access to satisfy your network management requirements. The Expert System Access V1.0 (ESA) is part of the TeMIP program and is intended to allow plug-in Expert System solutions to han- dle the ever increasing number of alarms generated by networks. As network topology grows, there is an exponential increase in the number of alarms from TeMIP. Operators are confronted with a deluge of alarms that must be correlated by an expert system in order to identify the underlying problems affecting network equipment. Furthermore, expert systems are also used to automate networks management tasks thus improving the quality of service and decreasing operational costs. The nature of ESA means that once access has been developed, it follows the evolution of TeMIP and thus the expert system will remain upwardly compatible with it. Enclosed is the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX ESA Version 1.0 software kit and documentation. Please read this cover letter before installing your software kit for TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX ESA Version 1.0. Contents of the Software Kit Your kit includes the TeMIP ESA software distribution media for DIGITAL UNIX, together with the ESA documentation set, which con- sists of: o TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Expert System Access, Installation Guide o TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Expert System Access, Development Guide o TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Expert System Access, Reference Guide. The documentation set corresponds with the functions that you have purchased. Note that you will only be able to use the software for which you have purchased licenses. ____________________ + UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. Release Notes Release Notes can be printed out during installation. The Release Notes contain information such as recommendations, amendments to documentation and restrictions. Refer to the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX ESA Installation Guide (AA- RDM1A-TE) for details of how to access the Release Notes. Refer to the Software Product Descriptions and the TeMIP for DIG- ITAL UNIX ESA Installation Guide (AA-RDM1A-TE) for information on prerequisite software and hardware. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1998. All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embod- ies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication, or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, DEC, DECstation, DECsystem, DECwindows, FLEXlm and TeMIP are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corpo- ration. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. 2 3