Hewlett-Packard HP OpenVMS SNA Layered Product Software Cover Letter February 2004 Dear Customer, Thank you for purchasing HP OpenVMS SNA layered product network- ing software. This software supports both the OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX platforms unless otherwise indicated. HP continues to actively support the OpenVMS SNA group of products in the nine new releases listed below. Features With HP OpenVMS SNA products users can perform a multitude of functions. Users on one or more HP systems with SNA access routines can simultaneously perform functions such as accessing IBM application programs or other system resources, act as a 3270 display station, perform data transfer between HP and IBM file systems, exchange electronic documents and mail messages, submit jobs to IBM batch subsystems acting as a Remote Job Entry workstation, and implement distributed, task-to-task application programs that run between HP and IBM systems. Management of the HP OpenVMS SNA products should be viewed as part of the total HP IBM environment; the management of the line connecting the OpenVMS system to the IBM system is a joint responsibility of IBM and HP system managers. HP has plans to support IBM software configurations, version and release numbers, as configurations become generally available from IBM and as sustained customer interest continues. For more information, contact your local HP office. For complete descriptions of the HP OpenVMS SNA layered prod- ucts, please refer to the HP Software Product Descriptions (SPD) listed below. HP SNA Printer Emulator for Open-VMS, Version 1.5 (SPD 26.70.10) For OpenVMS Alpha Systems: Software Licenses: QL-10TA*-** Software Documentation: QA-044AA-GZ For OpenVMS VAX Systems: Software Licenses: QL-044A*-** Software Documentation: QA-044AA-GZ HP SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS, Version 1.8 (SPD 26.84.11) For OpenVMS Alpha Systems: Software Licenses: QL-10ZA*-** Software Documentation: QA-454AA-GZ For OpenVMS VAX Systems: Software Licenses: QL-454A*-** Software Documentation: QA-454AA-GZ HP SNA Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS, Version 1.7 (SPD 26.85.09) For OpenVMS Alpha Systems: Software Licenses: QL-10UA*-** Software Documentation: QA-453AA-GZ For OpenVMS VAX Systems: Software Licenses: QL-453A*-** Software Documentation: QA-453AA-GZ HP SNA Application Programming Interface for OpenVMS, Version 2.6 (SPD 26.86.09) For OpenVMS Alpha Systems: Software Licenses: QL-10VA*-** Software Documentation: QA-455AA-GZ For OpenVMS VAX Systems: Software Licenses: QL-455A*-** Software Documentation: QA-455AA-GZ HP SNA 3270 Data Stream Programming Interface for OpenVMS, Version 1.7 (SPD 26.87.10) For OpenVMS Alpha Systems: Software Licenses: QL-10XA*-** Software Documentation: QA-363AA-GZ For OpenVMS VAX Systems: Software Licenses: QL-363A*-** Software Documentation: QA-363AA-GZ HP SNA APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface for OpenVMS, Version 2.5 (SPD 26.88.11) For OpenVMS Alpha Systems: Software Licenses: QL-10SA*-** Software Documentation: QA-022AA-GZ For OpenVMS VAX Systems: Software Licenses: QL-022A*-** Software Documentation: QA-022AA-GZ HP SNA Server for OpenVMS VAX, Version 2.4 (SPD 27.01.12) For OpenVMS VAX Systems only: Software Licenses: QL-362A*-AA Hardcopy Documentation: QA-362A*-GZ HP SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS, Version 3.4 (SPD 27.85.11) OpenVMS Software Licenses and Documentation: 2 For OpenVMS Alpha Systems: Software Licenses: DTF Server on OpenVMS Alpha: QL-205A*-AA DTF Utilities on OpenVMS Alpha: QL-206A*-AA Software Documentation QA-VEBAA-GZ For OpenVMS VAX Systems: DTF Server on OpenVMS VAX: QL-VEBA*-AA DTF Utilities on OpenVMS VAX: QL-VEKA*-AA Software Documentation QA-VEBAA-GZ IBM Software Licenses and Documentation: Mainframe Data Transfer Facility: Software License: QL-1GQA9-AA Software Media: QA-1GQAA-HP Software Documentation: QA-1GQAA-GZ HP SNA Server for OpenVMS Alpha, Version 1.2 (SPD 70.89.02) For OpenVMS Alpha Systems only: Software Licenses: QL-6CVA*-AA Hardcopy Documentation: QA-6CVAA-GZ Licenses HP OpenVMS SNA software is furnished only under a license. The HP OpenVMS SNA products support the OpenVMS License Manage- ment Facility. License units for this product may be allocated on a CPU-capacity basis or be licensed for an unlimited system use basis. For more information on the License Management Fa- cility, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and VAX Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx), the particular HP SNA product SPD and/or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS Operating System documentation set. For more infor- mation about HP licensing terms and policies, contact your local HP office. Software Product Services A variety of service options are available from HP Services. For more information, contact your local HP office. Software Warranty This software is provided by HP with a 90-day conformance war- ranty in accordance with the HP warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. ©2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 3