DIGITAL Read Before Installing MUXserver 300 for VMS V1.3 AV-PG09B-TE Whether you are a new or continuing MUXserver 300 customer, please take time to read the following information about the product. Installation Information MUXserver 300 V1.3 requires Version 5.1 or higher of the VMS operating system. Release Note Information The release notes for MUXserver 300 V1.3 contain important installation-related instructions and a summary of known problems, corrected errors, restrictions and incompatibili- ties. You can read the release notes before installing MUXserver 300 V 1.3 by invoking VMSINSTAL and following the in- structions that start the installation procedure. You can also read the release notes following the installation of MUXserver 300 V1.3 by typing: TYPE/PAGE SYS$HELP:MS3$013.RELEASE_NOTES Contents of this Kit o Indented Bill Report (BIL) and Bill of Materials (BOM) Please read the BIL and BOM enclosed in this kit and check that all items listed are actually in your kit. If your kit is damaged or if any item is missing, call your Digital representative. o Media If you ordered media, you will find it in this kit. 1 o Documentation This kit includes a copy of the following documentation: MUXserver 300 Software Installation Guide (VMS) o Software Product Description (SPD) The SPD provides an overview of the MUXserver 300 for VMS V1.3 and its features. o Software Performance Report (SPR) If you have purchased warranty services, use this form to report any problems with MUXserver 300 for VMS V1.3. o Software Update Survey Card By completing and returning this card after installing MUXserver 300 for VMS V1.3, you provide valuable feedback to Digital on installation quality. Your feedback helps us to understand customer needs and to improve our products. © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1992. All rights reserved. 2