DIGITAL AV-PUELD-TK Please Read This Letter Before You Install April 1996 Dear BASEstar Customer, Thank you for purchasing BASEstar Graphics Enabler Version 2.3, software. BGE is an easy-to-use-visual/graphical environment that provides the capability to quickly and efficiently develop com- plex human-machine interfaces to the BASEstar platform. It allows monitoring and interactive applications to be created. Because of the flexibility of its graphical editor, the BASEstar Graphics Enabler covers a wide range of applications in a variety of indus- try segments. This V2.3 release is designed to bring the BASEstar Graphics Enabler into synchronization with the latest release of SL-GMS on which BGE is built. For installation instruction, please refer to the "BASEstar Graph- ics Enabler User's Guide" packaged with the BASEstar Graphics Enabler Version 2.3 documentation kit. The release notes for the BASEstar Graphics Enabler V2.3 also contain installation-related instructions, plus a summary of technical changes, known problems, restrictions, and incompatibilities. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All rights reserved.