!++ !*************************************************************************** ! ! File MODPARAMS_EIS.DAT 22-Jul-98 ! ! © Digital Equipment Corporation 1996, 1997. All rights reserved. ! ! Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. ! Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph ! (c) (1) (ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR ! 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable. ! ! This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential ! technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or ! copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a ! valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. ! !*************************************************************************** ! ! Provided for Digital Enterprise Integration Server for OpenVMS Alpha 7.1 ! Systems ! ! This is an example file, intended to help set up SYSGEN parameters ! required for the Digital Enterprise Integration Server for OpenVMS Alpha ! Systems. You should use this file as an example to help you modify ! your own MODPARAMS.DAT file. ! ! Digital Equipment Corporation in no way warrants the accuracy, validity ! or utility of the information in this example file. ! ! The parameters in this file are the minimums suggested for installing ! and running the Digital Enterprise Integration Server. If you choose to ! try to use this file to set up your system parameters: ! ! o Check each parameter. Comments to the right of the parameter explain ! how to check to see if a different value is required for Digital ! Enterprise Integration Server. ! ! o No values are supplied for the SCSNODE and SCSSYSTEMID parameter entries. ! You must supply these values if required. ! ! o Depending on the other software currently running on your system, ! different parameter values may be necessary. ! ! -- ! Example Digital Enterprise Integration Server parameters !-- ! MIN_GBLPAGES=275000 ! # free (unused) pages required for installation MIN_GBLPAGFIL=3248 ! # free (unused) space required for installation MIN_GBLSECTIONS=1525 ! # free (unused) sections required for installation MIN_MAXPROCESSCNT=50 MIN_CLISYMTBL=512 MIN_LOCKIDTBL=45000 MIN_RESHASHTBL=2048 MIN_WSMAX=32768 MIN_CHANNELCNT=568 MIN_MAXBUF=8192 MIN_PROCSECTCNT=100 MIN_SWPOUTPGCNT=512 MIN_NPAGEDYN=1642000 MIN_PAGEDYN=901120 MIN_KSTACKPAGES=2 WINDOW_SYSTEM=1 MIN_PQL_MASTLM=210 MIN_PQL_DBIOLM=100 MIN_PQL_MBIOLM=100 MIN_PQL_MBYTLM=100000 MIN_PQL_MDIOLM=100 MIN_PQL_DENQLM=300 MIN_PQL_MENQLM=350 MIN_PQL_MFILLM=100 MIN_PQL_MPGFLQUOTA=32768 MIN_PQL_MPRCLM=10 MIN_PQL_MWSDEFAULT=1024 MIN_PQL_MWSEXTENT=8192 MIN_PQL_MWSQUOTA=2048 MIN_GH_RES_CODE=1024 MIN_GH_RSRVPGCNT=2000 MIN_IMGREG_PAGES=2000 MIN_NPAGEVIR=6496256 ! ! End of MODPARAMS_EIS.DAT !