Compaq Cover Letter for DECram for OpenVMS[TM]Version 2.3 January 1999 Dear DECram Customer: Compaq Computer Corporation is pleased to provide the DECram for OpenVMS[TM] Version 2.3 product to our customers. DECram for OpenVMS is a disk device that allows a system manager to create psuedo disks (RAMdisks) that reside in the main memory of OpenVMS systems to improve I/O performance. DECram for OpenVMS Version 2.3 can be installed as an update to a prior release of DECram, if one is currently installed on your system, or directly on your system if no prior version is currently installed. DECram for OpenVMS Version 2.3 is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed standalone Alpha or VAX system, or any clustered VAX system. DECram for OpenVMS Version 2.3 is required for any OpenVMS Cluster systems running any version of OpenVMS Alpha. Multiple DECram devices can be members of a Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS shadow set and can be served by mass storage control protocol (MSCP). There are no special hardware requirements to install DECram for OpenVMS. With DECram for OpenVMS Version 2.3, the limit on the DECram device size has been extended to 32GB on OpenVMS Alpha systems running Version 7.1 or higher. A single device size on OpenVMS VAX systems running Version 6.2 or higher is limited to 524,280 blocks. DECram Version 2.3 supports operation in an Adaptive Partitioned Multi-Processing (APMP) environment, also known as Compaq Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS. Documentation During the DECram for OpenVMS installation, the DECram for OpenVMS User's Manual and the DECram for OpenVMS Installation Guide will be copied in both PostScript and ASCII text formats and placed in the SYS$HELP directory. The file names are: o DECRAM_DRIVER_MANUAL.PS o DECRAM_DRIVER_MANUAL.TXT ___________________ [TM] The following are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation: Com- paq, OpenVMS, OpenVMS Cluster, VAX, VAX DOCUMENT, VAXcluster, VMS, VMScluster, and the Compaq logo. o DECRAM_INSTAL_GUIDE.PS o DECRAM_INSTAL_GUIDE.TXT Installation Appendix A of the DECram for OpenVMS Installation Guide pro- vides a sample installation of the software. The installation procedure in that guide gives you the opportunity to print the DECram for OpenVMS Release Notes. Compaq recommends that you re- view the release notes before you proceed with the installation procedure. Please read the DECram for OpenVMS Installation Guide before starting your installation. 2