Hewlett-Packard Cover Letter for HP DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.6 December 2006 Dear HP DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Customer, HP is pleased to introduce the HP DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.6 release. This document contains software and documentation information about the HP DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.6 product. HP DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha V1.6 Kit Contents The following documents and kits are available in the Software Products Library: o HP DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.6 Cover Letter This is the document you are currently reading. o HP DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Version 1.6 Software Product Description This document describes the basic features of the DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha V1.6 product. o HP DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Installation Guide This document contains the installation information specific to DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS V1.6. o HP DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Release Notes This document contains the release notes specific to DECwin- dows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS V1.6. o DECwindows Motif Internationalization kit This kit contains the common files for Asian language vari- ants of DECwindows Motif. o DECwindows Motif /Hangul kit This kit contains the files specific to Hangul language. Refer to the "Master Index" of Software Products Library for their location. Prerequisite OpenVMS and DECwindows Motif To install DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha V1.6, you should install: o HP OpenVMS Alpha V8.3 o HP OpenVMS XPG4 Locale Data File kit (A.K.A OpenVMS Alpha Internationalization kit) o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha V1.6 Refer to the "HP DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Installa- tion Guide" for details. Software License DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha V1.6 is LMF compli- ant. In order to install DECwindows Motif /Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha V1.6, you must register and load the following licenses: ________________________________________________________________ Product_Name___________________________LMF_Product_Name_________ DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha DW-MOTIF V1.6 DECwindows Motif /Hangul for Open- DW-MOTIF-UI-HANGUL VMS_Alpha_V1.6__________________________________________________ 2006 Hewlett-Packerd Development Company, L.P. 2