Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Version 7.2 AV-PNHXR-TE January 1999 Dear Customer: Thank you for purchasing DECnet-Plus networking software. The DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS software product (formerly named DEC- net/OSI) is an implementation of Phase V of the DIGITAL Network Architecture (DNA) for the OpenVMS operating system hard- ware. DECnet-Plus networking software provides true network independence-you get the full functionality of DECnet Phase IV, as well as DECnet enhancements, plus full TCP/IP connectivity and OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) functionality. For a complete description of this product, see the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Version 7.2 Software Product Description (SPD) for either OpenVMS VAX or Alpha systems: o VAX: SPD 25.03.43 o Alpha: SPD 50.45.12 Compaq recommends that you read the DECnet-Plus Planning Guide before you install this product. If you need assistance in planning and installation, contact your local Compaq office. Version 7.2 of DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS software will be the last release available on TK50 and magtape media. Future releases will be available only on CD-ROM. Features DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Version 7.2 software provides a set of applications for use on OpenVMS systems. This release supports the latest release of the operating system, OpenVMS Version 7.2, and provides corrections for a number of problems from the previous version (DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Version 7.1). For complete information about the software functionality and features, see Chapter 1 of the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Release Notes manual for Version 7.2. Documentation Comments Compaq prides itself on responding to customer needs. To con- tinue serving you, we welcome your comments about any of the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS documents. Please send us your comments through any of the following channels: Internet Fax 603 884-0120, Attention: OSSG Documentation, ZKO3- 4/U08 Mail OSSG Documentation Group, ZKO3-4/U08 110 Spit Brook Rd. Nashua, NH 03062-2698 ©Compaq Computer Corporation. 1999. All rights reserved. ___________________ [TM] The following are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation: DEC, DECnet, OpenVMS, VAX, VMS, and the Compaq logo. [R] OSI is a registered trademark of CA Management, Inc. 2