hp MAILbus 400 Message Transfer Agent and Application Program Interface, Version 3.1 Cover Letter for Tru64 UNIX AV-QSGKG-TE This Cover Letter lists the New features that have been introduced in Version 3.1 of the MAILbus[TM] 400 MTA. It also lists the New features that have been introduced in Version V3.1 of the MAILbus 400 Application Program Interface (API). For MTA V3.1 installation instructions please refer to MAILbus 400 MTA Installing on a Tru64 UNIX System. New features to the MAILbus 400 MTA The following are the new features introduced in MTA V3.1. Full details of these changes are given in the MAILbus 400 MTA and API Release Notes for Tru64 UNIX. o The MTA V3.1 installs on a TruCluster environment. o The MTA V3.1 API supports distributed delivery for User Agents across the MTA nodes on a TruCluster. o MTA V3.1 supports MTA clients to have a UNIX Domain Socket con- nection to the local node to submit messages . The submission of messages always happens on the local node. o The mta_server_names file locations can be in the $HOME loca- tion or default /var/mta/mta_server_names o The buffer size for om_write call is increased 10 times from 1024, for more throughput during submission of messages from an XAPI user agent. o The maX_open call now has the support for distributed connec- tion over the cluster. (changes as per CFS-93621) o MTA now allows XAPI clients to reconnect to a disabled/invalid MTA connection once the failed MTA instance comes up without the XAPI client needing to re-issue a fresh connection request. The reconnect time can be controlled using the environment variable XAPI_RECONNECT_TIME. o MTA now supports socket reuse address for the IR listener on port 201. This feature enables the IR Listener to come up imme- diately on a restart. o The IR Listener Restart Interval in MTA has been reduced from 300 sec to 10 secs to allow this process to come back up faster in case of a failure. o MTA now supports a XAPI Connect timeout feature. This allows the user to control the socket connect call to timeout based on an environment variable value (XAPI_CONNECT_TIMEOUT), rather than waiting for the default 75 seconds TCP timeout. o Rolling Upgrade Support for MTA. o The retry interval for agent has been made a configurable pa- rameter. The retry interval for Temporary Failure to deliver an MPDU to an XAPI User Agent can be specified by defining an environment variable named MTA_AGT_RETRY. The value of this environment variable is in minutes and needs to be set before the MTA startup. The default value of this retry interval is 10 minutes. o Comparison of routing instruction attributes, agents and do- mains has been made case-insensitive. o MTA V3.1 includes the features released with MAILbus 400 MTA Version V3.0. Refer to Section 9 of the MAILbus 400 MTA Release notes for MTA V3.1 for a description of these features. 2 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this pub- lication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. The following are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Development Com- pany, L.P.: DEC-net, DIGITAL, MAILbus, OpenVMS, OSAK, and the COMPAQ logo. OSI is a registered trademark of CA Management, Inc. © 2003, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.: 1995,1995-2003. All rights reserved. 3