DIGITAL AV-R3XSJ-TE August, 2000 Dear Customer: To continue our tradition of providing enhanced storage man- agement software capability to our customers, COMPAQ offers this release of Compaq Archive Backup System (ABS) for Open- VMS[TM], V3.1. Storage Library System (SLS) licenses continue to be honored by ABS Version 3.1 to allow for easy migration. ABS Version 3.1 has been designed to run on OpenVMS VAX, ver- sions 6.2,7.1-2, and 7.2 and OpenVMS Alpha versions 6.2, 7.1, and 7.2-1. You can use ABS in a mixed-architecture, OpenVMS VAX and Alpha systems environment. ABS allows for "rolling" up- grades. This means that you can install ABS on your server and incrementally update your ABS clients. ABS Version 3.1 adds new functionality as well as bug fixes. With V3.1, some of the items we have added are: o Support for ODS5 volumes o Documentation on how to use ABS with Oracle Version 8 Server Manager o Ability to catalog an existing OpenVMS save set tape into the ABS catalogs o A utility to convert the Oracle RDB based policies to an RMS format o Increased the number of objects per save from 8 to 24 o An autoconfigure command procedure for the media database o Documentation that discusses the expected size of the file catalogs For more information on these or other new items please refer to the ABS documentation. Please refer to the release notes for details on the bugs fixed with ABS V3.1. ABS supports ABS clients on Windows NT Intel and Windows NT Alpha. In a future release, ABS will discontinue support for the Windows NT Alpha client. ABS also supports various UNIX clients. We had announced with the ABS V3.0 release that we would dis- continue support for POLYCENTER Scheduler V2.1B with a future release. We are discontinuing support of POLYCENTER Scheduler V2.1B with this release, ABS V3.1. However, we have not done any code changes to ABS to eliminate the use of POLYCENTER Sched- uler. We just do not support it's use. ABS V3.1 supports the use of MDMS V3.1 for its media manager. ABS V3.1 does not support MDMS V2.9x as the media manager. The following documentation is available for ABS. The PDF ver- sions are included in the kit. All the documents are included on the OpenVMS Consolidated Documentation CD. The ABS kits are also available from the web. Refer to /openvms/storage/abspage.html o Archive Backup System Version 3.1 software for VAX and Alpha systems o Archive Backup System Version 3.1 documentation: - Archive Backup System Version 3.1 for OpenVMS SPD 48.16.15 - Archive Backup System Version 3.1 for OpenVMS Release Notes (online only) - Archive Backup System Version 3.1 for OpenVMS Installation Guide - Archive Backup System Version 3.1 for OpenVMS Guide to Operations - Archive Backup System Version 3.1 for OpenVMS Command Reference Guide Refer to the SPD for any prerequisite software. Refer to the ABS V3.1 Installation guide for installation prerequisites. For additional information, please refer to the product docu- mentation. If you need additional assistance, please call the COMPAQ Customer Support Center. Sincerely, Bryan Cox Product Manager, Archive Backup System ©Compaq Computer Corporation. 2000 All Rights Reserved. 2