COMPAQ AV-QD87L-TE October 11, 1999 Dear HSM Customer, In an effort to provide advanced storage management software ca- pability to our customers, Compaq offers Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) for OpenVMS[TM] Version 3.0 software. Thank you for your recent purchase of this product. HSM is a layered software product that extends the OpenVMS file system, allowing efficient and cost-effective management of infre- quently accessed (dormant) data. This is accomplished by shelving the data to lower-cost devices and automatically unshelving it when the data is needed. HSM for OpenVMS V3.0 software has been designed to run on OpenVMS VAX Versions 6.2, 7.1, 7.2 and on OpenVMS Alpha Versions 6.2, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.2-1. The kit you have received is a full release and includes both the VAX and Alpha versions of the software. HSM V3.0 does not support the ODS5 disk structure. The kit includes: - HSM for OpenVMS, V3.0 software and documentation - MDMS for OpenVMS, V3.0 software and documentation HSM V3.0 can be configured to run in one of two modes, Basic or Plus. If you are using HSM in the Plus mode, you will need to also install Media and Device Management Services (MDMS) unless the Storage Library System (SLS) or Archive/Backup System (ABS) software is already present on your system. MDMS is also required to use the tape repacking and backup via shelving support features of HSM V3.0. Refer to the Release Notes for more information on HSM features, changes, and restrictions. The HSM software kit (HSM030) is in- stalled with the VMSINSTAL command procedure as described in the Installation Guide, also found in the software kit. The HSM Guide to Operations, HSM Command Reference Guide, and HSM Installation Guide are found in the online documentation CD-ROM and may be ordered separately in hard-copy format. MDMS informa- tion is incorporated throughout the HSM documentation set. Remote access to tape devices in Plus Mode requires Remote Device Facility[TM] (RDF). RDF is available through MDMS on the Consoli- dated Software CD-ROM. An RDF license is required. An RDF license is available through the purchase of Archive/Backup System or Storage Library System, or directly from Touch Technologies Inc. If you need assistance with this product, please call the Customer Support Center. Once again, thank you for your purchase of this product. Sincerely, Bryan Cox Product Manager HSM for OpenVMS ©1999 Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. 2