COMPAQ AV-QDKNH-TE July 1999 Dear Save Set Manager Customer: In an effort to provide continuously improved storage manage- ment software capability to our customers, Compaq offers Save Set Manager (SSMgr) for OpenVMS VAX[TM] and Alpha[TM] Version 1.4 software. SSMgr is a layered software product that reduces user time spent on save set operations by providing capability for offline save set validation, copy, merge, and support for bound disk volumes. SSMgr therefore improves productivity by reducing backup windows, the number of full backups required, and restore times, without compromising data integrity. SSMgr for OpenVMS Version 1.4 is Y2K compliant and runs on OpenVMS Versions 5.5-2, 6.2, 7.1 and 7.2 on the VAX platform, and OpenVMS Versions 6.2, 7.1 and 7.2 on the Alpha platform. If you are installing SSMgr V1.4 on an OpenVMS 7.2 VAX please note that you will not have ODS-5 support and related upgrades. The distinct improvements in functionality in SSMgr Version 1.4 over the previous version, are: 1. SSMgr V1.4 supports all operations on ODS-5 disks on Alpha systems running Open VMS V7.2. This is the basis of support for: o Long filenames o Deep rooted directory structure o Characters from ISO LATIN and UNICODE multinational charac- ter sets o "?" as a single character wildcard, in addition to the ex- isting "%" single character wildcard 2. Long filename support: SSMgr V1.4 supports a "total file specification length" of up to 255 characters, with the following rules applying: o Length of the filename, file type and separating period(.) cannot exceed 236 o The version string cannot exceed 6 characters including ";" The "total file specification length" limit in SSMgr V1.3B was 85 characters, where the filename and type were together limited to 39 characters. 3. Deep rooted directory structure support: SSMgr V1.4 supports deep rooted directory structure, which means savesets on an ODS-5 disk can be accessed from any level provided the "total file specification length" remains less than 255 characters. The maximum depth supported by SSMgr V1.3B was 8 levels only. 4. Single character wildcard support: SSMgr V1.4 can now recognize "?" as a single character wildcard apart from "%" which is the existing single character wildcard. "?" can be used in the filename and file type strings but not in the version string. SSMgr V1.4 also includes bug fixes. Refer to the release notes for more information on this. OpenVMS VAX V7.2 Information Please note that VAX Systems running OpenVMS 7.2 will not sup- port ODS-5. SSMgr 1.4 upgrades for related support will hence not function on VAX systems running OpenVMS 7.2. OpenVMS VAX V5.5-2 Information If you are running OpenVMS V5.5-2 on the VAX platform, SSMgr may fail due to missing images or incompatibilities with existing im- ages. Please refer to the SSMgr Release Notes, Section 4.0, on Optional Software Patches for further instructions before attempt- ing installation of this product. For your convenience, the patch kits have been provided in this release. SSMgr V1.4 will be the last version of SSMgr to support OpenVMS V5.5-2. If this is an issue for you, please contact the product manager. Product Support If you need assistance with this product, please call the Customer Support Center. Thank you for your purchase of Save Set Manager! Sincerely, Bryan Cox, Product Manager, Save Set Manager, email: Phone: (719) 548-2845 Copyright 1999 Compaq Computer Corporation 1999. All Rights Re- served. 2