DIGITAL Read Before Installing or Using DECset Version 12.2 for OpenVMS Systems AV-HB17V-TE Your DECset kit consists of a group of programmer productivity tools, which aid in the development of system or application software on an OpenVMS system. DECset for OpenVMS Systems, Version 12.2, consists of the following components: o DIGITAL Code Management System (CMS), Version 3.9 o DIGITAL Test Manager, Version 3.8 o DIGITAL Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE), Version 4.5 o DIGITAL Source Code Analyzer (SCA), Version 4.5 o DIGITAL Module Management System (MMS), Version 3.2 o DIGITAL Performance and Coverage Analyzer (PCA), Version 4.5 Release Notes Information The release notes for each of the components that comprise the DECset kit contain information about new features, corrected errors, performance enhancements, restrictions, known problems, and incompatibilities. After installing the DECset kit, release notes are located in SYS$HELP in individual component files (both text and PostScript formats) or in a combined DECset file (text format only): SYS$HELP:ENVMGR012.RELEASE_NOTES or ENVMGR012_RELEASE_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:CMS039.RELEASE_NOTES or CMS039_RELEASE_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:DTM038.RELEASE_NOTES or DTM038_RELEASE_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:LSE045.RELEASE_NOTES or LSE045_RELEASE_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:MMS032.RELEASE_NOTES or MMS032_RELEASE_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:PCA045.RELEASE_NOTES or PCA045_RELEASE_NOTES.PS SYS$HELP:SCA045.RELEASE_NOTES or SCA045_RELEASE_NOTES.PS OR SYS$HELP:DECSET122.RELEASE_NOTES ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1997. All Rights Reserved. ___________________ [TM] Bookreader, DECset, DECwindows, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. [R] Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. License Management Facility Information A License Management Facility (LMF) Product Authorization Key (PAK) must be registered and loaded before you can install DECset. Contents of the Media Kit o Bill of Materials Please read the Bill of Materials (BOM) enclosed in this kit and check to see that all items listed are actually in your kit. If your kit is damaged or any items are missing, call your DIGITAL representative. o Media Depending on the type of media you have ordered, you will find one of the following media sets in this kit: o 1600 BPI magnetic tapes o TK50 magnetic tapes o CD-ROM On the media, you will find the DECset for OpenVMS Systems directory and save set. For information about installing DECset for OpenVMS Systems on your system, see the DECset Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems. o Documentation DECset Version 12.2 provides the following user guides in Bookreader format on your documentation CD. - Guide to DEC Language-Sensitive Editor for OpenVMS Systems (AA-PQ9LB-TE) - Guide to Source Code Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems (AA-PQ9MB-TE) - Guide to DEC Test Manager for OpenVMS Systems (AA-Z330G-TE) - Guide to DEC Performance and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Systems (AA-EB54J-TE) - Guide to DEC Code Management System for OpenVMS Systems (AA-KL03F-TE) - Guide to DEC Module Management System for OpenVMS Systems (AA-P119G-TE) - Guide to Detailed Program Design for OpenVMS Systems (AA-PJMXB-TE) - Using DECset for OpenVMS Systems (AA-PQ9NB-TE) In addition, DECset Version 12.2 provides the following reference manuals in Bookreader format on your documentation CD. 2 - DEC Language-Sensitive Editor Command-Line Interface Reference Manual (AA-QJESA-TK) - DEC Language-Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyzer for OpenVMS Reference Manual (AA-QJERA-TK) - Source Code Analyzer Command-Line Interface Reference Manual (AA-QJEYA-TK) - DEC Test Manager for OpenVMS Reference Manual (AA-QJEXA-TK) - DEC Performance and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Reference Manual (AA-QJETA-TK) - DEC Performance and Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Command- Line Interface Guide (AA-QJEUA-TK) - DEC Code Management System Reference Manual (AA-QJEVA-TK) - DEC Code Management System Callable Routines Reference Manual (AA-QJEWA-TK) The DEC Language-Sensitive Editor/Source Code Analyzer for OpenVMS Reference Manual provides a command dictionary for the pre-Version 4.0 LSE/SCA command language that is fully supported in DECset Version 12.2. The Source Code Analyzer Command-Line Interface Reference Manual contains information about using the SCA Query language to specify source code queries from the command line. DECset for OpenVMS Systems documents are provided as Bookreader formatted files on the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM. You access these documents using the Bookshelf Navigation Utility (BNU). For more information on how to use the BNU, refer to the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM User's Guide, located in the Getting Started shelf of the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM. o Software Product Description (SPD) The online SPD provides an overview of the DECset for OpenVMS Systems kit and its features. NOTE DIGITAL now offers CMS Client for Windows (Q*-3WUAA-**, SPD: 64.06.**) to provide users with fast, easy access to CMS libraries on OpenVMS from their desktop PC. For more details on CMS Client for Windows or DECset, visit the OpenVMS Application, Compilers and Environment home page: 3