DIGITAL AV-QZAVD-TE Before You Install the TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit V2.0 for DIGITAL UNIX[R]+ Dear Customer, Digital is delighted that you have chosen the TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit (GAT) to develop your Access Modules. The Graphical ASCII Toolkit V2.0 for DIGITAL UNIX V4.0D allows you to develop and configure Access Modules that provide the management interface between your TeMIP system and ASCII/TL1 based network elements. Enclosed is the Graphical ASCII Toolkit V2.0 installation kit and documentation. Please read this cover letter carefully before installing the software. Contents of the Software Kit Your kit includes the TeMIP software distribution media for DIGITAL UNIX, together with the Graphical ASCII Toolkit documen- tation set, which consists of: o TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit, Overview o TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Graphical ASCII Toolkit, Installation Guide o TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit, Customization Manual o TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit, Configuration and Trou- bleshooting Guide o TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit, Advanced Customization Refer- ence Guide o TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit, Advanced Customization Devel- opment Guide o TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit, Q.822 and Q.823 Extensions o TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit, Software Product Description 64.82.03. ___________________ UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. Release Notes The Release Notes can be printed out during installation. The Release Notes contain supplementary information such as recom- mendations, amendments to documentation and restrictions. Refer to the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Graphical ASCII Toolkit Installation Guide (AA-QZARC-TE) for information on how to access the Release Notes. Refer to the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Graphical ASCII Toolkit Installation Guide and the Software Product Description for information on prerequisite software and hardware. License Keys Before installing the software on a DIGITAL UNIX system, you need to request a Software License File containing a license key for each of your TeMIP packages, unless you are installing a version prior to Version 2.0 of the TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit for DIGITAL UNIX. In the case of installation of a prior version (and only in this case) you should use the checksum string provided on the Software License deliverable to enable your software. The License Request form is available in electronic text for- mat with this Cover Letter, under the name of temip-license- form.txt. If you are in the United States or Europe, fill out and send the file temip-license-form.txt to the following Email address or US Fax number: Email: FAX: (1) 603-884-1297 If you are outside the United States and Europe, you may prefer to send the request to the nearest DIGITAL sales office. If you need to speak to a DIGITAL representative on the subject of license keys, call this US number (1) 603-884-8998. You will receive the Software License File within two working days. When you receive the file, refer to the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Installation Guide (AA-Q9J2F-TE). ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1998. All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. 2 The software contained on this media is proprietary to and em- bodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Cor- poration. Possession, use, duplication, or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. [TM] The DIGITAL Logo, DEC, DECstation, DECsystem, DECwindows and TeMIP are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [R] FLEXlm is a registered trademark of GLOBEtrotter Software Inc. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Com- pany Ltd. 3