COMPAQ Read Before Installing Compaq DECforms for OpenVMS Systems, Version 3.2 Whether you are a new or existing Compaq DECforms customer, please take time to read the following information about your product. 1 KIT NAME: FORMSAN032 or FORMSAAN032 (Full Development) FORMSRTAN032 or FORMSRTAAN032 (Run-time) 2 OLD PRODUCT: DECforms V2.1B or DECforms V2.1B ECO1 or DECforms V2.1C 3 NEW PRODUCT: DECforms V3.2 APPROXIMATE BLOCK SIZE: VAX: Full Development (FORMSAN032) - 67,700 blocks Run-time (FORMSRTAN032) - 6,200 blocks Alpha: Full Development (FORMSAAN032) - 78,900 blocks Run-time (FORMSRTAAN032) - 10,400 blocks DECforms Asian V3.2 Kit Description This kit updates DECforms V2.1C. o Added translation of a logical, called FORMS$STACK_SIZE, which is used to override the default size of a thread's stack at run-time. If not set, the default value for a thread's stack is 37 on VAX and 75 on Alpha. Internally, these values are then multiplied by 512 to get the actual stack size. If you are using ACMS or using threads in a DEC- forms application, you may exceed the default size for stack space allocated to your process. If so, define the logical (at SYSTEM level when used with ACMS) with a value somewhat higher than the default. You will have to restart the ACMS terminal system to recognize the new setting. It may take a few times to find a value that prevents the problem from reoccuring. o Modified code in FORMS$MANAGER.EXE that prevents a session from being deleted if the request that was in progress when a "terminal hangup" occurred was a refresh event. o Modifies the handling of date input to allow for interpre- tation of two digit years inside a specified "sliding date window". o Corrects the looping problem and hang in HIB state within applications using the DECforms Motif Interface. o Corrects the event log problem, where the event log file is not closed and remains locked by an CMS CP process when a session is abruptly terminated. o Corrects the panel field problem, where panel fields not rel- evant to the active panels were being displayed incorrectly. o Corrects the fatal error problem when an undefined function key is pressed while inputting in Kana mode on VTs. The following is a summary of the problems corrected in the DECforms Development environment: o Corrects the long string corruption problem when back trans- lating forms that contain long multi-byte strings. Installation Overview This kit installation will perform a complete replacement of all existing DECforms components. To install V3.2 invoke the VMSINSTALL command procedure, as outlined in Chapter 3 of the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, and follow the instructions in the DECforms Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems. © 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation COMPAQ and the Compaq logo Registered in U.S. Patent and Trade- mark Office. OpenVMS, DECforms, and VAX are trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. 2