DIGITAL Read Before Installing or Using MACRO-64 Assembler Version 1.2 for OpenVMS[TM] Alpha Systems AV-PT9MC-TE This letter explains the Version 1.2 release of the MACRO-64 Assembler product. License Management Facility (LMF) Information Before you can install the MACRO-64 Assembler, an LMF Product Authorization Key (PAK) must be registered and loaded (see the MACRO-64 Assembler Installation Guide for OpenVMS Alpha Systems). Installation Information Installing MACRO-64 Assembler requires the OpenVMS Alpha operat- ing system, Version 6.1 or higher. To install this product, use the POLYCENTER Software Instal- lation (PCSI) software (PRODUCT command) as described in the MACRO-64 Assembler Installation Guide for OpenVMS Alpha Systems. MACRO-64 Assembler provides PCSI product distribution files. PCSI software is bundled with the OpenVMS operating system, Version 6.1 or later. The advantages of using PCSI include shorter installation time and the ability to track and delete the software version(s) installed on your system. MACRO-64 Assembler Release Notes The MACRO-64 Assembler release notes contain a summary of new features, known problems, restrictions, incompatibilities, and installation-related instructions for the MACRO-64 Assembler . To read the release notes before installing the MACRO-64 Assem- bler, follow the instructions in the installation guide. After installing , you can find the ASCII release notes in: SYS$HELP:MACRO64.RELEASE_NOTES OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library and Online Documentation CD-ROM Kit The OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library and Online Documenta- tion CD-ROM kit includes: o The Software Product Library CD-ROM (media CD-ROM) set The media CD-ROM contains installation files and related installation documentation for the OpenVMS Alpha software products on multiple CD-ROMs. o The Online Documentation Library CD-ROM (documentation CD- ROM) set The online documentation CD-ROM contains documentation files in Bookreader format for OpenVMS Alpha software products on one or more CD-ROMs. To allow users to read documentation on the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM using Bookreader, your system manager should see the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM User's Guide. The OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library and Online Docu- mentation CD-ROM kit does not include the printed MACRO-64 Assembler documentation set (you can order the documentation set or individual documents separately). Contents of the Media CD-ROM A media CD-ROM contains the files needed to install the MACRO-64 Assembler. It also contains installation-related documentation files. If you purchased the OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library and Online Documentation CD-ROM kit, a set of media CD-ROMs are included with your kit. The OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library CD-ROM kit includes a set of media CD-ROMs and a CD-ROM "read first" letter. The online Software Product Library CD-ROM User's Guide (CD-ROM user guide) describes the CDMENU utility and the media CD-ROM online files. To locate the correct media CD-ROM that contains the MACRO-64 Assembler directories and the names of the MACRO-64 Assembler product directories, see the OpenVMS Software Product Library CD-ROM user's guide, which is provided in the [README] directory of the first media CD-ROM. To mount a media CD-ROM system-wide, use an account with suit- able privileges and type the following form of the MOUNT command (replace device with the actual device name and replace label with the CD-ROM's volume label): MOUNT /SYSTEM device label For more information about mounting the appropriate media CD- ROM, follow the directions in the MACRO-64 Assembler instal- lation guide or CD-ROM user guide. Use a DIRECTORY command to examine the files in the following MACRO-64 Assembler directo- ries: o [MACRO64012.KIT] o [MACRO64012.DOCUMENTATION] Your media CD-ROM contains the following MACRO-64 Assembler files: o The MACRO-64 Assembler installation product distribution files o MACRO-64 Assembler documentation in PostScript (.ps) form and ASCII (.txt) form, including: - The MACRO-64 Assembler installation guide and the Version 1.2 "read first" cover letter - The MACRO-64 Assembler Software Product Description (SPD) Contents of the MACRO-64 Assembler Kit o Parts List Please read the Parts List enclosed in this kit and check that all items listed are actually in your kit. If your kit is damaged or any items are missing, call your DIGITAL rep- resentative or the DIGITAL Software Manufacturing, Materials Replacement Group. o Media The MACRO-64 OpenVMS Alpha Media and Documentation kit in- cludes a media CD-ROM. The OpenVMS Software Product Library CD-ROM kit is ordered separately from the MACRO-64 kit. For information about the media CD-ROM, see "Contents of the Media CD-ROM." o MACRO-64 Assembler Documentation Depending on how you order the MACRO-64 Assembler product, your kit may include printed copies of the following MACRO-64 manuals: MACRO-64 Assembler Installation Guide for OpenVMS Alpha Systems (AA-PT9LC-TE) MACRO-64 Assembler for OpenVMS Systems Reference Manual (AA-PT9KB-TE) Alpha Architecture Reference Manual (EY-L520E-LP) The DIGITAL Software Product Library CD-ROM kit does not include the printed MACRO-64 Assembler documentation. You can order the printed documentation set (QA-MAxxxx-GZ) or individual documents (except this cover letter) separately. For Version 1.2, this letter has been revised and a new version of the MACRO-64 Assembler Installation Guide for OpenVMS Alpha Systems begins shipping to new customers. The Software Product Description (SPD) provides an overview of the MACRO-64 Assembler product and the technical environ- ment in which the product is supported. The SPD is provided online on the media CD-ROM. DIGITAL Services A variety of service and support options are available. For more information, contact your local Compaq sales office. Your Feedback Is Appreciated We appreciate your comments. If you find errors or want to make comments about a manual, please send mail containing the man- ual's title, order number, section number, and problem descrip- tion to: Digital Equipment Corporation Languages Documentation, ZKO2-3/K35 110 Spit Brook Road Nashua, NH 03062-2698 USA ___________________ © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1998. All Rights Reserved. [TM] DEC, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, POLYCENTER, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation [R] Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation; PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.