DIGITAL DEC SNA High Level Language API Tool Kit for OSF/1 AV-Q76BA-TE Dear Customer, Thank you for purchasing the DEC SNA High Level Language API Tool Kit software (HLLAPI). This package contains the DEC SNA High Level Language API Tool Kit Version 1.0 software and documenta- tion. Check the bill of materials to be sure that your distri- bution kit contains all the items listed. Contact your Digital representative if any of the items are missing or damaged. Please take a few moments to read the DEC HLLAPI software release notes, which can be found on the distribution media in the direc- tory /SNH100/documentation. Refer to DEC SNA Access Software for OSF/1 Installation Guide for information on mounting and reading this directory. Features The DEC HLLAPI product provides a 3270 Data Stream Programming Interface (LU2) between applications running on an OSF/1 system and applications running on IBM mainframes through either the DEC SNA Peer Server or other DEC SNA gateways using TCP/IP or DECnet. The High Level Language API for OSF/1 product is a library of routines that are linked into OSF/1 applications. The user's C language program is linked against the High Level Language API interface library. The user program is the main pro- gram in this High Level Language API User Program (HUP). This user process communicates with 3270 session manager processes which contain the basic 3270 emulation modules. The session manager maintains the host sessions and presentation spaces, and controls the operator terminal when it is connected to the 3270 display emulation. DEC SNA HLLAPI features include: o Session selection and operator terminal coordination. o Presentation space data access. o Host session status and control. o Keystroke intercept. o File transfer. o Local session operations. o Direct session data access. Refer to the DEC SNA High Level Language API Tool Kit for OSF /1 Software Product Description (SPD 62.70.00) for a complete description of this product. Documentation The HLLAPI Tool Kit software documentation set includes the fol- lowing manuals: o DEC SNA Access Software for OSF/1 Installation Guide o DEC SNA Access Software for OSF/1 Communications Server Admin- istrator's Guide o DEC SNA HLLAPI for OSF/1 Programmer's Guide If you need to order any additional documentation, please con- tact your Digital sales representative or refer to the ordering information in the Software Documentation Products Directory. Digital prides itself on responding to customer needs. To con- tinue serving you, we need your comments. You can use the internet address to mail comments directly to us. There is also a preaddressed, postage-paid Reader's Comments form at the back of each manual. If you find errors in a manual or want to make comments, please send electronic mail or complete and return the Reader's Comments form. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. May 1994. All Rights Reserved. 2