____________________________________________________ DIGITAL SSU[TM] Version 2.0 for OpenVMS Systems Cover Letter AV-Q1VNA-TE November 1993 ____________________________________________________ Digital Equipment Corporation is pleased to provide the session support utility SSU Version 2.0 for OpenVMS[TM] Systems. SSU software is a product that you can use to log in to and maintain multiple independent sessions on OpenVMS VAX[TM] and OpenVMS AXP[TM] systems. You can use SSU software with Digital's multisession terminals, such as the VT330[TM], VT340[TM], and VT420[TM] video terminals. SSU software communicates with the single-line, multisession firmware in the video terminal. A License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) is required for you to install and use the SSU product. With the purchase of a license for the product, you receive a PAK. You must use the License Management Facility (LMF) to register and load this License PAK before installing the product. For more information on the LMF, refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. Digital recommends that you read the release notes before you start the installation. For instructions, see the Session Support Utility Installation and User's Guide for OpenVMS Systems. For additional information on the SSU Version 2.0 product and license, refer to the Software Product Description (SPD) (27.79.03). For product hardware and software requirements, refer to the System Support Addendum (SSA) (27.79.03-x). ____________________________________________________ © Digital Equipment Corporation 1993. All Rights Reserved. 1 Alpha AXP, AXP, OpenVMS, SSU, VAX, VT330, VT340, VT420, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. S2412 2