COMPAQ Read Before Installing or Using Compaq[R] Fortran Version 7.4B for OpenVMS[TM] Alpha Systems AV-PU3BN-TE This letter explains the Version 7.4 and 7.4B release of the Compaq Fortran (formerly DIGITAL[TM] Fortran) product for Open- VMS Alpha Systems. Version 7.4B contains only bug fixes and no new features. Except for this cover letter, the printed documen- tation has not changed since Version 7.4. Product Terminology This letter uses the following new or changed product name terminology: o "Compaq Fortran" refers to the product that was previously called "DIGITAL Fortran". It also refers to the Compaq For- tran language that fully supports the Fortran 95 and Fortran 90 standards. o "Compaq Fortran 77" refers to the product that was previously called DEC[TM] Fortran and DIGITAL Fortran 77. Product Packaging Information Compaq Fortran for OpenVMS Alpha Systems Version 7.4B includes the Compaq Fortran compiler, the Compaq Fortran 77 compiler, and their shared components (such as the Compaq Fortran run-time library system and the FORSYSDEF.TLB library). Both Compaq Fortran Version 7.4B compilers recognize the Product Authorization Key (PAK) for either Compaq Fortran or Compaq Fortran 77. For example, if you have a Compaq Fortran 77 PAK, you can begin using the Compaq Fortran compiler. If you install both compilers, the command names are as follows: o For Compaq Fortran, the FORTRAN (or F90) command. o For Compaq Fortran 77, the FORTRAN command with the /OLD_F77 qualifier. While Compaq Fortran 77 currently supports a very few legacy compatibility features not yet supported by Compaq Fortran, Com- paq Fortran supports nearly all Compaq Fortran 77 extensions. For more information about Compaq Fortran compatibility fea- tures, see the compatibility appendix in the Compaq Fortran User Manual for OpenVMS Alpha Systems. Copyright © 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation. License Management Facility (LMF) Information Before you can install Compaq Fortran, an LMF Product Autho- rization Key (PAK) must be registered and loaded (see the Compaq Fortran Installation Guide for OpenVMS Alpha Systems). Both Compaq Fortran Version 7.4B compilers recognize the Product Authorization Key (PAK) for either Compaq Fortran or Compaq Fortran 77. Installation Information Installing Compaq Fortran requires the OpenVMS Alpha operating system, Version 7.1 or higher. You must install the Compaq Fortran Run-Time Library (RTL) provided on the Compaq Fortran kit, which is more recent than the Compaq Fortran RTL shipped with OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-1 operating system. If you need to install the Compaq Fortran RTL kit, install it before you install Compaq Fortran. To install the Compaq Fortran RTL kit, the Compaq Fortran compiler, and/or the Compaq Fortran 77 compiler, use the POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) software (PRODUCT command) as described in the Compaq Fortran Installation Guide for OpenVMS Alpha Systems. The Compaq Fortran installation guide describes how to install the Compaq Extended Math Library (CXML), which is now included with Compaq Fortran. You can install CXML either before or after Compaq Fortran. CXML does not require a Product Authorization Key (PAK). As described in the Compaq Fortran installation guide, you must add a line to your system startup file to execute the following Compaq Fortran startup command procedure: SYS$STARTUP:FORT$STARTUP.COM As described in the Compaq Fortran installation guide, if you install CXML, you must add a line to your system startup file to execute the following CXML startup command procedure: SYS$STARTUP:CXML$STARTUP.COM For information about parameters to the CXML startup line, please see the installation guide. If you will be using 64-bit static addressing on a system run- ning OpenVMS Version 7.2, you should install an additional soft- ware kit that allows use of an enhanced 64-bit tools (including OpenVMS Debugger (DEBUG64) and Linker (LINKER64)). For more in- formation, see the Compaq Fortran Installation Guide for OpenVMS Alpha Systems (installation guide). Beginning with Version 7.4A, an updated version of the 64-bit tools is provided (as instal- lation files ADB073 instead of ADX072 as listed in the printed installation guide). 2 Compaq Fortran and CXML Release Notes The Compaq Fortran release notes contain a summary of new fea- tures, known problems, restrictions, incompatibilities, and installation-related instructions for the Compaq Fortran and Compaq Fortran 77 compilers and their common run-time system and other components. To read the release notes before installing Compaq Fortran, follow the instructions in the installation guide. After installing Compaq Fortran, you can find the ASCII release notes in: SYS$HELP:FORTRAN.RELEASE_NOTES The release notes are also provided in PostScript[R] form, using the file name: SYS$HELP:FORTRAN_RELEASE_NOTES.PS CXML release notes and the CXML reference guide are also pro- vided as files in the SYS$HELP directory. For a list of CXML documentation files, type the following command: $ DIRECTORY SYS$HELP:CXML*.* Compaq Fortran Product Information Compaq Fortran conforms to the Fortran 95 standard and the Fortran 90 Standard (ISO/IEC 1539-1:1997(E) and ANSI X3.198- 1992) and contains most but not all of the Compaq Fortran 77 extensions to the FORTRAN-77 standard. Compaq Fortran for OpenVMS Alpha Systems Version 7.4B provides upward compatibility with previous versions of Compaq Fortran (DEC Fortran 90) and corrections to problems discovered since Version 7.4 was released. 3 Compaq Fortran Product Information (Cont'd) Compaq Fortran Version 7.4B provides no new features. Compaq Fortran Version 7.4 provides: o A number of new FORTRAN command-line options, including: - The /ANNOTATIONS qualifier, when requesting a listing file, lets you view in annotated form the optimizations performed for source lines. - The [NO]PROTECT_CONSTANTS keyword to the /ASSUME quali- fier specifies whether constant actual arguments can be changed. By default, actual arguments that are constants are read-only (PROTECT_CONSTANTS). - The [NO]ARG_TEMP_CREATED keyword to the /CHECK qualifier controls whether a run-time warning message is displayed during program execution if a temporary is created for an actual array argument (default is NOARG_TEMP_CREATED). - The /[NO]IGNORE_LOC keyword to the /WARNINGS qualifier lets you control whether the compiler displays a warning message when %LOC is stripped from an argument because of specification of the IGNORE_LOC attribute. o An optional KIND argument is now allowed on the intrinsics LEN, SHAPE, SIZE, UBOUND, LBOUND, MAXLOC, MINLOC, INDEX, LEN_ TRIM, SCAN, and VERIFY. o The new INT_PTR_KIND intrinsic returns the KIND number of an integer pointer for the platform being compiled on. This allows you to declare INTEGER variables which are big enough to hold an address without platform-specific code. o When the arguments to the MALLOC and FREE intrinsics are of type INTEGER(KIND=8), the corresponding 64-bit Run-Time Library routine will be called. This allows you to use MAL- LOC to allocate data in 64-bit (P3) space by specifying an INTEGER(8) size argument. o Other compiler and run-time changes, including certain run- time performance improvements. For more complete product information, see the Compaq Fortran online release notes and the compatibility appendix of the Compaq Fortran User Manual for OpenVMS Alpha Systems. 4 Compaq Fortran 77 Product Information Compaq Fortran 77 Version 7.4B for OpenVMS Alpha Systems pro- vides upward compatibility with previous Compaq Fortran 77 (DEC Fortran) versions and corrections to problems discovered since Version 7.4 was released. To request the Fortran 77 compiler, specify the /OLD_F77 qualifier. Compaq Fortran 77 Version 7.4 provides: o The Compaq Fortran 77 now implements the Fortran 95 compiler behavior for the /FAST qualifier, where specifying /FAST implies /ARCH=HOST/TUNE=HOST. This was introduced in the Fortran 95 compiler in V7.3. o Certain run-time performance improvements. For more product information about Compaq Fortran 77, see the online release notes. OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library and Online Documentation CD-ROM Kit The OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library and Online Documenta- tion CD-ROM kit includes: o The Software Product Library CD-ROM (media CD-ROM) set The media CD-ROM contains installation files and related installation documentation for the OpenVMS Alpha software products on multiple CD-ROMs. o The Online Documentation Library CD-ROM (documentation CD- ROM) set The online documentation CD-ROM contains documentation files in Bookreader format for OpenVMS Alpha software products on one or more CD-ROMs. To allow users to read documentation on the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM using Bookreader, your system manager should see the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM User's Guide. The OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library and Online Documenta- tion CD-ROM kit does not include the printed Compaq Fortran or Compaq Fortran 77 documentation set (you can order the documen- tation set separately). 5 Contents of the Media CD-ROM A media CD-ROM contains the files needed to install Compaq Fortran. It also contains installation-related documentation files. The OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library CD-ROM kit includes a set of media CD-ROMs and a CD-ROM "read first" letter. The online Software Product Library CD-ROM User's Guide (CD-ROM user guide) describes the CDMENU utility and the media CD-ROM online files. To locate the correct media CD-ROM that contains the Compaq Fortran directories and the names of the Compaq Fortran product directories, see the OpenVMS Software Product Library CD-ROM user's guide, which is provided in the [README] directory of the first media CD-ROM. To mount a media CD-ROM system-wide, use an account with suit- able privileges and type the following form of the MOUNT command (replace device with the actual device name and replace label with the CD-ROM's volume label): MOUNT /SYSTEM device label For more information about mounting the appropriate media CD- ROM, follow the directions in the Compaq Fortran installation guide or CD-ROM user guide. Use a DIRECTORY command to examine the files in the following Compaq Fortran directories: o [ALPHA_FORT074B.KIT] o [ALPHA_FORT074B.DOCUMENTATION] Your media CD-ROM contains the following Compaq Fortran files: o The Compaq Fortran installation product distribution files o Compaq Fortran documentation in PostScript (.ps) form and ASCII (.txt) form, including: - The Compaq Fortran installation guide and this Version 7.4B "read first" cover letter - The Compaq Fortran Software Product Description (SPD) 6 Contents of the Compaq Fortran Kit o Parts List Please read the Parts List enclosed in this kit and check that all items listed are actually in your kit. If your kit is damaged or any items are missing, call your Compaq rep- resentative or the Compaq Software Manufacturing, Materials Replacement Group. o Media The OpenVMS Software Product Library CD-ROM kit is ordered separately from the Compaq Fortran kit. Existing customers with the appropriate service update contract receive the Compaq Fortran OpenVMS Alpha Media CD-ROM (QA-MV1AA-W8). For information about the media CD-ROM, see "Contents of the Media CD-ROM." o Compaq Fortran Documentation Depending on how you order the Compaq Fortran product, your kit may include printed copies of the following Compaq For- tran manuals: _____________________________________________________________ Document_Title____________________________Compiler___________ Compaq Fortran Installation Guide for Compaq Fortran 95/90 OpenVMS Alpha Systems and Fortran 77 Compaq Fortran Language Reference Manual Compaq Fortran 95/90 Manual Compaq Fortran User Manual for OpenVMS Compaq Fortran 95/90 Alpha Systems DEC Fortran Language Reference Manual Compaq Fortran 77 DEC Fortran User Manual for OpenVMS Compaq Fortran 77 AXP_Systems__________________________________________________ 7 Contents of the Compaq Fortran Kit (Cont'd) The Compaq Software Product Library CD-ROM kit does not include the printed Compaq Fortran documentation. The printed documentation sets and their individual documents are as follows: _____________________________________________________________ Printed_Set_or_Printed_Document_Title__________Order_Number__ Compaq Fortran 95/90 Documentation Set QA-MV1AA-GZ Compaq Fortran Installation Guide for AA-PU3AF-TE OpenVMS Alpha Systems Compaq Fortran Language Reference Manual AA-Q66SD-TK Compaq Fortran User Manual for OpenVMS AA-QJRWC-TE Alpha Systems this cover letter Compaq Fortran 77 Documentation Set QA-MV1AB-GZ Compaq Fortran Installation Guide for AA-PU3AF-TE OpenVMS Alpha Systems DEC Fortran Language Reference Manual AA-PU45B-TK DEC Fortran User Manual for OpenVMS AA-PU39A-TE AXP Systems _____this_cover_letter_______________________________________ Existing Compaq Fortran 95/90 and Fortran 77 customers with a service update contract will find your kit includes the Compaq Fortran Version 7.4B for OpenVMS Alpha media CD-ROM (QA-MV1AA-W8) and Compaq Fortran documentation that has been revised since its prior release. For Version 7.4B, only this letter was revised. The Software Product Description (SPD) provides an overview of the Compaq Fortran product and the technical environment in which the product is supported. The SPD is provided online on the media CD-ROM. 8 Compaq Fortran and CXML Web Pages The Compaq Fortran home page provides information about Com- paq Fortran products. You can access this page by using a Web browser to open the following Internet URL: For information about CXML, open the following Internet URL: Compaq Services A variety of service and support options are available from Compaq. For more information, contact your local Compaq sales office. Your Feedback Is Appreciated Compaq appreciates your comments. If you want to make comments about a manual, please send Internet mail containing the man- ual's title, order number, section number, and problem descrip- tion to: _____________________________________________________________________ AXP, Bookreader, Compaq, the COMPAQ logo, DEC, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, and Tru64 are trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. Cray is a trademark of Cray Research, Inc.; Adobe, Acrobat, and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc.; OpenMP is a trademark of the OpenMP Architecture Review Board; UNIX is a trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries Other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The infor- mation in this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The war- ranties for Compaq products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. 9