DIGITAL VAX Message Router, Version 3.5 Cover Letter AV-Q2ELC-TE This Cover Letter lists the New Features that have been introduced in Version 3.5 of the Message Router. It also describes how to install and upgrade Version 3.5 of the Message Router. Details of these changes are given in the Release Notes and the Installation Guide. New Features o VAX Message Router V3.5 is Year 2000 Ready. It will be unaf- fected by the rollover caused by the turn of the century. o The following address for Reader's comments as documented in the books is no longer relevant: - Internet : - X.400 : S=migbooks; O=digital; OU1=reo; P=digital; A=gold 400; C=gb Any comments on documentation should be directed to the local customer support centres or if the readers have some comments to send they should use the prepaid readers' comments forms, if they are supplied at the back of the book. In all cases, please include the part number of the appropriate guide when providing comments. o This version of Message Router V3.5 follows V3.3A. Please note that there is no Version 3.4 available. o The MBMAN utility has been enhanced to include commands to summarize subscriber entries in DDS, and to select and update multiple subscriber entries. See VAX Message Router MBMAN Util- ity V3.5 and the on-line Help for MBMAN for more details about the enhanced MBMAN utility. Installing Message Router V3.5 With the exception of the VMSINSTAL command (shown below) to in- stall Message Router V3.5, the installation procedure is the same as for Message Router V3.3. Refer to the VAX Message Router In- stallation Guide for details of the installation procedure. Use the following command to install Message Router V3.5: @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MR035 device OPTIONS N where device is the name of the device where the distribution medium is to be mounted. Upgrading to Message Router V3.5 Customers who have Message Router V3.2 or later can upgrade to V3.5 directly. Customers who have earlier versions will need to upgrade to V3.2 first, and then upgrade to V3.5. In addition, after upgrading to V3.2 you must run the system for a sufficiently long period to deliver all messages that were queued prior to the V3.2 upgrade. The mailbox queue records for versions of Message Router prior to V3.2 are incompatible with V3.5, and any queued messages from the pre-V3.2 version must be cleared prior to performing the final V3.5 upgrade. Message Router V3.5 will properly handle messages previously queued by V3.2 and later releases. The above precaution would apply, for example, if you were upgrading from V3.1. In this case any messages that were in the Message Router mailboxes prior to the V3.2 upgrade must be delivered (or deleted) before proceeding to the V3.5 upgrade. 2 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. The following are trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation: AXP, Digital, Message Router, OpenVMS, VAX. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1998. All rights reserved. 3