DECwrite Version 3.0 for OpenVMS VAX Systems AV-PHH0C-TE Congratulations on your purchase of DECwrite(TM) Version 3.0 for OpenVMS(TM) VAX(TM). Before you install DECwrite V3.0, please take a moment to look over the following notes: o Please read the Bill of Materials (BOM) enclosed in this kit and check to see that you have received all items listed. If your kit is damaged, or if parts of the kit are missing, please call your Digital representative. o Read the DECwrite Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems before installing DECwrite. This guide contains important information that will help you to configure DECwrite for optimum performance on the system. o Review the Release Notes before using DECwrite. The release notes can be printed when you install DECwrite. o If you are an existing DECwrite customer, you will notice that DECwrite V3.0 has some significant improvements and new features, such as color text and graphics, autosave, conditional content, and improved online help. Please take the time to review the Changes for New Version section of the DECwrite online help to find out about the changes in DECwrite V3.0 (c) Digital Equipment Corporation. 1994. All rights reserved. DECwrite, Digital, OpenVMS, VAX, and the DIGITAL Logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. o DECwrite supplies a complimentary library of Encapsulated PostScript(TM) clip art graphics. If you wish to purchase additional graphics, or have custom graphics made for your company, you can contact Studio Advertising Art of Las Vegas, Nevada. Licensed to Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts. Copyright © Studio Advertising Art 1988. All rights reserved. A Final Note We at Digital pride ourselves in responding to customer needs. To continue serving you, we need your comments. Please take the time to complete the Reader's Comments form, which you will find on the last page of the DECwrite User's Guide and the DECwrite Installation Guide for OpenVMS Systems. Thank you, The DECwrite Product Team Page 2