Secure Web Server Version 2.1 for OpenVMS IA64 [based on Apache] Update 01 Release Notes May 15, 2006 Based on Apache V2.0.52 -------------------------------------- Problems Corrected ------------------ This update contains software fixes for the following problem(s): 1. Installation is not compatible with Factory Installed Software (FIS) kits. When CSWS V2.1 is installed on a system, the installation finds the hostname to create the 'specific' directory tree. This causes problems when FIS kits are attempted because the specific directory name contains the name of the installed system and not the hostname of the final target system. A change to the APACHE$LOGICALS.COM command file at install time makes FIS possible. This update will check for the existence of specific directory and if none exists will create a new tree using the current hostname. Installation instructions ------------------------- To install the kit, type the following: $ PRODUCT INSTALL CSWS21_UPDATE ----------------------------------------------- Complete documentation for CSWS, including the Installation and Configuration Guide, SSL User Guide, and Release Notes, is available in HTML and PDF format from: