HP Hewlett-Packard Company June 2006 Dear Customer: HP RAID Software for OpenVMS is a layered software product for managing groups of disk drives as arrays. The product supports Disk striping for enhanced I/O performance and Disk striping with parity for enhanced data availability on VAX, Alpha, and I64 plat- forms. NOTE OpenVMS VAX versions are no longer supported with RAID soft- ware beyond Version 3.0. This product will operate in qualified mixed OpenVMS cluster envi- ronment. New Features o Support for OpenVMS I64 V8.3. o Support for OpenVMS Alpha V8.3. Please refer to the release notes, which can be obtained using the PRODUCT EXTRACT RELEASE_NOTES command. The kit includes: o HP RAID Software for OpenVMS V3.0A (.PCSI file) which are the same binaries as V3.0 with installation and startup scipts changed to allow for OpenVMS V8.3 o Cover Letter o SPD o Installation Guide o Guide to Operations Thank you for your continued interest in our RAID software prod- uct. Sincerely, OpenVMS Product Management SMSASSIST@hp.com © 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. All Rights Re- served.