COMPAQ OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library--June 1999 AV-RDA6D-TE Welcome to this month's OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library Package. The June 1999 package includes the changes described in the following sections. OpenVMS Operating System Documentation CD-ROM--HTML figure links fixed The OpenVMS Version 7.2 Documentation CD-ROM included in this kit replaces the documentation CD-ROM shipped in the March 1999 OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library. This CD-ROM fixes broken HTML links that prevented the display of figures in manuals on the Windows portion of the CD. This problem did not affect the OpenVMS portion of the CD-ROM and did not affect the OpenVMStm Alpha Software Product Library-Online Documentation CD-ROM. Please note that no technical revisions have been made to the OpenVMS Version 7.2 manuals on this CD. Removals from the Current Library due to retirement The following products which shipped as part of the March 1999 Software Product Library Package have reached "End-of-Service-Life" and have been removed from the June 1999 package due to their retirement. Product Name Version UPILV ALL-IN-1 OSO Teamlinks Connection for OpenVMS 2.5 AAAAT ALL-IN-1 Web Interface for OpenVMS 1.0 50CAC DECmigrate for OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.1A MWMAA DECnet SNA DTF/Japanese for OpenVMS AXP 3.1 205JA DECnet SNA DTF/Japanese for OpenVMS (Utility) 3.1 206JA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (ALL-IN-1 Scanning Module) 3.0 5TQAA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (MAILbus Scanning Module) 3.0 5TSAA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (MailWorks Scanning Module) 3.0 5TNAA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (Officeserver Scanning Module) 3.0 5TPAA © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1999. All rights reserved. Mature Product Support Program Compaq is pleased to offer a new service, Mature Product Support. This service will be offered for products that are functionally complete, stable, and have no new versions planned for release. They will continue to be tested for correct operation on new OpenVMS releases and on new hardware processor releases. Accordingly, License Subscription and Software Update Distribution Services will no longer be available for these products. However, because we recognize the investment customers have made in these products, and each customer's need to move to new technology and/or solutions at his own pace, Compaq offers this new service. Mature Product Support assures that customers can continue to obtain high-quality support for selected products. You can purchase Mature Product Support with Sustaining Engineering as an addendum to your service contracts and cancel it when it is no longer required. Additional licenses and media kits will continue to be available for purchase. Your local Compaq Services Sales Specialist can provide you with more information about Mature Product Support, as well as the comprehensive suite of support offerings available from Compaq. For more information on Mature Products Support visit the Software Support Services for Legacy Software Web page at software/ss_mature.html After products have entered the Mature Product Support Program they will be removed from the Software Products Libraries. Please consult the Software Products Library cover letters for tables listing products planned for the Mature Product Support program, as below: Future Product Removals due to Mature Product Support (September 1999) Product Name Version UPILV DEC FMS for OpenVMS (Development) 2.4 MVSAA DEC FMS for OpenVMS (Run-Time) 2.4 MVTAA DEC Notes for OpenVMS Alpha 2.5 0PGAA DIGITAL VTX for OpenVMS Alpha 6.2 3R7AA DIGITAL MAILworks/Server for OpenVMS Alpha 1.3A 3NGAA 2 DIGITAL Capacity Planner Starting with Version 5.1 the DIGITAL Capacity Planner product family will require a new license key (PAK) for each new version of software that is released. The old license PAK will not work on the new version of the product included in this month's OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library. If you have a service contract with Compaq Customer Services you will receive a V5.1 license PAK if you have subscribed to Layered Product Support or License Subscription services for these products. If you are not a Customer Services subscriber, please contact your local Compaq Account Representative to purchase the V5.1 update licenses you require, as listed in the chart below. At that time you may also purchase the corresponding Layered Product Support or License Subscription services. These services provide the rights to use the new version of software and ensure that customers will automatically receive a new license PAK each time a new version of software is released. Product Name Update License Part Number DIGITAL Capacity Planner OpenVMS Alpha QL-23MA9-RA DIGITAL Capacity Planner Collector OpenVMS Alpha QL-604A9-RA DIGITAL Capacity Planner Analyzer OpenVMS Alpha QL-606A9-RA DIGITAL Capacity Planner Reducer OpenVMS Alpha QL-605A9-RA For more information please visit the Compaq Capacity Planner Web page at or send mail to POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility In order to install DECwindows Motif V1.2-5 using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility on OpenVMS V7.1-1H1 and earlier versions, you must first install a remedial kit for the utility. This remedial kit is available on this Software Products Library distribution. Note that this kit is not an orderable part. For more information about this remedial kit, please read the cover letter that accompanies the kit before beginning the installation. You can also refer to the release notes, which are placed in [SYSHLP] during installation. 3 Product Name Changes The following products have changed their name with this release: Former Product Name New Product Name UPILV (No change) DEC Ada for OpenVMS Alpha Systems Compaq Ada for OpenVMS 0VRAAA, 09PAA Alpha Systems DIGITAL C++ for OpenVMS Alpha Compaq C++ for OpenVMS 0HQAA Alpha DIGITAL Fortran for OpenVMS Systems Compaq Fortran for MV1AA OpenVMS Systems DIGITAL Office Server for OpenVMS Compaq Office Server 5TBAA for OpenVMS KAP for DIGITAL C for OpenVMS KAP C for OpenVMS Alpha 0HFAA KAP for DIGITAL Fortran for OpenVMS KAP Fortran for OpenVMS 0HAAA POLYCENTER Capacity Planner DIGITAL Capacity 23MAA Planner Future Product Removals due to Retirement (September 1999) Product Name Version UPILV DIGITAL X.25 Client for OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.2 0TWAA POSIX 3.0 50DAA Products on Hold, awaiting Y2K readiness The following products which shipped as part of the December 1998 Software Product Library Package have been removed from the Software Products Library package until Year 2000 evaluation is complete or until a Year 2000 ready version is ready for shipment. Product Name Version UPILV DECforms/Thai for OpenVMS AXP (Run-Time) 1.4A 0J95A DIGITAL COBOL/Japanese for OpenVMS Alpha 2.5 0JUJA Systems 4 IMPORTANT YEAR 2000 INFORMATION "This is a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure by Compaq Computer Corporation pursuant to the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act of 1998." With the March 1999 release, all of the actively selling products including local language products on the OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library are Y2K ready. All products previously noted as having planned Y2K updates have submitted those updates this month and are included in this Software Product Library release. Products that have begun the retirement process may be exceptions to the above status. Please refer to the "Retiring Products" section below for further information. OpenVMS Year 2000 Readiness Kit Year 2000 enhancements for the OpenVMS Operating System and key layered products are provided on this CD-ROM, which is shipped with the Software Products Library and part of the "Prior Version Support Program". Refer to the Y2K Enhancement Kit documentation for details. Please note that the local language variants of DECwindows V1.2-3 shipped in this release of the Software Library are in the process of being retired. Support for bug fixes will be available for the next month until June 2000. The following products are Y2K ready with the enhancements in this kit: Product Name Version UPILV DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS (PCSI) 1.2-4 MV4AA DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS (PCSI) 1.2-3A MV4AA DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS (VMSinstall) 1.2-4 MV4AA DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS (VMSinstall) 1.2-3A MV4AA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Cesky 1.2-3B 0RGVA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Deutsch 1.2-3B XDDGA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Espanol 1.2-3B XDDSA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Francais 1.2-3B XDDPA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Italiano 1.2-3B XDDUA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Magyar 1.2-3B 0RGUA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Polski 1.2-3B XDDWA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Russkij 1.2-3B 0RGXA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Slovensky 1.2-3B 0RGSA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Svenska 1.2-3B XDDMA DECwindows Motif/Hangul for OpenVMS 1.2-3B MV44A DECwindows Motif/Hanyu for OpenVMS 1.2-3B MV42A DECwindows Motif/Hebrew for OpenVMS 1.2-4 08UTA 5 OpenVMS Year 2000 Readiness Kit - Continued Product Name Version UPILV DECwindows Motif/Japanese for OpenVMS 1.2-4 MV4JA DIGITAL Distributed Computing Environment (Cell Directory) 1.4 24EAA DIGITAL Distributed Computing Environment (Development) 1.4 24CAA DIGITAL Distributed Computing Environment (Run-Time) 1.4 24CA9 DIGITAL Distributed Computing Environment (Security) 1.4 24GAA Product Retirements Please be advised that the following products have begun the retirement process. These products may not be Y2K ready, and there are no plans to determine their readiness or to release Y2K ready versions. However, these products will remain on the Software Product Library until they reach End of Service Life. Product Name Version UPILV ALL-IN-1/Japanese (Secondary Language Kit) 3.1 AABJA ALL-IN-1/Norsk Office Server Options for OpenVMS 3.1 AAANA ALL-IN-1/Portugues Office Server Options for OpenVMS 3.1 AAAVA ALL-IN-1/Suomi Office Server Options for OpenVMS 3.1 AAAFA ALL-IN-1/TeamRoute (Japanese) 1.1A GEZJA Digital Application Generator VB Development ACMS Server 3.0 5AHAA Digital Application Generator VB Development ACMSxp Server 3.0 5AFAA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (DEMM) 3.0 4XGAA MAILworks/Japanese for OpenVMS ALP 1.3A 3NGJA MUXserver 320/380/90 Remote Terminal Server 2.0 YWLAA POSIX for OpenVMS AXP 3.0 50DAA SSU (Session Support Utility) for OpenVMS 2.0 2T7AA Terminal Server Manager 2.1 352AA Software Compatibility Matrix Please refer to the Software Compatibility Matrix or Software Product Description for Operating System Support information. The Software Compatibility Matrix shows the minimum and maximum Operating System versions supported by each software product on the Software Product Library. This matrix is located on disc 1 in the following file: [README]SW_COMPAT_MATRIX.PS (.TXT) 6 UPI of "IOU" designates a placeholder part number Some of the kits on the Software Products Library may be designated with a UPILV in the format "IOUnn". These kits are not separately orderable and do not have part numbers. The "IOUnn" UPILVs are supplied as placeholders only. ___________________ Compaq, the Compaq logo, and the DIGITAL logo are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. TM ACMS, ACMS Desktop, ACMSxp, ALL-IN-1, Alpha, DECADMIRE, DECforms, DECmigrate, DECnet, DECprint, DECwrite, DIGITAL, DIGITAL NAS, Digital SNA, DIGITAL UNIX, MAILbus, MailWorks, MUXserver, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, POLYCENTER, PrintServer, Reliable Transaction Router, RuleWorks, SSU, StorageWorks, TeamRoute, VAX, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. R Postscript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Netscape Navigator is a registered trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation. Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respecive holders. 7 If you have an unsupported DSM license, InterSystems has a special Y2K offer for you! If you have an unsupported license for DSM and would like to update your system to the latest Year 2000 compliant version, InterSystems has a special offer for you: Sign up now for one year of support and InterSystems will cut the reinstatement fee by 10% of the license fee. This offer is available from May 3, 1999 until December 1, 1999, and is extended to all properly-licensed DSM systems, no matter who originally sold you the license and no matter how long it has been unsupported. To take advantage of this limited-time offer, please contact your local InterSystems sales office, or call John McCormick at InterSystems' corporate headquarters at 617-621-0600. 8 COMPAQ Dear Software Product Services Customer: Compaq Customer Services wishes to inform you that Compaq Computer Corporation has begun a transition process for the following products: Digital Standard Mumps (DSM) for OpenVMS AXP Digital Standard Mumps (DSM) for OpenVMS VAX Compaq has offered these products and related support services under a distribution agreement with InterSystems Corporation since InterSystems acquired DSM in 1995. As of May 31, 1999 Compaq will no longer sell new DSM licenses or enter into new DSM service agreements. If you have a current DSM service agreement, Compaq will continue to provide service through its Customer Support Centers in accordance with the provisions of your maintenance contract until the end of your contract term or through May 31, 2000, whichever is sooner. Warranty customers will receive support throughout their initial warranty agreement. InterSystems ( will continue to offer DSM licenses, license upgrades, and 7-by-24 support, as it has since 1995. With thousands of DSM systems in use around the world, InterSystems remains fully committed to DSM. Please contact InterSystems at +617 621-0600 before the end of your Compaq service contract to arrange for InterSystems support and avoid interruption in service. Sincerely, Larry Goelz John Paladino Compaq Computer Corporation InterSystems Corporation Compaq Customer Services 9