COMPAQ OpenVMS[tm] VAX Software Product Library -- June 2000 AV-R5FBN-TE Welcome to this month's OpenVMS VAX Software Product Library Package. The June 2000 package includes the changes described in the following sections. Survey How can we help meet your needs? Please participate in our survey, either via the web or by completing the form in this package. Our survey covers the delivery of software on CD- ROM consolidations, including online documentation, layered products and also software patches! The survey is available here: KEEP-ME DISCS Many products that have shipped on the OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library are due to be retired, and will be removed after this release. To address disk-labeling problems in the previous release, we have again placed these products on two CD-ROMs labeled "Keep Me". Customers who chose to continue to use these products may wish to keep these discs as this is the final time the products will be included in the library. The products included and their location on the KEEP-ME disks are listed in the Removals Table of the Master Index (last table). System Tools CD The System Tools CD that is included with the Software Products Library contains diagnosis and supporting software for use by Compaq’s service engineers and Compaq’s Authorized Service Provider service engineers. The software and associated documentation on this CD are for use on systems that have hardware warranty, a service contract, or service obligation. The System Tools CD is being provided with the Software Products Library in order to provide updates to the diagnosis software that was factory installed and shipped with the system. The System Tools CD may also contain new diagnosis software that is applicable to the system and should be checked for the most recent updates to the diagnosis tools. Many of the diagnosis software tools on this CD can also be obtained through links on the following Compaq web page: © 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation The System Tools CD is created to ISO 9660 standards and the software on this CD can be accessed by multiple operating systems. Multiple copies of the diagnosis software may exist on this CD in order to support different hardware platforms and operating systems; for example, Compaq Tru64 UNIX, OpenVMS, and Windows NT[tm]. If you have any questions on use of the software on this CD contact a Compaq representative or Compaq Authorized Service Provider representative. Removals from the March 2000 Software Products Library The following products have retired. For your convenience they have been included on the "Keep Me Disks", along with products scheduled for removal from the June, 2000 Software Products Library. Product Name Version UPILV DEC COMMserver 3.0A GCQAA DEC ODA CDA Gateway for VMS 1.0 YHNAA DECADMIRE 2.1A 091AA DECserver 500/550 fro VMS 1.0 03KAA DECwindows 4125 Emulator for VMS 1.0 VZQAA Digital Application Generator VB 3.0 5AGAA Development ACMS Server DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor Server 3.0 4XGAA (DEMM ) DIGITAL Optical Storage Management 3.4A 0UBAA Software for OpenVMS 0U9AA HUBwatch for OpenVMS VAX 3.1 0GEAA POLYCENTER Security Reporting Facility 2.1 GKMAA for OpenVMS SSU for OpenVMS Systems 2.0 VE3AA TeamRoute for VMS 1.0 GEXAA TeamRoute/Japanese for OpenVMS 1.0 GEXJA VAX ADE 2.5 425AA VAX ISDN 2.2 VZ9AA VAX ISDN Access 2.2 VCZAA VAX Public Access Communications 1.3 VFHAA VAX Real-time Accelerator Software 2.0A VJNAA Removals from the June 2000 Software Products Library The following products have retired, and are scheduled for removal from the June 2000 Software Products Library. For your convenience, they have been included on two "Keep Me Disks" in this release. The SPL Master Index Removals Table shows their disk location and directory name. Please note that the OpenVMS Year 2000 Readiness Kit has also been removed from this release of the Software Products Library. 2 Removals from the June 2000 Software Products Library, cont'd Product Name Version UPILV ALL-IN-1 OSO Teamlinks Connection/Japanese 2.5 5CTJA for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Japanese (Secondary Language Kit) 3.0B AABJA ALL-IN-1/Norsk Office Server Options for 3.1 AAANA OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Portugues Office Server Options 3.1 AAAVA for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Suomi Office Server Options for 3.1 AAAFA OpenVMS DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User 1.2-3C 0RGVA Interface/Cesky DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User 1.2-3C XDDSA Interface/Espanol DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User 1.2-3C XDDPA Interface/Francais DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User 1.2-3C XDDUA Interface/Italiano DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User 1.2-3C 0RGUA Interface/Magyar DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User 1.2-3C XDDWA Interface/Polski DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User 1.2-3C 0RGXA Interface/Russkij DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User 1.2-3C 0RGSA Interface/Slovensky DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User 1.2-3C XDDMA Interface/Svenska DECwindows Motif/Hangul for OpenVMS 1.2-3C XA14A DECwindows Motif/Hanyu for OpenVMS 1.2-3C XA13A DECwindows Motif/Hanzi for OpenVMS 1.2-3C XA12A DECwindows Motif/Thai for OpenVMS 1.2-3C XA15A DECwrite/Dansk for VMS 2.0 VVFDA DECwrite/Deutsch for VMS 3.0 VVFGA DECwrite/Espanol for VMS 2.0 VVFSA DECwrite/Francais for VMS 3.0 VVFPA DECwrite/Hebrew for VMS 2.1 VVFTA DECwrite/Italiano for VMS 2.1 VVFUA DECwrite/Nederlands for VMS 2.0 VVFHA DECwrite/Norsk for VMS 2.0 VVFNA DECwrite/Suomi for VMS 2.0 VVFFA DECwrite/Svenska for VMS 2.0 VVFMA Future Removals from the Software Products Library (September 2000) There are no products planned for removal from the September, 2000 Software Products Library. Product Name Changes Many products are changing names in order to meet Compaq rebranding goals. The table below lists products names changed with this release of the Software Products Library. Please note that not all name changes signify an update to the binaries, although the Software Product Descriptions and product cover letters have been revised. 3 Product Name Changes, continued The following products have changed their name with this release: Former Product Name New Product Name Updating UPILV Binaries? (No change) BASEstar Classic DAS BASEstar Classic Yes 5K6AA for DEComni Software DAS for OMNI Software Compaq Archive/Backup Compaq Archive Yes 5VYAA System for OpenVMS Backup System for 5VZAA OpenVMS DEComni API Compaq OMNI API No 4VBAA DEComni MMS Compaq OMNI MMS No 4VAAA DECosap/AP Compaq OSAP/AP No 5BPAA DECosap/H1 Compaq OSAP/H1 No 5BQAA DIGITAL DASware Compaq DASware No 4NJAA Digital Device Access Compaq Device No 3PXAA Software for Allen- Access Software for Bradley INTERCHANGE Allen-Bradley INTERCHANGE Digital Device Access Compaq Device No 4NNAA Software for Siemens Access Software for 3964 for OpenVMS Siemens 3964 Alpha Storage Library Compaq Storage Yes 0L7AA System for OpenVMS Library System for YE8AA OpenVMS Mature Product Support Program Compaq is pleased to offers a Mature Product Support service for products that are functionally complete, stable, and have no new versions planned for release. They will continue to be tested for correct operation on new OpenVMS releases and on new hardware processor releases. Accordingly, License Subscription and Software Update Distribution Services will no longer be available for these products. However, because we recognize the investment customers have made in these products, and each customer's need to move to new technology and/or solutions at his own pace, Compaq offers this new service. Mature Product Support assures that customers can continue to obtain high-quality support for selected products. You can purchase Mature Product Support with Sustaining Engineering as an addendum to your service contracts and cancel it when it is no longer required. Additional licenses and media kits will continue to be available for purchase. Your local Compaq Services Sales Specialist can provide you with more information about Mature Product Support, as well as the comprehensive suite of support offerings available from Compaq. For more information on Mature Products Support visit the Software Support Services for Legacy Software Web page at 4 After products have entered the Mature Product Support Program they will continue to ship on the Software Products Libraries. Please consult the Software Products Library cover letters for tables listing products planned for the Mature Product Support program, as shown in the following table. Products Entering Mature Product Support (January 2000 - July 2000) Product Name Version Effective UPILVs Date DEC Network Integration Server 4.1 3/30/2000 GX7AA Software (DECNIS) DATATRIEVE 7.2A 1/30/2000 898AA DECintact 3.0B 7/1/2000 VF1AA, VF2AA, VF3AA Software Compatibility Matrix The Software Compatibility Matrix shows the minimum and maximum Operating System versions supported by each software product on the Software Product Library. This matrix is located on disc 1in the following file: [README]SW_COMPAT_MATRIX.PS (.TXT) UPI of "IOU" designates a placeholder part number Some of the kits on the Software Products Library may be designated with a UPILV in the format "IOUnn". These kits are not separately orderable and do not have part numbers. The "IOUnn" UPILVs are supplied as placeholders only. ___________________ Compaq, the Compaq logo, ACMS, All-In-1, CDA, DECforms, DECintact, InfoServer, LinkWorks, Mailbus, MicroVAX, PolyCenter, StorageWorks, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXELN, and VMS Registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. TM BASEstar, Datatrieve, and OpenVMS are trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group. (R) Postscript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Netscape Navigator is a registered trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation. Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. 5