AA-NE34A-TE DECwindows_4125_Emulator_____________________ Installation and User's Guide The book describes how to install and use the DECwindows 4125 Emulator on a VMS, ULTRIX/VAX, or ULTRIX/RISC system. Revision/Update Information: This is a new book. Software Version: VMS Versions, 5.2 and 5.3 ULTRIX Worksystem Software, Versions 2.2, and 4.0 Software Version: DECwindows 4125 Emulator for VMS, Version 1.0 DECwindows 4125 Emulator for ULTRIX/RISC, Version 1.0 DECwindows 4125 Emulator for ULTRIX/VAX, Version 1.0 digital equipment corporation maynard, massachusetts _____________________________________________ First Printing, July 1990 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Any software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software or equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1990. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DECwindows, LK, LK201, LK401, ULTRIX, ULTRIX Worksystem Software, VAX, VAXcluster, VMS, and the DIGITAL Logo. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. Tektronix is a registered trademark of Tektronix, Inc. S1184 This document was prepared with VAX DOCUMENT, Version 1.2. ________________________________________________________________ Contents About This Guide......................................... v 1 Windowing and Mouse Techniques Using the Mouse................................. 1-2 Starting a Session.............................. 1-3 Using Windows................................... 1-5 Selecting Windows............................... 1-6 Changing the Size of Windows.................... 1-6 Shrinking Windows............................... 1-7 Expanding Icons to Windows...................... 1-8 Moving Windows.................................. 1-8 Stacking Overlapping Windows.................... 1-8 Locking Overlapping Windows in the Stacking Order........................................ 1-9 Releasing Windows Locked in the Stacking Order........................................ 1-10 Choosing Items from Pull-Down Menus............. 1-11 Supplying Information in Dialog Boxes........... 1-12 Getting Help.................................... 1-13 Invoking Help ................................ 1-13 iii Navigating in Help ........................... 1-14 Exiting from Help ............................ 1-15 Putting a Session on Hold....................... 1-15 Ending a Session................................ 1-16 2 Installing the DW4125 Emulator Preparing to Install the Software on a VMS System.......................................... 2-1 Installing the Software on a VMS System......... 2-3 Preparing to Install the Software on an ULTRIX System.......................................... 2-7 Installing the Software on an ULTRIX System..... 2-8 Updating the Applications Menu.................. 2-10 3 Using the DW4125 Emulator Creating Emulator Windows....................... 3-1 Preparing to Use the Emulator................... 3-4 Setting Up Special Application Modes ......... 3-4 Toggling Between Color Maps .................. 3-4 Providing Thumbwheel Functionality ........... 3-4 Providing Tablet Functionality ............... 3-5 Providing Tektronix 4125 Terminal Key Functionality................................ 3-5 Managing the Graphics Area ................... 3-6 Using the Emulator.............................. 3-6 Exiting from the Emulator....................... 3-10 Managing Error Messages......................... 3-10 iv 4 DW4125 Emulator Features Glossary Index Tables 3-1 Command Key Functions............................ 3-5 4-1 Communications Support........................... 4-2 4-2 Dialog Area Support.............................. 4-3 4-3 General Support.................................. 4-5 4-4 Graphics Input Support........................... 4-7 4-5 Graphics Output Support (Primitives and Attributes)...................................... 4-9 4-6 Hardcopy Support................................. 4-11 4-7 Local Storage Support............................ 4-12 4-8 Local Viewing Support............................ 4-13 4-9 Macros Support................................... 4-13 4-10 Optional Communications (Block Mode) Support..... 4-14 4-11 User-Defined Patterns Support.................... 4-15 4-12 Pixel Operations Support......................... 4-15 4-13 Plotter Support.................................. 4-16 4-14 Peripheral Port Support.......................... 4-16 4-15 Reports Support.................................. 4-17 4-16 Segments Support................................. 4-18 4-17 Stroke Text Support.............................. 4-20 4-18 Multiple View Support............................ 4-21 4-19 3D Support....................................... 4-22 v ________________________________________________________________ About This Guide Purpose of This Guide This guide describes how to install and use the DECwindows 4125 Emulator (DW4125 Emulator) software on the VMS and ULTRIX operating systems. Who Should Use This Guide This guide is intended for system managers and users who install the DECwindows 4125 Emulator software and for all DECwindows users who create or use Tektronix applications with the DECwindows 4125 Emulator. v Structure of This Guide This guide covers the following topics: _ Chapter 1 provides an overview of the DECwindows environment as it applies to the DW4125 Emulator. _ Chapter 2 contains software installation instructions. _ Chapter 3 describes the DW4125 Emulator functions. _ Chapter 4 provides a summary of DW4125 Emulator features. _ The Glossary contains definitions of technical terms used in the text that pertain to the DECwindows environment and the DW4125 Emulator. For More Information To increase your understanding of DECwindows concepts, consult the following documents: _ DECwindows User's Guide _ DECwindows Applications Guide _ VMS License Management Utility Manual _ ULTRIX-32 Guide to System Backup and Restore For detailed information on the Tektronix 4125 Terminal, consult the Tektronix documentation, available through Tektronix, Inc. Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: mouse The term mouse is used to refer to any pointing device, such as a mouse, a puck, or a stylus. vi MB1, MB2, MB3 MB1 indicates the left mouse button, MB2 indicates the middle mouse button, and MB3 indicates the right mouse button. (The buttons can be redefined by the user.) A sequence such as indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. A sequence such as indicates that you must first press and release the key labeled PF1, then press and release another key or a pointing device button. A key name is shown enclosed to indicate that you press a key on the keyboard. blue-green ink Blue-green ink indicates information that you must enter from the keyboard or a screen object that you must choose or click on. A vertical ellipsis indicates the omission . of items from a code example or command . format; the items are omitted because . they are not important to the topic being discussed. boldface text Boldface text represents the introduction of a new term. It also indicates ULTRIX commands and files. italic Italic characters indicate elements for which you supply a value. vii ULTRIX The term ULTRIX refers to ULTRIX Worksystem Software. UPPERCASE TEXT Uppercase letters indicate the name of a command, a routine, the name of a file, the name of a file protection code, or the abbreviation for a system privilege. Note The term DW4125 Emulator, used throughout the guide, indicates the DECwindows 4125 Emulator. viii 1 ________________________________________________________________ Windowing and Mouse Techniques You work with the DECwindows 4125 Emulator (DW4125 Emulator) using the same mouse and windowing techniques as other DECwindows applications. This chapter summarizes some basic techniques you will use to operate the emulator. _ Using the Mouse _ Starting a Session _ Using Windows _ Selecting Windows _ Changing the Size of Windows _ Shrinking Windows _ Expanding Icons to Windows _ Moving Windows _ Stacking Overlapping Windows _ Choosing Items from Pull-Down Menus _ Supplying Information in Dialog Boxes _ Getting Help Windowing and Mouse Techniques 1-1 _ Putting a Session on Hold _ Ending a Session Using the Mouse You use the mouse to communicate with your Tektronix 4125 application, to choose commands from a menu, to expand and shrink windows, and to rearrange windows on your screen. The mouse has three buttons. Unless you specify otherwise, MB1 (for "mouse button 1") is on the left, MB2 is in the middle, and MB3 is on the right. This button arrangement naturally suits right-handed users. If you are left-handed, you can easily rearrange this configuration by changing the button arrangement setting in the Session Manager's Customize Pointer dialog box. You can do all your work with the mouse by mastering the following techniques: _ Point: Using the mouse, move the cursor to where you want the next action to occur. _ Click: Quickly press and release MB1. _ Press: Point to the menu name, stepping arrow, or wherever you want the action to occur and without moving the mouse, press and hold MB1 or MB2. If you are pointing at a menu name, pressing MB1 pulls down a menu and keeps it down until you release MB1. _ Drag: Press and hold MB1, move the pointer, and release MB1. If you are displaying a pull-down menu, cancel the drag by moving the pointer outside the menu and releasing MB1. _ Double click: Point to the object and click MB1 twice in quick succession. _ Shift click: Point to the object. Press and hold the Shift key and click MB1. Release the Shift key. 1-2 Windowing and Mouse Techniques Starting a Session If the system startup procedure has been successful, your screen looks like this: The Start Session dialog box prompts you for your user name and password. A dialog box is displayed whenever the system needs information from you. You type your user name and password in the appropriate text entry fields. A text insertion cursor is visible in each field. The text cursor in the Username field blinks to indicate this field has input focus. When a text field or window has input focus, you see your keystrokes echoed there. The text cursor in the Password field is dimmed, indicating that you cannot currently enter text in it. To start a session: 1 Type your user name. Windowing and Mouse Techniques 1-3 If you make a typing mistake, press the Delete key (<_ ) to erase the character to the left of the text cursor. To insert a character in the middle of text you already typed, point where you want the text inserted and click MB1. Or use the right and left arrow keys to move the text cursor right or left. The new characters you type push existing ones to the right. 2 Select the Password field by pointing to the Password field and clicking MB1 or by pressing or . The blinking text cursor indicates that the Password field has input focus. 3 Type your password. To preserve the secrecy of your password, the characters you type are not displayed on the screen. If you make a typing mistake, click on the Clear button. This erases all text in both the Username and Password fields so that you can retype your information correctly. Clicking on buttons in dialog boxes enables you to specify what to do with the information. 4 Click on the OK button or press . The double outline around the OK button in the Start Session dialog box indicates it is the default option. Default options are those you choose most frequently. You can use a shortcut to choose default options: Whenever you see a button with a double outline, pressing achieves the same results, in most cases, as clicking on that button. If you provide incorrect information, or make a typing mistake and do not correct it, you cannot start a session. Instead, a Problem Report dialog box is displayed as a warning that some information is incorrect. Click on the Acknowledged button or press to try again. If the information you supplied is correct, your session begins. 1-4 Windowing and Mouse Techniques Using Windows A window is an area on your workstation screen that represents all or part of an application. For example, the DW4125 Emulator graphics window is one of several windows available in the DECwindows system. _ The title bar at the top identifies the DW4125 window. _ The menu bar directly beneath the title bar enables you to access the DW4125 Emulator. _ The work area in the remaining space displays the DW4125 Emulator text and graphics. Windowing and Mouse Techniques 1-5 Selecting Windows When you have more than one window open, you indicate which window you want to work with by selecting it. The window moves to the front of the "stack" of overlapping windows. Its title bar is highlighted to indicate it has input focus. For many applications, any keystrokes you type are displayed in this window. When you select another window, the new window is given input focus. Only one window can have input focus at a time. To select a window: 1 Point to a location in the title bar. 2 Click MB1. Changing the Size of Windows You may want very large windows so you can display more information or you may want to work with small windows, such as when several applications are running simultaneously. You can change the size of your windows by using the resize button. To change the size of a window: 1 Point to the window's resize button. 2 Press and hold MB1. The pointer changes into a small resize cursor. 3 Drag the resize cursor until the window is the size you want. To make the window larger, drag the resize cursor beyond the window border. To make the window smaller, drag the resize cursor beyond the window border and then back in. The outline stops moving when the window is the smallest size it can become. 4 Release MB1. You can change the size of a window in one dimension (height or width) or in both dimensions simultaneously. To change the size in one dimension, drag the resize cursor across one border of the window. As long as you cross only one border, the outline that follows the resize cursor changes in only one dimension. If after crossing one border you cross an adjacent border, you see an outline that can change in both dimensions. 1-6 Windowing and Mouse Techniques If you drag the resize cursor through one border and then through the opposite border, the first border you crossed reverts to its original location, and the other border becomes an outline that follows the resize cursor. To cancel a window-resizing operation in progress, click another mouse button before releasing MB1. The outline disappears, and the window retains its original size. Shrinking Windows You can shrink a window to an icon if you want to free some space on your screen to run other applications without exiting from an application. When you shrink a window to an icon, the application it represents continues to run in memory and remains accessible. Any processes continue to execute while the application is stored as an icon. When a window is on the screen, its icon is dimmed. The icon appears bold when the window is stored in the Icon Box. If the Icon Box contains more icons than can be displayed at once, scroll bars are displayed. You use scroll bars to view the icons that do not fit in a single window. To shrink the DW4125 Graphics window to an icon: 1 Point to the window's shrink-to-icon button. 2 Click MB1. The window disappears and its icon in the Icon Box appears bold. You cannot shrink the Icon Box to an icon. As you stop applications, your Icon Box develops gaps where icons used to appear. You can rearrange the icons in the Icon Box in two ways: _ By moving the icons. To move an icon, drag it to a new location. _ By clicking on the Icon Box's shrink-to-icon button. Clicking on this button in an application window shrinks the window to an icon. Clicking on this button in the Icon Box, however, eliminates the gaps between icons that may develop when you stop applications. Windowing and Mouse Techniques 1-7 Expanding Icons to Windows When you expand an application icon, you restore a window for that application. If you have more than one window open and expand an icon to a window, that new window is placed at the front of the stack of overlapping windows. If the window accepts text entry, it is also given input focus. To expand an icon to a window: 1 Point to the icon in the Icon Box. 2 Click MB1. Moving Windows If one window partially obscures another, you might want to arrange the windows so that each is completely visible. To move a window, drag it by its title bar. To move a window: 1 Position the pointer anywhere in the window's title bar (except in the shrink-to-icon, push-to-back, or resize buttons). 2 Press and hold MB1. An outline of the window is displayed. 3 Drag the window to the new location. 4 Release MB1. If the window was partially obscured by other windows, it moves to the front of the stack of windows and is given input focus. To cancel a window-moving operation in progress, click another mouse button before releasing MB1. The outline disappears and the window is not moved. Stacking Overlapping Windows When you are working with stacked windows and select a window, it moves to the front of the stack and is given input focus. But if a larger window completely obscures a smaller window, you cannot select that small window without moving the larger window out of the way. If you use the title bar to move the larger window, you disrupt your window arrangement. 1-8 Windowing and Mouse Techniques By clicking on the visible window's push-to-back button, you can push that window to the back of the stack and expose the window underneath. Without moving the windows to another location on the screen, you can push one window out of the way or retrieve another to work with. To push the front window to the back of a stack of overlap- ping windows: 1 Point to the front window's push-to-back button. 2 Click MB1. If you try this repeatedly with three or more windows, you see that the windows cycle through the stacking order, moving up one position in the stack each time a window is moved to the back of the stack. Locking Overlapping Windows in the Stacking Order When you are working with overlapping windows and select one window, it moves to the front of the stack and is given input focus. You can, however, prevent a partially obscured window from moving to the front of the stack when you select it by arranging the windows to display only what you need to see and then securing them in place. To lock overlapping windows in the stacking order: 1 Point to a window's push-to-back button. 2 Shift click on the button. That window is pushed to the back of the stack. The lower right-hand corner of the push-to-back button is filled to indicate that the window is fixed in the stacking order. Although the window is given input focus when you select it, it does not pop to the front of the stack. You can still push to the back or bring to the front any window that you have fixed in the stacking order to see it unobscured. To move overlapping windows in the stacking order: _ Click on a window's filled push-to-back button to move that window to the opposite position in the stack, but not give the window input focus. _ Click on a filled push-to-back button to push an unobscured window to the back of the stack. Windowing and Mouse Techniques 1-9 _ Click on a filled push-to-back button to move a partially obscured window to the front of the stack. Releasing Windows Locked in the Stacking Order To release a window locked in the stacking order, shift click on the window's push-to-back button. If the window was at the back of the stack, it moves to the front; if the window was at the front, it is pushed to the back. The push-to-back button is no longer filled. 1-10 Windowing and Mouse Techniques Choosing Items from Pull-Down Menus The names of menus available in an application are displayed on the menu bar. When you press MB1 on a menu name, the menu's contents are displayed or pulled down. You choose commands or menu items from pull-down menus. An ellipsis ( . . . ) following a menu item indicates that a dialog box is displayed if you choose that menu item. To choose an item from a pull-down menu: 1 On the menu bar, point to the name of the menu you want to display. 2 Press and hold MB1. This highlights the menu name and pulls down a menu. Windowing and Mouse Techniques 1-11 3 While holding MB1, drag to the menu item you want. 4 Release MB1. If you change your mind while looking at a pull-down menu, drag outside the menu and release MB1. The menu disappears and no action is taken. Some applications offer rectangular push buttons to duplicate frequently used commands that are also available as menu items. Push buttons are usually found underneath an application's work area. To execute these commands quickly, click MB1 on the push button. Supplying Information in Dialog Boxes A dialog box is displayed whenever additional information is needed to carry out a task. Sometimes you need to type text; other times, you need only click on a button to change a setting. Some dialog boxes display settings you chose earlier. Dialog boxes offer various ways to supply information to an application: _ By typing text in a text entry field. The blinking text cursor shows you where the text you type is displayed. What you type is displayed to the left of the text cursor. _ By clicking on option buttons or square toggle buttons. Option buttons let you select one option from many. Toggle buttons let you turn a setting on or off. _ By dragging the slider in a scale. Dialog boxes often contain a scale and slider when you need to supply a numeric value. The arrow in the slider points to the current value. _ By selecting choices, for example, file names, from a list box. A list box contains a list of items you can choose. Scroll bars are displayed if the choices do not fit in the list box. _ By clicking on push buttons. Push buttons, such as OK, Cancel, or Filter, tell the DECwindows system what to do with the information you supplied in the dialog box. 1-12 Windowing and Mouse Techniques In a dialog box, the OK button is usually the default option. You can press to achieve the same result as clicking on OK. Getting Help The DECwindows Help system provides brief information about screen objects, concepts, and tasks. You get help on specific screen objects, for example, scroll bars and menu items, by pressing the Help key and MB1. Help is designed to let you request general information and quickly narrow the focus of your inquiry. In Help, you can: _ Navigate quickly through help topics. Help keeps track of the path you used to get to a particular topic, which makes it easy for you to retrace your steps and follow a different path. _ Search Help for a keyword or topic supplied by the application. Invoking Help To get help, choose Overview from the Help menu. A help window opens with the Overview topic displayed, including a list of additional topics that explain how to do common tasks. Windowing and Mouse Techniques 1-13 _ The Help topic describes the task or object about which you requested help. Scroll bars are displayed if the text does not fit in one frame. _ The Additional topics list contains related topics that you can select to display more information. You select these topics by pointing to them and double clicking MB1. _ The help buttons, Go Back and Exit, let you display the previous help frame or exit from Help. To get help on screen objects such as menu names, scroll bars, and dialog boxes, point to the screen object, and press and hold the Help key on your keyboard while you click MB1. Note that help on objects is not available in all DECwindows applications. To get help on a menu item, press the Help key while you press and hold MB1 on the menu item, then release MB1. A help window opens, displaying information on the object you specified. You can display product information about your application, such as the software version number, by choosing About from the application's Help menu. In some applications, the Help menu also contains a Glossary menu item, which you can use to look up terms specific to your application. For more information about using Help, choose Help from the Help menu in each application's help window. Navigating in Help When you select a topic from the Additional topics list in the Overview window, you start down a path that is limited only by your own curiosity. You can follow a path of topics by continuing to select additional topics, retrace your steps and branch off to a different topic, or return to the Overview frame and start down another path. To display an additional topic: 1 Select the item from the list of additional topics. 2 Choose Go To from the View menu. You can also double click on the topic you want. Double clicking on a topic is a shortcut for selecting the topic and choosing Go To. 1-14 Windowing and Mouse Techniques Help displays the selected topic. You can continue to select other topics from the Additional topics list or display the topic you last saw by clicking on the Go Back button. If you want to display the current topic and a new topic simultaneously: 1 Select another topic from the list of additional topics. 2 Choose Visit from the View menu. Instead of replacing the current help topic with the new topic, another help window opens that displays information about the new topic. You can then explore other topics from the new help window and keep the current topic open for reference. To see the path you followed to get to your current topic: 1 Choose History... from Help's Search menu. Help displays a dialog box that lists the topics you have already seen. 2 Double click on a topic to replace the current topic or select a topic and click on the Visit button to open another help window without replacing the current topic. When you finish looking at a topic and want to close the help window, click on the Exit button. To return to the Overview frame, choose Go To Overview from the View menu in any help window. Exiting from Help To exit from Help, click on the Exit button. If you have multiple help windows open, you must close each one. Putting a Session on Hold You can put your current session on hold without ending the session. When you put your session on hold, your screen is cleared, but your session is maintained. Any applications you started continue to run. To put your current session on hold, choose Pause from the Session Manager's Session menu. Your screen is cleared and the Continue Session dialog box is displayed. Windowing and Mouse Techniques 1-15 To continue your session, type your password and press . Once the system verifies your password, your session resumes. If the Continue Session dialog box remains on your screen, you probably made a typing mistake. Click on the Clear button and type your password again. Ending a Session You can end a session at any time. When you end a session all applications stop running, the screen clears, and the Start Session dialog box is displayed. To end your DECwindows session: 1 Choose Quit from the Session Manager's Session menu. If the Session Manager displays a dialog box asking you to confirm that you want to end the session: 2 Click on OK or press . 1-16 Windowing and Mouse Techniques 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing the DW4125 Emulator This chapter explains how to prepare your VMS or ULTRIX system for installation and contains the installation procedures for the following software: _ DECwindows 4125 Emulator for VMS, Version 1.0 _ DECwindows 4125 Emulator for ULTRIX/VAX, Version 1.0 _ DECwindows 4125 Emulator for ULTRIX/RISC, Version 1.0 This chapter discusses the following topics related to installing the DW4125 Emulator: _ Preparing to Install the Software on a VMS System _ Installing the Software on a VMS System _ Preparing to Install the Software on an ULTRIX System _ Installing the Software on an ULTRIX System _ Updating the Applications Menu Preparing to Install the Software on a VMS System The VMS operating system comes with a variety of support options, or classes. Classes include features such as networking. The DW4125 Emulator requires the same classes as required for the DECwindows environment. For a complete list of the required classes for the DECwindows 4125 Emulator for VMS, see the Software Support Addendum (SSA), which comes with the Software Product Description (SPD). Before you install the emulator software: _ Your system must be running DECwindows on VMS Version 5.2 or 5.3. Installing the DW4125 Emulator 2-1 _ You must register and load your license for DECwindows 4125 Emulator for VMS in order to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) and use the software. To register under VMS, first log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. Perform the registration in either of the following ways: _ Invoke the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your License PAK. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM _ At the DCL prompt, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to License PAK information. $ LICENSE REGISTER If you plan to use the DW4125 Emulator on more than one node in a VAXcluster system, you need to load the license on the other nodes after you complete the installation. For complete information on using the License Management Facility (LMF), see the VMS License Management Utility Manual. _ Make sure you have a backup copy of your system disk. See the section on the Backup Utility in the VMS System Management Subkit for detailed information. _ Check your disk space. The emulator requires 4000 blocks of free disk space. To determine the number of free blocks on your system, enter: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE If you do not have enough disk space, delete or tailor files that you do not need (see your VMS installation and operations guide for further information). 2-2 Installing the DW4125 Emulator Installing the Software on a VMS System You use the VMSINSTAL installation procedure to install the emulator. The installation takes approximately 10 minutes. To display or print release notes, specify OPTIONS N on the VMSINSTAL command line: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DW4125010 device-id OPTIONS N To install the emulator: 1 Locate the DECwindows 4125 Emulator for VMS Version 1.0 Software Media Kit. 2 To start the VMSINSTAL procedure, enter: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DW4125010 device-id OPTIONS N Press . @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL specifies the installation procedure. DW4125010 specifies Version 1.0 of the emulator software. device-id specifies the device on which you plan to mount the media. OPTIONS N selects the release notes option. For example, to install the emulator from a magnetic tape, enter: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DW4125010 MTA0: OPTIONS N Once you press the following message appears: VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.X It is dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. 3 Confirm system backup: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Installing the DW4125 Emulator 2-3 If you have completed the system backup, press . Otherwise, enter NO to exit from VMSINSTAL and refer to your VMS installation and operations guide for system backup instructions. Note To exit the installation procedure at any time, press . The installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and exits. 4 If you choose to continue, you are asked to mount the media: Please mount the first volume of the set on DDCU: YES * Are you ready? Insert the media into the disk drive, enter YES, and press . VMSINSTAL displays information similar to the following: The following products will be processed: DW4125 V1.0 Beginning installation of DW4125 V1.0 at hh:mm %VMS-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A . . . 5 If you specified OPTIONS N in the command line, VMSINSTAL displays the following: Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: If you select option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on your screen. You can terminate the display anytime by pressing . If you select option 2, VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the print queue: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: 2-4 Installing the DW4125 Emulator You can enter to send the file to the default output print device or enter another queue name. Select option 4 if you reviewed the release notes and are restarting the installation. Next, VMSINSTAL displays the following question: * Do you want to continue the installation [N]? To continue the installation, enter YES. Otherwise, press . In either case, the release notes are copied to a file in the SYS$HELP directory SYS$HELP:DW4125010.RELEASE_ NOTES. %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, the product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. To print the release notes after installation of the product, enter the following command: $ PRINT/QUEUE=queue SYS$HELP:DW4125010.RELEASE_NOTES 6 If you are reinstalling the software, VMSINSTAL asks if you wish to purge files from an older version: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? 7 VMSINSTAL asks if you wish to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). The IVP for the DW4125 Emulator for VMS checks to be sure the installation is successful. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? 8 The installation procedure displays license information about your product and asks you if you have registered and loaded your Product Authorization Key (PAK). Product: DW-4125-EMULATOR-VMS Producer: DEC Version: 1.0 Release Date: 15-AUG-1990 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? Installing the DW4125 Emulator 2-5 You must register and load your PAK to successfully complete the installation. If you have not done so, do either of the following: _ Answer NO to the question, stop the installation, reg- ister and load your PAK, and restart the installation. _ Do not answer the question. Register and load your PAK on another terminal (a second DECterm window on your workstation). Return to the installation procedure and answer YES to continue the installation procedure. 9 At this point, the installation procedure displays a number of informational messages that report the progress of the installation. There are no further questions. The VMSINSTAL procedure moves files to their target directories. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories . . . 10 If you answered yes to running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP), it runs now. The procedure issues a successfully completed message: DW4125 Emulator V1.0 successfully installed When the installation is complete, the following message is displayed: Installation of DW4125 V1.0 completed at hh:mm VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm 11 The installation procedure is complete and you can log out of the privileged account. The following files are added during the installation procedure: _____________________________________________________________ File_Name__________________Directory_________________________ DW4125.EXE SYS$SYSTEM DW4125.UID SYS$LIBRARY DW4125010.RELEASE_NOTES____SYS$HELP__________________________ 2-6 Installing the DW4125 Emulator To run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) after installing the emulator, enter the following command at the prompt: $ @SYS$TEST:DW4125$IVP The VMSINSTAL procedure issues the following message, which indicates a successful installation: DW4125 Emulator V1.0 successfully installed If you are running the emulator on a cluster node other than the node on which the software was installed, you may want to run the IVP on your node to verify the installation. Preparing to Install the Software on an ULTRIX System Before starting the installation procedure on an ULTRIX/RISC or ULTRIX/VAX system: _ Make sure that your system is running ULTRIX Worksystem Software Version 2.2 or 4.0. _ Make a backup copy of your system disk. See the ULTRIX- 32 Guide to System Backup and Restore for detailed information. _ Locate the DECwindows 4125 Emulator Version 1.0 Software Media Kit for your operating system. _ Determine the name of the device on which you will mount the media. On most workstations, the location of the TK50 tape drive is /dev/rmt0h. _ Load the tape into your drive. _ Log in to the root account. You must be in superuser mode to install the emulator. _ Check your /usr disk space using the df command. The disk space required for installation is 1400 kbytes. The permanent disk space required for use is 1400 kbytes. _ Delete any installation of the same kit with the following command: # /etc/setld -d DWREM100 Installing the DW4125 Emulator 2-7 The following is displayed on your screen. Deleting DECwindows 4125 Emulator for ULTRIX (DWREM100). # Installing the Software on an ULTRIX System To install the DECwindows 4125 Emulator for ULTRIX/VAX Version 1.0 or the DECwindows 4125 Emulator for ULTRIX/RISC Version 1.0 software you use the system software subset utility setld. The installation requires approximately 10 minutes. To print release notes after the installation, issue the following command: % lpr -Pprintername /usr/doc/dw4125_100.release_notes To install the emulator on an ULTRIX system, do the following: 1 Start the installation procedure by entering the following command at the # prompt: # /etc/setld -l /dev/rmt0h Note Enter the command with a lowercase l (-l) not the numeral 1. A message is displayed asking you to confirm that the tape is mounted and on line: Please make sure your installation tape is mounted and on-line. Are you ready (y/n)? 2 Enter y and press . When you answer y, the following message is displayed: Positioning tape 3 Select and verify the subsets you are installing. If you want to read the release notes before installing the emulator, only select subset 1. 2-8 Installing the DW4125 Emulator *** Enter Subset Selections *** The subsets listed below are optional: 1 DECwindows 4125 Emulator Release Notes 2) DECwindows 4125 Emulator for ULTRIX 3) DECwindows 4125 Emulator Manual Pages 4) All of the Above 5) None of the Above 6) Exit without installing subsets Enter your choice(s):) 4 You are installing the following subsets: DECwindows 4125 Emulator Release Notes DECwindows 4125 Emulator for ULTRIX DECwindows 4125 Emulator Manual Pages Is this correct (y/n)? Enter y and press . The system copies the new files from the kit and displays the following message: Copying DECwindows 4125 Emulator Release Notes (DWRREL100) from tape Verifying DECwindows 4125 Release Notes (DWRREL100) Copying DECwindows 4125 Emulator for ULTRIX (DWREM100) from tape Verifying DECwindows 4125 Emulator for ULTRIX (DWREM100) Copying DECwindows 4125 Emulator Manual Pages (DWRMAN100) from tape Verifying DECwindows 4125 Emulator Manual Pages (DWRMAN100) You are now in directory / Rewinding Tape . . . # 4 Run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) to ensure that the emulator has been correctly installed on your system: # setld -v DWREM100 Installing the DW4125 Emulator 2-9 The screen displays: DW4125 Emulator Installation Verification Procedure beginning . . . When the IVP completes, the procedure issues the following message, which indicates a successful installation: DW4125 Emulator V1.0 successfully installed The following files are added during the installation procedure: _ /usr/bin/dw4125 _ /usr/lib/X11/uid/dw4125.uid _ /usr/doc/dw4125_100.release_notes Updating the Applications Menu At this point you can add the DW4125 Emulator menu item to the Applications menu. _ For a VMS system: RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DW4125 _ For an ULTRIX system: dw4125 For instructions on adding menu items, see the DECwindows User's Guide. 2-10 Installing the DW4125 Emulator 3 ________________________________________________________________ Using the DW4125 Emulator This chapter describes how to create emulator windows and use the Commands menu items on a VMS or ULTRIX system. It also provides information on DW4125 Emulator functionality as it compares to a Tektronix 4125 terminal. The chapter discusses the following topics: _ Creating Emulator Windows _ Preparing to Use the Emulator _ Using the Emulator _ Exiting from the Emulator _ Managing Error Messages This chapter does not provide instructions on Tektronix 4125 terminal functions. See your Tektronix documentation for specific functions. Creating Emulator Windows After installing the DECwindows 4125 Emulator software and, optionally, adding the DW4125 Emulator menu item to the Application menu, you are ready to create emulator windows. (For directions for adding the menu item to the Applications menu, see the DECwindows User's Guide.) You can start the DW4125 emulator by: _ Using the DCL or shell command interface _ Using the Applications menu (after you have added the DW4125 Emulator menu item ) Using the DW4125 Emulator 3-1 _ Customizing autostart (after you have added the DW4125 Emulator menu item) On a VMS system, to create emulator windows using the DCL command interface, enter: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DW4125 On an ULTRIX/VAX or ULTRIX/RISC system, to create an emulator window using the shell command interface, enter: %dw4125 In either a VMS or an ULTRIX environment, to create an emulator window using the Applications menu do the following: 1 On the menu bar, point to the Applications menu. 2 Press and hold MB1. 3 While holding MB1, drag to the DW4125 menu item. 4 Release MB1. An emulator window with the Digital copyright is displayed along with an emulator dialog window. 3-2 Using the DW4125 Emulator Give the emulator graphics window input focus by pointing to it and clicking MB1. The DW4125 Graphics window is displayed. The dialog area of the DW4125 Emulator is a separate DECwindows standard window, unlike the Tektronix 4125 terminal dialog area that overlays the graphics area. Therefore, you can move, resize, and iconify the DW4125 Dialog Area window. The Dialog Area window can be positioned anywhere on the screen, including partially off the screen. Using the mouse to resize and relocate the Dialog Area window is similar to using dialog area escape sequences. The DW4125 Emulator saves the size and uses it to create future dialog windows. The application or user can specify up to 64 dialog windows. Using the DW4125 Emulator 3-3 Preparing to Use the Emulator This section contains information on setting up special application modes, toggling between color maps, and providing comparable Tektronix 4125 functionality with the DW4125 Emulator. Setting Up Special Application Modes Default settings on the DW4125 Emulator are the same as the factory defaults for a Tektronix 4125 terminal. In general, application software sets up the DW4125 Emulator in the particular mode that it requires. However, if you use an application that requires that you set up a particular 4125 initialization or mode, you will need to do either of the following to ensure that the mode is correct. (The DW4125 Emulator does not have a SAVE feature.) _ Create a program to generate the appropriate escape sequences and run it in the DW4125 dialog area before running the application _ Store the escape sequences in a file and display the file in the DW4125 dialog area before running the application Toggling Between Color Maps The DW4125 Emulator uses the default Tektronix 4125 terminal color model. During a DW4125 graphics session, other colors on the workstation may change. You can toggle between the default DECwindows color map and the emulator color map by pressing in an emulator window. Providing Thumbwheel Functionality Use the arrow keys on the Digital LK201 and LK401 keyboards to provide the same functionality as the thumbwheel on the Tektronix 4125 keyboard. The graphics cursor moves in the direction indicated by the arrow. You can vary the speed of the graphics cursor as follows: _ - faster speed _ - medium speed _ - slower speed On the Tektronix 4125 terminal, holding down the Shift key during thumbwheel action causes slower motion. 3-4 Using the DW4125 Emulator Providing Tablet Functionality Use the mouse to provide tablet input to Tektronix 4125 applications. For most applications that request tablet input, the mouse can be used instead of the stylus or puck. Providing Tektronix 4125 Terminal Key Functionality This section lists the Tektronix 4125 terminal function keys and explains how the DW4125 Emulator provides the same features. For a description of the functionality of the 4125 terminal keys, see the Tektronix documentation. Table 3-1 lists the command keys on the Tektronix 4125 termi- nal and the corresponding DW4125 Emulator functionality. Table 3-1 Command Key Functions _____________________________________________________________ Key_________Emulator_Function________________________________ PAGE Select Renew Current from the Commands menu. CAPS LOCK Press on the LK keyboard. SET UP Select Setup . . . from the Commands menu and enter Setup commands in the DW4125 Setup window that is displayed. DIALOG Use the davisibility command in the DW4125 Setup window to make the dialog area visible or invisible. Point to the DW4125 Dialog Area and click MB1 for input focus. Dialog areas are separate windows and can be moved, stacked, or iconified. CLEAR Enter the cleardialog (LZ) command in the DW4125 Setup window. LOCAL No equivalent functionality. CANCEL Enter the cancel (KC) command in the DW4125 Setup window. (continued on next page) Using the DW4125 Emulator 3-5 Table 3-1 (Cont.) Command Key Functions _____________________________________________________________ Key_________Emulator_Function________________________________ HARDCOPY Select the Print Screen option from the Session ____________Manager_for_similar_functionality._______________ Keys to and to on the Digital LK201 and LK401 keyboards correspond to the eight programmable keys labeled to on the 4125 terminal keyboard. Managing the Graphics Area To manage the graphics area of the DW4125 Emulator, consider the following: _ When you resize the graphics area, the emulator erases previous designs. However, if you defined views with the application, you can redraw the graphic designs with Renew Current and Renew All from the Commands menu. To ensure against the loss of previous designs, resize the DW4125 Graphics window before starting the application. _ When an application sends a graphics design to the DW4125 Emulator, the emulator scales (never clips) the design to fit the usable area of the graphics window. The usable graphics area is the largest square that fits in the available window space. _ If text in the graphics area is too small or overlaps, increase the size of the DW4125 Graphics window and rerun the application. Using the Emulator Once you have created the emulator windows, you can run your Tektronix 4125 application and use the graphics window's Commands menu. To start your application in the DW4125 Graphics window, do the following: 1 Give input focus to the DW4125 Dialog Area window 2 Enter the system command to start the application 3-6 Using the DW4125 Emulator For example, if you have a graphics application in the system area named SKETCH, you would enter the following in the active dialog window: _ For a VMS system - RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SKETCH _ For an ULTRIX system - sketch From the Commands menu, you can choose any of the following features. Reset Choose the Reset menu item to clear all information from the emulator windows and reset the emulator to the factory defaults. Renew Current Choose the Renew Current menu item to update the current view. Renew All Choose the Renew All menu item to update all views. Setup . . . Choose the Setup . . . menu item to enter Setup mode. Enter and execute all 4125 setup commands here. As you enter commands in the Setup window: _ The leading escape character in the escape sequence format is not required. _ The commands are not case-sensitive. _ Enter floating point numbers normally (10.5). _ Enclose arrays in angle brackets (< >). Entering HELP command-name in the DW4125 Setup window provides a summary of the named command. You can enter the command name, a recognized abbreviation of the command name, or the two-character escape sequence. For example, you can enter either, HELP DAVIS or HELP LV. help davis LV davisibility visibility YES or NO (no,yes) Using the DW4125 Emulator 3-7 help lv LV davisibility visibility YES or NO (no,yes) Entering STATUS in the Setup window provides a report on the following: _ General terminal status _ Status of related groups of parameters _ Settings of individual terminal parameters To see all the status entries, enlarge the Setup window before entering the command. Entering STATUS option in the Setup window provides a report on the option requested. Information is available for the following status command options: _ report/input _ general _ optional (optional communications) _ dialog (dialog area) For example, the emulator provides a report of the following parameters when you enter STATUS DIALOG in the Setup window: status dialog Dialog dabuffer 24 dachars 80 daindex 1 0 0 da2index 7 dalines 5 damode replace dasurface 1 davis YES daposition 10 854 Select the Cancel button with the mouse to remove the Setup window from the screen. Alternatively, shrink the Setup window to an icon by clicking on the shrink-to-icon button. Click on the icon in the Icon Box to restore the Setup window. 3-8 Using the DW4125 Emulator See Chapter 4 for a list of setup commands supported by the DW4125 Emulator. See your Tektronix documentation for detailed information on setup commands. Viewing Keys . . . Choose Viewing Keys . . . to select functions equivalent to the four viewing keys on the right side of the Tektronix 4125 keyboard. You can choose the following Viewing Keys options: _ Zoom (both)-Clicking on this option turns on the zoom option. A rectangle is displayed and positioned around the viewpoint. Use the up and right arrow keys to increase the height and width of the window (zoom out). Use the down and left arrow keys to decrease the height and width of the windows (zoom in). In both cases, the image maintains its aspect ratio, or current height and width. To change the aspect ratio, use the Zoom (each) option. Using the DW4125 Emulator 3-9 _ Pan-Clicking on the Pan option lets you focus on a specific part of the image and then enlarge the selected portion of the image. _ Next View-Clicking on this option selects the next view on the display. _ View-Clicking on this option updates the current view. _ Normal-Clicking on this option restores the original height and width ratio. _ Overview-Clicking on this option displays the complete view. _ Border-Clicking on this option turns the window border on and off. _ Restore-Clicking on this option restores the original view. _ Cancel-Clicking on this option cancels the Viewing Keys menu item. _ Zoom (each)-Clicking on this option allows the height and width (aspect ratio) to be changed when using the zoom feature. _ Partial Overview-Clicking on this option displays four- fifths of the overview image. _ Previous View-Clicking on this option moves the input focus to the previously displayed view. _ Restore Original-Clicking on this option restores the original view. Exiting from the Emulator Choose the Quit menu item to exit from the DW4125 Emulator and to close all Emulator windows. Managing Error Messages When the emulator detects an error in either a setup command or an escape sequence, it displays an error message that corresponds to the error message displayed on the Tektronix 4125 terminal. If you request a Tektronix 4125 feature or setup command that the emulator does not support, the emulator issues an error message indicating that the feature is not supported. 3-10 Using the DW4125 Emulator If error messages on the screen are distracting and you determine that the level of the error is harmless to the Tektronix 4125 application, you can stop the output of these messages to the screen with either the KT (SET-ERROR- THRESHOLD) escape sequence or its equivalent setup command ERRORLEVEL n. The n indicates the severity level of the errors to be silenced. For example, to silence all errors, enter either of the following in the DW4125 Setup window: errorlevel 4 KT 4 For more information on error messages and codes, see the Tektronix documentation. Using the DW4125 Emulator 3-11 4 ________________________________________________________________ DW4125 Emulator Features This chapter consists of the following tables that list the Tektronix 4125 Terminal escape sequences and features in the first two columns, name the associated setup commands in the third column, and indicate in the fourth column, whether or not the functionality is supported on the DW4125 Emulator. _ Table 4-1 Communications Support _ Table 4-2 Dialog Ares Support _ Table 4-3 General Support _ Table 4-4 Graphics Input Support _ Table 4-5 Graphics Output Support (Primitives and Attributes) _ Table 4-6 Hardcopy Support _ Table 4-7 Local Storage Support _ Table 4-8 Local Viewing Support _ Table 4-9 Macros Support _ Table 4-10 Optional Communications (Block Mode) Support _ Table 4-11 User-Defined Patterns Support _ Table 4-12 Pixel Operation Support _ Table 4-13 Plotter Support _ Table 4-14 Peripheral Port Support _ Table 4-15 Reports Support _ Table 4-16 Segments Support DW4125 Emulator Features 4-1 _ Table 4-17 Stroke Text Support _ Table 4-18 Multiple view Support _ Table 4-19 3D Support Table 4-1 Communications Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ KR crlf crlf Yes KI Ignore delete ignoredel Yes KF lfcr lfcr Yes NM Prompt mode promptmode No NR Set baud rates baudrate No NK Set break time breaktime No NU Set bypass bypasscancel Yes cancel character KE Set echo echo Yes NE Set EOF string eofstring Yes NT Set EOL string eolstring Yes NC Set EOM eomchars Yes characters NF Set flagging flagging No mode NP Set parity parity Yes NS Set prompt promptstring No string (continued on next page) 4-2 DW4125 Emulator Features Table 4-1 (Cont.) Communications Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ NQ Set queue size queuesize No UY Set snoopy snoopyformat No format KS Set snoopy mode snoopy No NB Set stop bits stopbits No ND Set transmit xmtdelay No delay NL Set transmit xmtlimit No _________rate_limit__________________________________________ Table 4-2 Dialog Area Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ LZ Clear dialog cleardialog Yes scroll KK Delete dialog dadelete Yes area KA Enable dialog daenable Yes area LJ Set dialog area da2index Yes alt index LB Set dialog area dabuffer Yes buffer size (continued on next page) DW4125 Emulator Features 4-3 Table 4-2 (Cont.) Dialog Area Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ LC Set dialog area dachars Yes characters TF Set dialog area dacmap No color map LI Set dialog area daindex Yes index LL Set dialog area dalines Yes lines LX Set dialog area daposition Yes position LS Set dialog area dasurface Yes surface LV Set dialog area davisibility Yes visibility LM Set dialog area damode Yes writing mode KB Set tab stops tabs No 4-5 JM Map devices dmap No %/ Select code No (Group 2) JH Set DMA block dmablocksize No _________size________________________________________________ 4-4 DW4125 Emulator Features Table 4-3 General Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ #! [Report] syntax No mode - Bell (bel) Yes KC Cancel cancel Yes JC Copy copy No KG Dim enable dim No - Enquiry (enq) Yes - Enter alpha Yes mode - Enter bypass Yes mode (esc can) - Enter marker Yes mode (fs) - Enter vector Yes mode (gs) KL Lock keyboard lockkeyboard No - Page Yes KV Reset reset Yes JV Save save No KU Save non- nvsave No volatile parameters (continued on next page) DW4125 Emulator Features 4-5 Table 4-3 (Cont.) General Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ %! Select code code Yes (Group 1) TD Set alpha acursor No cursor, 1 to 4 indices TB Set background cbackground Yes color RB Set background backgray Yes gray level TM Set color mode cmode Yes UX Set coordinate coordinatemodeYes mode KZ Set edit editchars Yes characters KT Set error errorlevel Yes threshold RF Set fixup level fixup Yes KP Set page full pagefull Yes action JS Spool spool No JE Stop spooling stop No OI Tekheader tekheader No _________character___________________________________________ 4-6 DW4125 Emulator Features Table 4-4 Graphics Input Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ - Disable 4953 No tablet gin (esc) ID Disable GIN gindisable Yes - Enable 4010 GIN Yes (esc sub) IE Enable GIN ginenable Yes - Enter 4953 No tablet GIN (esc) IP Report GIN ginreportpointYes point IV Set GIN area ginarea Yes IC Set GIN cursor gincursor Yes TC Set GIN cursor gcursor No color IJ Set GIN cursor gspeed No speed IX Set GIN display ginstartpoint Yes start point IG Set GIN gingridding Yes gridding II Set GIN inking gininking Yes IU Set GIN rates ginrates No (continued on next page) DW4125 Emulator Features 4-7 Table 4-4 (Cont.) Graphics Input Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ IK Set GIN report ginreport Yes format IR Set GIN rubber ginrubberband Yes banding IF Set GIN stroke ginfiltering Yes filtering IW Set GIN window ginwindow Yes IA Set pick ginpickaperturYes aperture IH Set tablet ginsheadercharNo header characters IN Set tablet size gintabletsize No - Supports mouse Yes - Supports tablet No - Supports Yes thumbwheel (arrow keys) -________Up/down_mode___________________Yes__________________ 4-8 DW4125 Emulator Features Table 4-5 Graphics Output Support (Primitives and Attributes) _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ LA Alphatext alphatext Yes LP Begin panel beginpanel Yes boundary RM Define marker mdefine No - Display alpha Yes text LG Draw draw Yes UC Draw curve curve Yes LH Draw marker marker Yes UR Draw rectangle rectangle Yes LE End panel endpanel Yes LT Graphic text gtext Yes LF Move move Yes LD Poly draw polydraw Yes LR Poly marker polymarker Yes MP Select fill fillpattern Yes pattern - Set 4014 Yes alphatext size - Set 4014 line Yes style (continued on next page) DW4125 Emulator Features 4-9 Table 4-5 (Cont.) Graphics Output Support (Primitives and Attributes) _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ - Set alphatext No font MB Set background backindex Yes indices UG Set curve csmooth Yes smoothness UB Set draw boundarymode Yes boundary mode MG Set graphics gamode Yes area writing mode ML Set line index lineindex Yes MV Set line style linestyle Yes MX Set line type linetype No MW Set line width linewidth No MM Set marker type markertype Yes MS Set panel fillmode Yes filling mode MT Set text index gtindex Yes - Shift in (si) Yes -________Shift_out_(so)_________________Yes__________________ 4-10 DW4125 Emulator Features Table 4-6 Hardcopy Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ - 4010 hardcopy No (esc eyb) KH hardcopy hardcopy No QI Map index to hcmap No print QQ Report color hcstatus No hardcopy staus QR Reserve color hcreserve No copier QU Select color hcdensity No hardcopy density QD Select hardcopy hcinterface No interface QB Set color hcdatares No copier data resolution QT Set color hcrepaint No copier repaint QM Set color hcdither No hardcopy dithering QF Set color hcformwidth No hardcopy width QA Set copy size hcsize No (continued on next page) DW4125 Emulator Features 4-11 Table 4-6 (Cont.) Hardcopy Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ QL Set dialog area hcdaattributesNo hardcopy att QX Set hardcopy hcfeatures No features QE Set hardcopy hcmonochrome No memo attrs QQ Set image hcstatus No orientation QN Set number of hccopies No copies PT Set port copier prepaint No _________repaint_____________________________________________ Table 4-7 Local Storage Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ JB Activate lpos lpos No JK Delete file delete No JD Directory directory No JJ Dismount dismount No JF Format volume format No JL Load load No JP Protect file protect No (continued on next page) 4-12 DW4125 Emulator Features Table 4-7 (Cont.) Local Storage Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ JR Rename file rename No JU_______Set_user_number__usernumber____No___________________ Table 4-8 Local Viewing Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ RJ Lock viewing lockviewingkeyNo _________keys________________________________________________ Table 4-9 Macros Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ KD Define macro define Yes KO Define nvdefine No nonvolatile macro KW Enable key keyexpand Yes expansion KX Expand macro expand Yes KY Set key execute keyexchar Yes _________character___________________________________________ DW4125 Emulator Features 4-13 Table 4-10 Optional Communications (Block Mode) Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ OB Arm for block blockmode No mode OC Set block bcontinuecharsNo continue characters OE Set block end bendchars No characters OH Set block bheaders No headers OS Set block blength No length OL Set block line blinelength No length OM Set block bmasterchars No master characters ON Set block non bnonxmtchars No xmt characters OP Set block bpacking No packing OT Set block btimeout No timeout OD_______Set_duplex_mode__duplex________No___________________ 4-14 DW4125 Emulator Features Table 4-11 User-Defined Patterns Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ MD Begin fill beginpattern Yes pattern ME End fill endpattern Yes _________pattern_____________________________________________ Table 4-12 Pixel Operations Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ RU Begin pixel pxbegin Yes operations RX Pixel copy pxcopy Yes RP Raster write pxrasterwrite Yes RR Rectangle fill pxrectangle Yes UK Restore pixels pxrestore Yes from memory RL Run length pxrunlengthwriYes write UJ Save pixels to pxsavemem Yes memory RH Set pixel beam pxposition Yes position RS Set pixel pxviewport Yes viewport RT Set pixel pxfactors Yes _________writing_factors_____________________________________ DW4125 Emulator Features 4-15 Table 4-13 Plotter Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ PI Map index to pmap No pen PL_______Plot_____________plot__________No___________________ Table 4-14 Peripheral Port Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ PA Port assign passign No PC Port copy pcopy No PQ Report port pstatus No status PR Set port baud pbaud No rate PJ Set port black pinversion No white invsn PE Set port EOF peof No string PM Set port EOL peol No string PF Set port pflag No flagging mode PO Set port image porient No orientation PN Set port number pcopies No of copies (continued on next page) 4-16 DW4125 Emulator Features Table 4-14 (Cont.) Peripheral Port Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ PP Set port parity pparity No PS Set port queue pqueue No size PB Set port stop pbits No _________bits________________________________________________ Table 4-15 Reports Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ - Report 4010 No status JQ Report device dstatus No status KQ Report errors reporterrors Yes IQ Report terminal settings Yes settings IM Set report EOM reom Yes frequency IL Set report max rlinelength Yes line length IS Set report rsigchars Yes signature _________characters__________________________________________ DW4125 Emulator Features 4-17 Table 4-16 Segments Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ SN Begin higher sgup Yes segment SB Begin lower sgdown Yes segment SE Begin new sgnew Yes segment SO Begin segment sgopen Yes SF Call segment sgcall Yes UD Delete part of sgremove Yes segment SK Delete segment sgdelete Yes SC End segment sgclose Yes LK Include segment sginclude Yes copy UI Insert into sginsert Yes segment SR Rename segment sgrename Yes UE Replace part of sgreplace Yes segment SQ Report segment sgstatus Yes status SL Set current sgmatchingclasYes matching class (continued on next page) 4-18 DW4125 Emulator Features Table 4-16 (Cont.) Segments Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ MI Set pick ID sgpickid Yes SP Set pivot point sgpivot Yes SA Set segment sgclass Yes class SD Set segment sgdetect Yes detectability SS Set segment sgpriority Yes display priority UH Set segment sgedit Yes edit mode SH Set segment sghighlight Yes SI Set segment sgtransform Yes image transform SX Set segment sgposition Yes position SJ Set segment sgscalerotate Yes scale rotation SV Set segment sgvisibility Yes visibility SM Set segment sgmode Yes _________writing_mode________________________________________ DW4125 Emulator Features 4-19 Table 4-17 Stroke Text Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ ST Begin graph- gtbegin Yes text character SZ Delete graph- gtdelete Yes text character SU End graph-text gtend Yes character MN Set graph-text gtpath Yes character path MF Set graph-text gtfont Yes font SG Set graph-text gtgrid Yes font grid MQ Set graph-text gtprecision Yes precision MR Set graph-text gtrotation Yes rotation MC Set graph-text gtsize Yes size MA Set graph-text gtslant Yes slant TG Set surface cmap Yes color map RD Set surface sdefinitions Yes definitions (continued on next page) 4-20 DW4125 Emulator Features Table 4-17 (Cont.) Stroke Text Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ RG Set surface gray Yes gray RN Set surface spriorities Yes priorities RI Set surface svisibility Yes _________visibility__________________________________________ Table 4-18 Multiple View Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ RK Delete view vdelete Yes KN Renew view renew Yes RC Select view vselect Yes RE Set border border Yes visibility UW Set overview overview Yes window RA Set view vattributes Yes attributes RQ Set view vcluster Yes display cluster RV Set viewport viewport Yes RW_______Set_window_______window________Yes__________________ DW4125 Emulator Features 4-21 Table 4-19 3D Support _____________________________________________________________ Escape Setup Sequence_Feature__________Command_______Emulator_Support_____ UF Draw facets facets No TO Select object objcolor No surface color MO Select translucency No translucency pattern MH Select traversal No traversal direction IO Set gin logical ginfunction No function TL Set light lightsource No source TR Set object surf objcolorrange No color range WS Set sectioning splanes No planes SW Set segment sgmatrix No matrix xform WA Set view vdisplay No display attributes UV Set viewing vtransform No _________transform___________________________________________ 4-22 DW4125 Emulator Features ________________________________________________________________ Glossary ANSI mode A mode in which the terminal recognizes the ANSI X3.64 command set. To specify the ANSI X3.64 command set, enter CODE ANSI (or CODE 1) in the DW4125 Setup window. See TEK mode. application A computer program that runs on the DECwindows terminal or a Tektronix 4125 graphics program that runs in the DW4125 Emulator window. click To press and release MB1. dialog area An area that stores non-graphics textual dialog between the terminal operator and the host or the terminal. The dialog area may be invisible, entirely visible, or partially visible. The visible part of the dialog area is displayed in a dialog window in the DW4125 Emulator. dialog box A box that is displayed whenever the DECwindows system needs information to carry out a task. Glossary-1 double click To point to an object and click MB1 twice in quick succes- sion. drag To press and hold MB1, move the pointer, and release MB1. escape sequence A terminal command (control function) that consists of ASCII characters and begins with the Escape (ESC) control character. graphics window A window that contains a title bar, pull-down Commands and Help menus, and the graphics work area. Tektronix applications display in the work area of the graphics window. input focus A window that is ready to accept user input has input focus. keywords In the DECwindows Help system, predefined words and phrases that you can search. list box Part of a dialog box that contains a list of items from which you can choose. Scroll bars are displayed if the choices do not fit in the list box. menu bar Part of a window beneath the title bar that lets you access the application's commands. mouse A pointing device that is used to communicate with DECwindows applications, to choose commands from windows, to expand and shrink windows, and to rearrange windows on the screen. Glossary-2 option button A button in dialog boxes that let you select one option from many. option menu A pop-up menu that appears in a dialog box. To see other options you can choose from a dialog box, you display the option menu. point To move the cursor to where you want the next action to occur. pop-up menu A menu that appears at the current pointer position when you press MB1. Pop-up menus duplicate commands and functions available on pull-down menus. press To point to the menu name, stepping arrow, or wherever you want the action to occur, and without moving the mouse, press and hold MB1 or MB2. pull-down menu A menu that is displayed when you press MB1 on a menu item. push buttons Rectangular buttons that are used to duplicate frequently used commands that are also available as menu items. Push buttons are usually found underneath an application's work area. To execute these commands quickly, click MB1 on the push button. scroll bars Part of the window that allows you to move through a block of information that is too extensive to be displayed at one time. Glossary-3 shift click After pointing to an object, to press and hold the Shift key, click MB1, and then release the Shift key. slider Part of the scroll bar used to move a window over information that is too extensive to be displayed at one time. stepping arrows Part of the scroll bar used in some windows to move incre- mentally through information too extensive to be displayed at one time. tablet A device that can be used with the Tektronix 4125 terminal to send graphics information to a program. Points on the tablet correspond to points on the screen. A stylus, a one- button puck, or a four-button puck is used with the tablet to provide input to the application. If the application enables the tablet, you can use either the tablet or the mouse with the DW4125 Emulator. TEK mode A mode in which the terminal recognizes the Tektronix 4125 (TEK) command set. To specify the TEK command set, enter CODE TEK (or CODE 0) in the DW4125 Setup window. See ANSI mode. text entry field A dialog box control that allows the user to enter text. text insertion cursor The text insertion cursor is visible in each field. The text cursor in the Username field blinks to indicate this field has input focus. Glossary-4 thumbwheel A device on the Tektronix 4125 keyboard that is used to position the graphics cursor on the screen. The DW4125 Emulator uses the arrow keys on the LK keyboards to provide thumbwheel functionality. title bar The part of the window that identifies the window name. toggle button A button that let you turn a setting on and off. viewing keys A menu option that provides the functions of viewing keys. window Area of the screen that represents all or part of an application. work area The part of the window that displays the application's text and graphics. Glossary-5 ___________________________________________________________ Index A Creating Emulator windows, ANSI mode, definition of, 3-1 Glossary-1 D Applications Default options, choosing, as icons, 1-7 1-12 moving between, 1-6 Dialog area running, 1-7 definition of, Glossary-1 B support, 4-3 Border option, 3-10 Dialog box Button, definition of, 1-4 components of, 1-12 definition of, Glossary-1 C for the DW4125 Emulator, 3-3 Canceling, 3-10 Double clicking, definition Clicking, definition of, of, 1-2, Glossary-2 1-2, Glossary-1 Dragging, definition of, Color maps, toggling 1-2, Glossary-2 between, 3-4 3D support, 4-21 Communications support, DW4125 Emulator 4-2, 4-13 creating windows for, 3-1 Index-1 DW4125 Emulator (Cont.) Help command, in Setup preparing to use, 3-4 window, 3-7 using, 3-6 Help key, using, 1-14 E Help window, illustration of, 1-13 Escape sequence I definition of, Glossary-2 Exiting, 3-10 Icon F expanding to a window, 1-8 Files added during storing, 1-7 installation Input focus on an ULTRIX system, 2-10 definition of, 1-3, on a VMS system, 2-6 Glossary-2 giving to a window, 1-6, G 1-9 General support, 4-4 Installation Graphics cursor, changing disk space required for, the speed of, 3-4 2-2, 2-7 Graphics input support, 4-6 of DW4125 Emulator using Graphics output support, VMSINSTAL, 2-1 4-8 on an ULTRIX system, 2-7 Graphics window, definition on a VMS system, 2-1 of, Glossary-2 ULTRIX preparations for, 2-7 H VMS preparations for, 2-1 Installation Verification Hardcopy support, 4-10 Procedure (IVP) Help on an ULTRIX system, 2-9 choosing topics, 1-14 on a VMS system, 2-5, 2-7 invoking, 1-13 K with Help key and MB1, 1-14 Keywords, definition of, navigating, 1-14 Glossary-2 Help command, 1-13 Index-2 L P License, registering and Panning, 3-10 loading, 2-2 Partial Overview option, List box, definition of, 3-10 Glossary-2 Password, 1-3 Local storage support, 4-12 Peripheral port support, Local viewing support, 4-13 4-16 M Pixel operation support, 4-15 Macro support, 4-13 Plotter support, 4-15 MB1, definition of, 1-2 Pointing, definition of, MB2, definition of, 1-2 1-2, Glossary-3 MB3, definition of, 1-2 Pop-up menu, definition of, Menu Glossary-3 See Pull-down menu Preparations Menu bar, definition of, before using the Emulator Glossary-2 , 3-4 Mouse for installing on ULTRIX definition of, Glossary-2 system, 2-7 illustration of, 1-2 for installing on VMS using, 1-2 system, 2-1 Multipage view support, Pressing, definition of, 4-21 1-2, Glossary-3 Previous Key option, 3-10 N Problem Report dialog box, Next View option, 3-10 illustration of, 1-4 Normal option, 3-10 Pull-down menu definition of, Glossary-3 O displaying of, 1-11 Push button, definition of, Option button, definition 1-12, Glossary-3 of, 1-12, Glossary-3 Push-to-back button, using, Option menu, definition of, 1-9 Glossary-3 Q Overview option, 3-10 Quitting, 3-10 Index-3 R Stepping arrows, definition Release notes of, Glossary-4 ULTRIX installation, 2-8 Stroke text support, 4-19 VMS installation, 2-3 Supported Tektronix 4125 Renewing all views, 3-7 features, 4-1 Renewing current views, 3-7 T Reports support, 4-17 Tablet Resetting views, 3-7 definition of, Glossary-4 Resize button, using, 1-6 providing functionality Resize cursor, 1-6 of, 3-5 Restore option, 3-10 TEK mode, definition of, Restore Original option, Glossary-4 3-10 Terminal key functionality, S 3-5 Scale, definition of, 1-12 Text entry fields Screen object, definition definition of, 1-3 of, 1-14 selecting, 1-4 Scroll bars, definition of, typing in, 1-12 Glossary-3 Text entry fields, Segment support, 4-17 definition of, Session Glossary-4 ending, 1-16 Text insertion cursor, putting on hold, 1-15 definition of, starting, 1-3 Glossary-4 Setup, 3-6, 3-7 Thumbwheel Setup command definition of, Glossary-5 Help, 3-7 functionality, 3-4 Status, 3-8 Title bar Shift clicking, definition definition of, Glossary-5 of, 1-2, Glossary-4 moving a window with, 1-8 Shrink-to-icon button, 1-7 Toggle button, definition Slider, definition of, of, 1-12, Glossary-5 Glossary-4 Toggling between color Status command,in Setup maps, 3-4 window, 3-8 Index-4 U Window (Cont.) User-defined pattern moving to front of stack, support, 4-14 1-8 User name, 1-3 releasing from a fixed stacking order, 1-10 V resizing, 1-6 Viewing keys, definition selecting, 1-6, 1-9 of, Glossary-5 shrinking, 1-7 Viewing Keys options, 3-9 Windows Border, 3-10 overlapping, 1-9 Cancel, 3-10 stacking, 1-8 Next View, 3-10 Work area, definition of, Normal, 3-10 Glossary-5 Overview, 3-10 Z Pan, 3-10 Zoom (both) option, 3-9 Partial Overview, 3-10 Zoom (each) option, 3-10 Previous View, 3-10 Restore, 3-10 Restore Original, 3-10 View, 3-10 Zoom (both), 3-9 Zoom (each), 3-10 View option, 3-10 VMSINSTAL utility, 2-1 W Window See also Windows definition of, 1-5, Glossary-5 directing typing to, 1-6 locking in the stacking order, 1-9 moving, 1-8 Index-5